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Dean (6921 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies

Oct 26, 2018  
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Plenty of homage to the original (1 more)
A few genre flipsides
Not gory (0 more)
More treat than trick
This definitely plays tribute to the original in many ways. With certain scenes, settings and especially the music. These are nice touches and definitely tie it in as a new direct sequel to the original.
I was surprised a lot of the kills weren't that gory and quite often not on screen. Often leaving the horror for your mind to image. Overall a good film although the ending felt a bit abrupt, but I liked the little details put in.

Dean (6921 KP) Oct 29, 2018

By today's standards only one was gory. That's another way in which it's similar to the first.

Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
Original cast members (1 more)
Cool cars
Back on track
At last the majority of the original cast are back for a true sequel. It's great how some of the film relates back to what happened in the first and some of the locations are still the same. I heard mixed reviews of this but I thought it was great and the 2nd best in the series now after the first. Even Han from Tokyo drift makes a brief appearance at the start to tie things in a bit. There is plenty of action and cool cars and a great street race scene thats better than the 1/4 mile race of the first. There are rumours there could be a couple more yet, if they get the cast to stay together and a good story it could make for an even better film.
Antebellum (2020)
Antebellum (2020)
2020 | Thriller
Janelle Monáe stars as Eden who at the start of the new film “Antebellum” is brought back to a Southern Plantation against her will by Union Soldiers. The consequences of her escape attempt are brutally taken out against two others as the rest of the plantation looks on in submissive silence.

Weeks later more slaves arrive and are given the rules by the brutal Overseer who demands silence and utter obedience at all times.

The slaves are made to work the fields and serve the plantation including the women being assigned to whichever soldier desires them.

Their plight grabs you from the start in its brutality as they have no rights, live in fear daily, and are subject to whatever whims those in charge desire and they are required to obey and suffer in silence.

One night after the General falls asleep after having his way with her; Eden awakens to a different reality. One set in the modern day where she is a wife, mother, and very successful author and activist. The film follows her life in the modern world before springing the twist which makes doing an in-depth review difficult without spoiling things. While I was able to predict the twist coming; it was still effective and chilling in how it was carried out.

The film does get a bit lax in the final act as it relies on too many Hollywood clichés which while highly entertaining for me undermined the messages of the film and the situation.

Gerard Bush and Christopher Rend both wrote and directed the film and there are some powerful and highly gripping moments to the film but it grabs you from the start and is compelling and deeply disturbing.

The cast is very strong and the film is unforgettable. My biggest issue with the film was the final act as I alluded to prior. The film tries to tie things up a bit too neatly yet fails to adequately explain key aspects of the story. The audience is given some information and forced to fill in the gaps for themselves which in many ways makes the film even more disturbing.

In the time of deep division in our country it is very upsetting to see how little has changed for many who do not see equality and justice applied equally and still live day to day with fear and uncertainty.

“Antebellum” is the rare film that entertains, informs, and makes you think and will remain with you after the movie ends.

4 stars out of 5
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
2010 | Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
They just get worse
I’ve always hated what they did to the Saw films. The first one was fantastic, the second one quite good and then the rest have gone downhill at an alarming rate.

This ‘final chapter’, which actually isn’t as they’ve started making Jigsaw films now, is the worst of the bunch. Not only are the traps actually quite dull and boring (they obviously outdid themselves with the traps in the first film), the special effects and gore look really bad too. Did nobody notice that the blood didn’t look even slightly real? In some scenes it was verging on fuschia. The plot itself is just convoluted as always and they’ve been trying to tie up loose ends with little success. They should’ve just left the original as a stand alone film instead of messing it up with all of Jigsaw’s accomplices in these 6 sequels. And the final twist reveal at the end? Come on, I predicted that from the second film onwards, and I’m sure many other people did too. Such a lame ending.

Christine A. (965 KP) Dec 22, 2018

Was it SciFi original bad?


Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 22, 2018

I actually think it’s worse!

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Emotional and incredibly satisfying
I’ll start my review off by saying that apart from a very short teaser trailer, I have seen no trailers or read any articles about this film. And for me this really helps with my overall enjoyment of a film, especially with one as highly anticipated as this!

I’m going to struggle to say too much about this film without giving away any spoilers, but what I will say is that it is a truly intense experience. It manages to seamlessly tie up some of the loose ends from previous Marvel films in a matter of a few scenes and minutes, and also move the surviving characters on effortlessly from where we last saw them in Infinity War. This film does not play out the way I expected it to (in a good way) especially during the first third, but this could’ve been because I’ve refused to read any theories beforehand. But this for me made it even more enjoyable and I think the way this played out was rather nostalgic and heartwarming in a way. I spent most of this film torn between a mixture of emotions: on the edge of my seat suspense, confusion and sheer wtf moments, and yes I even shed a tear or two. I’ve never felt so gripped and invested before in a film I’ve seen at the cinema, especially one that’s on for over three hours. My only criticism (which explains why it isn’t a 10) is that some of the characters are underused or go missing with not very satisfactory explanations, and while I appreciate that this is a big film with lots of characters, it doesn’t do as much justice to them as Infinity War did. Despite this though, it is an incredibly enjoyable film with a very emotional and satisfying ending.

