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Abstract Academy
Abstract Academy
2022 | Abstract Strategy, Card Game
There’s just something about a well-thought out and appealing box cover to really get you into it, am I right? Look at that graphic. The negative space used for the A and Y in AcademY is just sublime! Wait, I recognize those names on the box. Didn’t they also design some other games I enjoy? (1 minute later after consulting BGG) IT’S THE TEAM BEHIND TRUFFLE SHUFFLE, POINT SALAD, AND DOLLARS TO DONUTS?? I love those games! Oh, this is going to be good! AND it’s from Crafty Games? Boom. Gotta be a hit, I just know it. But where is all the food?

Abstract Academy is a card laying, hand management, pattern building game for two to four players. In it, players become art school students trying to impress their teachers. The only problem is that they must share a canvas, as the costs of school allow them very few luxuries. The player who can most effectively build masterpieces and satisfy all tested requirements over three rounds will ace the class and claim victory over the other starving artists.

DISCLAIMER 1: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

DISCLAIMER 2: My current temporary housing did not want me to have great lighting for photos in this review. Please try to ignore the yellow tint; I do not enjoy over-editing game photos.

To setup, shuffle each deck type and place the decks on the table. The rulebook does not specify where, so just throw them wherever. This is a game about art, so be creative. Each player draws a hand of three Canvas cards (with the whitish back and colors on the faces). The starting Teacher’s Pet player will then reveal cards according to the round from the respective decks, per the rules and provided reference cards. Each round will reveal different sets of Assignment and Professor cards. Players also draw one Inspiration card and the game is ready to begin! Paintbrushes at the ready!
Turns could not be simpler: Play a Canvas card, and then Draw a Canvas card. Both of these actions are self-explanatory, but let me expound on this a bit. Once the first Canvas card has been played by the current Teacher’s Pet, each subsequent card must be played orthogonally adjacent to another card on the table. To define the size of the entire project’s canvas, players will be confined to a 4 x 4 grid of cards. Once a column (the cards that would lead a path to the opponent) has been completed with four cards, the rows gain special rules. Firstly, the row closest to each player becomes the “Home Row.” Players may only play cards into their own Home Row, unless the only legal place to play a card is in the opponent’s Home Row. Secondly, the Home Row and the row above it is now consider the Scoring Zone, and will dictate which cards are able to be used to satisfy Inspiration, Professor, and Assignment requirements for VP. Therefore, until the 4 x 4 grid has been solidified, players are unaware which cards may end up in their Home Rows or Scoring Zones!

Victory Points are earned by scoring the special requirements of Inspiration, Professor, and Assignment cards once the entire 4 x 4 grid of Canvas cards is complete. Oftentimes players will need to compare scores to determine which player earns the points. For example, the Moret Professor card states that five VP are earned when the player controls the “most color areas with four or more quadrants.” Each Canvas card is divided into four quadrants, and quadrants are colored with one of the primary colors. A “color area” is simply a connected network of the same color within the player’s Scoring Zone. So, to satisfy Professor Moret, the player who controls the most amount of color areas that are four quadrants or larger.

Assignment cards come in Red, Blue, and Yellow, and pertain to those colors. For example, the red “Get to the Point!” Assignment requires the “most red areas with only one quadrant.” So the assignment is asking players to dapple their canvas with unconnected red quadrants.

In stark contrast, the Inspiration card requirements resemble shapes of quadrants, as opposed to colors or numbers of quadrants. Most of the shapes on these cards are reminiscent of Tetris-style shapes, where players will score their Inspiration cards by building the correct shape of connected quadrants of the same color within their Scoring Zone.

Once these cards are all scored for the round, the Teacher’s Pet sets up for the next round per the rulebook/reference cards. The subsequent rounds will require alternate decks to reveal cards, or choice of decks. When the third and final round has been scored, the points are tallied and the victor is crowned! With a construction paper and macaroni crown, most likely. They ARE starving artists, after all.
Components. This game is a double-card-deck box with 90+ cards and a rulebook. The cards are great quality, but the true hero here is, and appropriately so, the artwork. Every card is very stylish, the Professors are all nods to real artists (well, except maybe not the promo), and it has just a really great look overall. While being played, it just has an amazing table presence. I like that a lot.

