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Annabelle: Creation  (2017)
Annabelle: Creation (2017)
2017 | Horror
If Annabelle: Creation is to be remembered for anything, chances are it will be the expository role it plays in the Conjuring universe rather than any actual contributions it makes to the horror genre.
Chasing Coral (2017)
Chasing Coral (2017)
2017 | Documentary
These documentaries can prove to be overwhelming and quite scary, given how bleak these prescient warnings can sound. The film ends on a more positive,upbeat note, calling on the optimism and strength of the younger generation to guide away from disaster
Critic- Steven Sheehan
Original Score: 8 out of 10

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Evanly Choirs (Constable Evans, #3)
Rhys Bowen | 2000
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The local men's chorus is hoping to win the upcoming cultural festival thanks to a world famous tenor who has returned to his hometown. However, he's a jerk who manages to get murdered. This third book oozes the charming characters and fun mystery of the first two in the series.

<a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The idea of moving the Arts Festival downtown stirs up trouble, including arson and murder. Can Abby get her feet under her running a new business and solve the crime? I liked the characters and setting, but the plot was a little rough.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Jonathan Caouette recommended 3 Women (1977) in Movies (curated)

3 Women (1977)
3 Women (1977)
1977 | Classics, Drama
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is, by far, one of my all-time favorite films of all time bar none. I have seen the film well over one hundred times, and I am always trying to get people to watch it with me. Funny enough, as I type this, I am in Bordeaux, France, at the first ever Bordeaux International Independent Film Festival. I was asked to pick one film that I loved that I could talk about, and, of course, it was 3 Women. The screening is tonight, and I am seeing if for the first time on 35 mm. I had seen VHS copies of the film prior to the wonderful Criterion version coming out, and, of course, I now see and hear things in the film that I have never known before Criterion brought that all in. The film has a magical quality. I experience new things and information about the film every time I see it. It’s like a recurring dream that I don't mind redreaming over and over. It’s my favorite film in the world. I would love to do a one-off film festival somewhere called The Identity Crisis Film Festival . . . and show all films that I feel are similar to 3 Women, such as That Obscure Object of Desire, Persona, and Mulholland Drive."


Britt Daniel recommended Cryptograms by Deerhunter in Music (curated)

Cryptograms by Deerhunter
Cryptograms by Deerhunter
2007 | Experimental, Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first met Bradford Cox in 2008. I had just gotten into Deerhunter, and we both played the Pitchfork festival that year. I just saw him around backstage and went and talked to him, and we ended up sitting on this ledge, watching people stream out of the festival. We became friends, and he ended up playing with us the next day. And then we took them out for the Transference tour. After Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, I thought Spoon was going to keep going up and up and up—and in terms of selling tickets, it has. I knew Transference was an uglier record that didn’t have as many hits on it, but I still thought everybody that bought Ga Ga Ga was going to buy it. I wasn’t exactly right. I don’t think we failed on that record, but it did turn a lot of people off."

The Dinner (2017)
The Dinner (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The four-handed set-up (though other characters, and a number of wobbly flashbacks, intrude) may well recall Yasmina Reza’s acrid couple-combat in her play God of Carnage. If you thought that foursome were rotten eggs, get a load of this lot.
Critic-Tim Robey - The Telegraph
Original Score- 3 out of 5

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City Of Ghosts (2017)
City Of Ghosts (2017)
2017 | Documentary, War
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The footage is brutal and often hard to watch (the executions are horrifying and the indoctrination of children is plain sinister). The film excels at portraying the danger the reporters face and the value of the information they get out of the country.
Critic- Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Original Score: 4 out of 5

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I wanted to read this after seeing Kate Summerscale at the Hay Festival talking about the book. I found that I felt very different at the end of the talk to how I felt at the beginning!

A really interesting story and Robert Coombs becomes a real person to the reader across the book.

This would be a good read if you are interested in social history and/or psychology.
Pairing a Deception
Pairing a Deception
Nadine Nettmann | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Food, Wine, Murder
Katie Stillwell and her boyfriend, Dean, are out of town for the weekend, spending it at a food and wine festival outside of Santa Barbara. Several times on opening night, they witness a woman who seems to be stalking festival emcee, Hudson Wiley. When a dead body turns up, they begin to wonder what is going on.

With Katie and Dean out of town, they are the only two real returning characters in the series, but I loved getting to spend more time with them. The new characters are good. The mystery is a little light, but once we get past some set up, Katie uncovers some surprises before we reach the logical and suspenseful conclusion. I’m not a wine lover, but the facts about wine certainly make me want to taste some and see if I can tell the differences that Katie talks about, and those who do love wine will enjoy the pairing suggestions at the beginning of each chapter.