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Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
Hark! The Village Wait by Steeleye Span
1970 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This one's not quite as contemporary as Electrelane – in fact, that's putting it mildly! It's an old folk song that dates back to the seventeenth century, so it's been passed down through the generations. “This is the version that fits the mood of this collection of songs the best I think. It's another one about losing somebody; it's about a young woman who's lover has been kidnapped by a press gang and taken out to sea and she's not going to see him again - it's a terrible, terrible tragedy. “Steeleye Span are a funny band; they came out of a scene that's not too far removed from Kevin Ayers and that electric folk movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. They evolved into something that perhaps wasn't so cool later on - there's a record called All Around My Hat that's a bit Alan Partridge - but those early albums are really great. “I definitely have a personal connection to ‘The Lowlands of Holland’. It's an unusual song, actually, in that I can never figure out whether it's Scottish or Irish in origin. It doesn't really matter, but it has significance for me because I live and have my studio in Dumfries and Galloway, and in the song, Gabe Woods is singing about the man from Galloway. “So I imagine it's where I am and when I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away from home, I hear that song and I imagine being back in Scotland. It generates a degree of homesickness and wistfulness and it's good to feel that, because it reminds you of what home is, and why you should return there.”"

Have I ever told you how much I dislike novellas? No? Well, I do, most of them anyway. I always want more, always feel like something is missing, and yes, I know I'm greedy. So what happens when one of my favourite authors releases a novella within a box set? Well, I read the damn thing, of course.

BEAUTIFUL MONSTER is the offering from Maya Daniels for the Romancing the Shifter Boxset and she has knocked it out of the park once more. Not only am I invested in Noah, Anika, Deb, Daideo, and the others, but she has managed to give me a complete(ish) story to fall in love with. Okay, so it is complete, but as I've already said, I want more!

This story is rounded out nicely, full of sass, snark, and plenty of steam hinting of things to come. The pacing is perfect, and the storyline gives you all the information you need, although not all you want! There is so much more hidden within the words, and I am really, REALLY, hoping that Ms Daniels makes this into a full-length novel or series. Either would work for me. I really not that fussy! 😉

A great addition to the box set and one I can highly recommend. Just please, for the love of all that's holy, let me have more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Guy Garvey recommended Amnesiac by Radiohead in Music (curated)

Amnesiac by Radiohead
Amnesiac by Radiohead
2001 | Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love the orchestration, I love the sentiment, [Thom Yorke] is going through a peaceful patch on that record. He sounds like for the first time he is crooning to you a little bit, like he is a little more comfortable. He is still dealing with huge social issues in his lyrics and very deeply personal experiences as well. On 'Morning Bell' he sings: ""Where'd you park the car?"" That's the conversation your parents have when they are newly split up. They still have to share a vehicle, that is a conversation that they have to have. If you're a child of the '80s, nowadays everybody's got their own car, but that was the only communication my parents had after about six months. And when I heard it singing out in the middle of his lyrics, I just knew for sure that's what he was talking about. So, beautiful, overarching. Sometimes Thom's lyrics are like being berated. It's like being shouted at, and then at other times, he seems to pull a rainbow out of the sludge out of nowhere. That record, it could have been any of them, but that's the one I consider mine, in the same way I feel a sense of ownership of those Talk Talk records. That's the Radiohead album that's given me the most joy. It can take you back to a sad time in your life, and I think that's what good music does as well. You know it brings you forward to the present, but also reminds you of your emotional connection to something in the past. And I think if an album can do that, it's worked, basically."

Are We There Yet?
Are We There Yet?
Kathleen West | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A heartfelt look at parenting and growing up
Alice Sullivan is an interior designer and mom whose nearly perfect life goes off the rails when her son Teddy gets in trouble bullying at school. The same day she learns her daughter Adrian is having trouble keeping up in second grade. Soon Alice learns Teddy is caught up in a social media battle with another kid and she's rapidly being subjected to the judgement of the other moms. This includes her good friend, Meredith, whose daughter Sadie may be more involved than Meredith realizes. Then, Alice finds herself reeling further when her mom, Evelyn, reveals a long-held secret. Alice needs to stop caring what other people think--and starting focusing on her family. Fast.

