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Driftwood Dreams (Carolina Coast #2)
Driftwood Dreams (Carolina Coast #2)
T.I. Lowe | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Driftwood Dreams is the second book in T.I. Lowe’s Carolina Coast Series. The books can be read as standalone’s, but I did see returning characters’ appearances from the previous book; I loved the first book, so I recommend going back to read that one as well. The whole series takes place in a small seaside town off the coast of Carolina (which is one of my favorite places ever) and makes you feel at home right from the first page.
     Characters can make or break my interest in the story, and T.I. Lowe did a great job of capturing my interest with both main characters in a very relaxed manner. Josie is a quiet, helpful, and loyal person who is always willing to lend a helping hand. She has high expectations of herself, is a people pleaser and an artist at heart. August is something of a mystery (maybe why I liked him so much) and is a mix of a hard-working and laid-back artist. I thought that his thought process was easy to follow and engaging to read. The chemistry between August and Josie was developed at a fun and interesting pace, and from the beginning, there were hints of the end goal for them. It was a twist on the girl next door type character plot.
     I thought that T.I. Lowe did a great job with the storyline movement and that the characters were genuinely relatable. The themes she wove in were great reminders that we only have this one life to live, and we need to live it how God calls us to. Also, we need to remember to follow our dreams and not be afraid of what others might think. T.I. Lowe described island life in a way that made me feel like I had sand under my feet and palm trees growing in my house. I truly loved her vivid descriptions. I think readers who like Debbie Macomber, Rachel Hauck, and Denise Hunter will love this book and the Carolina Coast series.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the relaxing storyline (So made me want to go to the beach), the interesting characters, and for the theme of following your dreams. I recommend picking up this book (or series!) to read while at the beach this summer!
*Reason for 4 instead of 5 stars: I loved the characters, I really did, however, some of their reactions or choices just did not seem believable to me.
**I volunteered to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Good as Hell
Good as Hell
Clancy Nacht, Thursday Euclid | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOODY LOVED THIS BOOK, so read the damn book, people!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

At first, I wasn't sure I would like this! It's a bit random, what with flying mattresses and flocks of blue jays in New York, but I'm so bloody glad that I kept going, cos let me tell ya, this book sucked me in, good and proper!

I don't think I've read anything quite like, in a long ass time, and I LOVED this book.

I mean this book twists and turns all over the place. It drags you kicking and screaming along, and then dumps you unceremoniously on your behind, letting you catch up a bit. It throws things at you, and you have the think "what the actual chuffing eck" and then, pages down the line, it explains it all away, and you "chuffing eck" all over again! (I said say, I do believe I swore, profusely, a time or two reading this book, but some sites don't like you to, so chuffing eck will have to do! But it's not a strong enough swear word, you hear me?!?!?!)

And, just as you get over THAT little hissy fit, another comes along and you are reading faster and faster and the next thing, that MASTERPIECE of a plot twist is thrown at you and you just....sit....and...WOW.

I've filed it on my Masterpieces shelf, because of that twist. Cos I did so NOT see that coming, not in a million years!

It's very well told, from both Gem and Sebastian's point of view, in the third person. It's hot and steamy in places, but also sweet as sugar in others. A bit gory in places, but nothing too graffic. Lots of really random stuff that made for an amazing fun read!

I want to rant and rave about this book, but I've deleted most of this review cos of spoilers, and I want YOU to enjoy it as much as I did and I don't think you will, if you see spoilers. So, as much as I wanna rant and rave, you're gonna have to make do with a mini rant.

This is the first book I've read of either of these authors, and I hope it isn't the last, cos, you know, in case you missed it...

I BLOODY LOVED THIS BOOK! So read it, people, read the damn book!

5 full and shiny, totally unexpected, but very much desered, stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Matcha Made in Hell (Boyfriend Café #1)
A Matcha Made in Hell (Boyfriend Café #1)
F.A. Ray | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather good!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For a long time, I've avoided bully romances. I've no idea why; I did the same wth the step brother romances a while back. But something about THIS book piqued my interest. And I jumped straight in.

