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Vampire Academy
Vampire Academy
Richelle Mead | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book a bit unusual in that the background information that is usually relayed within the first chapter or so is not in this book. Instead, I am plunged into the action as if I were tagging along with Rose and not given relevant background information until it is actually useful to the plot. I prefer this rarely-used method because then I don't need to go back and find the definitions and explanations of things that I have forgotten when the specific topic is not addressed for half the book.
I really like the way that Mead separates the "good" vampires from the "bad" vampires with the Moroi and Strigoi (although I would love a pronunciation guide) as almost two different species. There is actually a major consequence to being evil - loss of magic - with no exceptions. Mead builds an excellent world of clear-cut rules that I can appreciate.
The interplay between Rose and Lissa is fascinating both for Rose's unwavering dedication to Lissa, as well as Lissa's almost surreal innocence. If it weren't for Lissa's "madness" she would seem almost faultless. Normally, I find characters like this to not be believable, but since she is bonded to Rose, it almost seems as if they are two halves of the same person, one dark and one light. The dhampir lifestyle that Rose is a representative of seems like a cross between brainwashing, slavery, and the use of a caste system, but Rose seems to be a very willing participant. I can't decide if I like this or not, but Rose seems to be quite happy with it, especially given her abilities.
What I like most is Rose's relationship with Dimitri. In a word - hot! There is nothing like a forbidden romance to make me want to keep reading way past my bedtime as I root for every training session to go beyond the norm. Of all the ways for Victor Dashkov to distract Rose and Dimitri, there are worse ways than the much-needed lust spell. That was a fantastic way to make them aware of their feelings for each other, which may never have happened otherwise due to each other's strong sense of duty and responsibility.
The one minor thing that bothers me about this world that Mead has constructed as the lack of addressing the topic of money. For instance, Rose has been attending the Academy almost since she was born, but who pays for that?
Platinum Doll
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've longed admired Jean Harlow. There's just something about her that is mesmerizing and infectious. She was someone who seemed to glow from within. While I am no expert and haven't seen all her films, I still have an idea of who she might have been. I was so excited for the opportunity to read <b>Platinum Doll</b>, but as I was reading, the thrill decreased until it was gone.

Ms. Girard's portrayal of Jean Harlow, born Harlean Harlow Carpenter, is hollow, naive and full of wide-eyed wonder at everything. While I will buy the latter two to a certain degree, I can't help feeling that Harlean was savvier and more in control than described in the book. She never grew in the book, and yes there was lip service that she had, but it wasn't felt. Everything seemed to fall into her lap or it was dumb luck. It never felt that Harlean had much gumption or incentive to go for it. Now that's not something I believe is true. Someone who takes on a dare, dyes her hair a shocking platinum blonde, and defies a controlling mother when she elopes isn't a person who stands back and allows things to happen to her. No, she makes them happen.

As for the plot, well, most of it is devoted to her first marriage with Charles "Chuck" McGrew, which was unfortunate as it was boring and redundant with basically the same thing happening over and over again. Yawn. Her mother, Jean Harlow, was shown as your typical stage mother, which I don't doubt she was, but I would also guess that their mother/daughter relationship was deeper and more complicated than that written. Not much is told about her work, just brief glimpses and mentions. Part of the problem was that it was just basic a to b to c telling. Change the names and certain circumstances and this could be about any ingenue in the 20s and 30s.

I could go more in depth, but the book didn't so why should I? I wish I'd passed on <b>Platinum Doll</b> and watched the glamorous Jean Harlow at work or read a biography about her instead. I appreciate what the author tried to do, but the attempt failed to bring to life the vivacity of this fascinating woman.
<i>2.5 stars</i>
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All Fired Up (Sin City Uniforms #1)
All Fired Up (Sin City Uniforms #1)
Morticia Knight | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great start to a new series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Shawn is the new guy in the police department and is enjoying working in Vegas. Trent is in the fire department. The pair met at a blood drive months ago and they each had an instant reaction to each other. But Trent is still hurting from the death of his previous partner, who was also a cop and he doesn’t know if he can go through that again. When Trent “rescues” Shawn, he embarrasses him at the same time. After actually getting to know one another after this, they realise they have a lot in common. Then the fires that have been plaguing Vegas turn deadly, and Trent and Shawn might be next on the vigilante's hit list.

