Fess Parker

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Davy crockett king of the wild frontier (1955) in Movies
Sep 14, 2022
I knew about this thru the song which is rather catchy tune anyway the movie it’s rather good movie even if it’s taken from the tv show of the same which they only made three episodes which sees him from being us senator to the Alamo. Fess Parker plays Davy Crockett rather well with good support from the rest of the cast sometime I should watch Davy Crockett and the river pirates sometime

Davy crockett king of the wild frontier (1955)
Davy crockett alongside his friend george Russell look to tame the wild frontier

Old Yeller (1957)
A teenage boy grows to love a stray yellow dog while helping his mother and younger brother run...