Cinnamon Toast and the End of the World
Stephen Shulevitz remembers the end of the world. Two o'clock in the morning on a Saturday night, in...

Wedding Speeches
This book contains all you'll need to create the perfect wedding speech. The first section sets out...

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Four Doors Down in Books
Jan 6, 2021
It just drove me a little mad at the same time. I mean how pig headedly oblivious can you be to the glaringly obvious, Becca? It was pretty obvious that he wanted you to be his from early on but you were so intent on not wanting to be anywhere near him, or talking to him or just anything relating to him. You drove me insane throughout the book so by the time you finally realised your feelings around the 92% mark I was cheering along with all your friends in the epilogue because FINALLY!!!
I've just seen an advert for a second book Four Years Later and I am very intrigued about reading more about their relationship.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Surrender Your Love (Surrender Your Love, #1) in Books
Jan 7, 2021
I loved Jett at the beginning; he was hot and arrogant but in a way I liked. For the first 40% it was going great for me and then I kinda got bored. It was flirting and almost having sex, without having sex while having a little work related stuff thrown in.
I was surprised at the end, I wasn't expecting that but I knew there was something wrong with Jett and the property he was after when he was being all b*tchy with Brooke about the details.
In truth I think I've read a few too many NA/Contemporary romances at once and im getting fed up of them. And unfortunately for this book, it's getting the brunt of my feelings.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Frozen in Books
Jan 8, 2021
I also loved the Irish-ness of this. Stuff like "me ma" and other sayings that just made it so Irish, and the thrown in well used British ones too.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Ad Astra (2019) in Movies
Sep 21, 2019
The biggest problems for me were, a) the voiceover, it reminded me too much of Interview with a Vampire, and b) Brad Pitt being the lead. I could think of other actors that could have executed the character a little better.
Like others, I felt like the ending was completely anticlimactic. The story was so strong throughout, then I feel like it was spoiled. The film was also a little too long. That being said, the VFX were pretty amazing, and I can only imagine what this film would look like in IMAX.

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) in Movies
Aug 20, 2019
Please watch this. It's so fascinating, the story is unlike anything I've ever heard or seen before. It's not the usual Brat Pitt movie, but opposite Cate Blanchett he shines through. They both wouldn't usually be put together yet they work! It's a story that isn't realistic yet with the many other amazing actors/actresses in this movie it feels so real.

Death Be Charmed (Terra Vane #2)
My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. My gift is my visions, and these visions are my weapon....

Crab Day by Cate Le Bon
Cate Le Bon’s fourth album Crab Day was recorded at Panoramic House studio, West Marin, California...

Sons And Fascination by Simple Minds
Digitally re-mastered edition of their fourth album and it's "ghost". By the time of it's release,...