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Nourishment not Deprivation!

Have you ever thought you struggle to lose weight even when you don’t eat properly? What about not being able to live without your tea, coffee or chocolate fix on a daily basis? Are you always saying how exhausted you are?

More than likely you have said something along these lines, but did you know that these complaints are often down to a hormonal imbalance?

The Balance Plan by Angelique Panagos tackles how to deal with all those issues and more, whilst offering practical advice, and suggestions for overcoming things like always feeling hungry but never feeling satisfied, or constantly feeling bloated.

Split up into four parts there are recipes, meal plans and full on explanations about how to optimise your hormonal health. To achieve this Angelique has created a six-step method (the six pillars of balance) which include; nourish (eating correctly), balance (stabilising ourselves by planning ahead), nurture (looking after ourselves), cleanse (cleansing our bodies), move (exercises) and restore (pampering).

In addition we hear about how hormones work and what exactly they are, through “The Sassy Six” and how to recognise what is happening to our bodies. From PMS, toxins, to stress and the menopause — major transitions in a woman’s life — it’s all covered.

This is an empowering book which highlights how we should celebrate our feminine cycle, by learning to understand and support our hormonal balance through a journey of gentle consistent lifestyle changes. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hippy-ish, but it’s not at all. The Balance Plan helps to show us how we don’t need to reach for the pills for a quick fix, only to gloss over what is really happening to our bodies.

This is a thoroughly educational read, that should be on every woman’s bookshelf. Imagine if you can sleep better, enhance digestion, elevate energy levels, lose weight, reduce stress and feel happier. This book plans to help you do just that!

Roxanne (13 KP) rated The Ritual in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
The Ritual
The Ritual
Adam Nevill | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars rounded up.

I found this book quite difficult to rate as I was very much in a love/hate relationship with it, some bits were great and I was sucked into the story whilst on the edge of my seat but then on the other hand some parts had me rolling my eyes. This book is split into two parts but I can't say that I enjoyed one part more than the other...both kind of just went on a bit too much. This book could have been so much shorter without losing anything, there was just too much yapping on about nothing, extended sentences with no meaning, I just wanted everyone to get to the point they were making.
I like to be scared by horror stories, I like to be given goose-bumps but unfortunately I just didn't feel it. There was, however, a nice bit of gore that kept me going and I did like most of the characters. It was an interesting story, original but unfortunately I found it a bit dull in places.
I'm not sure if others would agree with me, maybe I'm being too sensitive but I did find the book to be pretty sexist. Women, as a whole, were just demeaned which left me feeling pretty uncomfortable. The language towards females was pretty grim and the unpleasantness of the male characters was described as feminine. Each wife was described as horrible, mean, selfish, vile and was to be thrown away with the trash and the main character's girlfriend was mentioned about three times. She meant a lot to him but all that we were told was that she had a sexy overbite and he wanted to bed her. For a novel this big and in depth I expected to be able to get to know the characters more but it left me wanting.
I can't say I would really recommend it to be honest, I think my expectations were too high as I was very much looking forward to reading this one...nevermind.
And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga #1)
And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga #1)
Kiersten White | 2016 | History & Politics
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vlad the Impaler is a fascinating figure. Known as a villain to most of the world, he has also been considered a hero to myriad citizens in Romania and Bulgaria. He had a rocky life and was used as a bargaining chip as a child, along with his younger brother, Radu the Handsome. I once watched a very interesting documentary on him that was even-handed and it left a lasting impression. I felt sorry for what he went through as a child and how it shaped him into cruel measures. <b>And I Darken</b> poses an interesting question: what if Vlad Tepes was born a girl? This first in the series explores the first eighteen or so years of his, now her, life.

Admittedly, while I was intrigued at the subject, the beginning of this book was a slog to get through. I wasn't especially fond of the simpering Radu early on, since he was ridiculously sensitive and close to caricature. He features just as much, and perhaps more, than his sister, Lada (the feminine of Vlad). I thought Lada was a well-drawn character and I could totally see Vlad in her. As they age, Radu improves and is the heart of the book. This follows history as well as can be with the major change, so the story continues their progress to being hostages, as it were, to the Ottoman Empire.

The majority of the book takes place with Lada and Radu out of their homeland and as prisoner, befriending the Sultan's son, Mehmet, who eventually succeeds his father. So begins Radu's maturation and overwhelming love for Mehmet, which then turns into a love triangle with Lada. This could have been a total disaster and while it mucks up the history I know, it was done as well as can be. I appreciated how Radu's loyalty and convictions were handled in context with the times and circumstances. While I would have liked a more well-rounded Lada, I am hopeful that the next book will go into more depth. It's not a perfect book, Lada comes up with some big solutions to (mostly) actual events at a young age, which felt too convenient, but I still enjoyed the overall result.

