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Finn and the Intergalactic Lunchbox
Finn and the Intergalactic Lunchbox
Michael Buckley | 2020 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Traveling the Galaxy via…a Lunchbox?
Finn is a typical almost twelve-year-old. He’s got a younger sister who annoys him, he’s struggling to make friends at his new school, he’s being picked on by a bully, and he has a crush on a classmate. His life changes when he accidentally takes his sister’s lunchbox to school one day. When it starts to glow, he discovers that it’s become a portal to another part of our galaxy. On, and this portal is the key to a battle against a race called The Plague that destroys planets. With The Plague now looking at Earth as their next target, Finn is going to have to come up with some kind of plan to save the world.

It’s been a few years since I picked up one of Michael Buckley’s books, so I was thrilled to see he had a new series out. As you might suspect from the description, this is a wild, fast-paced right that I found hard to put down. And I haven’t even mentioned the seven-foot-tall robot yet. I did feel it got a little too apocalyptic for me at times, but that’s a matter of personal taste. The characters are good, although the one that got the most development here was a cliché. The creativity that went into this book is outstanding with lots of details that are fun. Kids will eat this book up and be anxious for the next one when they are done.
Weave Them And Reap (Weavers Of The Ether #1)
Weave Them And Reap (Weavers Of The Ether #1)
Essie Suter | 2023 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WEAVE THEM AND REAP is the first book in the Weavers of the Ether series and, I'm not 100% sure but it feels like it's a spin-off from a different series. Whether it is or not, I enjoyed this story of a renegade weaver finding her destiny and three mates at the same time!

There are other characters I'm hoping have stories told about - the princess in the Gate, Cam, Leif, Jet, and Wren, to name just some. But this story was about Echo, Finn, Brogan, and Soren. Four very different people who have a mate bond… if they accept it.

I'll be honest, Echo was a little annoying to start with. Her constantly happy mood, even when Jet was cussing her, was a bit much but I do know people who are like that, which made it all the more believable! Brogan was the one to hold everyone together, always chilled - until he's not. Finn was the lonely dragon who found everything he didn't know he was looking for. And Soren - oh, man - I've saved the best for last. Mr Ice who was slowly but surely melted. What a great group.

This is the first book by this author I have read and I was drawn in from the first page. The world intrigues me, as do the characters, and I look forward to reading more in this series and also by the author. The overall story arc has been left wide open, although, with the epilogue, we know Echo and her guys are certainly happy enough!

Thoroughly enjoyable and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 20, 2023
Wish You Were Here
Wish You Were Here
Jodi Picoult | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn’t quite realise how much this book would resonate with me until I started reading it. It reminded me sometimes about the awful things that we have lived through the past 2 years but also reminded me how strong people can be.
Diana and Finn are living in New York as the Covid-19 pandemic is beginning, they have planned to go on a once in a lifetime holiday to The Galápagos Islands just as the world seems to be shutting down. Finn, being a surgical resident, has been told that he can’t take time off, even pre planned holidays. While Diana, who is an art specialist working for Sotheby’s, knows that she needs to take time off as a deal she had brokered for a painting has fallen through. Finn tells Diana to go anyway as he doesn’t want to make her sick since he’s working in the hospital.
We then follow Diana exploring the beautiful, scenic Isabela island, and meeting a family who take her in and look after her when she becomes stranded there. She explores the island and although she doesn’t speak the language she manages to get by because she needs to. She has no phone service and very limited access to the internet so she has no way to contact the outside world, but it doesn’t seem to matter too much when you’re in paradise.
The second part of the book was a complete surprise, but a pleasant one. It reminded me of exactly how we were at the start of the pandemic, wiping down anything that came from outside, not opening mail for days and for some of us stripping as soon as we came in from work for fear we’d brought the virus home with us. I am a support worker and so had no choice but to go into work and look after people that had Covid-19 because as much as I was scared, I knew that they needed me more. One line that sticks in my head is also one that I thought myself: “Well if I catch it, I catch it” and that became my opinion for a lot of the pandemic.
It was a nice change that not everything was tied up with a neat little bow at the end of this book, as that’s how life is sometimes. I really enjoyed this book and I feel like it will be one of those that helps us to remember the pandemic in years to come.
Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)
Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)
2021 | Action, Drama, Thriller
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Those Who Wish Me Dead is a pretty solid, if straightforward thriller that hugely benefits from it's top class cast.
Angelina Jolie is always a pleasure, whether she's starring in big dumb action movies, or award baiting material. Her character is someone we've seen countless times before - a no nonsense badass with a tragic backstory who gets a shot at redemption - but she does it predictably well.
Jon Bernthal is great as usual, as is Nicholas Hoult. Aidan Gillen also stars, and makes for a suitably nasty piece of shit. Medina Senghore gets my vote for best "pregnant lady you absolutely wouldn't fuck with". This ensemble cast elevates TWWMD above it's standard thriller trappings, with an excellent Finn Little at the centre of it all.
The firewatch/smoke jumper setting is also a huge positive. It makes for some hugely entertaining set pieces, and a plethora of gorgeous vista shots.
My main criticism is the pacing. When things finally kick off, it's pretty unrelenting, but it takes a while to get there, forcing us to spend a little too much time with unlikable douchey side characters, and the climactic scene almost feels like a mid-runtime moment. It definitely felt like there should have been more.

