BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated Shatter Me in Books
Jun 25, 2019

Becs (244 KP) rated Waking The Watcher in Books
Oct 2, 2019
I got such Twilight Vibes while reading, but in a major adult way i.e. the erotic scenes. But the thing about this novel, is that it really isn’t erotic. It’s on the verge of being an erotic novel, but still is hanging onto it’s PG-13 romance roots. That could just be me also.
I loved how creative the author was with this story. Vampires unable to do the deed unless they have a Watcher inside of them lying dormant. And if that Watcher senses his mate, he goes crazy with control and trys to impregnate her. I was always fighting with who I actually shipped, but I will always be a Galen fan. That rugged sexy accent is all I need. 😋😘
“Galen, you have to let her go. You’re killing her.”

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Awix (3310 KP) rated Enter the Dragon (1973) in Movies
May 6, 2020
You do sense the American producers didn't quite understand what they were dealing with in Lee, for it's obvious he had a range and charisma far beyond what's required here. He's also partnered with John Saxon, who's an able leading man but really supernumerary (Saxon may have been a black belt in real life but his fight scenes have a whiff of dressage about them). Sleazy to the point of tackiness in places, and not much more than a live-action comic book, but tremendous action and some iconic sequences (the fight in the mirror-maze, for instance). Terrific entertainment if you're in the right mood.

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