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The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Mystery, intrigue, space! You get it all and more in this podcast. If you're missing Firefly (and really, who isn't?), Iris will scratch that itch. My only complaint is that it updates infrequently, and I sometimes forget important details between episodes. But it's worth the wait.
Hexed (Paranormal Tales from Firefly Island)
Hexed (Paranormal Tales from Firefly Island)
Alyssa Drake | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hexed (Paranormal Tales from Firefly Island) by Alyssa Drake
Hexed is the first novella in the Paranormal Tales from Firefly Island series, and it tells the story of Remy - an undeveloped Witch who just wants to be normal. And by normal, she means being able to do spells like the rest of her family and friends. She doesn't have a very good time of it, and leaves home for pastures new when she is eighteen. However, that doesn't go quite according to plan either, so she ends up returning to Firefly Island to spend some time with her sister. One of the first people she bumps into is Sebastian, and things move quickly onward from there.

This is a fast-paced novella, with some steamy scenes in it. You will learn more about Remy's past, and the reason things were done in the way they were. Remy and Sebastian have their HFN ending, but it does leave it wide open for at least three more stories!

All in all, this was a very enjoyable, quick read, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading. A nice introduction to Firefly Island, and I look forward to getting better acquainted in future books. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Sara Cox (1845 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Child of Light in Video Games

Aug 10, 2018  
Child of Light
Child of Light
2014 | Action/Adventure
Graphics (2 more)
Firefly control (0 more)
I love this game. It is a relaxing game that doesn't require too much brain power. As a gamer that isn't into shooting games or racing games this game is brilliant. The music is calming. All the dialogue is written in prose. And I'm a massive fan of the watercolouresque of the graphics.
Firefly: The Game
Firefly: The Game
2013 | Entertainment, Science Fiction, Space, Travel
Confusing and disappointing
I am a big Firefly fan, so I was really excited to get my hands on this game. However, the instructions are pretty vague, it's very complicated, and I was ultimately disappointed. It takes a long time to set up and get going, and I'm not even sure I was playing it correctly.
Firefly: The Game
Firefly: The Game
2013 | Entertainment, Science Fiction, Space, Travel
Variety of options (1 more)
Set up time (1 more)
Insufficient instructions
As a Firefly fan I was excited to play this game and I was not dissapointed. The base game has multiple story options and ships, both of which can be added to with the expansion packs.

The rules can be a bit confusing to start with which increases set-up time, however you may find you modify the rules to suit yourself/group.
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
2003 | Horror
Verdict: This Really Is Messy

Story: House of 1000 Corpses starts when four friends Jerry (Hardwick), Mary (Jostyn), Bill (Wilson) and Denise (Daniels) go on tour of at Captain Spaulding (Haig) house of horrors and learning about mysterious tree, they go off in search in a storm, picking up a hitchhiker Baby Firefly (Moon), they find a place to stay, right around when the news is reporting about missing teenagers.
The four friends find themselves being the latest victims of the Firefly family with Otis (Moseley) willing to do anything to get his pleasure for pain, their only hope is that Denise’s father comes looking for them after they didn’t arrive at his house the night before.

Thoughts on House of 1000 Corpses

Characters – Captain Spaulding is the one that has his own house of horrors that he encourages tourists to look around, he knows the legends of the area, which is why he knows how to get the curiosity of the people to want to go in search for the legends about his house. Otis is the leader of the firefly house, he will talk the most, do the most torturous treatment of their victims. Baby Firefly is the one that brings people back to the house, the youngest member of the family that is just getting started in her ways compared to the rest. Mother Firefly is always looking for a younger man to play with before they murder.
Performances – Sid Haig does bring his character to life to be one of the very few highlights in this film, while Bill Moseley knows that he needed to make this character over the top, while the victims are generic performances, they are fine, but the rest of the cast struggles to work with the awful material.
Story – The story here follows four friends that find themselves being the latest victims of the sadistic firefly family that like to torture, mutuality and kill their victims. The biggest problem with this story is that we cut away way too many times, it always looks like we are going into watch a torture filled horror story, which isn’t everyone cup of tea, but if we had stuck to this idea, we could have had a good story. The problems involve countless city away scenes of just random footage of violence happening to people, rather than having any context towards them. This story is mess and never makes you care about the victims, while not making the villains people you want to see either, making most shots of the film hard to care about.
Horror – The horror in the film is meant to be focused on the different levels of violence that could be given to the victims, it is more for shock than making any sense.
Settings – The film is mostly set in the one house/ranch like environment where the family can do what they want without anybody coming to disturb them.
Special Effects – The effects are used to show the violence, though most gets covered over with random slips of something else happening.

Scene of the Movie – Captain Spaulding’s tour.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The random cut clips that make no sense.
Final Thoughts – This is a truly messy horror that misses on every mark, leaving it look and feeling like something you would forget within a hour of finishing it.

Overall: Poor and messy.

Adrienne White (5 KP) created a poll

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
What is your favorite TV space opera?

