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Zach Galligan recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"Certainly Taxi Driver would be on the list, because it’s probably the greatest character study ever put on film, with some of the most surprising twists and turns. It also has such a perfect exploration of the feelings at the time of the mid-70s. Politically and socially, it just captures that time in an amazing way — captures New York, which is my home town, in an amazing way. It’s an incredible time capsule."

Caught on Camera: Part One
Caught on Camera: Part One
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unlike the other short M/M book I've read today, I didn't particularly enjoy this one. It started good but I lost interest once things started heating up between out decorator and gardener. It just didn't grab me, it was all sex with no feelings...maybe I'm being unfair by comparing it to the one I like better earlier, but that's the way I'm feeling right now.

I won't be continuing the series.
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World
Ashley Herring Blake | 2018 | Children, Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ivy Aberdeen is struggling with feeling invisible in her family—her mom is busy with Ivy’s new twin brothers. Things get worse when a tornado destroys their home, displacing the family. In the aftermath, Ivy—an artist—loses a notebook filled her most precious drawings. When they start showing up in her locker with notes attached, Ivy realizes the note-leaver may be on to what Ivy can barely voice herself: she has crushes and dreams about girls. Can Ivy make herself seen and follow her heart?

"How was Ivy supposed to know how to handle all these feelings... all these feelings at all, if everything she saw and read about and heard was all boy-girl, girl-boy?"

I genuinely don’t know what we did to deserve Ashley Herring Blake, but we are lucky. She’s become one of my favorite authors. This unique middle grade novel (Ivy is 12) is yet another beautifully written book from Blake that tells a story so many kids need to hear.

And Ivy. Oh Ivy. I loved this kid. She goes through so much, and we see her present tough, real feelings. She’s artistic, resilient, and witty. And, oh yeah, she likes girls. It’s just the best sort of representation in the world, you know? I wish this was on the shelves and being read in every middle school.

This book is lovely, real, and tells an invaluable story. It’s so funny and sweet, and I honestly would recommend it for everyone.
SEAL of trust
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i freakin loved this.... the characters were grown and amazing and their feelings were raw and real... it was perfection for me. this might be one of my favorite of this series so far.. there was love... a bit of drama and angst... and a lot of amazingness between characters lol.. the writing as always was perfect.. i love this authors work and look forward to most of their stories. i am glad i got to read it