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Mothergamer (1549 KP) rated the PC version of Dead Island in Video Games

Apr 3, 2019  
Dead Island
Dead Island
2011 | Action/Adventure
I really wanted to love Dead Island. After seeing many fantastic pictures and reading up about the game months before it came out, I was excited. Friends and family know I am very much a zombie fan. Ever since that Halloween night when I was 12, and watched Romero's Night Of The Living Dead, I have genuinely enjoyed all forms of zombie multimedia. Some of it has been great, some of it filled with schlock, and some of it just plain fun. So I was excited about Dead Island and had high hopes for it. Some of my expectations were met, but others not so much. This included the discovery that the game is in the first person view (I have issues with vertigo and first person view games), but I found that I could play the game for short periods of time because the camera did not bounce around the way it does for so many other first person games I've experienced. There are good things about this game, but there are bad things as well.

Welcome To Paradise!

 You start the game with the setting of what appears to be a tropical island paradise, Banoi. However, if you look closer, you'll notice the blood on the walls, in the sand, and in the swimming pools. Look even closer, and you'll see the zombies munching on corpses. Dead Island while appearing to be a first person shooter, is more than that. Sure there is shooting in it, but there are also a myriad of other weapons such as oars, cars, and molotov cocktails. Dead Island is more of a schlock filled action role playing game that plays heavily on grisly melee combat. The resort is not the only place you explore. You can go even further inland into city and jungle settings, while doing favors for survivors on the island. The maps are excellent and there is even a handy shortcut function, where you can click on the map and go back to a previous location without having to run through a zombie horde. There are also plenty of weapons that you can improvise, making them quite deadly to the zombie menace. The four player online co-op is pretty good and gives you a chance to survive a zombie horde fight for the more difficult quests.

Just a girl and her axe, waiting for some zombies.

The majority of your time on Banoi is spent exploring and foraging for items for weapons and supplies. In co-op mode, this can work very well with a couple of people fighting off the zombies, while the others get things like fuel for the vehicles. You can also have fun with the leveling grind, running zombies over with various automobiles and watch the points tally up. You can easily put twenty hours into this game with all the questing, exploring, and zombie slaying and it is fun trying all the different melee choices out. My personal favorite was driving a big truck and running zombies over.

Hungry Tourists.
Now we get to the bad. While there are only a few minor flaws with the game, it definitely made a difference in the game play and the story. Now I'm not saying for a fun schlock zombie game I need a gripping emotional story, but the story must be good. Dead Island gives you a very threadbare story and the characters backgrounds are rather weakly written. This is a reflection on the writers. They could have written the characters better and fleshed out the story more, but they chose to do it this way although I am not sure why. The voice acting is also not great, with monotone emotionless voices. Do the characters even care that they could get eaten by zombies? I get the impression that they don't with that flat tone in their voice acting. Clunky controls and awkward combat can make you frustrated. It can be off putting when you're fighting off a wave of zombies and trying to make the camera turn the way you want it to so you can at least see what you're fighting. The game would also benefit from a better block and dodge option during combat. The quality of the visuals isn't even. The environmental graphics on the resort are great and the jungle environments as well, but the character and npc animation is poor and as you progress towards the end of the game it comes across as the bare minimum at best.
 The last issue I have with Dead Island is the lack of regard for the solo player. There isn't an offline co-op option so you can play with friends you have over. It's as if they didn't even consider the possibility that people would want to play offline with friends and only have the online option. While I appreciate their reliable system for online play, I still would have liked the option to play offline with others if I chose.
 Overall, Dead Island is a good game, but not a perfect one. It had a lot of potential, but the execution of those ideas was severely lacking. You're better off just waiting for it to go on sale really cheap or just rent it.
The Green Hornet (2011)
The Green Hornet (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
5.5 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Green Hornet has appeared in books, a television series, and perhaps in its most famous form, as a radio series. Adapting a superhero to the big screen is not without its share of challenges. For every Batman and Spiderman that sets box office records there are several that fail miserably, such as Daredevil, Elektra, The Phantom, The Shadow, and the first Hulk movie.

When it was first announced that Seth Rogen would star as the title character many people were first skeptical that a chubby comedian would be able to pull off the part. While the Green Hornet is not as iconic as Batman, the casting did bring to mind the controversy of casting Michael Keaton as the Dark Knight for Tim Burton’s take on the Caped Crusader.

Further complicating matters were the delays and in the announcement that the film would be converted to 3-D in postproduction even though it was shot in 2-D. When the film failed to meet its anticipated holiday debut there were those that had wondered if the film would fail to meet even modest expectations as January certainly isn’t the time of year that action films, especially those based on a superhero, are released.