I struggled with assigning a score to this one for a few reasons. First, I like so much about this game, and I dislike a few things. I very much enjoy having so many ways to score points each round, as it keeps my mind busy with trying to put the puzzle together. The monkey wrench, though, is that when you start a round, you play cards that may not even end up in your Scoring Zone. As your hand is always three cards, it is difficult to really plan too far in advance to create a perfect Scoring Zone. Is that a bad thing? Maybe, but I think it is also quite necessary to add a little chaos to this specific game. I will explain what I mean in a bit. Perhaps a few points docked for that.

Playing Canvas cards effectively is absolutely the crux of this game, because if a pattern or shape is being built to your benefit, your opponent can easily (and definitely accidentally) ruin your best laid plans with an ill-placed card to wonkify the grid. I think that is both delicious and very very frustrating. You know what? I will decide to give a few points back for this.

The ability for the Teacher’s Pet, a title that can be passed to the other player throughout the game, to choose which two of the three Assignment decks to reveal during Round 3 just adds to the replayability factor of Abstract Academy. True, there are only five cards in each Assignments deck, and there are mathematical or statistical formulae that can calculate the exact number of possible different unique games, the ever-changing grid of cards is what makes this nearly infinitely replayable. Okay, more points earned here.

I guess I judged too harshly, and my true rating is a little lower than perhaps this little game deserves. I absolutely know that I will be playing this a whole lot more – with gamers of all ages and weight preferences. It is easy to teach, keeps the brain engaged throughout, and forces players to step back and truly appreciate that which they have equally built together. I can completely foresee my score for Abstract Academy increasing with more and more plays, so please do not regard a 4 / 6 from Purple Phoenix Games as an absolute and inflexible score.

If you are a gamer who enjoys just a little chaos added to their careful planning, light and quick card games that pack more punch than expected, and some truly awesome table presence, then you most certainly need to grab a copy of Abstract Academy. I am soon to be culling my collection and curating it to only include games I thoroughly enjoy. I have a feeling Abstract Academy is going to make the cut. It checks off so many boxes for me and how I game, and I cannot wait to introduce my kiddos to it when they can grasp the concepts.

LilyLovesIndie (123 KP) rated Honour in Books

Nov 5, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review was originally carried out as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie and can be seen here

This stunning collection of short stories has got to be one of my favourite items on my kindle. When I read these I experienced such a depth of emotion and they moved me so much that I had to keep putting it down to get tissues and mop up the mess that I became. This, by far, is Feeney's greatest work to date. She elicits such a wonderful amount of emotion from you, and this is all the more remarkable when you consider that some of the stories are just a few thousand words long. In order to do each story the justice they truly deserve, I am going to briefly review each book before summing up my main ideas. So if you're sitting comfortably, I'll begin....


A young woman at a graveside, the rain falling down, already the emotions are running high, and this is just the first paragraph of the story, yet I'm hooked. Throughout the whole of this story Feeney leads you in a direction, letting your imagination fill the gaps, but then at the last minute she deals her hand and tells you exactly what is going on, and boy did it knock me for six! I was most definitely not expecting that turn of events, but strangely, it totally fitted. Apologies for the vagueness, but I don't want to spoil it for you as this is one of the key features of this story.


Just as the title suggests, this story deals with a deserter, the officer who tries to cover it up and his family dealing with his actions at home. I know what you're thinking, there's enough material there to write a whole book! But Feeney writes this superbly, capturing the emotions of all the key characters in just a few short chapters. Jack's dilemma, and the reasoning behind his desertion, are both incredibly touching and very sensitively written. As someone who can't even begin to comprehend what horrors soldiers must see every day, I really feel like Feeney gave us a glimpse into a tortured mind, a soul that was broken and in need of so much healing that just simply wasn't available. She also deals fantastically with the stigma attached to deserting in a very delicate and sensitive manner, highlighting the other side of the story incredibly well.

Silence is Deafening

I've read and re-read this story so many times, but it still kills me every time! It's so emotionally written, charged with sadness and a sense of duty, a sense of honour. Strangely, I engaged more with Evelyn as I found myself imagining what her emotions would be when she wakes up and reads Joseph's letter. I could feel the ties that bound them together being strained and pulled, the pain they must have felt. It was just so well written the intensity of their love was completely real, it charged the room around my and stole my breath. But what I loved most about this story is that there was hope at the end. He might have survived, he might have come back. The tiniest glimmer was there, and it captured my imagination and sent seeds of thought rooting deep in my head. It's not a story you'll forget in a hurry, but in the best possible way!

