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Jennifer Fox recommended My Brilliant Friend in TV (curated)

My Brilliant Friend
My Brilliant Friend
2018 | Drama, Mystery

"This extraordinary series, based on the collection of books, portrays the story of two young girls and their friendship over time. What is astounding to me is the agency and the “voice” of the two young prepubescent girls that is shown in ways rarely seen on screen. Psychologist Carol Gilligan, wrote extensively of the ways in which girl’s voices are squashed and eradicated by puberty. Likewise, filmmakers rarely portray this vital stage in young girl’s development. As the series progress and the two girls age, their female characters are impacted, twisted, and crushed by the pressure of society. It’s rare that one actually witnesses the crushing of girls into adults in such an exquisitely truthful manner. How these two girls struggle to survive and thrive under the pressures of marriage and sexuality and lack of educational access clamping down on them with their identity intact is brilliant. At the end of season one, I had the rarest experience: I felt like I had just finished one episode, not eight, as if I was at the very beginning of the story, not the end, and I longed for more narrative to come."

Light of Kaska
Light of Kaska
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this.

It's my second story by the author, the other being The Huntress which I loved.

I'm not entirely a fan of sci-fi stories but Michelle has this way of weaving a tale that is heavy on the romance while still being very sci-fi/fantasy, and since I read books for the romance aspect most of the time they are right up my street.

I came to like Chase Stryker from early on and Sukeza grew on me the more she protested against his capture. Reading about their evolving relationship was great and I was urging them to stop being stubborn and just get together.

The relationship between Harle and Chase was fun to read about too. I'm used to reading about the relationship between female friends but the friendship between those two had me chuckling at times.

The synopsis didn't give much away with how this story would play out but I really enjoyed the journey over the three main places mentioned in the book and could picture them in my head.

I look forward to reading more books by the author.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Dragonborn in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 25, 2023)  
Maeghan Friday | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prince Ben is beloved by his parents and can do no wrong. Princess Cecily is viewed as a curse and can do no right. The only problem is that they share a body! On even days, Ben is in charge, whilst Cecily 'rests'. On odd days, it is Cecily's turn. They have a bond which is looming on their twentieth birthday and no way of breaking it without dying. The King and Queen don't actually mind if Cecily dies, indeed they are working towards that, but Ben is not happy at all.

I simply loved this book! It is so different and refreshing. Seeing how Ben and Cecily coped with their lives, and how completely different they were from each other, made this a magical read all by itself. But then you have the supporting characters of Alloran, Rowan, Lila, and Rachael, plus the mysterious tutors of Crispin and Jude.

In other countries, multiple bonds are legitimate - romantic, physical, non-physical, and friendship. The King and Queen have outlawed any bonds other than one male and one female. They will also only acknowledge the male or female sexes, anyone who feels differently has to keep it secret upon pain of death.

This is an intricate tale, with layer upon layer of discoveries waiting to be made. I was completely enthralled as the story unfolded, but couldn't wait for the King and Queen to get their comeuppance. I mean, come on - seriously!?!

Absolutely recommended for fans of fairy tales who want something a bit different!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 18, 2015
Susan Dennard | 2016 | Children
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relationships (4 more)
Magic System
Confusing at times (0 more)
Friendships Done Right!
I really enjoyed this book! I think the magic system, especially is very unique and refreshing!
I also loved the relationship between Safiya and Iseult (although I have absolutely no idea how to correctly pronounce their names), it was nice to see a strong female friendship in a YA story, I don't see it very often! Plus I loved how they balanced each other out and brought out the best in each other.
Unfortunately, I felt at times that I couldn't keep up with the plot and all the history etc. I did find myself confused about which characters were which and how they all connected. I was also unsure about whether we had already learnt about things regarding the history of the world when they were referenced, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the story.
The actual plot was very fast-paced and full of action, there was never a dull moment!
This book is definitely character driven, at least in my opinion, and you really got to know these characters; their strengths and their weaknesses, their faults and their flaws. I can't wait to pick up the sequel!

Chloe (778 KP) rated Tag (2018) in Movies

Feb 19, 2021  
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Funny (3 more)
Dark (slightly)
Cheap gags (1 more)
To think this is a true story...... wow!
I can't believe this is a real story, kinda makes me want to do it with my buddies. We were in the mood for a film like this so we laughed quite often but I think they were quite cheap gags, that were really over the top.

The characters fit well together and I could believe that they probably wouldn't be friends without the game. However, they were supposed to have a good friendship and I'm not sure that was really invoked till right at the end. I think there could have been more work on remembering the good times as they visited lots of places from their teen years.

When I was first introduced to the reporter I thought, oh so you've tried to appeal to a female audience too by adding in a character to explain the plot but actually I think this highlights the true story aspect.

I can't believe some of the subjects that are dealt with. By the end of it you are second guessing everything as no plot is too big for these guys, just to tag one another.

Would recommend if you are fancying a funny, silly light-hearted films.