I liked this one, a LOT.

Trent is hurting, even after two years, and he knows it. He can’t lose another police officer partner, but Shawn pushes all his buttons and then some. He KNOWS he is over protective, he KNOWS he needs to reign it in, but he struggles with that. Getting to know Shawn makes that a lot easier, but on the job? Trent goes into overdrive. But I loved that he does. Because deep down, he knows that Shawn might be The One, you know? He knows how much he is affected by Shawn.

Shawn is very laid back, relaxed in all he does but work. He loves his job. Trent is, in his eyes, the perfect guy BUT for the protective streak a mile wide. When Shawn finds out WHY Trent is just so, he lets up a bit. But when there is a real threat to Shawn, one that could very well kill him? Shawn is very glad of that streak, he really is.

I loved that EVERYONE else could see how much Trent and Shawn liked each other, way before they managed to admit it to themselves. And that everyone was happy for them when they finally sorted themselves out.

It’s well told, from both guy’s point of view, in the third person. There is some violence, but it’s needed for the storyline. I didn’t find it as explicit as some of Ms Knight’s books, but I’m not complaining. This, I found, was really rather sweet! Sexy, yes; steamy and emotional, yes but sweet and cue and I really did enjoy it!

This is the first in this new series, Sin City Uniforms. If they are all as good as this, I’ll be a happie bunnie!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Let Me Show You
Let Me Show You
Becca Seymour | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
super sweet but so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Carter finds himself stuck, and naked, when construction worker, Tanner comes to price up some renovations on his home. Tanner immediately takes a shine to the sexy but very shy vet. When Carter has problems at work, and when they go out, Tanner goes all alpha-male-MINE on Carter, and Carter thinks FINALLY! Tanner’s best friend needs him though, it’s why he moved to town. Can Tanner commit to Carter the way Carter wants, and needs?

OH, SO very stinking cute, this one! AND warm and fuzzies! I really kinda fell into this one, and it was SOOOOO good!

Carter isn’t looking for love, it kinda finds him and knocks him for six. Tanner is a breath of fresh air, and after weeks of flirting they FINALLY get down and dirty. I mean, I was waiting, and waiting and bloody WAITING for them to get their act together and give in to the attraction but it takes them FOREVER!!!


I LOVED that it did! The tension between builds over time, and I really did appreciate being made to wait for the main event.

It’s not overly dramatic, with no real drama, just a guy in a bad place taking it out on Carter at work. It’s not especially explicit, but it IS so bloody sexy. It’s not too complicated a plot to follow and there is no real violence.

There is, though, a lotta love! A lot of people love Carter and Tanner, together and separately. And they make no bones about what they want for their friends, which is for Carter and Tanner to be together.

It’s well written, from both Carter and Tanner’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, and each change of voice occurs as the chapter changes and is clearly headed. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It’s one of those books you just FALL into, you know. You can lose a couple of hours on a wet and windy Tuesday morning, after all the chores are done, you sit down with a cuppa tea, and read a bit, and before you know it, the book is finished!

It really was far too stinking cute for its own good, and you know what?? I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but I can’t figure out why, so changing my mind, and giving it the full..

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Benoit (Owatonna U #3)
Benoit (Owatonna U #3)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

    This is book 3 in the Owatonna U Hockey series. It’s not totally necessary for you to have read books one, Ryker, and two, Scott, before this one, but personally I would recommend you do. It will give you a better picture of this group of hockey players and how they relate to each other. I didn’t much care for Ryker, but Scott was a much better read and this one is my favourite of the three!

    Benoit hit Senior year, and his focus is on his hockey. Study and hockey. He is absolutely not allowed to get involved with a certain volunteer coach who is hobbling around on crutches. Ethan knows he won’t play professionally again, since he broke his leg on his 32nd birthday but helping the next generations of players might keep him happy. A certain goalie is not on his agenda. But after a scorching hot kiss, Ethan wants more, but Benoit is not playing.