This book was one of those happy surprises, where it was even better than I expected. It was real and captivating, highlighting how difficult it is to be both a parent and kid in the digital age. The story is expertly told from a variety of perspectives--Alice, Meredith, Teddy, Evelyn, and Sadie.

West does such a great job of portraying the interconnected people, both kids and parents, in her tale. All are mostly trying their best but often failing while some are judging others. Yet it seems like their world falls apart anyway. Everyone's story was told in such a unique voice, and I could not help but feel so sorry for these kids trying to survive in a digital age, and their parents attempting to maintain some type of control.

Overall, this is excellent book--very timely, realistic, and both heartbreaking and hopeful. 4.25 stars.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Wife in Books

Sep 9, 2020  
The Wife
The Wife
Shalini Boland | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Their 10th wedding anniversary should be something to celebrate. Why does Zoe only feel dread?
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

After reading the synopsis of The Wife by Shalini Boland, I knew I wanted to read it. A bride faints on her wedding day while getting ready. She wakes to a massive headache and no memory of fainting or what led up to it. Everyone said she must have been overcome with emotion, but nothing felt right afterward. Fast forward ten years and Zoe is planning an anniversary party. As the anniversary draws closer, the people around her are acting strangely. If she finds out what happened during the missing time, will it ruin the life she built?

I know, right? Sound good, doesn't it? Well, when I started reading it, I was disappointed. I thought I had everything figured out but was still enjoying the story. Then, wait, what? The story becomes intriguing and pulls you in and does not let go. It is not the fluffy and straightforward story I thought it was. It is a thriller worth reading.

Although Boland herself says she writes "suspense thrillers and dark adventures," I had not read any of her work previously. Her novels are rated around four stars on Goodreads, and I will be reading more of her work soon.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/9/20.
She's the One Who Thinks Too Much is the first book in the War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters series and we are introduced to a family of nine - two parents and seven sisters (obviously).

Ryalgar is the eldest of the seven and has helped her father on their farm until she becomes a Prince's 'girlfriend' and later mistress. The situation is so that he has to get married for political reasons and both him and his wife-to-be keep their current partners too. Of course, this will change but this is how it is for now. Add into that the threat of a Mongol invasion and you get an intricately woven story that gives great descriptions of both the time and (imaginary) place with the plans and defences they have to work with.

This fantasy is about the sisters and the situations they find themselves in. The romance takes a definite second place. The world-building is excellent, providing a clear insight into how the characters fit into the world. Each sister is brought into the story carefully and methodically whilst still leaving plenty to come in their own books.

The ending did feel quite abrupt even though I knew this would be an ongoing story. I look forward to it continuing in Coral's book and have no hesitation in recommending this for all who enjoy a historical fantasy.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sherlock, Jr.  (1924)
Sherlock, Jr. (1924)
1924 | Classics, Comedy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have seen and very much enjoyed the work of Buster Keaton in the past, most notably The General, which knocked me sideways by how inventive and genuinely funny it was. My main movie love for the silent era is Charlie Chaplin, and much like it is possible to like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones but only truly love one, Keaton will always be second best for me. But what a second best. Genius is an overused word, of course, but pioneer says it better anyway. The sheer volume of invention per minute is magnificent – from the technical editing techniques that were created just for this film, to the forms of visual comedy that broke the mould and raised the bar in every scene.