Much like I'm gonna do with my review.

I liked this, a lot. I can't quite love though, simply because it's FIRST person, PRESENT tense AND multi point of view. Many kudos to the author for me not realising that til a way in, though, it's just not a preference of mine.

I loved the idea of the Boyfriend Cafe, not so much the reason for it, but I could see this taking off in some places. I loved Albert, in turn, the new hires to the cafe. Rhett is the driving force behind the cafe, which kinda makes his own love life a mockery: there simply isn't one.

Until Spencer Marsh turns up in teh cafe with his girlfriend. Then, things kinda take a kookie turn and one thing leads to another.

But what I especially liked about that meeting, was Rhett was strong against Spencer. Rhett knew he wasn't the same boy he was in high school, and Rhett stood up to Spencer. Not quite in the way I think he was expecting to, but still!

Spencer, in turn, knows he did Rhett wrong at school, and coming to this college was supposed to be his fresh start. His feelings for Rhett whoop him upside the head a little bit out of nowhere, and when Rhett does that thing where he tells Spencer what to do?? Spencer cannot deny Rhett anything.

The feelings kinda creep up and both Rhett AND Spencer, but I loved that. Yes there is early chemistry, that spark burns right through the book, but the FEELINGS creep up on them. Why Spencer was the way he was in school was hardly surprising but that Spencer still tries to impress his dad was. Dad kinda comes good, but not until the epilogue and only on Spencer's terms.

I like this group of people, they all have tales to tell, I hope!

This is, as far as I can see, the first that I have read by this author. I like the way they tell their tales. I love this about reviewing: you come across authors all the time with backlists, that then grace you to read shelf!

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Station Eleven in Books

May 30, 2017  
Station Eleven
Station Eleven
Emily St. John Mandel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Horrifyingly Plausible
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The dystopian idea of a virus wiping out most of the world’s human inhabitants is not a new concept. It has be done and retold over and over again. Emily St. John Mandel’s invention of the Georgian Flu is no different from these. Brought to Canada and the USA by a passenger on a plane from Russia, the highly contagious virus spreads quickly from person to person, town to town, and once caught you are dead within forty-eight hours.

The difference between Station Eleven and other novels of apocalyptic themes is that the story takes place primarily in two time periods – pre-Georgian Flu and twenty years post-Georgian flu – rather than during the outbreak and the immediate days after (although there are a few scenes written within that timeframe). It is difficult to explain the storyline without giving too much away. Although the death of millions of people is a vital feature, it is the lives of the characters that are important. All the significant characters are in some way linked to one man, Arthur Leander, and, particularly in the case of one individual, a graphic novel titled Station Eleven.

The book opens in Toronto with Arthur, a Hollywood actor, starring in a stage production of King Lear. Despite the quick reaction of trainee paramedic Jeevan, Arthur dies of a heart attack after suddenly collapsing during the forth act. Then suddenly, that same night, the Georgian flu makes its first appearance in Canada. Despite this occurring right at the beginning, it is not the last the reader sees of Arthur. Throughout the story the author returns to Arthur, recounting scenes of his life from acting career to his three ex-wives and only child.

Twenty years after the Georgian flu, Kirsten Raymonde, who starred as a child in the same production of King Lear, is part of the Traveling Symphony: a group of actors and musicians walking from decaying-town-to-town performing a number of Shakespeare plays as they go. With her she carries two Station Eleven comics that Arthur gave her before he died – incidentally written and drawn by his first wife. Most people that the Symphony encounter are accommodating and are trying their best to live in a world of no electricity or health care, but then they meet a man who calls himself the Prophet. Believing that he has been given a duty by God to repopulate the world he preaches to the people telling them that everything happens for a reason, likening the epidemic to Noah’s flood in the Bible. However it soon becomes clear that he is a dangerous character.

