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Sarah (7799 KP) rated Peaky Blinders - Season 2 in TV
Sep 7, 2019
A blinding second series
It’s not often that second series can quite meet up to the first, but Peaky Blinders manages to pull it off. It’s as violent, dark and gritty as the first series with a plot that actually surpasses the original. There are some wonderful performances yet again from Cillian Murphy and Helen McCrory especially, plus some great newcomers in Finn Cole and Tom Hardy. I found Hardy’s role to be potentially a little OTT, but he was hilarious in comparison with the serious Peaky Blinders and I wish he’d been on screen in this series more. The entire series was just hugely enjoyable from start to finish, and I liked how the series jumped on 2 years from the original as it really helped to move it on the story.
My only criticisms would be the cliff hanger from the end of series 1 is briefed over a little too quickly, and that Noah Taylor’s “bad guy” isn’t as threatening as he first appears and is a little lacklustre, it’s just fortunate he isn’t needed much to bolster the plot.
My only criticisms would be the cliff hanger from the end of series 1 is briefed over a little too quickly, and that Noah Taylor’s “bad guy” isn’t as threatening as he first appears and is a little lacklustre, it’s just fortunate he isn’t needed much to bolster the plot.

Kristina (502 KP) rated Lux (The Nocte Trilogy, #3) in Books
Dec 7, 2020
Contains spoilers, click to show
Mind. Blown.
What the holy crap did I just read? I'm completely satisfied, yet my mind is still reeling from all the unexpected twists and turns I just experienced. Seriously, what just happened? Cole literally said the ending can be interpreted how the readers wants and I have my interpretation (though I would never attribute it to real life; I'm really good at suspending my beliefs for a good story). The whole family was cursed. They continued to multiply with one another, creating children out of incest, therefore the curse never ended. If Laura hadn't been with Richard, I feel like the curse would have ended. Or maybe not. Either way, I want to believe that Dare, Calla, and Finn went round and round in an endless cycle, one that changed ever so slightly every now and then, until they finally made the decision that put everything into balance. I loved the ending, though there was a dark time when I would have accepted anyone's deaths other than Calla's and Dare's. I've given Lux a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It would originally be 5 out of 5, because the story is absolutely crazy and the author is a complete lunatic - in all the best ways. I understand that she chose to rewrite certain scenes from both Nocte and Verum to show that moments kept repeating themselves, even if there were slight changes. It was just hard to concentrate, considering I'd already read those scenes just before this book. I think I would have enjoyed those parts better had she tried to word them differently or focused on a different aspect while playing out the same scenario. Other than that, Lux was a continuous whirlwind of confusion. Cole was great at allowing the reader to see the finish line, to get close enough to taste it, only to pull the rug out from underneath us and make us start the marathon again. It was exciting, intimidating, daunting, and fun. There were so many ways Lux could have ended and all of them probably would have matched up with the plot of the entire series, but I'm very happy with the ending she offered - even if I was a little upset to say goodbye to Calla and Dare.
What the holy crap did I just read? I'm completely satisfied, yet my mind is still reeling from all the unexpected twists and turns I just experienced. Seriously, what just happened? Cole literally said the ending can be interpreted how the readers wants and I have my interpretation (though I would never attribute it to real life; I'm really good at suspending my beliefs for a good story). The whole family was cursed. They continued to multiply with one another, creating children out of incest, therefore the curse never ended. If Laura hadn't been with Richard, I feel like the curse would have ended. Or maybe not. Either way, I want to believe that Dare, Calla, and Finn went round and round in an endless cycle, one that changed ever so slightly every now and then, until they finally made the decision that put everything into balance. I loved the ending, though there was a dark time when I would have accepted anyone's deaths other than Calla's and Dare's. I've given Lux a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It would originally be 5 out of 5, because the story is absolutely crazy and the author is a complete lunatic - in all the best ways. I understand that she chose to rewrite certain scenes from both Nocte and Verum to show that moments kept repeating themselves, even if there were slight changes. It was just hard to concentrate, considering I'd already read those scenes just before this book. I think I would have enjoyed those parts better had she tried to word them differently or focused on a different aspect while playing out the same scenario. Other than that, Lux was a continuous whirlwind of confusion. Cole was great at allowing the reader to see the finish line, to get close enough to taste it, only to pull the rug out from underneath us and make us start the marathon again. It was exciting, intimidating, daunting, and fun. There were so many ways Lux could have ended and all of them probably would have matched up with the plot of the entire series, but I'm very happy with the ending she offered - even if I was a little upset to say goodbye to Calla and Dare.