Battlestar Galactica (original)

0 votes

Buck Rogers (1950)

0 votes

Stargate SG1
Dark Matter

0 votes

Star Trek Voyager

0 votes

Battlestar Galactica (2004)
The Expanse

0 votes

Lost in Space (2018)

0 votes

Red Dwarf
Stargate Universe SGU

0 votes

Babylon 5
Stargate Atlantis

0 votes


0 votes

Space Above and Beyond

0 votes

Space 1999

0 votes

Star Trek Discovery

0 votes

Doctor Who
Cowboy bebop

0 votes

Star Wars Rebels
Star Trek DS9
Star Wars the Clone Wars

0 votes

Buck Rogers in the 25th century (1979)

0 votes


0 votes


0 votes

Star Trek TOS
Star Trek TNG
Lost in Space (1965)

0 votes

Firefly: Shiny Dice
Firefly: Shiny Dice
2015 | Dice Game, Science Fiction
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

I really like Firefly. So when Travis told me he had Firefly: Shiny Dice, and was looking to get rid of it, I jumped on the chance to get my hands on something Firefly! I’d never played the game and had never even heard of it either. Having played it now, though, I can see why Travis wanted to off-load it on someone else.

In Firefly: Shiny Dice, over the course of three rounds, players are rolling dice to assemble a crew, complete missions, and defeat bad guys. All of the main characters of the show are represented by different die faces, each with a special power. Use those powers to help defeat bad guys and earn VPs on your turn each round! The player at the end of the game with the most points is the winner. Firefly: Shiny Dice is played the same way, regardless of player count – in solo play, you are still trying to amass the most points possible over three rounds.

At it’s core, Firefly: Shiny Dice is a dice-rolling game. And that’s where the simplicity ends. This game is bogged down an ambiguously confusing rulebook, complicated turn steps, and just way too much text overall. When I first got this game, I was psyched to play. I sat down, opened up the rulebook, read through it at least 3 times, and then put the game away. I was so confused by what I had read, I couldn’t even bring myself to try it at first. There is a lot of ambiguity in the rulebook that caused a lot of confusion and frustration for me. For example, the brown dice are Outlaw characters and the white dice are Passenger characters, but the rulebook and player aids use “Crew Dice” most of the time – so are they all Crew Dice, or just the Outlaws since, in the show, those are the characters who actually are the crew on Serenity? Are Passengers considered Crew? The same ambiguity goes for Mission Cards – if you draw one that you cannot complete, is it just discarded? Then what’s the point of the Mission Card? How about if you draw one and don’t want to complete it? Are you required to complete it if you can? Or can you choose to ignore it to negate the Mission Keyword? I felt like after I read the rulebook, I actually had more questions than before I started.

Regarding turn order, there is just way too much going on for me. There are 4 steps each turn, and some steps have several ‘phases.’ First you roll your dice, and then depending on what you rolled maybe you can re-roll some, and then you have to check to see if you got any bonuses/penalties after your re-roll, but then you stop and draw a Mission Card and possibly resolve it (?), and now you go and deal 1 damage to a foe but only if the current Mission says ‘Shiny,’ and then the foe dice resolve their effects, and now you can use your dice and character powers to fight the foes, and then depending on how many dice you have left/the Mission Keyword from your card this turn, you can decide to push your luck and take another turn immediately or just end your turn now. Whew. There are just way too many unnecessary steps, in my opinion. All you should need to do is to roll/re-roll your dice, resolve foe effects, and fight the foes. The Missions and die bonuses/penalties feel extraneous to me, and result in clunky gameplay.

In theory, this should be a cool game. In reality, it’s just frustrating. To me it feels like every single small idea made it into the end-game, but they were not executed well enough to justify including them. This game is way too wordy and ambiguous to make sense, and even though I keep the rulebook on hand every time I play, I feel like it doesn’t really help me at all. I think a more pared down/edited version of this game could be a hit.

As a fan of Firefly, I want to like this game. I really do. But I don’t. I think it is too complicated and far too confusing for what it is supposed to be, which is a relatively light dice-rolling game. Firefly: Shiny Dice is not on my short-list of games to play, nor is it on my long-list (is that a thing?). It’s kind of just in my collection at this point, though I don’t know if it’ll stay here for long.
Firefly: Big Damn Hero (Firefly #1)
Firefly: Big Damn Hero (Firefly #1)
Nancy Holder | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW! No, really, <b>WOW!</b> That was gorram incredible!

It's been ages since I read any fan fiction, as so much of it, at the end of the day, was just glorified 'Shipping. It's been almost two months since I have picked up anything (comic or prose) to read, as my wife and I have been through a hellish two months (started with the MS diagnosis, and ended with our 14 year old Mini Schnauzer having to be put to sleep). Long story short, not a whole hell of lot of reading going on my life, as I have been walking around in a fog, caring not one whit about much of anything, including eating or reading.

FIREFLY: BIG DAMN HERO came out on my Kindle November 20th, the day before my 50th birthday (without Lily, our 14 y.o. Mini, no longer with us, it was more like an UnBirthday, as I really felt it was no longer worth celebrating). I read the first two Chapters, or rather, I <i>tried</i>, but they seemed as though I had not when I returned to the book last week.

No matter, for it appeared not to affect my overall satisfaction that the FIREFLY prose novels were off to a very good start indeed! And I was able to focus my attention enough to finish the book in such a quick time!

From beginning to end, we are a presented with a tale of the SERENITY and her crew early in the first Season. Everyone is true to form, from Mal to Wash and Zoë to Simon and River, etc. No one ever seemed out-of-character.

At a base level, this was a Mal-centric story. We gain some backstory into his past, on Shadow, just prior to the War. We are also given an inside track to his inner thoughts, allowing us to gain an even deeper understanding of his character, beyond what we learned in the short-lived TV series and subsequent movie SERENITY.

DOCTOR WHO is a hot mess right now, something I am unable to get behind (after being a fan for almost 48 years). Too many changes, good and bad. Fortunately, though, FIREFLY remains the same, untouched, let to continue as the way it was intended, and I am totally fine with that!

If you love FIREFLY as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up!