In a way it is heartening to imagine that high culture (such as Shakespeare and orchestral music) survives in a world that has been destroyed. Shakespeare was born in a time before all the modern inventions relied upon today, and now, in this novel, it is once again an electricity-less era yet these historical things live on.

One problem with Station Eleven is that it is hard to pinpoint the exact plot line. There is the life story of Arthur Leander, his wives and a close friend. Then there is Kirsten living a completely different life. Nonetheless it is still an incredibly fascinating book. Although it flits between time periods it is thankfully not as confusing as some may imagine it would be.

Even though dystopian novels of this nature have been done before, Station Eleven is definitely a book to read; and through it all it poses the question of how you, the reader, would survive in such a world.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Limelight in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
Amy Poeppel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun & engaging read
Allison and her family move to New York City from Dallas for her husband, Michael's, job. At first, Allison is excited--ready for the glitz and glamour of the city. Instead, she finds herself and her family (including her three children) living in a cramped small apartment within a high-rise building. She has no friends and no one to confide in and shortly after moving, she loses her job. Things go from bad to worse when she hits an empty parked car outside her son Jack's school--right in front of the judgemental eyes of all the other mothers. The note Allison leaves leads her to a fancy penthouse, which she finds occupied by young pop star, Carter Reid. Allison doesn't see Carter as a pop star, however: she sees an abandoned kid, friendless, without parents, and about to ruin his career by backing out of the Broadway musical in which he agreed to star. Somehow, Allison becomes involved in Carter's life and as she does, she finally finds a reason to embrace New York.

This was such a fun book and such an engaging read. Now, at first, Allison is adrift in New York and in the beginning of the book, I was so frustrated with the abuse she took from Carter that I was a bit annoyed with the story. But Poeppel gets you past that pretty quick. The entire book is humorous, as it's filled with funny moments with Allison, her family, and the cast of supporting characters. Howard, a security guard Allison helps tutor, particularly shines, as does Owen, Carter's butler. Poeppel is very adept at capturing the individual voice of each of her characters. I loved Allison's kids, too. I fell for her eldest daughter, Charlotte, because I could have been her 20 years ago (geez I'm old), but teenage Megan and funny, quirky Jack were awesome too. The characters truly become like family.

Even if Allison frustrated me at times, with her coddling of Carter, I certainly found her relatable. The fact that she wasn't a morning person, her love for her children yet inability to always know what was happening in their lives, and her closeness with her own mom. She comes across as a real person, and I was incredibly impressed at how well she handled Carter and the celebrity world. The theme of family runs across the book--not just Allison's family, but how the disparate characters in the novel become their own family, and you really find yourself rooting for Carter because of it.

And, indeed, the magic of the book is how it transforms Carter. In the beginning, I couldn't believe anyone would like this kid, but as you read on... well, let's just say you will be rooting for Carter Reid. Poeppel captures Carter so precisely--his mannerisms, his dialect, his voice--it's amazing. It's easy to picture him, and he grows on you, for sure. By the end of the novel, you may feel a little misty. Sure, it's sometimes easy to see where things may be going, but that's OK, because it is such a rather enjoyable ride to be on. Plus, you never know exactly what wrench Carter is going to throw in Allison's carefully laid plans.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It started off a little slow, and I was initially frustrated with Carter's behavior (and Allison's acceptance of it). However, the book then takes off, and I was quickly immersed in the well-written characters and the arc of the story. It's such a fun book in so many ways--and touching too--plus there's a celebrity aspect that gives it an enjoyable twist, and you often feel like you're in NYC on a Broadway set. Definitely an enjoyable read.
To Die For (Blair Mallory, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm, I'm having a hard time describing how I feel about this book. I liked it enough, Blair was a decent character, but there was something (or things) missing. I'm not one of those who hate first person narratives (I really have no preference - both first and third person narratives are fine with me, as long as they work for the book), but for some reason it felt weird in this book and didn't quite work for me. Also, I don't know how I feel about Wyatt. His reason for leaving Blair two years ago was lame and I can't believe she let him off the hook so easily; not to mention he was rather one-dimensional. The mystery was hardly that and it seemed as if the author forgot all about someone trying to kill Blair until the end, deadline was near, and just added some cockamamie, loony-tune ending that was a total let down and came from left field. Not to mention, the whole someone-wants-to-kill-Blair thing was pushed aside for all the petty arguing and sex. Now I liked Blair giving Wyatt a hard time and all, but some of the stuff she said or did was overkill and the editor needed to trim a good fifty or so pages of it out of the book. It didn't help that going into the book, I thought it was a more serious romantic suspense, which is what I really wanted to read at the time.