    This one, by far, is my favourite of the three. Maybe it was Benoit, or Ethan or the pairing of the two, or maybe it had been brewing up to this one, I dunno, but I loved this one!

    Benoit and Ethan have instant and powerful attraction, and they try hard to ignore it, they really do. But some things are just meant to be, even if there is a big age gap. Everyone is concerned about that gap, but Ethan and Benoit are not.

    There are some difficult topics dealt with here: racism and homophobia. Difficult reading for someone who has not experienced either, but I got way into Benoit’s heart when he deals with the aftermath of that.

    Because of the above, it does make some points quite emotional and you wanna cry for Benoit, but equally, it has some lighter moments and lots of the steamy moments!

    It is again written from both Ethan and Benoit’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clearly defined, coming from very different backgrounds, and they are easily identifiable if you leave off during a chapter. Each change occurs as the chapter changes. I saw no spelling or editing that would spoil anyone’s reading experience.

    I loved that Ryker, Jacob, Hayne and Scott all take part, as well as Tens are Mads. I still wanna read their story!

    Are there more? I hope so. Really loving this series.

    5 full and shiny stars

    **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Kyera (8 KP) rated The Raven Boys in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took a long time for this book to draw me in and even then I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about it. I am not the type of person to put down a book if I'm not enjoying it, I always try to finish it so that I have a complete picture. I don't know if my lack of engagement was solely due to the story or the fact that I decided to listen to this as an audiobook.

The two main characters are Blue and Gansey, although they are joined by a supporting cast of about eight others. Blue is the daughter of a psychic, but the only ability she has is to amplify her surroundings. She has always known that if she kisses her true love, he will die. Gansey is the rich boy who goes to private school and has a lot of problems. His school friends also had a lot of struggles. Honestly, that's about as deep as the characterization and development felt for me, most of the times. There were a few scenes that we got to see below the surface, but in general, it felt very superficial to me.

Although the book is set in Henrietta, Virginia it takes aspects from Welsh folklore and weaves them into the narrative. As I am not familiar with Welsh folklore, I cannot speak to how accurately it is done. Personally, I didn't feel like the world or magic system was well explained. The mundane was adequately described, but the supernatural was left with a permeating air of mystery.

While the book followed an overarching plot, it also had myriad side plots and points of view thrown in which was also off-putting. They seemed incredibly irrelevant at the same and didn't contribute much to the story. Some of them ended up tying into the story in the very last chapters, leading me to say oh so that's why I've been bothering to listen to this character complain and grouse for the first three-quarters of the book. But others it seems still had no true relevance to the plot, they just added pages to the novel.

I wasn't even going to consider continuing the series until I reached those final few chapters. I still don't love the book, but I'm curious. The ending intrigued me enough that I will take a chance. I have hopes that it will improve, as so many people are in love with this series.
Wonder (2017)
Wonder (2017)
2017 | Drama
acting (2 more)
underlying message
Cute messages tugging at your heart strings
Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, Wonder, directed by Stephen Chbosky, is a wonderfully endearing and uplifting story about a boy, Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay), who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and has had several surgeries leaving him with facial deformities.

The movie starts as he is entering into fifth-grade, and actually going to school for the first time as he has previously been home schooled by his mother (Julia Roberts). He is understandably scared about not making friends, or being ridiculed by his classmates, but with the help of his Mum and Dad (Owen Wilson) he braves going to school and meets new people.

There are many moments of sadness, as you would expect, but there are also moments of great joy. I found myself crying from start to finish, riding on a rollercoaster of emotions.

There are a few mini storylines about other characters that get given the spotlight at different times as well, which is a nice change to when some films focus on just the one person, because we get to see other characters backgrounds, and why they act how they do.

The casting is brilliant, Tremblay plays Auggie excellently, bringing both emotion and sass to the character. He has been in a fair few things before, such as Before I Wake, but this role will definitely boost him into the spotlight.

Roberts and Wilson as the parents is also an excellent choice, Roberts gives an emotive performance, and it’s great to see Wilson in a serious role, whilst still bringing some light comic relief.