Kristina (502 KP) rated Nocte (The Nocte Trilogy, #1) in Books
Dec 7, 2020
Courtney Cole, what have you done to me?! I just finished Nocte and I can't even... I kept putting it off because everyone is so hush-hush about the story, it's difficult for me to find too much interest when I have no clue what I'll be reading about. But now I know why and all I can say is holy freaking cow! I was sucked in from the very beginning, because things like death, dark and crazy catch my attention. It didn't take long and I was reading to see where Finn's thoughts would lead me. Then I kept reading, in addition to Finn's point of view, to figure out what Calla's connection with Dare could be. THEN, I just had to find out what Finn and Dare were hiding from Calla. I was so confused and held captivated by the mystery, I read Nocte in one whole sitting. There was no way I could take a break! Things went from messy to crazy, then fell straight into psychotic. Even though I understood what was happening, I didn't know what would happen hext and I felt like I'd landed inside a tornado, surrounded by scenarios that got even more bizarre by the page. Honestly, it's laughable to look back at some of the theories I came up with. Absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for the complete truth. I feel like I might need to see a therapist after reading this - but in the most amazingly, wonderful way. Of course, maybe not too wonderful, considering I was left with a cliff-hanger and I'm desperate to see what happens next. Nocte is definitely a new favorite of mine, that's for sure! I can't wait to read the next two books of the trilogy and quench my curiosity once and for all!

Darren (1599 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies
Oct 14, 2019
Characters – Don is the new student being sent to a boarding school, he comes from a common family where he has a close group of friends which he would prefer to be around, he does stick out around the rest of the students, easily breaking the rules around the school. Willoughby is the student that must show Don around the school, he fills in the blanks, has a secret and will be the one that helps Don be prepared for everything in the year. Meredith Houseman is one of teachers, he once attended the school, feeling the pride the school embodies, he will end up helping the students against the evil in the school grounds. The Bat is the headmaster, he has been taking bribes to let the fracking happen and isn’t willing to lose the money coming his way.
Performances – Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg both look like they are having a lot of fun playing the stuck up British stereotypes which are here for the supporting roles. Finn Cole takes the lead in this film and he does all he can because this film does try to introduce too many different types of characters, not giving the lead enough time to shine, Asa Butterfield does well with his role too, getting to become a supporting character for once, instead of having the weight of the film put on him.
Story – The story here follows the time at a private British boarding school which sees monsters unleashed on the students, who must fight to save themselves. The weirdest way to describe this film would be to say this is the British boarding school version of ‘Attack the Block’, I say this because we are trying to play into a lot of stereotypes for added comedy to the situation. When we break down this alone we get to see how the British private school system comes off, with the student classes, the students believing they are better than anybody else and how the teachers are trapped in their own illusions. Add in the monsters which is what they feel like, which again disappoints along with one serious side to the story which is almost played out for jokes.
Comedy/Horror – The comedy only works if you find taking the piss out of upper-class English funny, this is what the film is set around getting laughs from. The horror is what the monsters do to the people, it would have been nice to get more time with them, once we do it does work well for blood splatter.
Settings – The film is set on the grounds of a private boarding school, this is put in an isolated location which does help make the film get added horror elements involved.
Special Effects – The effects in the film are mixed because it does feel like the thrown buckets of blood which for the budget isn’t what you want to see, though the creatures do look frightening at times.
Scene of the Movie – Monsters unleashed.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much upper-class British jokes.
Final Thoughts – This is a fun enough horror comedy, it will get the laughs in places and has well created creatures.
Overall: British Ripped apart
Performances – Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg both look like they are having a lot of fun playing the stuck up British stereotypes which are here for the supporting roles. Finn Cole takes the lead in this film and he does all he can because this film does try to introduce too many different types of characters, not giving the lead enough time to shine, Asa Butterfield does well with his role too, getting to become a supporting character for once, instead of having the weight of the film put on him.
Story – The story here follows the time at a private British boarding school which sees monsters unleashed on the students, who must fight to save themselves. The weirdest way to describe this film would be to say this is the British boarding school version of ‘Attack the Block’, I say this because we are trying to play into a lot of stereotypes for added comedy to the situation. When we break down this alone we get to see how the British private school system comes off, with the student classes, the students believing they are better than anybody else and how the teachers are trapped in their own illusions. Add in the monsters which is what they feel like, which again disappoints along with one serious side to the story which is almost played out for jokes.