Some of my petty annoyances with the book came fairly early on: I don't get why Blair (and/or the author) thought Jason Carson or Jenni Mallory rhymed. Now if his name was Jason Cayson, I'd understand, or Jenni Menni, but just because Jason and Carson both end with 'son,' it doesn't rhyme because it's the same thing. I don't know if I'm saying that right but oh well. My other thing was that Blair couldn't wear some underwear because the bra got ruined. Uh, okay. Now I like my undies to match but that wouldn't mean I'd never wear the underwear again because the bra that matched got ruined. That's just snobby and stupid. Yeah, I know, ridiculous things to find annoying in the book, but we all have something. LoL

After I finished the book and went to Amazon I saw that there's a sequel. I'm not sure if I'm up for another trip into Blair's mind or not, but if I come across it real cheap or someone gives it to me, I might read it. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the book, I did, but I liked Blair up to a point, but when it got to around page 250, she was just a bit too much for a 378 page book. Maybe if we weren't in her head the whole time, or the book was shorter, I would have liked the book better.

Here's part of an Amazon review I liked:

'Wyatt had stayed away from his soulmate for two years and only came running with an engagement ring when he thought she had been murdered. How long would he have stayed away if nothing had happened to Blair? Also, Blair was supposedly only a 'dumb blonde' when it suited her. But I question the intelligence of anyone who thinks someone who cuts her brake line is just stupid and someone who shoots her with intent to kill is just a nitwit. I wonder if these things bothered anyone else. Still, these problems did not take too much away from my enjoyment of the book.'

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Station Eleven in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Station Eleven
Station Eleven
Emily St. John Mandel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The dystopian idea of a virus wiping out most of the world’s human inhabitants is not a new concept. It has be done and retold over and over again. Emily St. John Mandel’s invention of the Georgian Flu is no different from these. Brought to Canada and the USA by a passenger on a plane from Russia, the highly contagious virus spreads quickly from person to person, town to town, and once caught you are dead within forty-eight hours.

The difference between <i>Station Eleven</i> and other novels of apocalyptic themes is that the story takes place primarily in two time periods – pre-Georgian Flu and twenty years post-Georgian flu – rather than during the outbreak and the immediate days after (although there are a few scenes written within that timeframe). It is difficult to explain the storyline without giving too much away. Although the death of millions of people is a vital feature, it is the lives of the characters that are important. All the significant characters are in some way linked to one man, Arthur Leander, and, particularly in the case of one individual, a graphic novel titled <i>Station Eleven</i>.

The book opens in Toronto with Arthur, a Hollywood actor, starring in a stage production of <i>King Lear</i>. Despite the quick reaction of trainee paramedic Jeevan, Arthur dies of a heart attack after suddenly collapsing during the forth act. Then suddenly, that same night, the Georgian flu makes its first appearance in Canada. Despite this occurring right at the beginning, it is not the last the reader sees of Arthur. Throughout the story the author returns to Arthur, recounting scenes of his life from acting career to his three ex-wives and only child.