Thankfully the film is an extremely pleasant surprise that deftly mixes comedy and action with smart pacing in a winning formula. The film tells the story of Britt Reid (Rogen), the son of a wealthy newspaper owner who, despite his best efforts, always disappoints his father who never runs out of ways to criticize his only child. Britt, to his father’s dismay, has no ambition in his life and is content to live in the guesthouse of his father’s mansion, womanizing and embracing the party scene.

When his father dies unexpectedly, Britt is forced to take control of the newspaper, a job for which he is woefully unqualified. It is at this time that Britt meets Kato (Jay Chou), his father’s long-time employee, responsible for taking care of the elder Reid’s very impressive fleet of cars.

One evening in an act of rebellion against the benevolent image of his father, Britt and Kato intervene to stop a crime. Motivated by their success and by Kato’s amazing ability to invent technology and modify vehicles, as well as his superb martial arts abilities, the duo set out to make a name for themselves by taking on the city’s criminal element.

While it first appears that Britt sees this as just some grand adventure, he soon becomes dedicated to the cause and sets upon a path to use his newspaper to play up his newly created hero. The plan is to make the Green Hornet appear to be a bad guy when in reality he is fighting to end crime. The convoluted idea has some initial success despite Britt’s lack of fighting ability. Britt and Kato soon begin to make a name for themselves in the local underworld as well is dominate the media.

At this time a young assistant named Lenora case (Cameron Diaz), comes to work for Britt. Britt and Kato are both captivated by Lenora and use her knowledge of criminal psychology to detail their plan of action for their alter egos. While Britt and Kato are buoyed by their initial success they soon find themselves under the scrutiny of the local crime boss Chudnofsky (Christopher Waltz), an insecure criminal who believes people don’t think he is scary enough or stylish enough.
Finding them an annoyance, Chudnofsky decides to wage all-out war on the Green Hornet and Kato and will rest at nothing to see them dead. As if this was not bad enough, Britt and Kato find themselves in a jealous rivalry over Lenora as well as their roles. Britt sees himself as the real hero and Kato as merely his sidekick. Kato naturally takes umbrage with this being not only the one who develops all of their gadgets, including the awesome black beauty equipped with bulletproof glass, machine guns, rocket launcher and a flamethrower, but also the one with the amazing fighting skills.

What follows is a hilarious and action packed film that is one of the most satisfying action-buddy-comedies ever made. Rogen is in his element cleverly playing Britt as an everyman who, despite having all the advantages of wealth, is still very much a kid playing superhero who has to learn about the important things in life .

The action sequences are fresh and entertaining and both Rogen and Chao pull off their roles very convincingly. While the plot is not overly complex it serves its point and propels the characters along without getting bogged down or becoming too ridiculous. Director Michel Gondry keeps the film moving at a steady pace without overstaying its welcome and does not allow the action to overtake the characters.

The supporting cast is very strong and the only real issue I had with the film was the converted 3-D that was totally unnecessary and did little to enhance the film. Very few sequence appeared to benefit from it. That being said I had a fantastic time at this film and I surely hope that we’ll be seeing other films in the series in the not too distant future.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Grim Company in Books

Sep 27, 2017  
The Grim Company
The Grim Company
Luke Scull | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once I got into the swing of the book (it chops and changes between different characters each chapter) I started to really enjoy it. I like being thrown into a world without having a long made-up history lesson first and getting straight into the action.
I liked the setting for this book: numerous city states ruled by magelords who are constantly battling each other.
We join the action just as one magelord overcomes another (from a distance), but in the aftermath a third looks to capitalise on the weakened victor's defences.
I like how nobody was really the good guy here, everyone was pretty sure they would be fighting for an evil overlord against someone who would likely be just as evil. Citizens were unwilling to fight for their own magelord because their own lives couldn't possibly get any worse.
As is common in more modern, "grimdark" fantasy, none of the characters are the flawless hero of old, all have their own failings and foibles, whether it be drug abuse, being useless, being a psychopath or just generally nasty. All except Brodar Kayne, who for me was somewhat reminiscent of Logen Ninefingers from Joe Abercrombie's First Law series. He is an aging warrior who is no longer welcome in the savage North and is looking for a new life in the baffling, more civilised South.
I found the story and characters somewhat similar to Joe Abercrombie's in other areas, but the writing style was very different, flowing much more smoothly I would say. And this is not to suggest in any way it is a rip-off of the First Law series, only that some of the characters and certain aspects of the plot bore a similarity.
Altogether a thoroughly enjoyable read with a well designed world and great characters.
My Guardian Vampire (The Guardians #1)
My Guardian Vampire (The Guardians #1)
Roxy Wilson | 2015 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Guardian Vampire (The Guardians #1) by Roxy Wilson
My Guardian Vampire is the first part of a five-part serial, but it does come to a (sort of) conclusion to this part of the story. We start with Lacey living her normal life when she is saved from an attempted mugging. However hazy her memory may be, she is sure that the mugger just wanted to kill her, rather than take her purse. She is saved by Aric, who unbeknown to her has looked after her all her life. Aric is also a vampire, fighting the mysterious big bad with a team by his side. However, they come second when Lacey is in trouble for the second time in the same night. A fire starts in her apartment and she suffers smoke inhalation. She is inserted (somewhat involuntarily!) into Aric's world, and becomes more than even he realised.