Most memorable is the cinema scene where Keaton’s love sick amateur sleuth tries to hide by actually entering the screen – a trick paid homage to in many movies since, including Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose of Cairo. It is astonishing to think he not only thought of doing this in 1924, but also pulled it off with jaw-dropping special effects for the time. It’s also really funny. You don’t have to force a laugh because you feel you should, it is still clever and amusing almost 100 years later. In fact, the entire 46 minute print still looks so good it is hard to believe it is that old in any way. Surely one of a handful of half length films from the period that will always be watched for what they are and not just museum pieces.
Consequences (Consequences, #1)
Consequences (Consequences, #1)
Aleatha Romig | 2011 | Erotica, Romance
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
My main thought when I finished Consequences: WTF?!?
At the beginning, I was a little weary of continuing to read it. I initially hoped Aleatha planned to introduce some knight-in-shining-armor to save Claire from the monster that is Anthony. When I got far enough to realize that wasn't happening, I actually debated whether or not I should keep reading or come to a stop. It was a bit depressing and I hated (still do) Anthony with a passion. I didn't understand what the storyline could do for me. Luckily, I'm stubborn and I refused to quit reading. I'm really glad I did, because Consequences was totally worth reading all the way through. Despite a kind of lengthy, boring middle, the rest kept me intrigued and, sometimes, disgusted. Throughout the whole book, I kept saying, "I should stop reading. I'm definitely not reading the rest of this series." Of course, I did keep reading, and I definitely WANT to read the rest of this series. The ending was a complete shocker and I'm more than ready to figure out what happens in the second book.
That all being said, I've rated Consequences a 3, because there's not a 1/2 star option and I feel like 4 stars might be too much. I mainly rated it a 3 1/2, instead of a 4, because the book had my feelings stretched out beyond my normal limit. Normally, this would be a good thing, but some of the content is what officially determined my final rating. Despite only giving it a 3 1/2, I am very interested in finishing this series!
Boot Camp (Rock War #2)
Boot Camp (Rock War #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is the sequel to Rock War by Robert Muchamore, which is the only other novel I've read by this author. I can't say I loved the first book, but I was intrigued to find out what happened next!

Twelve young bands have earned their big break, and are due to spend their summer in Rock War Manor as part of a new TV show. Among these contestants we have Brontobyte, Jet, and Industrial Scale Slaughter - all of whom we met in the previous novel.

The bands are put through vigorous training, before performing live and having to deal with the nosy media. There's also the added issue of tension among some contestants, such as Jay and his ex-band-mates. There are, of course, some more positive relationships going on too.

This book paints a rather realistic picture of life in the media, with all the ups and down that "fame" can bring. Not that I have any actual experience in this matter, of course.

My main problem with these books is how immature they feel. The language isn't simple, but it just somehow feels childish to me. Not to mention how most characters are a few years younger than me, and remind me of my first couple of years at secondary school.

Despite this, the story is pretty good, and I was really rather shocked by the ending. Again, I'm left wanting to know what happens next?

So although I don't love this book, I don't hate it, and I can see how some people could really enjoy it. So I think it deserves 3.5 stars.
Coco (2017)
Coco (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Animation
Aspiring musician Miguel, confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer.

This film really does deserve all the excitement around it, and oh my god how I cried.

As a way of not ruining films for me this year I'm trying not to read anything about them before I actually go and see them. The most I'm doing is seeing trailers while I'm at the cinema and then possibly catching the odd synopsis. When it comes to Disney Pixar though it's difficult not to be engulfed in a wave of information months before they're due out. I was however successful on this occasion, and I'm grateful that I got to enjoy it without any more information than had been in the trailer.

For something with a slightly morbid edge to it I thought it was done really well, and while the topic of death is obviously a potential pitfall you're reassured with the warmth and humour throughout the film.

If the songs in a film are good then I'll always be won over, and these ones gave me goosebumps. They bring a smile, and a tear, and that warm feeling inside that makes you sigh.

My last passing comment would be the tears... because I wasn't exaggerating. I cried A LOT. Even though I came out of the film loving the whole thing I was still crying as I drove home. *calming breath* I can feel myself losing my mind right now just thinking about it. It's a beautiful film, everyone should go and see it.