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Laura (40 KP) rated Moxie: A Novel in Books

Oct 21, 2017  
Moxie: A Novel
Moxie: A Novel
Jennifer Mathieu | 2017 | Gender Studies, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Feminist Novel I wish I had as a teen.
Moxie, the book that I wish had been around when I was younger. The book that smashed my reading slump to smithereens. The book that I fiercely related to. Moxie is such an important read, a YA book that looks at everyday sexism, rape culture and feminism, while also telling a good story.
Something I really liked is that Vivian is not some perfect all-knowing feminist. She listens and learns to people, after the Moxie zine starts the conversation. Through these conversations between various characters, so much is discussed, taking advantage of different perspectives. There is this wonderful feeling of community, of support and safe spaces. The very concept of feminism is analysed, challenging the misconception held my many that feminism equals men hating, and exploring the stigma attached to the word ‘feminist’.

There is also a romance plotline running through the book. Vivian is attracted to new boy Seth, and she is even more interested when she realised that he is actually a nice guy, unlike so many other boys at school. He actually likes the Moxie zines, and shows his support for the movement. However he is not perfect, and sometimes he just does not get certain things. This opens the discussion that while a man can be a feminist, it is important to listen and learn about how everyday sexism effects women.

The overall message is about girls supporting each other, and Moxie being an inclusive movement for everyone. I loved that there was next to no girl hate in the novel, and that the way women and girls are pitted against each other was brought up and addressed. There are so many wonderful, empowering moments in this book, I used a lot of sticky notes to mark them all. Having said that, obviously this book deals with sexism, but it also covers sexual harassment, and sexual assault/attempted rape, which may be triggering for some readers. Please be aware of this going in, it’s addressed, there is an overall atmosphere of female empowerment and overcoming, but I don’t want anyone to get caught by surprise.

I wish this book had been around when I was in high school. I really wish it had been around for my younger sister, who had a similar experience with dress-code enforcement as shown in the book. This book is so powerful, and so important.
A book that covers awkward and uncomfortable topics such as race, gender, and pop culture with enough humor to take off the edge, Phoebe Robinson is an unapologetic feminist with something to say. If it makes you uncomfortable, good. Her words are something that need to be read and taken seriously even as she makes them humorous. I value her wisdom and experiences because it something that will never occur to me. It’s hard for me to saying anything else beyond everyone needs to read this book, especially those who need their minds opened.