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Daddy's Home (2015)
Daddy's Home (2015)
2015 | Comedy
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The chemistry between Ferrell and Wahlberg is great and you can just imagine they had great fun filming this film. I like both actors a lot and found the film amusing. Good, clean family fun.
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Sylvester Stallone (1 more)
Dave baustista
No Arnie (0 more)
It's okay movie prefer the first film missing one thing from the first film no Arnold Schwarzenegger nothing against Dave baustista but he's no Arnie plus needed more Stallone
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy
Characters (0 more)
The movie pans Labyrinth was a fun film for me yes I do like reading subs well watching . I just found it soo mystical and intriguing . Was a good film not great but good
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Good casting (1 more)
The cat (flerken)
Origin story (0 more)
Ok marvel film
Entertaining enough marvel film the casting is good and has some funny moments, however like all origin movies they can feel a little dragged out.
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Ant-Man may not be the best MCU film, but it has a lot of heart. It has a simple story, a loveable main character, and a fun plot. I really enjoy watching this film!

David McK (3505 KP) created a poll

May 3, 2020 (Updated May 13, 2020)  
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is...

the best film in the entire Skywalker saga

0 votes

the worst film in the entire Skywalker saga
Not the best, but also not the worst in the entire Skywalker saga
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Before going to see this film there was a lot of speculation about it not being a great film, mostly because spiderman does not feature.

However, I was very pleased with the outcome of this film. I went in with an open mind and remained hooked throughout. I loved the origin story of both the symbiote and Eddie Brock, and by the way, Tom Hardy played the role to perfection.

There was plenty of light humour through the film which was unexpected. This helped bring the film together and created a good example of how a little bit of humour goes a long way in pleasing an audience.

I am eager to see the next installment of venom as the ending, as with almost every marvel film, left me wanting more and hanging on the edge of my seat.

I would highly recommend this film, and it is really worth a watch.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated I, Tonya (2017) in Movies

Dec 30, 2018  
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
Great performances
I missed out on watching this when it was out at the cinema and I’m really disappointed I did, especially as it is actually quite good.

I didn’t know anything about true story about Tonya Harding, so for me this film was a real eye opener. It’s a fascinating story and the film features some great performances from both Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan. However it’s Alison Janney that steals the entire film as the mother from hell, she’s horrible yet absolutely hilarious too. The way this film unfolds using a documentary style storytelling really works and makes for such an entertaining film. The film drags a little during certain parts, and it’s a little ambiguous as to whether you should feel truly sorry for Tonya or not, especially with the conflicting stories between her and Jeff. But it’s the brilliant cast and the unique story telling theta really make this film worth watching.

Andy K (10823 KP) Dec 30, 2018

I liked this film a lot!