Natari (73 KP) rated Brave the Tempest (Cassandra Palmer #9) in Books

Jul 15, 2019 (Updated Aug 1, 2019)  
Brave the Tempest (Cassandra Palmer #9)
Brave the Tempest (Cassandra Palmer #9)
Karen Chance | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The ever growing plot that is rooted throughout the series (0 more)
Addictive storyline. I need more already! (0 more)
Fun, frisky and full of feminine power!
This book has been such a joy to read. I am a huge fan of Karen Chance and her work and she has really outdone herself with Brave The Tempest. Where some ongoing series can go away from their original plots and start to fill their shine, I have never had that problem with the Cassie Palmer Series. Quite the opposite! The plot grows ever larger. Little hints you would never pick up in the first few books reveal themselves to be groundbreaking twists to a much larger storyline in the later books. This is book none of the series but I can tell I would be as excited to read the 18th book, it's that kind of world that you just have to visit and visit again.

I consumed this book quickly, wherever there was a spare moment between my chores. It is fast paced like the others and I found it difficult to find times to put it down to eat and sleep because I just wanted to keep reading.

Cassie, our main character, has really blossomed and matured. But she's still so human and relatable and I think that is one of the main things I love about the series.

I'm lying. The main things I love are Pritkin and Mircea. Their own lives and how they interact with Cassie has had a dramatic overturn for this book. It's fun, fresh and always leaves you wanting more. The things that happen to Cassie are unbelievable yet the book is written in a way that just makes you think "of course, it is Cassie afterall".

Returning characters from previous books get much more attention and my love for the wider Cassie world really grew with this book. Seeing sides of characters we know and love from sister series like the Dorina Basarab books (greatest stories ever) offer fascinating insight aswell.

So when in book 10 ready? Oh, December 2019. Not long 😃
Even Serpents Shine by The Only Ones
Even Serpents Shine by The Only Ones
1979 | Punk
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

No Solutions by The Only Ones

(0 Ratings)


"""Rather than going into the technicalities about them as a band, with The Only Ones it’s more about what it says about me as a teenage fan. I went to a lot of places to watch them, I slept in at least two bus shelters and on the kitchen floor of someone I didn’t know once. Sometimes I’d have tickets and sometimes I’d sneak in to see them and not just in the North, I came down to London and saw them at Dingwalls and The Lyceum. “Peter Perrett was feminine, and if you were a real fan of The Only Ones he had this thing where you’d almost imagine him as a really cool older brother who you didn’t know, that was the way I used to look at him. He led the gang, but he was small and I was small, and he got really involved when he played and that’s the thing, they were a really tight, great rock band. In a way he was almost like my Syd Barrett, he had a very poetic aspect to him. I was already well into studying what the rules of being a bohemian were about and he was it really. “John Perry was an amazing guitar player. Even then, when I was really learning my thing, I was aware it sounded exactly like a Jimi Hendrix lick crossed with a Jeff Beck lick from The Yardbirds, he was of that generation, probably a second generation Marquee, Wardour Street guitar player. They had a really fantastic drummer too, Mike Kellie from Spooky Tooth. They were a great ensemble and I knew they were really rehearsed and it really mattered to them. Peter Perrett never turned up like some druggy mess. “‘No Solution’ is a lesser known one, everybody knows ‘Another Girl, Another Planet’, but it’s the fan in me turning people onto one I think they’ll like but might not know. Fans of The Only Ones will know this song, but when I say fans I’m talking about the people in the audience, I think there were only five of them and I’m probably the only one still left alive!"""

The Wrath and the Dawn
The Wrath and the Dawn
Renee Ahdieh | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, can we start off with this cover? I mean, it is freaking gorgeous!!!

As a rendition of A Thousand and One Nights, this had quite a few references to the original story, namely the stories told within the entirety of the novel. I love the stories and I hope they continue through the rest of the series.

I picked this book up quite a while ago, but I never got around to reading it. I had heard so many great things about it, but I didn't trust the reviews for some strange reason. So there it sat, staring at me from my shelf like I was betraying it or something. So, I picked it up. And I was not disappointed at all.

