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Chloe (778 KP) rated Enola Holmes (2020) in Movies

Nov 7, 2020 (Updated Nov 7, 2020)  
Enola Holmes (2020)
Enola Holmes (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Crime, Drama
Millie Bobby Brown (1 more)
Henry Cavill
Lacking mystery (5 more)
Lacking plot
Too much done badly
4th Wall
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is the first time that I have felt disappointed about a Holmes universe remake. Usually they are done well out of respect for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The plot could have been so much better, it seemed to get lost within itself.

There were some good ideas and potentials for much better plot e.g. the suffragettes rising and the bombing plot but this was only touched on. The only reason we kept watching was to see if the mother was going to be involved with a bombing plot. The feminist aspect was then reversed when she went chasing after a boy, although with a political meaning this was still heavily focused on their relationship.

All the clues were spoon fed to you and had no real significance. There was no audience immersion like other Holmes movies. I don't know if that was what the 4th wall stuff was supposed to do, this did not work for me and soon became boring as it added very little.

This could have been half an hour shorter and achieved the same story.

Considering this seemed to be aimed at teens, some of the fight scenes were brutal especially where Enola is nearly drowned!

The only redeeming features are the cast list. Bobby Brown was endearing and is an excellent young actress. With more Henry Cavill in it this may have improved the whole story.
Black Christmas (2019)
Black Christmas (2019)
2019 | Horror
Fuck I really hated this.

Ignoring the politics side for a moment - it's a hugely poor horror film. It's devoid of any scares, it cuts away from any gore, and perhaps worst of all, it has the audacity to be called "Black Christmas" - which is quite simply one of the best slashers ever made.
Did this film even start as a Black Christmas remake? It basically goes: Men are shit - some people get killed offscreen - weird supernatural twist - oh shit, it's Black Christmas, better throw in a glass unicorn sculpture.
The supernatural part is something I'm not mad at actually - at least it tried something different rather than being a straight re tread.

Then of course, there's the aformentioned politics, which is what most people's issue is with this film. Feminist messages in horror movies can be hugely effective - the original Black Christmas does it well for example - but I can't help but feel that the message this version putting out there is severely mishandled. As a guy, I am willing to hear how I'm wrong in this instance, but it feels sooooo over the top with what it's trying to do. It's not too hard to be on board with for the most part, but the final scenes really go for it - I mean the lines "you're insane!" "No, we're just men" - really!? It just feels very in the nose to me.

Other than that, this film is turd. It gets a star for Imogen Poots and the creative snow angel death scene at the start. Watch the original instead.

Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 17, 2020

Definitely agree. On the politics too, it’s so badly done


Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Dec 21, 2020

Totally agree. It's a shit sandwich without the bread.


Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Cows in Books

Aug 17, 2020  
The Cows
The Cows
Dawn O'Porter | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entertaining and powerful
I was a little worried about reading this book as I was concerned about it being a little preachy, however I’m so glad that my concerns were completely unwarranted.

This is a very powerful, moving and motivational book. It promotes powerful and independent women without becoming too preachy or overpoweringly feminist, yet with a heartwarming, interesting and relatable story. There are aspects of all 3 of the main characters that I identified with, and no doubt most other women will too. Their stories and lives made me laugh and cry throughout the entire book, and I really struggled to put this down. I also thought I knew where this story was going until a major twist over two thirds of the way through completely shocked me. I never saw it coming and I loved this, along with the ending in general which didn’t play out in exactly the way you’d expect. I’ve seen Dawn O Porter’s documentaries in the past but wasn’t too sure what I’d make of her writing, however this is beautifully written. She’s come up with some human, deep and maybe slightly crazy characters that are all endearing in their own ways and intertwined their stories into something immensely entertaining. It’s also made me really think about my own life and make me feel better about things that have been getting me down, and I’d really encourage any woman to read this who might be in need of a pick me up. I will definitely be reading more of Dawn O Porter’s work after this.

Jamie (131 KP) rated Nasty Women in Books

May 24, 2017  
Nasty Women
Nasty Women
404 Ink | 2017 | Essays
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Covers a wide range of topics and women from many walks of life (0 more)
Needed more editing (0 more)
A timely collection of personal and political essays
It was really cool to get to see the world through the eyes of women coming from walks of life entirely removed from my own. There were many whose struggles I couldn’t even begin to imagine dealing with, while others I found comfort that I wasn’t alone in the issues that I have faced. The anthology really does cover a wide range of topics by authors from drastically different backgrounds.

The one essay that stood out the most to me was “Choices” by Rowan C. Clarke, which discussed the author’s difficult relationship with her mother and that never ending struggle to please. While the underlying messages in all of the stories were political and feminist, they were also very personal and down to earth which is what made this collection pretty emotional.

I did have a few issues with the anthology, however, that I need to address. The first was that the quality of each essay varied pretty wildly. The version I read was an ARC so it’s difficult for me to judge the final product, but there were several that weren’t well structured or were rife with grammatical and formatting errors. There were citations (I love citations!) that weren’t formatted all that well for my ebook version (cutting into the middle of paragraphs) that perhaps would’ve been better placed at the end. As for the actual content, most were incredibly well written and heartfelt, a few felt like angry rants that were more alienating than empowering, then there was one that just felt stiff and spent more time with the preface rather than the story.

While on the subject of alienation, despite the rather diverse sets of authors and essays, I feel like there were some missing pieces still. It’s obvious from the title what many of the authors thought about the last election and I didn’t like how black and white things were with barely any room in-between. In cases like this, I’m sure most of the readers would be those looking for confirmation of beliefs that they already share, which is fine except that it closes the door on discussion with the other side which is truly unfortunate.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that what was already here was pretty great. I see what they were going for and I appreciated it. I love to see discussion about politics and social issues, but I worry when the tone leans too far toward one extreme it only invites backlash from the other extreme. It’s a difficult balancing act between maintaining one’s own core beliefs while also trying to open things up to the other side so that perhaps they could engage in the conversation and, ideally, listen and have their own perceptions changed.

But I digress, despite the complaints I had about the book, I found it to be a pretty quick and enjoyable read. It gives a voice to groups of women that aren’t often heard in the greater narrative of the feminist movement. The experiences of these many women enrich that narrative and there’s a lot we can all learn from each other especially in these troubling times.