And this isn’t a spoiler, but don’t bother waiting after the film. There aren’t any post credits scenes.

Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) Apr 25, 2019

I did stay to the end whoops but I liked it to

Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
2015 | Horror
Some very creepy moments (0 more)
No attempt to explain the background of ... anyone really (1 more)
No Rose Byrne
"Chapter 3" is a prequel to the first 2 Insidious films and follows a young girl, Quinn attempting to contact her dead mother, who eventually calls in the help of Elise Rainier (a former psychic who since her husband passed away has become a weird cat lady, played by the weird dog lady from There's Something About Mary), a key character of the first 2 films.
Quinn thinks her mother is attempting to respond to her and wants help breaking through, but after she is hit by a car, breaking both legs, she starts to realise it isn't her mother trying to contact her.
The demon in the film clearly has a backstory (tar footprints, breathing apparatus in his mouth, hospital gown) but there is no attempt to explain this at all. One of the best bits of the second film was the exposition of the demon haunting Josh his whole life and what he had been in life. That is completely absent here. Fan theories abound on the internet but these all seem like nonsense and clutching at straws.
This in itself is a half-decent horror film, there is enough atmosphere and the acting is (in places) decent, but for me was quite a disappointment based on the first film (and to a lesser extent the second chapter). It just be me being grumpy having paid for this film (despite having Sky Cinema, Netflix and Amazon Prime) and didn't feel like I got my £3.49 worth, but I felt a little disappointed at the end.
There was an annoying little teaser at the end of the film where the main demon from the first film appears. This was a bit "Prometheus" as it kind of felt like a prequel but didn't really make sense, and Elise seeing this demon should have meant she was expecting it in the first movie, which didn't quite sit right.
There was a similar teaser at the end of the second film which bore no relation to this film, so plenty of pressure on 2018's conclusion to tie up the loose ends!
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
2003 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
2003 was billed as the year of the Matrix, with this film, the Animatrix manga, the computer game 'Enter the Matrix' and The Matrix Revolutions all released within the span of that single year.

Most of which, nearly 20 years later, have largely been forgotten, with 'the Matrix sequels' almost becoming a by word for disappointing sequels.

Re-watching this back, it's actually not all bad: yes, there is an element of truth in the charge that this mid entry is over pretentious - especially in The Architect scenes - and that Niobe/Ghost scenes largely exist only to tie into the computer games - but there is also plenty to enjoy here - this is the film that has the 'burly brawl', the Merovingian chateau fight scene, the freeway chase and Neo going full-on Superman!

(And, yes, I used to think that, at the end, they were still in The Matrix, until Revolutions came out)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, Music
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Strong Central Performance...The Rest Of The Film Is A Scattered Mess
Lee Daniels is a passionate filmmaker and his passion for bringing the story of Billie Holiday to the screen as the embodiment of the African American struggle against White Officials who are trying to mute her is evident in every frame of THE UNITED STATES VS. BILLIE HOLIDAY.

Unfortunately, he tries to do so much with this film, that he accomplishes very little.

Let’s start with what works in this film: the TERRIFIC performance of Andra Day as the titular character. Day embodies the troubled artist strongly and she does all of the singing of this world renowned performer. It is a superb performance and she rightfully deserves her Oscar nomination.

What doesn’t work? Pretty much the rest of the film.

Daniels has so much material to work with - and a terrific actress at the center of it - that he tried to cram EVERYTHING into this film, consequently, the film is scattered and doesn’t know what it wants to be.

Is it a biopic? A look at an artist who overcame a horrific childhood? A look at an artist that is battling demons? A look at an artist that has toxic relationships with men? Or…is it about the United States Government trying to suppress free speech in order to keep the African American from rising up in the 1950’s?

The answer is…it is all of that…and none of that. Just when you think the film has it’s footing in one direction, it pivots in another and rarely gets back to tie off the other.

For example, look at the title of the film - THE UNITED STATES VS. BILLIE HOLIDAY. So, it must be about the United States (in this instance, the Federal Drug Agents) trying to bring Billie Holiday to justice. And…at the beginning it IS about that…namely in the guise of stopping her from singing STRANGE FRUIT and trying to frame her for her drug use. So…you would think that the film will, eventually, get Holiday on stage to sing a triumphant FULL version of Strange Fruit.

You would think that, wouldn’t you.

Now…to be fair to Daniels and this film, there is about a 15 minute portion of this film in the middle that shows Holiday’s heartbreaking childhood, followed by a haunting song sung by Day. It is a very effective portion of the film, and that (and Day’s performance) are worth wading through the “highlights and lowlights” of Holiday’s life that is the rest of this film.