I loved the simplicity of it all. Not saying this is not a complex story; it most definitely is!! The characters do not feel like they are inflated to something more than human that a lot of stories tend to gravitate toward to today. They were all relatively normal (well at least in the story). Khalid, don't get me started on him. I absolutely adore him. If you have not read the book yet, do it and you'll see what I mean. I won't put anything too specific, except that I love him. Shazi is an amazingly strong woman. Not only is she able to stay feminine while she is kicking ass, she is so freaking sassy!!! I love the quick wit she has in any situation. It is very refreshing to see a woman character like her!

The descriptions of both the characters and the places around them drew me in and made me feel as if I was there, hiding in the shadows, able to smell the roses and lilac. I want Shazi's wardrobe, just saying. It seems so freaking beautiful!

I hope we get more of a backstory in the coming novels. I would love to see Khalid and Shazi as kids more to get a glimpse of why they are the way they are. The airs of mystery are well crafted, but I want some of those shrouds to be taken away so we can see the secrets underneath~~

Overall, I absolutely adored this novel and cannot wait until I get to read the next one!!

The Rose & The Dagger comes out 26 April!
The Hustle (2019)
The Hustle (2019)
2019 | Comedy
The Hustle stars Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson as a pair of con artists who extract money from men using their feminine wiles. Hathaway and Wilson have a great chemistry on screen and some of the physical humor had me laughing so hard that my eyes were watering from laughter. Other times the jokes fell so flat I cringed, especially early on with the lampooning of male behavior so over the top that it seemed like an SNL bit rather than a part of a story they were trying to tell. It takes the movie a while to get its feet underneath it and really start running, but it does eventually get there.

What I didn’t realize going into this movie was that it is actually a reboot of the Steve Martin, Michael Caine and the late Glenne Headly classic, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. As soon as you realize this you know exactly how the story will go down to the last punch line. That is a real bummer for fans of the original because you know one of the biggest end reveals about half way through the movie.

Knowing the twist at the end doesn’t ruin the movie, but it did take a lot of the fun out of it and I wish they changed the twist to outsmart the audience who knew they were following the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels playbook.

Rebel Wilson plays off Anne Hathaway really well, I’d actually like to see them do something original together in the future. The chemistry reminds me of David Spade and Chris Farley with Hathaway playing the straight man and Wilson playing the physical comedian. The best parts of this movie are when these two are facing off in a scene trying to outdo one another.

I can’t say this enough; I really wish they changed the twist at the end so that I could have enjoyed it more because I really wanted to like it. Those who have never seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels may enjoy it more than I did. The lady behind me was so shocked with the twist reveal at the end that her gasp was audible across the theater, so obviously not everyone has seen the original.

Because of the big laughs I did have while watching this movie I can’t say I hated the movie, it was definitely good for some laughs. But the con of the movie is to get you into the theater without you realizing that it’s just a replica reboot of a classic.

Natasha Khan recommended Blue by Joni Mitchell in Music (curated)

Blue by Joni Mitchell
Blue by Joni Mitchell
1971 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was only about 13 when I heard it and it was another one that I played a lot in my bedroom. There was a trilogy of females, which was Joni Mitchell's Blue, Kate Bush's Hounds Of Love and Bjork's Debut that I discovered when I was 12 and obviously had a huge impact on me. But Joni Mitchell, for me, her voice is like an instrument, the same as Bjork's - I just loved hearing a woman's voice that sounded so free and was doing weird things to my brain, pulling it around. How do you even talk about something like this? You just end up saying a load of cliches! There's songs like 'River' and 'Blue' and I didn't know anything really as a 13-year-old about California and Laurel Canyon and the psychedelic 60s and what had happened to everybody, the disenchantment they maybe felt later on. I didn't really understand the background of that, yet there was this woman coming out of my speaker, her feminine energy and her freedom, her expression, her unapologetic rawness, again, and the beauty and competence, and weird tunings, it all completely made sense to me. It all sounded like this amazing place that smelt like pine trees and had golden, yellow sunshine and long hair and tapestries and curtains and cats and guitars. I thought: "What is this place that this woman is talking about?" Actually it's just this universe inside of her, she's like this amazing building full of beautiful things, so complex and so deep and intellectual. I just think she's fully competent on so many levels! I was listening to Carole King, Tapestry, at the time, and that's another beautiful record, but Joni Mitchell's is just emotionally more complex. It was meandering and had movements and parts to it and her voice would soar. There's that bit where she's saying, "hell's the hippest way to go, I don't think so but I'm going to take a look around it": there's that onset of disenchantment, where she's sick of this bullshit, and Joni Mitchell's so good at seeing through the bullshit - it's not this throwaway, idealistic, hippy kind of thing, she's always burrowing a little bit under the surface. As a young girl, hearing women talk about travelling, going on an aeroplane, missing California, being in Paris, seeing some guy playing guitar and writing a love note on a napkin to her. It's like good life experience, listening to that through someone else."