Twenty years after the Georgian flu, Kirsten Raymonde, who starred as a child in the same production of <i>King Lear</i>, is part of the Traveling Symphony: a group of actors and musicians walking from decaying-town-to-town performing a number of Shakespeare plays as they go. With her she carries two <i>Station Eleven</i> comics that Arthur gave her before he died – incidentally written and drawn by his first wife. Most people that the Symphony encounter are accommodating and are trying their best to live in a world of no electricity or health care, but then they meet a man who calls himself the Prophet. Believing that he has been given a duty by God to repopulate the world he preaches to the people telling them that everything happens for a reason, likening the epidemic to Noah’s flood in the Bible. However it soon becomes clear that he is a dangerous character.

In a way it is heartening to imagine that high culture (such as Shakespeare and orchestral music) survives in a world that has been destroyed. Shakespeare was born in a time before all the modern inventions relied upon today, and now, in this novel, it is once again an electricity-less era yet these historical things live on.

One problem with <i>Station Eleven</i> is that it is hard to pinpoint the exact plot line. There is the life story of Arthur Leander, his wives and a close friend. Then there is Kirsten living a completely different life. Nonetheless it is still an incredibly fascinating book. Although it flits between time periods it is thankfully not as confusing as some may imagine it would be.

Even though dystopian novels of this nature have been done before, <i>Station Eleven</i> is definitely a book to read; and through it all it poses the question of how you, the reader, would survive in such a world.
The One And Only
The One And Only
Julia Ash | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When bio-terrorism threatens to obscure humanity, one woman has the power to restore hope.

Ruby Spencer is a wife and a mother. She also happens to be the only person that could save the people on Earth from dying! In moments when she is planning to resign from the U.S. Special Warfare Council, Ruby and her husband Clay are sent to one last mission.

With the last assignment being a low-risk mission to Taiwan where they need to analyze the zombie infection and consult with scientists, it seems like they are about to go on a long-deserved mini honeymoon.

But everything goes wrong! They get kidnapped, the biggest world powers all plan a war ahead, and it seems that only the ones that have Ruby are likely to win the war. They all fight over her, and she has no clue why. What makes her so special?


First of all, I have to thank the author, Julia Ash, for sending over this amazing book to me, in exchange for an honest review!

The beginning of The One and Only is extremely breathtaking! I believe that the beginning might be the best part of the book, actually! The flow of the story is well-thought, and I especially loved the scenes where the author refers to the past, and made me feel like there was another book before that. It is quite easy to catch up with the beginning and the brief details of the past, but if in the future there is a prequel that explains it all – I would love to be the first one to know about it!

Now, the characters are probably the reason that made the book the way it is! We have Ruby, who is our heroine, a brave lady, ready to give all the love, courage and wisdom in the world. She is a mother, a wife, and a brave fighter that never gives up and is never afraid to stand up against evil.

On the other hand, we have her husband – Clay. He was… alright. I suppose? His love for Ruby and their daughter is incredible, but somehow, I could think of him as a manly enough figure in their relationship. He was smart and brave, but not as smart and brave as Ruby.

I couldn’t somehow connect with him.

The character that intrigued me the most is Ox. I loved how Julia has shown us the psychological profile of this man, and the way he thinks. It was lovely reading about his part of his story, and even though he was on the wrong side, it is what he believes in. And the way it is written in so extraordinary, that at times I could see myself giving him an excuse.

The only part that I couldn’t agree with, and I am refusing to accept is – THE ENDING! I will withdraw myself from spoilers, but that’s not how things should have ended! That is not the ending I wanted, that is not the ending I was hoping for. No, no, no. It made me upset, and angry, and I wanted to break something very bad! That was a huge disappointment for me and it changed my whole perception of the story and the book itself.

If you ever get the chance to read this book – you should expect a lot of twists, a lot of ups and downs, and if you are like me and are trying hard to not bite your nails – well, you’re about to fail. This is not your typical book about zombie apocalypse. This is not your usual book about a heroine being kidnapped. This is not your usual book of how a person saves the world. This will be nothing like you expected, and everything you hoped for.