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The Virgin Cure
Ami McKay | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved Ami McKay's first book, The Birth House, so I was eager to read this one without even knowing the synopsis. This book did not really live up to the quality of the first book, but I did still enjoy it. While the title conveys the idea that the focus of the book is this social problem of the myth of the "virgin cure", in reality the book was really about the life of the main character, Moth. The virgin cure only plays a part in two small events, and serves better as a footnote to Moth's life.
Moth is quite an interesting girl from the start, having the maturity of a much older person as she deals with her mother's methods of making money along with her drinking habits, even as she finds her own ways of survival. Despite being of such a young age, she is aware of the struggles of the people around her and knows enough to recognize what a better life would look like for herself - even beyond the trappings of wealth. While sold by her own mother for the price of a sack of coins, Moth still longs to impress her and return to her. From there, she encounters one horror after another, many hidden behind a veneer of wealth and privilege. Her desires propel her to take on a different name in an effort to change her very identity into the kind of person she longs to be.
Dr. Sadie's intervention into Moth's life provides a nice contrast to what Moth lived with day-to-day. As McKay's original protagonist, she provided another appealing way of life other than one of wealth and privilege. Her journal entries in the book also showed how Moth appeared to others. Despite the struggles that Dr. Sadie endured as a female physician, I liked the part she played in Moth's life and the things she showed Moth.
As for the format of the book, I found it a bit strange sometimes. The pages often held side notes that had little to do with the plot, and were better at serving as distractions, plus chapters often began with poems or quotes that were vague at best and required some intelligent deciphering to figure out how they contributed to the book. The journal entries of Dr. Sadie that peppered the book held the most valuable writing, as it fit in with the timeline of the plot. I think the book would have fared better with less distractions, more plotting, and a better title.
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*Edited to add the review for the AUDIO version.*

Gary Furlong narrates.

Now, I gotta say this. After listening to audio books for a good while now, I've noticed an influx of NON-American narrators. And I LOVE that, I really do. But Furlong narrates this book in the New Zealand accent, quite correctly, since that is where Reuben and Cam are from, and it just takes a little getting used to! This is the first I've listen to of his work, and I have to say, he NAILS this one!

Furlong gets over every single feeling, emotion, internal wrangling these guys have, and it's painful listening, it really is. It was difficult reading, but hearing it?? Oh Lord I wanted to wrap them both up and look after them so bad! And Reuben's dad?? He headed for another punching!

The emotions in the guy's voices, especially since this is first person, is amazing, and I had to stop what I was doing a time or two, to just LISTEN, you know? To hear the heartbreak pouring out for them, the rage, the passion, and finally, all that love.

I did have a little chuckle though. Michael (from book one, First Impressions, pops up. Michael is American, and it took me a little while to figure out why he sounded all kinds of wrong. It's because of that! His American accent, in the midst of all these New Zealand ones was odd, is all.

I loved this book when I read it, and listening to it?? Loved it more!

5 stars for the narration, my wish list just got a whole lot longer with Mr Furlong's books on it!

*Original Review*

Stealing the tagline from the official blurb, because it is just the perfect tagline I have ever come across!

What if your dream will cost you the man who's stolen your heart?
Reuben Taylor has a choice to make. Cameron Wano is that choice.

I'm struggling to say what I want to about this book, because I FREAKING loved it! So if this review runs away with the fairies, I apologise. I shall try to make a coherent sentence or two!

Reuben is so far in the closet, it's pitch black in his life. His brother is an alcoholic, trying to look after a small child, and his father is (in my humble opinion) an utter douchbag of a man. One kiss with Cameron and Reuben is scared. Scared of what could be, but also, scared of what could NEVER be.

Cam is well aware of his status with the rugby team his brother plays for. He is out and PROUD and loud about it. But becoming Reuben's friend is far more important than the possibility of losing Reuben altogether. When things spiral downwards, and passion between the two men spins out of control, Reuben has to make the one choice he never wanted to: his rugby career, or Cameron.

So, I make no bones that I am not a fan of first person books, especially if they are multi point of view. This book is written as such. But both Reuben and Cam have such distinct voices, it took me a while to actually figure out this was a first person book! So well done to Ms Hogan for that one.

I read this book in one sitting. It's not a short book, some three hundred pages. But I started it at 7pm, and did not stop til I ran out of book.

And I went through the whole gamut of human emotion and then some! I tell ya, this book has funny spots, dark spots, scary spots, sexy bits (so much with the sexy bits!) and points along the way that garnered so much rage out of me, had Reuben's father been around, that man would be flat on his back! You can't blame Reuben's brother for what he is doing to Reuben, because he really is not coping and not getting the correct help he and his son need, but I did want to punch him a time or two, too.

