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Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Superb legal drama
A very topical film at the moment, telling the true story of a man ending up on death row after a dubious murder trial with negligible evidence weighed up against copious amounts of evidence of his innocence. As usual, it is the story of the police and DA being under pressure to convict someone of the crime and finding an easy target.
Jordan plays young lawyer Bryan Stevenson who moves to Alabama to fight for justice for death row convicts. Among many cases he meets Jonny D (Foxx), who initially refuses to fight any more despite the paper-thin conviction he received. Persuaded, the pair start their fight against the system, met time and time again with prejudice, injustice and an unfair system that is unwilling to review past cases.
The irony of this unfolding in the town that is so proud to have been where Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, the story of a black man facing an unfair trial accused of crime against a young white female, was not lost on me. This wasn't made much of in the film, I would guess out of respect for the family of the actual murder victim here, and not wanting to suggest a parallel with the false crime in the book.
The film does well to portray the racial injustice, unbalanced legal system and prejudice experienced by the authorities and smalltown America, but not overdo it. This leaves the viewer to mull it on their own, which is especially important to do in the current climate.
An excellent film that gets the balance right between story, faithfulness to the facts and sewing thoughts and parallels with modern day life.
Merry heads to upstate New York to claim her inheritance, a castle. However, someone has been digging holes in the yard. After a public fight with Tom Turner, the hole digger, Tom winds up dead at the bottom of a new hole. Can Merry figure out why?

The book got off to a slow start with a bit too much of a back story dump. However, once the book got going, it was great with eccentric but believable characters and twists to the plot. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
When it was announced that they were going to take the last in the Cap trilogy and make it the civil war storyline, I was ticked. The comic book Civil War was painful to read. Why does Tony Stark have to be in every movie? At least Cap kicked his ass fully at the end. Stark needs to go see a psychiatrist, because he obviously can't get over his parents death. Tony Stark being in the movie made it a 9.
I loved that they brought in Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman did a fantastic job. The fight choreography was great during the car chase scene.
Viper: The Prophecy (Odins Wolves 2)
Candi Fox | 2023
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
155 of 235
Viper :The Prophecy (Odins Wolves MC 2)
By Candi Fox

Gaia. the mother of all created a werewolf shifter class to serve as guardians. To avoid war, Gaia gifted those that answered the call to Odin, who infused the warriors with immortality creating a class of demigods who fight for justice.
20 years ago, the world found out that humans were not the only Earth dwellers. Now Dark Fae and Shifters live in the light.
Logan Haagan: Viper, Viking demigod, and retired Dallas police officer will join his brothers in White Horse, OK as part of the OWMC who will work to exact justice when the law can’t. Before leaving Dallas, Viper sees Lady Death fight in an underground ring. The fight has mafia ties and ruthlessly pits all manner of dark fae creatures often encouraging the death of the loser.
Billie, Lady Death has been fighting for the Tromlui capo, Cayum since she was a teenager. She becomes a champion of the ring and wants nothing more than to win her contract back and help her friend who is being threatened. Viper and Synne, a dark fae, work to get her released, but Cayum is not easily discouraged and will stop at nothing to keep Billie right where he wants her.
Viper and Billie are sent to New Orleans to uncover a curse, unearth an ancient vampire relic, and discover an age-old prophecy that will change everything...
Don’t miss this epic tale of myths, justice, and prophecy.

I did enjoy this one but think I was expecting to feel the same as I did about book 1 and I didn’t. The world building is really good with complex characters and storylines. Loved catching up with Odins wolves and finding other creatures especially loving Deaths identity . Also a gator shifter that’s a first for me too!
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10)
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10)
Rachel Caine | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book does something brand new in the series -- Shane's point of view is alternated with Claire's point of view. It is a very good thing that Rachel Caine decides to do this, as I do not think that Claire could have gotten such a good understanding of the lure of the vampire-themed fight club that Shane gets involved with.
We not only get to see into Shane's head, but we also get a fuller understanding of his anger and hatred towards vampires, as well as his internal battle with accepting his sister's death, followed by his mother's death, and his father's abuse and fanaticism. Honestly, it is amazing that Shane has any sanity left at all, considering the life he has lived up to this point. Claire has been like a bright star in his life, and it would be a real tragedy if he were to ever lose her -- which does not look like it will be happening any time soon.
On the flip side, Shane's drastic change in behavior due to the fight club puts Claire's heart through the ringer several times throughout the book and has her considering and reconsidering just how much she really wants to stay in Morganville -- especially when M.I.T., her dream school, starts calling. Luckily, Claire has always been a force to be reckoned with in Morganville, and her instincts are always right on par. Only she can stand up to Amelie, the Founder of Morganville, and come away unscathed, even if barely.
If a vampire fight club is not bad enough to be worthy of a book, a certain "big bad" comes back from the figurative dead to wreak havoc and death. Of course, my favorite character, Myrnin makes the final battle interesting with a few new toys and unforgettable one-liners. His rivalry with the new brain behind the town security system, Frank Collins, provides some fresh entertainment, too. This series just keeps getting better, and I can't wait for the release of the next book, Last Breath.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Darkest Hour (2017) in Movies