Overall though, TWWMD is a competent and easily watchable thriller from the unquestionably talented Taylor Sheridan, and was a great choice for my first cinema trip of 2021 (so good to be back!)

Rick Astley recommended Crowded House by Crowded House in Music (curated)

Crowded House by Crowded House
Crowded House by Crowded House
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The moment I got into Crowded House, I was on tour – actually I went to see a Stevie Wonder gig in Wembley and I was like 'the guy doing the sound is brilliant.' And I thought it would be incredible if I could get him to do sound for me [which he did]. Anyway, I was at his desk one afternoon and he was playing Crowded House. I think he bought the cd for me and I just played the album and thought 'oh my God.' It was very different but very odd, there are some odd songs on there, especially as they were coming out of Split Enz as well who I knew a little about. So, I just grew to love it. I met my now wife as she used to work for EMI and had been doing promo for Crowded House's gigs in Denmark and what have you and had also been at Montreux – she was a mad fan as well. And 'Don't Dream' Is Our song, [shows me his wedding ring] – we have some of the lyrics inscribed here. I've had the pleasure – or the embarrassment – to tell Neil Finn this once. I saw him in a café in LA. And I thought 'do not, under any circumstances, tell him about ring' and before I knew it, I was going over telling him about the ring. I couldn't stop myself! By this time, I had seen them twenty times. But I was just there, in front of him going 'ummm..ehhh…ah fuck it!' But he was really polite and gentle and spoke about our mutual friend who used to be my musical director but was also producing Neil's album. How did he even know who I was?! I've seen Crowded House in so many different style of venues. I drove to Bristol to see them at the Bierkellar and so there was only three of them - there was no sign of Tim Finn… have you seen them live? No? Ah, fucking hell! They're amazing. I saw them at Hammersmith Odeon at one point and their drummer needed a piss mid-gig. So Neil Finn just started noodling and they ran around and swapped instruments and just started playing this nonsense song they made up on the spot. I just thought 'what is going on'! Every time I've seen them, they just make shit up. And I love that about them. Because they can be also so sincere about a lyric or a song they're gonna play. But where was I? Oh yeah, Bristol. Tim and Neil had just had a big bust-up. Tim had had enough. So that was quite a weird night. One of my favourite bands in terms of the music they make but also, as a live band, they're hard to beat."

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Has the feel of original series (2 more)
Hans Solo and Princess/ Genral Leia are back
Star wars for a new generation
The force awaken opens up star wars for a whole new generation whilst the original trilogy had the world enraputed with this epic adventure series and revolutionized the way we see Sci Fi, Fantasy today Phathom menace, attack of the clones and revenge of the sith, didnt quiet capture the sprirt of the original trilogy. However Force awakens come out swinging.

Not only do we see our old favorites of Han solo Cewbacca Princess now General Leia the new characters leave a force of there own you cant help but admire Rey strength and determination. Fall in love with little BB-8. Finn ability to feel even though hes a storm trooper bring up a whole new level of meaning to established characters from the series.

Ive always like the dark side more than the light as my friendtell me i only ever like assholes so obviously Darth Vader is my favorite star wars character however Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. However much he may wish to be and although the ending cements his darkness between Vader and Kylo there no choice who i think is the better villian so this film get a 9/10 rather than 10/10

Tonybillson999 (2 KP) Dec 13, 2017

Not what I expected, hand solo dying was a bad idea