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The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
Olivia Newport | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hidden Run is a B&B in the small town of Canyon Mines, just outside of Denver, Colorado. When a stranger comes to town looking lost, Jillian and her father Nolan are determined to help her find her way. Meri comes from a family of doctors, but that is not what she wants to do. Maybe coming to Colorado, a place she last felt like herself will help her to find the future that is best for her.

Thank you to NetGalley & Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

The title of this book really isn't fitting for what it contains. It's much more than the Inn. That is where Meri is situated while in Colorado, but it's really about the people in the town that help her when she is lost. Meri loves her family, but doesn't feel the calling to be a doctor like everyone else for generations has been. When she comes to Canyon Mines, Jillian, who is a genealogist, helps her to find her family roots and maybe explain while she feels the way she does.

I gave this book three stars, because it didn't grasp my attention right away. At times it felt as if the story line kept repeating the same things, like the author copy and pasted a line from one chapter to all the other chapters in the book. Overall the book is enjoyable, trading from modern day Colorado, to 1800's Memphis during the yellow fever outbreak. This is a good book for those the enjoy historical fiction. I did learn a lot about that epidemic which includes some very factual details in this story.

Fred (860 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 15, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
The biggest joke would be if Phoenix doesn't win best actor
While watching this film, I noticed a strange thing. People in the audience were laughing at parts that I didn't think were supposed to be funny. I laughed at parts that some didn't too. Joaquin Phoenix said that you as the viewer choose to side with Arthur (his character) or not. And just by these reactions I saw and felt, he is right. This is one of the things that makes this movie so great.

The movie is basically a man's decent into madness and the things that push him to it. When the movie starts, we see he already has problems. But between getting bullied and finding out about his past and many other tragedies, he totally loses it. Or does he? By the end, you may think he actually has an awakening.

Of course, without Phoenix's portrayal, none of this is possible. Joaquin takes the Joker character and makes him totally unique. He may be the greatest Joker seen on the screen. Already knew he was a great actor, but he is just amazing. You feel for him, you know what he's going through, you cheer him and yet, he does horrible things.

The supporting cast is very good as well, but they are outshined by Phoenix. DeNiro's Johnny Carson/Joe Frankin-type TV host may be the only one that comes close to Phoenix, but still, Joker is tops.

If you're expecting a super-hero movie, like the ones we've seen recently, forget it. Even Scorcese must admit, this is a cinematic masterpiece.
The Walking Dead - Season 8
The Walking Dead - Season 8
2017 | Drama, Horror
Season 8 of The Walking Dead is where the show completely lost me for a good while.
I slowly limped through the first half of it, and had to literally talk myself into watching the next episode.
The main reason for this is just how painfully boring it's all is.
The much anticipated 'All Out War' storyline from the comic series is in full swing, after being set up through season 7, and every episode feels like it's just uninspired gun fight after uninspired gun fight. Any episodes in the past seasons that featured this kind of action felt exciting and tense. It happened rarely so was impactful when they came along.
Here, it just feels a lot like dead weight.
I also felt the writers saw TWD as a much artier project than it actually is at this point - there only so much of main characters staring deeply into the horizon, or at the sun that I care to watch.
Even character deaths feel dragged out and testing and so many
of the gory practical effects have been replaced by sub par CGI now, that it just doesn't even warrant a reaction. It's a sad state of affairs.

It's not all bad, I guess? All of the acting talent are still stellar, they're just not being given much to do. Although the Negan storyline failed to light up the small screen for me, I still enjoy him as a character, and JDM as an actor. There are still some entertaining set pieces strewn throughout, but the overall experience is a shadow of it's former self.
The Blind Side (2009)
The Blind Side (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Sport
“The Blind Side” tells the unique story of Leigh Anne Touhy (Sandra Bullock) a rich sassy southern mother who makes a snap decision to take in Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a destitute high school student who is failing his classes. As Michael struggles to overcome his past, Leigh Anne becomes increasingly aware of the world around her. Even with differing backgrounds Leigh Anne and Michael connect through the sport they both love.

Based primarily on one of the two stories within the book, The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Micheal Lewis, “The Blind Side” is a football infused feel good story offering something for everyone. Sports fans will like the football terminology and game history. And sentimental hearts will enjoy this tale of overcoming obstacles and beating the odds.

Undeniably representing southern charm, Bullock pulls off one of her best performances ever. Similarly Aaron’s portrayal of Michael brings instant likeability and depth to the character. The other notable performances such as Leigh Anne’s extremely hip son, S.J. Touhy (Jae Head), and Michael’s one of a kind tutor Miss Sue (Kathy Bates), fill the film with equal parts of comedy and heart.

While a it is a film for the whole family, “The Blind Side” directly tackles the issues faced by people who come from different backgrounds, races, and even political parties. Funny, honest, and more willing than most to take a stand on the unspoken racial and class tensions “The Blind Side” takes an honest look at the world we live in.

A funny heartfelt southern tale about family, differences, and football “The Blind Side” is a touchdown.

Vicki Gleave D'Aunay (12 KP) Aug 8, 2019

Lovely film

The Undercover Pet brings us up to date with where the Rebellion is at, as Ben tries to uncover specific information to help the Travians. He knows what he has signed up for, but is surprised when he is treated (on the whole) more gently than he expected. There is also Kath, a Travian f**k boy who also tries to help him. However, Ben and Kath don't actually know that they are both on the same side, and more to the point, that Dane is too. This leads to a whole cavalcade of scenes that could have been alleviated if they had trusted each other, but then the story wouldn't have been half as interesting! I loved how Dane showed differences in his behaviour once he knew that he could trust them.