Comedy/Horror – The comedy only works if you find taking the piss out of upper-class English funny, this is what the film is set around getting laughs from. The horror is what the monsters do to the people, it would have been nice to get more time with them, once we do it does work well for blood splatter.
Settings – The film is set on the grounds of a private boarding school, this is put in an isolated location which does help make the film get added horror elements involved.
Special Effects – The effects in the film are mixed because it does feel like the thrown buckets of blood which for the budget isn’t what you want to see, though the creatures do look frightening at times.
Scene of the Movie – Monsters unleashed.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much upper-class British jokes.
Final Thoughts – This is a fun enough horror comedy, it will get the laughs in places and has well created creatures.
Overall: British Ripped apart

Bob Mann (459 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies
Sep 28, 2021
Form-Prefect of the Dead.
The Plot
Meredith Houseman (Simon Pegg) is housemaster of Sparta house in Slaughterhouse school: an ancient public school establishment steering England’s future greats to greatness (which probably explains a lot about the current Brexit mess!). Houseman is not in a happy place, given that his girlfriend is now in deepest darkest African doing “good works” with handsome French doctors, and particularly that she is played by Margot Robbie: I would be also be sad… #punching!
New school starter Don Wallace (Finn Cole) is equally unhappy as he is a northern teen dragooned into attending the school by his well-meaning Mum (Jo Hartley). His strange room-mate Willoughby (Asa Butterfield) seems to be a chronic depressive; he is being picked on by the prefect-bully Clegg (Tom Rhys Harries); and his bed was previously occupied by a Viscount, since deceased under unpleasant circumstances that no-one wants to talk about. At least he has the distraction of the upper-sixth school goddess Clemsie Lawrence (Hermione Corfield) to take his mind off his woes.
All this washes over “The Bat” – the school’s headmaster (Michael Sheen) – since he is engrossed in some shady deal with an evil corporation doing fracking in the school grounds. The fracking though seems to be doing more than just causing a few minor earth tremors, as ancient forces are unleashed.
The Review
The movie is positioned as a “comedy/horror”, along the lines of “Shaun of the Dead”. The film also has Frost and Pegg as executive producers and they also have starring roles in the film. But there the similarities really end: this is a “Cornetto film” without a cone of solid chocolate lurking at the bottom to enjoy.
The script (by director Crispian Mills and first-time screenwriter Henry Fitzherbert) is nowhere near as sharp as the Frost/Pegg scripts for their famous collaborations. The story overall makes precious little sense: it’s a hodge-podge of elements from many Harry Potter films (especially “The Chamber of Secrets”), Lindsay Anderson’s “If…”; and Roy Boulting’s “The Guinea Pig”; with also a sprinkling of the anarchic essence of Michael Palin’s classic “Tomkinson’s Schooldays”. The whole thing never manages to gel into a cohesive whole.
After the second reel, the film completely loses sight of the plot: there’s a whole lot of running, screaming and dying going on but there’s little logic behind any of it that I could fathom. What didn’t help my comprehension of what was going on were some ‘Cornetto-esque’ sequences of manic editing. Images were thrown onto the screen so subliminally that any clever nuance was lost. I’m sure at one point there was a droll (if gross) segue at a “Roman orgy” of a girl receiving oral sex before being ‘eaten out’ in an entirely different way. But you would need a Blu-ray and a frame-by-frame pause function to get the joke.
That’s not to say that I didn’t laugh a few times along the way. There are some sight gags – for example, Wooten (Kit Connor) as the lad at the bottom of the bullying pecking order, chained to a U-bend – that made me laugh, and some running jokes – for example, Frost as the head of the anti-fracking camp offering the kids drugs at every encounter – that mildly amuse. But once again here’s a British comedy that, like the atrocious “The Brits are Coming“, thinks that “funny” largely revolves around swearing a lot – how useful that “frack” sounds so similar to another word – with added bodily dismemberment.
The turns
Pegg and Frost ham it up with their usual comedy schtick well enough, and it was quite fun to see Sheen try a comedy role for a change as the conniving and supercilious headmaster. Elsewhere all the young cast put their hearts into it, but it’s again Asa Butterfield that your eyes gravitate to, due to his striking features. I last saw Asa in the excellent if harrowing WW1 drama “Journey’s End“, and he here proves again that he is a One Mann’s Movies ‘name to watch for the future’.