But it's not just Reuben who has such extreme's of emotions. Cam does too. He did all the "in the closet thing" and swore never to again. Which is why he decides Reuben needs him to be his friend. But Cam's emotions run away with him, and he can't stop the avalanche of feelings he gets every time he touches Reuben, even if it's just a brush past, or something. He didn't have the difficult upbringing Reuben did, his family love him just as he is, but he can understand why Reuben is hiding. It HURTS Cam, but he gets it.

But ultimately, it isn't something Reuben or Cam does that outs them, someone else does that. And the fall out?? Well, let's just say, I was very surprised about that! In a good way!

There is a wedding in this book, that Cam and Reuben attend (not together!): Michael and Josh work with Cam at the hospital. Cam says some things about these two guys that make me want to go back and read THEIR book, First Impressions. It's a stand alone to this one, but my interest is piqued and I will go back, at some point, and read. THAT book is Ms Hogan's first, that I can see. And THIS one, her second.

I'm a-gonna be following this one, I reckon!

5 emotional, gut wrenching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I Know Who You Are
I Know Who You Are
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney is a book that stays with you after you read it. Dark, twisted and unpredictable until the very last chapter.</b>

In the very beginning, we are met with the unknown. Aimee Sinclair is an actress and when she comes home, she realizes her husband is missing. The police suspect she is hiding something. They are right, she does have a secret…

The book switches between two timelines; the first being Aimee today and the second being Aimee’s childhood. We get to enjoy these parallel stories and understand how Aimee’s childhood directly influences her decisions as a grown up.

<b><i>‘’Sometimes it only takes one person to believe in you, to change your life forever. Sometimes it only takes one person not believing in you to destroy it. Humans are a highly sensitive species.’’</i></b>

Alice’s writing is brilliant, and when reading the two timelines, you feel the child and you feel the adult. A skill not many writers can perfect.

Aimee’s whole life has been about being a different person. That is why she choose to become an actress. She can change into different people as she wants, and keep her true self hidden somewhere safe. But she didn’t learn this all by herself.

The book will leave things unpredictable until the very end. I had my theories and they kept changing all the time. The moment you feel you are close to the truth, something happens and you are back at the start. I loved it!

I wasn’t disappointed with the ending, but I did feel grossed out and disgusted by a certain someone. At times, some scenes felt like too much, but they were crucial to the story.

<b><i>If you love dark and twisted psychological thrillers, you will most probably enjoy reading I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney.</i></b>

<b>Trigger warnings for abuse in all shapes and forms, animal cruelty and childhood trauma.</b>

Thank you to the team at HQ, for the opportunity to be part of this blog tour, and for sending me a paperback copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thundercat recommended Musical Massage by Leon Ware in Music (curated)

Musical Massage by Leon Ware
Musical Massage by Leon Ware
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Leon Ware is one of those people, if not the main person, that taught me what it was to be a songwriter. I'm very happy and fortunate to say that I got a chance to tour with him at a very early age. He was my first experience with songwriting. When you go listen to Musical Massage, you can hear the spirit behind most of the things people were doing in the 70s; everybody that we know that Leon used to write with, like Minnie Riperton and Quincy Jones and Marvin Gaye, just to name the ones that are easily pinpointable out the gate. You can see his spirit through the music. Musical Massage is, I think, the perfect soul album. I'm not lying to you. In my opinion there's only a few that exist in that space. Leon Ware's album was the actual definition of soul. And you can hear songs that were copied from it; you can hear like 'oh, this is where this person did this' and 'This is where this person took this'. That's where I learned how to be a songwriter; Leon Ware taught me everything about songwriting. He taught me the emotion behind it, he taught me how to get to those emotions, he showed me what it was to not to ever quit, no matter what is getting thrown at you. One of my favourite songs that brings tears to my eyes, like to this day is 'Got To Be Loved' on Rockin' You Eternally – I know that's a big jumped from 1976 to 81, but let me say, every time I hear that song I can feel that whatever he was feeling when he wrote it, and I think it hit me at different points in life too. So this is all about Leon Ware's prowess as a songwriter and why he was the hit maker that he was. I get to spend some time with some quality time with him growing up, and I'm really grateful for that. So Musical Massage is a journey, man, it's a real journey. I remember telling Tyler, The Creator about Leon Ware, and Tyler's very much to himself, but you can see every now and again Tyler will say something about how important Leon Ware's music is, and I think even Tyler even went so far as to try to write some stuff with Leon. God rest his soul because he passed a few years ago; that was very difficult. He left me and us with a lot of music, and to this day when I think about my own songs like 'Them Changes' or 'The Turn Down' it's always was a reminder to say how you feel."