This is brilliantly written, as they all have been, but a nice touch is the conclusion that you get with some of the other characters. I don't know if this is the final book in the series, although it does feel like it. There were no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, and this story flowed just as smoothly as the others, although I would say with less 'romance', as they all try to keep their secrets. This book, and series, isn't for everyone, but I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my time with the Humans and Travians. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Frozen II (2019) in Movies

Dec 7, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2020)  
Frozen II (2019)
Frozen II (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Frozen II is a genuinely fantastic sequel that build on the original in every way.

It's feels more mature for a start. It's still a magical, kid friendly, animated adventure for sure, but the film manages to touch upon subjects such as death, loss, depression, how it's ok to feel angry, and all without veering too far away from a family feature.

The more mature tone comes with more mature animation - and it's really something. The animation is pretty much flawless. The contrasting colour pallets - the icy cold blues and white of Arendelle, to the autumnal greens and oranges of the forest - are all pleasing to look at.
I'm not one for musicals, and I wasn't keen on the songs from the original, but the music in Frozen II is way more tolerable. Well written, and sometimes epic, and that Lost in the Woods song is a banger - the fact that Weezer did a recording of it just earns the movie bonus points in my eyes.

The plot is easy to follow, whilst offering a twist here and there, but the overall message is once again, the importance of family, and the importance of writing wrongs from the last. Interestingly, there is no villain in Frozen II. The focus is purely on the good guys trying to make the world a better place for everyone. It's all rather wholesome.
The characters are all great in their own ways, and the creature designs are fantastic.

I have nothing bad to say about Frozen II. It's a damn solid sequel that easily surpasses the first film. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and listen to Weezer all night.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Us (2019) in Movies

Dec 15, 2019  
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The first thing I'll say about Us is just how unnerving it . It's one of those horror films that leaves you with a sense of unease at everyday normal things.

Jordan Peele's second horror offering verges on standard horror tropes, clearly taking influence from horror that had come before, and at times feeling similar in nature to The Strangers, and It Follows, but it's intriguing underneath-the-surface plot and underlying social commentary save it from being just another horror film.
The idea of doppelganger horror has been explored before, but it feels a bit more apt in todays climate, as Peele explores the fear of outsiders, whilst also carrying a message about wealth gaps and the effect of privilege obliviousness.
In doing so, he successfully crafts a family of character we can root for, facing off against 'monsters' that sometimes feel all to familiar.

Lupita Nyong'o in particular is a massive stand out here, playing an inherently good central character, desperately protecting her family against a shadow of herself, who at times come across as relatable.

The plot has a decent amount of depth to it, and I'm glad that the narrative explores beyond the central family.
Jordan Peele's camerawork is fantastic throughout. There are striking shots put forwards from start to finish. He also makes fantastic work of colour... The vibrant setting of Santa Cruz works nicely, and the simple colour setup for The Tethered creates a look that is sure to become iconic in the horror genre.

I found Us to be a hugely enjoyable experience, and between Peele and Ari Aster, the future of horror is looking pretty exciting.
Hunter's War (The Wolfborne Saga #6)
Hunter's War (The Wolfborne Saga #6)
Cheree Alsop | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
And here we have it. Hunter's War is the final book in The Wolfborne Saga and we come to the end of Zev's story. Fray is still in danger and Zev is determined to dive headlong into saving her. It doesn't matter if he is at risk so long as she is safe.

I've got to admit, I don't think I've ever read any other story where the hero has so little regard to his own life/safety but it fitted here, it really did. Zev manages to find a way to bring both parts of his life together, and it couldn't be more perfect. I adored the ending, although I always want that little bit more. It was perfect for an epilogue but I never got one (poor me!). That also means it's ripe for the story to continue so who knows?

Obviously, this book doesn't end on a cliffhanger but all the other parts are still there. Fantastic characters, brilliant world-building, and perfect pacing throughout. I really don't feel ready to say goodbye to this series but I've come to an end so I guess that's that... unless I re-read 😉

This series started off as 4-stars and has finished with 5, so if you are on the lookout for a clean paranormal story/series that just gets better and better, then why not take a chance on this one!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014)
Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014)
2014 | Mystery
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Stephen King Lifetime movie...
391. A Good Marriage. A Lifetime Entertainment movie written by Stephen King? That is what it feels like. Besides a couple of F bombs, its pretty tame. Stars Joan Allen and Anthony LaPaglia, two great actors, playing perfect married couple Darcy and Bob Anderson. Perfect house, perfect jobs, perfect kids. And then one night Darcy has to go out to the garage to get batteries for the TV remote, because who doesn't keep their back up battery supply in the non-attached garage? As she's reaching for the batteries, something falls and exposes a secret compartment containing a cute little box, their daughter had made Bob when she was a kid, awww, and that box contains the ID's of women murdered by notorious serial killer, Beadie, ohhhh. Once the realization of this sets in, and unknowing just what to do, guess who calls? Anyone? Anyone? Bob hears the panic in her voice tho she tries to say she was just startled, he's like coolio, see ya in a few days, cause he's on a road trip and all. So while Darcy is panicking in the house, guess who comes home early? Anyone? Anyone? And he knows she's been snooping, and as she freaks the hell out, he calmly tells her who he really is, and tells her how things are gonna be... Besides the after school special feel of it, still a decent story, well acted. Inspired by the BTK killings and his imagined family life in the mind of Stephen King, heard BTK's daughter didn't like its implications to much... Filmbufftim on FB
    My Kindergarten - BabyBus

    My Kindergarten - BabyBus

    Education and Games

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    "My Kindergarten" has new surprises! It is decorated for Christmas! There are Christmas trees, cute...