The Boondock Saints (1999)
The Boondock Saints (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Drama
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The action, the Irish guys (0 more)
B is for Bad A**
Contains spoilers, click to show
This entertaining action film opens with aerial views of Boston and narration of the Lord's Prayer on St. Patty's Day. Soon, we are introduced to two Irish brothers, Connor and Murphy MacManus. The terrible twosome work in a meat-packing plant: in their spare time, they slaughter evildoers. What could be better? With their black shirts, black blazers, and blue jeans, the brothers seem like Mormon missionaries gone horribly wrong.

Connor and Murphy (played by Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus), fall into the
profession of murdering bad guys quite by accident. Initially, the fact that they killed a Russian crime lord, and his associate, after a bar fight seems a coincidental act of self-defense. They are hailed, at first, as heroes. They somehow continue to avoid prosecution, though from the beginning they are being pursued by FBI agent Paul Smecker. They start targeting the crime lords on purpose, and they eventually end up being hunted by a more ominous figure, the legendary hitman Il Duce.

Willem Dafoe gets an A for awesome in my book for his performance as FBI agent Paul Smecker. Smecker is a homosexual, and he is not apologetic about it. In fact, he draws attention to his orientation in many scenes. Particularly memorable is the moment where he corrects an officer’s use of the word “symbology” by hissing a pronounced s: “ssssymbolism.” Later in the film, Dafoe even gets the opportunity to use his feminine wiles by dressing in drag, a visual experience which I promise is as disconcerting as it sounds.

The presentation of Smecker’s crime scene explanations was particularly impressive. The crime scene was shown first, and the events that created it unfolded in retrospect as Smecker described the scene. Enhanced by the intensity of the score, Dafoe offered a memorable narration of an epic shootout, during which he resembles an insane conductor.

The writing in this film was great, with witty one-liners throughout to break the tension. There were several moments in the film where one wonders if the brothers’ success is due to dumb luck or divinity. The MacManus twins certainly seem to believe that their cause is a righteous one.

I must also acknowledge the score, by Jeff Danna, which beautifully compliments the opening sequence and the rest of the film. The score even includes a variation of a hymn, infused with a beat you can dance to.

I love a good revenge film, and this is one for the ages. To sum up my complex feelings about the vigilante-style justice in this film, I must end with a quote by Connor MacManus: "I'm strangely comfortable with it."
This book takes a Biblical viewpoint of how the modern woman can lead the best life she can attain while still following the guidelines of the Bible and living up to her personal potential. It uses the personal examples of the two authors, as well as the examples of numerous others that these two have interacted with over the course of writing the book. A systematic approach is taken to break down the history, statistics, and advantages of the modern woman before studiously approaching the Biblical model of the female.
One of the main focuses of the book is the Biblical mandate to "be fruitful and multiply" and how modern culture has both minimized and scorned this. The authors also focus on the differences between males and females, as well as their different purposes in life. Marriage is also a central theme in the book, with the authors providing lots of advice, as well as suggestions to study other resources, in order to find a husband and maintain a healthy marriage.
To stress certain points throughout the book, the authors provide a visual illustration of the concepts discussed. They summarize the lessons taught in certain sections in a "Wise Steps" box, and they fill the book with sections that invite the reader to journal his own thoughts according to a certain topic.
What I found the most interesting about the book was how the authors broke down the multiple purposes of any woman into three categories: our purpose as humans (Core Callings), our purpose as women (Feminine Callings), and our purpose as unique individuals (Personal Callings). Each of these are further broken down, with the Core Callings having the most emphasis throughout the book: Leave and Cleave, Be Fruitful and Multiply, and Subdue and Rule.
I had a difficult time getting through this book, partly because I felt that some of the information provided simply did not apply to me and I did not find it particularly useful. I did agree with most of what the authors interpreted from Biblical scriptures, though I disliked the broad usage of many different Biblical translations. As with any Biblically-based self-help book, the Bible should be the first source and the book should be secondary. I also felt that Feldhahn used the book somewhat as a self-promotional tool, since she often refers to her previously-written book, For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men.
All the same, I appreciated the Biblical perspective and the support of marriage-minded women and stay-at-home moms. There is much wisdom in the pages of this book.