This IS the first part so expect there to be some holes, that I am hoping will be filled with the next instalments. Aric and Lacey suffer from miscommunication in a BIG way, but I am hopeful that they will settle into a more communicative relationship. They have all the positives, but quite a lot of negatives too, that I am hoping they will work through. I am also interested in the other team members so I also hope that they will feature in their own stories during this serial.

All in all, this was an enjoyable book that was a quick read. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. It will be interesting to see where this story goes.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
2014 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Strategy
New form of strategic fighting (2 more)
Very cool female protagonist
Plot held interest
Felt short (1 more)
Wished there was more to explore
Intriguing mystery with enjoyable gameplay
This game was a thrill. I bought it during a Steam sale, but it's definitely worth full price if you're wondering.

The story was the perfect amount of ambiguous, but still easy to comprehend. The vague terms refer more to concepts than specifics. Like the Process, for instance, which is what the enemies you fight are called. There is never really an explanation given as to why the Process exists (though I am replaying it right now to try and see if I missed any reading material that might shed light on that), but the goal of takeover is clear.

Red is such an interesting character too. Without a voice, she uses the mysterious Transistor weapon to fight off the Process. Along with her vocals, an unknown man is also inside the Transistor and he helps her through the adventure.

The gameplay was really different from anything I've played before. There is a strategic element where you have to plan your attacks out ahead of time, choosing which attacks to use and which enemies to hit. It becomes increasingly difficult, and you really have to be paying attention to get it right.

In terms of replaying the game, the likelihood is high. This is because you can choose to continue playing the game with the same levels you had at your last completion. Each replay is even more difficult than before, which can be fun.

All in all, I highly recommend this wonderful, beautiful game to anyone looking for a quick (first play through took less than eight hours for me) and entertaining time.
Mass Hysteria
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen on <a href=""; target="new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>.

Wow. Okay, I honestly felt I should have received some sort of warning before I opened this book! That aside, once I swallowed the surprise I received and accepted the book for what it is, I actually enjoyed several it. Mass Hysteria by Michael Patrick Hicks approaches the days after the apocalypse with a complete overhaul of social hierarchy in the most gruesome of ways.

In the wake of a meteor falling and bringing with it a virus appearing as an airborne variety of rabies (which is a much appreciated change from nuclear disaster and zombie outbreaks), several members of a small community in Michigan quickly find themselves fighting for their lives. Hicks’s gorefest begins shortly after and readers quickly discover that this is a writer that doesn’t hold back – my kind of man, honestly.

One of the things that strike me as most disturbing and simultaneously teasing of Hicks’s work is the sheer fact that he introduces us to several characters in intimate ways. Readers are given just enough of a taste of the good guys, too much of the bad, and justice? Well, there sure isn’t enough of that after the world’s ended.

I cannot stress enough how graphic this book is, just as I cannot think of any words devoid of spoilers to prepare readers for what the journey they might embark on when they open Mass Hysteria‘s pages. What I can say is this: under all the horrific elements that bury this book, Hicks explores the most depraved of all: human nature at its worst.

I gladly look forward to reading more of this author’s work. A special thanks to NetGalley and High Fever Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Dark Prophecy: A Box Set
Dark Prophecy: A Box Set
Kris Norris | 2019 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark Prophecy Box Set by Kris Norris
The Dark Prophecy Box Set contains the three stories of the Dark Prophecy series. In it, we meet Rafe, Gabe, Mathias, and Gideon. All vampires, all charged with keeping a talisman safe... once they find it. Rafe is the first one, and he finds his talisman around the neck of Terryn. He is followed by Gabe and Mathias, and finally Gideon. Now, as you can imagine, all stories are similar in some respects, and yet different in others - which is very good when you are reading a box set. Terryn, Riley, and Genevieve are the three sassy heroines who keep our boys in check. They know nothing about the paranormal world, until they find out about their necklaces.

