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ClareR (5667 KP) rated Stepsister in Books

Sep 29, 2020  
Jennifer Donnelly | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story, with a feminist slant, of the ugly sisters that Cinderella left behind.
I do like a good fairytale, and I seem to be enjoying fairytale retellings quite a bit when I come across them. Stepsister is a great example of a retelling - told from the other side.

Isabelle and Tavi are the ugly sisters, left behind with their unhinged mother, after Cinderella has left with her Prince. The ‘ugly’ sisters actions aren’t excused, in fact they are left to live and struggle with the consequences of their actions. Isabelle has a permanent limp where she sliced off her toes in the hope that she would be able to fit in to the glass slipper. All on the instructions of her mother. Isabelle is a strong character who feels hemmed in by her mother and the restrictions that society has thrust upon her. Her worth is dictated by her looks - something which she falls short on, as does her sister. Instead of the soft mannered, beautiful, obedient girls that society wants, the sisters are clever, resourceful and regrettably ugly. Maman tries to marry them off to the Prince in any way that she can - even making them mutilate themselves. When Cinderella leaves to marry her Prince and the locals discover how she was treated, Isabelle, Tavi and Maman are both ostracised and vilified. Isabelle truly regrets the way that she treated Cinderella, but doesn’t know how she can put right what she did. However, both Fate and Chance have now got an influence over her life, a vested interest, and they have opposing opinions on how Isabelle’s life should play out.

I thought this feminist slant on the after-story of Cinderella was really engaging. I loved it, and if I had a daughter I’d be passing it on to her to read next!

Many thanks to Readers First for my copy of this book.
Girls Made of Snow and Glass
Girls Made of Snow and Glass
Melissa Bashardoust | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful plot, subverted tropes, lesbian romance (0 more)
A bit of stilted dialogue at the beginning, some predictable actions by characters (0 more)
One of my best books of 2017!
I received an ARC of this book through Goodreads and got to read it before the release date (September 5th! GO GET IT!) and I was SO excited to read it. It did not disappoint! This is her debut novel, and the story is absolutely fantastic. It’s billed as a “fantasy feminist fairy tale” and I think it lives up to that pretty well. There are no princes in this story. There are a couple of men – the King, the Queen’s father, and the Huntsman, but they are not who the story is about. The story really is about the relationship between the Queen/stepmother and her stepdaughter, the Princess.

You can read my full review here:

Awix (3310 KP) rated Catwoman (2004) in Movies

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Feb 15, 2018)  
Catwoman (2004)
Catwoman (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama
Kitty Litter
Wretched misfire of a superhero film proving that DC were quite capable of making bad movies before Zack Snyder was even on the premises. Attempt at a story of feminist empowerment ends up coupled to repeated spectacle of Halle Berry bending over in a leather bra while wearing jeans with holes in the bum cheeks. Dowdy wallflower discovers corruption, is flushed into harbour, given mouth-to-mouth by passing magic cat, wakes up with feline powers (including ability to stick to walls, unlike any cat I've ever seen).

It's not just that the story is poorly told, it's poorly conceived: around the same time Catwoman came out, Spider-Man was saving New York from a nuclear disaster while the X-Men were stopping psionic genocide. What case is Catwoman dealing with? Someone is trying to sell some dodgy make-up. Not just a really shoddy film, but an offensively patronising one, too.
Herland, the Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings
Herland, the Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Feminist text (0 more)
Clunky (0 more)
This was both fun and grim
This was an interesting book and for all you feminists out there, quite amusing. The author covered a range of issues which are still relevant today such as, the way food is grown, cultivated and harvested, the values of being kind to the earth. It covered the way that children are educated. There is an excellent piece on religion which I personally found amusing, being an atheist. Considering the time period in which the novella was written, this book is like a mirror on society, especially a patriarchal society.
The sentence structure is clunky, annoyingly long but typical of late Victorian work. The ending is frustrating as it is left wide open without answers. Yet putting that aside, I really liked it. It is not my ideal female utopia, but I am sure for Perkins, in an oppressive male dominated society, it was.