    Games and Entertainment

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    SHADOWGUN, enhanced MADFINGER Games 4th anniversary edition Madfinger game classic polished and...

Call Me Michigan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a second chance novel - Mason and Tyler were best friends in their younger years, although both of them wanted more, neither of them said anything. When Tyler left home under difficult circumstances, Mason got blinding drunk before chasing after her and giving her a drunken kiss. Now, this is not guaranteed to win anyone over, so unsurprisingly, Tyler leaves anyway. Fast forward a few years, and Tyler returns to take care of her family. Of course, the first person she sees is Mason, although he doesn't recognise her. Things are about to change for the pair of them.

This is a well written, fast moving and smoothly paced contemporary romance, showing character growth and not just with the two main characters. With getting to know each other again, things don't go exactly smoothly. However, things eventually work out for them, which is good because the situation is about to get a whole more complicated.

This is a story guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies, at the same time as you laugh and cry with the characters and the situations they find themselves in. Definitely recommended by me.

* I was given this book in return for a review which has in no way affected my opinion. *
My Hurricane
My Hurricane
J.A. Owenby | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Hurricane by J.A. Owenby
My Hurricane is the short story of what Walker's life was like before he met Lacey. When we first meet him, he is still with Brittany and certainly not the person we know from the other books. However, things happen which change him, and we as the reader are with him every step of the way.

I loved how he changed from Mr Fly High Party Boy into someone to be relied upon, not only by his family but also the school. Now, I've already read the three full-length novels in The Truth series, so knowing what I know now only makes my heart ache for Walker even more.

Excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, I found this book to be outstanding. Giving just enough for you to learn about Walker, whilst leaving you wanting more.

Get this novella, and then lose yourself in The Truth series. I can promise you won't regret it. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Serpent (The Gameshouse, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Gameshouse is a novella series by Claire North, author of Touch and several other books. She is a stunning writer with a distinct and mysterious writing style that engages the reader and forces them to think harder and harder with every passing page.

The first novella, The Serpant, proved a beautiful introduction to the world in which the Gameshouse resides, which is our world, except not. It’s a world in which there are cunning, clever, devious, and skilled players using our world as a game board. The game might be an election, a war, or something more simple such as hide and seek. But they play for more than money. They play for years of their lives, their love of the taste of strawberries, a memory, the affections of the person they last loved, the richness of the color purple… or something more detrimental: if I win, you take my asthma. If you win, I take your constant migraines.

The story begins with a beautiful portrait and backstory of our main character Thini, who later becomes a crucial piece in a bigger game. Her game is played, the game is won, and the world goes on.

Read my review of the whole series here:
In the Mouth of the Wolf
In the Mouth of the Wolf
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this short book, “In the Mouth of the Wolf” , we’re privy to fascinating insights into the life of children’s fiction author Michael Morpurgo’s Uncle Francis who narrates in the first person at the age of ninety years, reminiscing about his life. It is a heartfelt TRUE story (hence the reason why this has made into my non-fiction category over at Goodreads) and one that is aimed at kids and young adults, but adults will get plenty from this, too.

The artwork within is tremendously well-done by award-winning artist Barroux, and set against a backdrop of World War Two. You’ll find it packs an emotion punch, whilst being a fast-paced read filled with outstanding wartime courage and love. Brotherly love, too.

What a treat this was to discover, since it reads like an fictional story, yet has some intriguing, real people pictures at the back of the book, so you can meet the real characters of these true events. It’s no wonder Morpurgo is such a talented storyteller if he’s heard family stories like this.

In fact, this is such a lovely story, it brought tears to my eyes on more than on occasion. Damn you, Micheal Morpurgo and your wonderfully tear-inducing story-telling skills!
Wow, ok so what can I say about this... this was.. amazing. The writing flowed even better then the first book. The characters were even better. Everything was easier to follow in most places and the depth of the characters was even more amazing. The imagery of the scenes was beautiful. I felt as if I was a part of it and seeing the scenery and people and places with my own eyes. Ian goes through so many problems and trials to become who he needs to be again. I loved that he lost who he was for a while and then he had to refind himself. It added so much to this story to watch him go through so many feelings and ideas and thoughts. He had to work so hard and got through it all to become who he had to be. Ian is amazing and wonderful and such a special person/Shinree. I loved that this book has a bit of everything. It has mystery, sex, intrique, love, happiness, sadness, and so much action. I loved CL's use of magic in this written world.. I loved the feelings and the action. It was all so much fun to read and I cannot wait to see how this all ends in book 3.