These books were just what I needed, and came at exactly the right time. There was enough story there to keep me involved, and yet it never went into too much detail that I felt I was drowning. There is enough steam to fill a bathroom, with a big dollop of insta-love that somehow seems to work! There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the world-building was more than enough for these storylines. I am still left wanting more, which is such a good thing after reading three books back to back. I really hope to hear more from/about Sirus as he was a character that constantly intrigued me.

If you are looking for hot and steamy action, coupled with plenty of sass, and fighting the bad guys, then I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Red (Dead World, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After being utterly disappointed by the Servant Series written by L.L. Foster, I was so hesitant to this series that I completely forgot about it until I was recently cleaning out my shelves. It was a spur of the moment decision to read it instead of just giving it away: I couldn’t put the book down.

At first, I cringed when it came off as another paranormal romance where the lead female, Red, is strong and independent to the point of annoyance. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. The beginning does show her to be quite capable of taking care of herself, but Summers does not make her a one woman army. Summers also gives Red very human female emotions. Red does not close herself off from the world and her emotions, she gets scared, angry, sexually frustrated, all without fighting said emotions. It was so refreshing, I almost cried.

Not only that but Morgan, the lead male protagonist, was not so overbearingly male that it hurt. Yes, he did try to take control of investigation, only so Red would not figure his big secret out. That was completely believable, as was his alpha male attitude that did not completely run his life. I liked that Summers did not make Morgan the be all the end all male that most male protagonists usually are. She made his cousin Kane, more attractive, but Red still feel for Morgan, another scenario so rare to paranormal romance.

The only issue I had with this novel is that it is placed in the near future with great advancements in technology. While I enjoyed the world that Summers created, it was sometime hard to follow or understand the technology and government. I gathered enough that it did not hinder the enjoyment of the story.
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an interesting re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland. In Alice in Zombieland, Alice Bell's life has always been curtailed by her father's insistence that monsters exist. The family cannot leave the house after dark, she's been taught how to fight hand-to-hand and with a couple of weapons, and they never - NEVER - drive past the graveyard. All of this changes in one night - when Alice "falls down the rabbit hole" as it were - and discovers her father wasn't insane after all.

Now, living with her grandparents, haunted by visions of her little sister and glimpses of monsters in the dark, Alice - or Ali, as she insists on being called - finds herself being called on to fight the monsters alongside the roughest crowd in her high school. Falling in love with the leader of the bad boys doesn't help her social life, but might help her stay alive.

I enjoyed this book and will probably pick up the sequel, Through the Zombie Glass, if I can find it at the library. The writing flowed well most of the time, and while Alice began a little whiny, by the end of the book she was pretty bad ass. It felt.... a little more "young adult" than some young adult books I've read; the emotions seemed detached or damped down a bit. While she was dealing with grief over the loss of her family, and possible death at the hands of zombies, it just didn't feel as raw as I think those emotions should have felt. And the notion of a bunch of high school kids fighting zombies - with the support of adults, including the high school principal - was a little weird. Still an interesting book, and not a waste of time, but it felt a lot like "teenagers are special snowflakes!"

You can find all my reviews at
This Adventure Ends
This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Adventure Ends started off by speaking to my little sarcastic, witty heart and introducing us to a funny, female character. It’s crazy, but yes girls can be funny. The humorous person in your novel does not have to be a guy. It is your classic high school story where a new girl moves to town and makes friends – but of course, the friends all have drama and secrets.
Sloane is also a singer and loves to read, so basically, this is starting to sound like my life. I joke, sort of, but she is a relatively normal, relatable high school girl. It really made me miss taking voice lessons even though they’re not expressly featured in the book. A lot of the events are more just telling the reader that it happened, than showing them what happened.
I’m sure most readers can relate to this line in the book:
“He looks at me for a moment and then says, ‘Maybe I’ll just watch the movie.’
‘Those are fighting words,’ I say.”
It just speaks to how relatable the author makes the book, from fanfics and fandom to high school sports and friends. This book gives you feels and might even cause a tear of joy. All of the effort that Sloane goes through, the love that Vera and Gabe have for their mother, just comes together in one poignant moment and it’s beautiful.
The friendships are authentic, from their ups and downs to the simple fun they have together. The characters are likable and relatable – and although there’s some typical, adorable teen romantic cuteness, it fits in the story and I approve.
Recommended to teen/young adult readers who enjoy cheery contemporary novels about family, friendship and high school.