I have not seen the lauded 1972 LADY SINGS THE BLUES that is a more straightforward Bio-pic of the singer (starring Diana Ross), after watching this film, I think I will.

Letter Grade: B- (because of Day’s performance and that 15 minute segment)

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Bohemian Rhapsody - The Soundtrack by Queen
Bohemian Rhapsody - The Soundtrack by Queen
2018 | Rock, Soundtrack
Freddie Freaking Mercury (2 more)
Live Tracks
Excellent Audio Quality
No dialogue tracks or pre-tracks (1 more)
Doing All Right is very meh
Fantastic Album; Mediocre Soundtrack
Preface: I received a copy through the Smashbomb giveaway contest. That said, I’m not going to hold back...

So, Queen...How could anyone ever go wrong with a Queen album? Ever... Truth is you cannot. This album is fantastic and sits proudly alongside the greatest hits albums I already owned. It’s a great compilation of their best studio tracks alongside some rarely released live tracks including nearly the entire Live Aid set.

But what is lacking, most of all, and what I want in a film soundtrack is something I cannot get anywhere else...dialogue snippets from the film that place the tracks with the film itself. The film was a smash success, earring Rami Malek the Best Actor Oscar and rightly so. However, this album is simply that, a Queen album. We don’t get the Rami/Freddy mixes used in the film, we don’t get the sound bytes that tie a song to a moment in the film. So while it’s an awesome album and one I will rock out with in my car often, it’s not any different than a Queen compilation album tied around the film loosely. It may not be a drawback to you, but to me, it’s not worth calling it a soundtrack. It could just as easily been one of those “songs inspired by the film: Bohemian Rhapsody” instead of Official Soundtrack.

Now all that said, it’s a fantastic compilation album. The live tracks especially, are excellently mixed, and through listening, we are once again reminded why Queen and Mercury himself were so amazing... the live tracks demonstrate that despite his crazy moves on stage, the heat of the lights and all, Queen always sounded great. Unlike many modern bands, their live tracks are nearly identical in quality to the studio versions. Even though I knew this going in, I was still amazed.

And no track demonstrated this fact more than the We Will Rock You (Movie Mix) track that seamlessly blended the studio version into the live version used in the film.

Queen’s sound was and is iconic and unique to this day, and this album highlights why so perfectly. I’m just disappointed that the soundtrack didn’t have more throwback to the film itself.
Cars (2006)
Cars (2006)
2006 | Action, Animation, Comedy
The technical wizards at Pixar are back with a new feature film which continues their domination of the animated film genre.

With the huge success of their films The Incredibles as well as Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc. and the Toy Story films, it would be easy to think that the studio might be at a creative crossroads. When recent news around the industry involved the end of their deal with Disney and subsequent new deal with the company after a period of free agency as well as delays on their new project, some began to wonder what audiences would see if their next outing.

Thankfully Cars continues the amazing run of success for the studio and sets the bar even higher for animated films to follow.

The film follows the exploits of rookie racing car Lightning MC Queen (Owen Wilson), who is the hotshot rookie attempting to be the first rookie in history to win the Piston Cup title.

As Lightening dreams of winning the prize and in doing so, a hefty sponsorship with the big oil company, he decides to ignore the advice of his crew which causes him to end up in a three way tie for the title.

In order to resolve the tie a special race is to be held a week later in California between the three winners. En route, Lightning ignores the advice of his driver Mack (John Ratzenberger), and in a series of mishaps ends up alone in the desolate
town of Radiator Springs. As if this was not enough trouble for Lightning, he is forced by the local judge Doc Hudson (Paul Newman), to perform community service to complete the damage he caused to the road upon his arrival.

Faced with the prospect of losing time needed to get to and prepare for the race, the selfish Lightning does his best to alienate the local townsfolk including the local tow truck Tom Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), who like all the locals do their best to befriend him.

Along the way, Lightning learns the values of friendship, teamwork and community as he attempts to find the true meaning of the term “Winner”.

Graphically the film is amazing as the amount of CGI rendering that went into the film is said to be so extensive, it literally taxed the computers at Pixar to their limits. That is clear as the detail level and complexity of the film is staggering. You fully believe that this world populated entirely by machines exists.

There is a lot of humor in the film as well and more than enough nods that will appeal to older viewers yet may be over the heads of younger viewers.

If I had to find fault in the film, it would be that with a running time of slightly over two hours, it does tend to drag in a few places. My nephew and his friend became restless about 50 minutes into the film which made me think that the running time may be to long for some younger children to sit through and that the film might have been better served by trimming about 30 minutes as there were segments that while visually appealing, did not really need to be there.

That being said, Cars is a true delight and proof that once again, Pixar is the undisputed champion of animated films.