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Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane by Jeffrey Lewis
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In the UK people know Jeffrey Lewis. He is this artistic polymath, he does comics, he's one of the most talented people I've met in my life, he can do anything. I feel if you looked into his notebook it would almost be like looking tin DiVinci's notebook. He can draw anything, write anything. He's got a lot going on, but he's also a super humble guy. This is his first album which he put out through Rough Trade. When I first heard his music I felt it was actual folk music from someone who'd grown up in the East Village. It felt like I was hearing a document of a great person who someone had recorded on a hi-fi in someone's home. He just played his diary to music, but it happened to so interesting and he happened to be a genius so you could put it out as an album. The way Jeff tells a story is unique. He lets words unfold in a way that only someone like Eminem or Notorious BIG – or someone that good! – can. It's great watching someone listen to his songs for the first time: 20 seconds in they're interested; a minute in they're trying to process all the information; three minutes on and they're getting even more intense, but by the end they're 'I cannot believe a person could make a complete statement in something so concise!' His music is like a mathematical proof. You don't realise at the beginning of a song what you're getting into and by the end Jeff has floored you!"

Starfish Pier (Hope Harbor #6)
Starfish Pier (Hope Harbor #6)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a roller coaster this book was, hold on and prepare the Tacos!

I loved Starfish Pier by Irene Hannon. From the characters to the setting, it drew me in and made me feel at home from the very beginning. Starfish Pier is part of the Hope Harbor series (I believe book #6) but it can be read as a standalone. All the books are just based in the same town, so you get to see previous and future characters interwoven throughout the series; I think it is a lot like some of the series Debbie Macomber has written.

Holly and Steven were a great combination of characters. Each one had a unique viewpoint, some very different personalities, and struggles to overcome. I loved Holly’s outlook on life, she was always reaching out to others to try and help make their days better even when she was not having a good day herself. Now Steven. I loved his strength, his selflessness, and his willingness to put others before his happiness. His character is someone I could know in real life.

The themes in this book were quite varied, from depression, physical disabilities, overcoming addiction, protection of life… So many thought-provoking arguments were brought forth in this book, and both sides of the arguments were presented, which I thought was interesting. Plus, you cannot forget the yummy Tacos and advice!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the in-depth characters, varied themes, and the love of Tacos! I recommend reading this book!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Texas Cowboy
The Texas Cowboy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

Once again I was attracted to the cover. Attractive guy. Cowboy hat. (I seem to like cowboys in stories, so I was sorted!)

The thing I feel I have to mention first is Laura. She is so annoying! She’s so reliant on image, it’s unbelievable. I wanted to smack her several times throughout the book.

Then I’ll mention Jack. That first meeting of eyes across the street, the wink and his words: “I’ve never been to England, but they say it’s real pretty. Welcome to Texas, Vicky. Give me a call sometime and I’ll show you the sights. I might even be able to show you a few things that your cousin doesn’t know about.” He gave he another broad wink and tipped his hat.” I liked him right then.

And as for Vicky. Good for her for wanting to go out with Jack, even while her cousin disapproves! As an English girl myself, I was cheering her on. Who doesn’t think about cowboys wanting to sweep you off your feet? Okay, probably not everyone but I like the idea.

The storyline seems to follow a series of unfortunate events between Jack and Vicky where they miss each others calls or see the other with someone else and jump to the wrong conclusions. When it all got resolved it was all very sweet and romantic.

It was a short read, just over 100 pages, but it was quite romantic when they finally got together and I liked it. If you’re looking for a short romance or a nice cowboy read then you should give this a try.