Final thoughts
There’s a lot to irritate in this film. From the “z” in the title to… well… about 80% of the film. There is no nuance or subtlety to either the writing or the direction. I think that’s a great shame. The film has a good premise hidden in there. An adult comedy set around the ridiculous rules and rites of public schools (away from the light nonsense of “St Trinians”) is overdue. And the whole subject of fracking, and the conflicts surrounding the controversial techniques, hasn’t yet – to my knowledge – been explored in a fictional movie. The film does have a few very funny moments. But as a whole I left the cinema with that “wasted two hours” feeling. Not recommended.
Meredith Houseman (Simon Pegg) is housemaster of Sparta house in Slaughterhouse school: an ancient public school establishment steering England’s future greats to greatness (which probably explains a lot about the current Brexit mess!). Houseman is not in a happy place, given that his girlfriend is now in deepest darkest African doing “good works” with handsome French doctors, and particularly that she is played by Margot Robbie: I would be also be sad… #punching!
New school starter Don Wallace (Finn Cole) is equally unhappy as he is a northern teen dragooned into attending the school by his well-meaning Mum (Jo Hartley). His strange room-mate Willoughby (Asa Butterfield) seems to be a chronic depressive; he is being picked on by the prefect-bully Clegg (Tom Rhys Harries); and his bed was previously occupied by a Viscount, since deceased under unpleasant circumstances that no-one wants to talk about. At least he has the distraction of the upper-sixth school goddess Clemsie Lawrence (Hermione Corfield) to take his mind off his woes.
All this washes over “The Bat” – the school’s headmaster (Michael Sheen) – since he is engrossed in some shady deal with an evil corporation doing fracking in the school grounds. The fracking though seems to be doing more than just causing a few minor earth tremors, as ancient forces are unleashed.
The Review
The movie is positioned as a “comedy/horror”, along the lines of “Shaun of the Dead”. The film also has Frost and Pegg as executive producers and they also have starring roles in the film. But there the similarities really end: this is a “Cornetto film” without a cone of solid chocolate lurking at the bottom to enjoy.
The script (by director Crispian Mills and first-time screenwriter Henry Fitzherbert) is nowhere near as sharp as the Frost/Pegg scripts for their famous collaborations. The story overall makes precious little sense: it’s a hodge-podge of elements from many Harry Potter films (especially “The Chamber of Secrets”), Lindsay Anderson’s “If…”; and Roy Boulting’s “The Guinea Pig”; with also a sprinkling of the anarchic essence of Michael Palin’s classic “Tomkinson’s Schooldays”. The whole thing never manages to gel into a cohesive whole.
After the second reel, the film completely loses sight of the plot: there’s a whole lot of running, screaming and dying going on but there’s little logic behind any of it that I could fathom. What didn’t help my comprehension of what was going on were some ‘Cornetto-esque’ sequences of manic editing. Images were thrown onto the screen so subliminally that any clever nuance was lost. I’m sure at one point there was a droll (if gross) segue at a “Roman orgy” of a girl receiving oral sex before being ‘eaten out’ in an entirely different way. But you would need a Blu-ray and a frame-by-frame pause function to get the joke.
That’s not to say that I didn’t laugh a few times along the way. There are some sight gags – for example, Wooten (Kit Connor) as the lad at the bottom of the bullying pecking order, chained to a U-bend – that made me laugh, and some running jokes – for example, Frost as the head of the anti-fracking camp offering the kids drugs at every encounter – that mildly amuse. But once again here’s a British comedy that, like the atrocious “The Brits are Coming“, thinks that “funny” largely revolves around swearing a lot – how useful that “frack” sounds so similar to another word – with added bodily dismemberment.
The turns
Pegg and Frost ham it up with their usual comedy schtick well enough, and it was quite fun to see Sheen try a comedy role for a change as the conniving and supercilious headmaster. Elsewhere all the young cast put their hearts into it, but it’s again Asa Butterfield that your eyes gravitate to, due to his striking features. I last saw Asa in the excellent if harrowing WW1 drama “Journey’s End“, and he here proves again that he is a One Mann’s Movies ‘name to watch for the future’.
Final thoughts
There’s a lot to irritate in this film. From the “z” in the title to… well… about 80% of the film. There is no nuance or subtlety to either the writing or the direction. I think that’s a great shame. The film has a good premise hidden in there. An adult comedy set around the ridiculous rules and rites of public schools (away from the light nonsense of “St Trinians”) is overdue. And the whole subject of fracking, and the conflicts surrounding the controversial techniques, hasn’t yet – to my knowledge – been explored in a fictional movie. The film does have a few very funny moments. But as a whole I left the cinema with that “wasted two hours” feeling. Not recommended.