Mar 12, 2018 (Updated Mar 12, 2018)  
Darkest Hour (2017)
Darkest Hour (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, War
Emotional, dark and guttural
While @Dunkirk (2017) was a cinematic feat, the Darkest Hour was the substance that lacked in Christopher Nolan's work.

Following the month that led to the event in which the entire British army were stranded on the French beach, we see how politics played out and a decision to fight until death was taken. Gary Oldman is a master as Winston Churchill, the raw emotion he brings to the character is spectacular and I found myself becoming increasingly teary as the film went on.

For fans of the @The King's Speech (2010), it has a similar sentiment to it, not only because both characters are involved in each of the films, but each seem to have deep connection to one another. Oldman deserved the Oscar for this.
Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
I have been waiting years to watch this and finally got round too it!!!

Brilliant story with a sad start and action packed ending!

For a mother her happy place in life is with her family, but with the cartel having everyone in their pockets life and justice isn't always easy. A bad choice made on the dads behalf signing the death on his family, how ever the brilliant Jennifer garner survived and has trouble bringing her familys murder to a logical fair ending. In this action packed film you see raw emotions and how far a mother with go to get the ending she waited 5 years to fight for. With no one helping her it's down to her to go back and clean out all the trash!

This is a must see!!!
Frank Herbert&#039;s Dune, the Graphic Novel book 2: Muad&#039;dib
Frank Herbert's Dune, the Graphic Novel book 2: Muad'dib
Frank Herbert | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
2021's Dune, the movie, ended with Paul Atreides and his mother Jessica falling in with a group of the desert-dwelling Fremen, which included a fight-to-the-death where Paul had to prove his worth to that group.

That forms an early part of this graphic novel, up to about - roughly- the half way mark.

As I said before when I read and reviewed book 1 Frank Herbert's DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 1, my only exposure to the Dune tale beforehand was that 2021 film (although I knew the broad strokes: desert planet, Spice, giant Sandworms), so I do feel it will be interesting to see, when part 2 of the movie series comes out, just how close it sticks to this graphic novel. Especially as, apparently (and as the foreword says), the authors and illustrators of this have tried to stick as close as possible to Frank Herbert 's original text as possible ...
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
1964 | Comedy
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Dr. Strangelove showed me, I suppose taught me, a lot about comedy. The stuff that’s funniest is the stuff that scares us most — because all good comedy comes out of fear of death, fear of humiliation, fear of public awkwardness, fear of, you know, all those kinds of things. To have truly, really dark comedy where at the end of the film everyone in the world dies, that was very funny to me. I went to the Kubrick exhibition and there was this whole section on how originally the film had ended with a gigantic pie fight, and it was cut; but in a way I get what that might have been going for — the fact that it is all so ridiculous."

Accacias Blood (Sisters of Hex #2)
Accacias Blood (Sisters of Hex #2)
Bea Paige | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
9 of 250
Accacias Blood ( Sisters of Hex book 2)
By Bea Paige

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

After saving Rhain from an agonising death, Accacia is determined to find her missing friend Clover and rescue her from the mysterious Fae. With the assistance of her vampire knights, the group head into the forbidden forest of Ever Vale and into a world of mystery and magic.Drawn deeper into the depths of the wood, Accacia learns what it is to have courage, to fight for the ones you love and to know when to let them go.

It’s an easy read and an easy to follow story. I did prefer the 1st book to this one I’m hoping they pick up a little. I’m glad we finally get Ezra to stop being all moody and self involved. Devin had to be my favourite and he’s just gone dark so the next book should be better for me.