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I'm so into the Rohan/Nava storyline with this but i really wanted to bang their heads together in this simply for being such blind idiots about their growing feelings for each other! Drio figured you both out, now we just have to wait for you two to catch up! That being said, i was getting equally pissed off with Rohan with how he was acting and some of the stuff he did. Ugh!!

That last bit though with the kiss! Shock, horror...

Off to start book 3!

Natalie Portman recommended Sun Under Wood in Books (curated)

Sun Under Wood
Sun Under Wood
Robert Hass | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In college, I took a poetry class with Jorie Graham, an amazing poet. She directed me to Hass, and his stuff moved me so much. His writing is very American, spare, clean. And manly. There’s a ruggedness to his poems. One in particular I’ve always loved is called ‘Dragonflies Mating.’ It combines a sense of abandonment in childhood with natural images. I don’t even know exactly what it means, but I think that’s what poetry does—it evokes all these feelings without our really understanding why or how it’s done."

Empire of Passion (1978)
Empire of Passion (1978)
1978 | Drama, Horror, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Japanese New Wave is almost synonymous with Nagisa Oshima. His film In the Realm of the Senses outraged critics and audiences alike with its many scenes of unsimulated sex. Here he takes similar themes of lust and murderous passion and explores them through the supernatural, crafting a ghost story that puts Japanese society and cultural conventions on trial in a masterful way. Who are the criminals here? Those who dare to pursue their feelings and impulses, or the society that forbids them the freedom to do just that?"

Falling into You (Falling, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For me this started off a little slow and I didn't really have any feelings regarding Kyle when he died. In fact the first time I cried in this was when Colton was talking about India. Then I bawled like a baby at the end because that was kinda heart-breaking.

They go through a lot of sh*t in this story, as the characters do in New Adult books, but I did like the main characters a lot, they were good people who had had a hard life and deserved a happy ending.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Smiths by The Smiths in Music

May 4, 2020  
The Smiths by The Smiths
The Smiths by The Smiths
1984 | Rock
Rolling Stone's 473rd greatest album of all time
I have been listening to a lot of 80s alternative music recently, having become obsessed with The Cure and Echo and the Bunnymen. My feelings for the Smiths has softened somewhat, moving to musical appreciation and less "I don't like Morrisey's voice", despite his recent apparent racist nationalism. But a few of the songs on this album put this back a step as he is quite insufferable at times. A few of their classics are here but generally overshadowed by him being … him.


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