Letters to No One

This is perhaps my favourite military based story I've ever written, but for me it is head and shoulders above the others in this collection. I could talk for hours about why I loved this story so much, but I'll try and summarise it and not spoil anything. The strongest feature of this particular story is it's wonderful believability and 'normal' way of approaching what is, to non-military families at least, a very abnormal situation. The letters are funny, yet very much full of a sadness at the separation and need to see each other one more time. Jonno is a great character, and although he doesn't feature much directly, it's the indirect references to him in his families letters which really bring him to life. Little Michael is totally adorable, and his letter is perhaps my favourite purely for the innocence only a child can have. The whole story touched me more than any other in this collection, eliciting full on body shaking sobs and I can only conclude that it is because it is a. wonderfully written and b. incredibly realistic. As much as I hate to admit it, this has probably happened to countless families out there, and that immense sadness just crushed me and opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at things.

Night Terrors

Initially, I found this quite difficult to get into, it's the one story in the collection I wasn't over keen on as I read through. However, it's a bit of a 'grower' and, like 'Silence is Deafening', it planted hundreds of little seeds of thought in my brain and when given time to develop they just grew and grew until they were out of control. Dealing with what is essentially PTSD, and how it affects not only the sufferer but also their family, 'Night Terrors' has so much it can teach the reader. We all think nothing of our 'normal' lives, but this was another story that really opened my eyes to the troubles being in the military can cause. Carl's dad clearly struggled for years, never feeling he could discuss him experiences and so they literally terrorised his dreams. It's incredibly sensitive in how the story deals with what is a very current and prevalent issue and Feeney deserves a great deal of credit for not only having the balls to deal with this subject matter, but also for doing it so brilliantly. Again, this is another emotionally charged piece of writing, but Feeney really does develop the plot so well and so subtly that it sucks you in without you noticing.

Welcome Home

The final story in the collection is as wonderful as the others. A happy ending, a reunion, a feeling of hope to carry forward. This is the ending we all want for all our soldiers, and Feeney cleverly reminds us that no matter how many may perish, and however sad that may be, we must always keep looking for that glimmer of hope, and take the opportunities of happiness that are offered to us when they are there, because we never know when they will be snatched away.

One of the key features in all of these stories is how engaging they are, despite what is, at times, very upsetting subject matter. The characters pull you in, the circumstances, although fictional, are tinged with a reality that brings you crashing down to ground when you think about them after (and believe me, you will) and you realise, 'that could have actually happened to someone'. It's a humbling thought, and one that really makes you think, but in a good way. Reading this book made me so much more thankful for the sacrifices servicemen and woman make, and the pain their families must experience, but mostly it made me grateful for my own life.

Something else that shines through is how real everything feels in these stories. I know Feeney did a large amount of research into military procedures and that is evident with the protocols, the addresses, the description, just everything really! It's clear that this writing means a lot to the author, and that passion for respect and honour of our armed forces just oozes from every page and fills you with a great sense of pride and patriotism. It's strange to feel proud of something when you're reading (unless it's something you've written), but Feeney manages to elicit that, as well as many other emotions as you're reading and it just builds to a huge crescendo.

Another key feature is the description, and this is a theme that is evident throughout the whole collection. Feeney puts so much into her writing. You can clearly see in your mind the characters, you can feel the emotions, you hurt when they hurt, smile when they smile. It's her attention to the small detail in this story that really gives this story that extra something. Even though you don't know all the specifics like names and ages, we know plenty to cry for their loss and smile with them in their joy. You hurt when they hurt. It's very rare I find a story that moves me in such a way, especially one that is just pages long, but that is exactly what this story does.

In conclusion, this book is truly phenomenal, one of the best pieces of literature I have read so far this year. It's engaging, thought provoking, realistic, easy to read, but above all, it's just, well, words fail me. Honestly, I cannot recommend this highly enough. Five stars is not enough for this book, and it truly deserves the highest accolades possible. Seriously, go one-click! It's now available on Amazon UK and Amazon US, but heed my warning, you want a lot of tissues near you when you read this, tear-jerker doesn't quite cover it!

                     * * * * * *

I am SO excited about reviewing this and interviewing the author over on Lily Loves Indie and Ramble Media on 1st November as part of the Blog Tour! Watch this space for updates and snippets of my review.