Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Film Sequels, Series and Remakes: An Illustrated Filmography (1996-2016): Volume II
Kim R. Holston and Tom Winchester
Science fiction, fantasy and horror movies have spawned more sequels and remakes than any other film...
Writing Monsters: How to Craft Believably Terrifying Creatures to Enhance Your Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction
Monsters are more than things that go bump in the night...Monsters are lurking in the woods, beneath...
You are Not So Smart: Why Your Memory is Mostly Fiction, Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself
How many of your Facebook friends do you think you know? Would you help a stranger in need? Do you...
The Realization of Star Trek Technologies: The Science, Not Fiction, Behind 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, and More: 2017
As Star Trek celebrates its 50th anniversary, the futuristic tools of Kirk, Spock, Scott, and McCoy...
Ficino in Spain
As the first translator of Plato's complete works into Latin, the Florentine writer Marsilio Ficino...