The cast has a lot of young actors, but there isn’t one that stands out as being stiff or unnatural, they are all brilliant and help to bring the feel of the movie together. The relationships between all the characters is brought to life really well by the actors.

The writing is brilliant, although it is based on a book so the story is there already, but the screenwriters, Chbosky, Steve Conrad and Jack Thorne, put it together for the screen really well.

There are some stand out quotes, that also come from the book, that make you stop and think, and the teacher, Mr Browne (Daveed Diggs), teaches the class about precepts such as ‘When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind’.

Overall, it’s a well-rounded family movie, that may change your outlook on some things in life. With such great casting, writing and direction, I’d be very surprised if it didn’t do well during awards season.
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book gets a 4.5 stars, but, again, I am rounding up for this book because it was honestly close enough to a 5 that I'm okay giving it a five star!!

Why did I wait so long to read this book?!?! Oh my goodness. I loved Cinder so much and I bought this book almost immediately after reading Cinder, so I'm not sure why I hesitated reading this because it was just as good!!

Kai and Cinder are still so cute together. I just love all of the little moments when they are thinking about each other and they are just consumed by those thought. Ugh. So freaking cute. (I'm still going for the the ship name of Kainder because they both need a little kindness in their lives, to be honest).

I love the new characters as well. Scarlet is so independent and feisty! I love how she sticks up for what she believes in and wants to protect those she loves, but she's also very trusting, maybe too trusting with people.

 And Wolf, he's so smooth, but he's got anxiety. He wants to be a better person for Scarlet because she believes in him! Wolflet is an adorable ship name and I love them together.

And *CAPTAIN* Carswell is hilarious and I can't wait to see what shenanigans he gets into in the next year.

I'm just so in love with all of the new characters and I'm so glad they were added to the story! It's never certain that the characters introduced in the sequels will be as compelling as the characters in the first book, but they shined just as brightly. (Yeah, I know I'm getting cheesy, I just love these characters so freaking much.)

Normally I'm not the biggest fan of multiple PoV stories, this book was written so well that I actually loved it!!

I read this whole book in a day and it helped me out of a minor book slump, so thank you Scarlet!!

I absolutely love where the plot is going. I can't wait until I can get my hands on the rest of the series, which will hopefully be soon!

I just love these books and the author. I got to meet her a couple of years ago at yallwest and she signed this book. She's just so freaking nice and I'm so happy she's had so much success in this series! I can't wait to see what else she will be writing!

Sundrademe (1 KP) rated Ready Player One (2018) in Movies

Apr 1, 2018 (Updated Apr 1, 2018)  
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
A blast from the past every nerd can appreciate. (1 more)
Good pacing.
Who are these people? Little character development. (1 more)
Only surface deep. Don't look for a message here.
Not surprised by Spielberg
I'll have to admit, when I first saw the trailer for this movie I turned to my fiancé and said "that looks so stupid!" After seeing a few more trailers I started to notice things. Is that the Iron Giant? Did I just see Harley Quinn? Who has enough pull to get rights to all these characters? Of course! this is a piece from the master of adventure, Steven Spielberg. Okay, now I've got to see this.
For anyone who's seen a Spielberg movie will recognize the common themes; a young hero with empty pockets but a brave heart who's destined for adventure, a rag-tag group of friends, and a dying dream that they must save at all costs. Sorry that's The Goonies, well same difference.
This is the story of Wade Watts, a teenager in 2045, who's dirt poor but like most people, escapes his reality by going into the virtual world called The Oasis. In the Oasis you can be anyone (or anything), go anywhere, and do just about anything. The late creator of the Oasis has hidden an Easter Egg (for non geeks, this is a fun piece of side content a director hides within a game or movie), and the person who finds the egg will win all of the creators shares in the company.
Wade belongs to a clever group of friends on the fringes of society who like most people are searching for this egg. What makes them so special outside of everyone else in the world? Eh, heart? Anyway, follow along the mystery and adventure, where you will see how they find the egg-because we all know they will.
Look, this movie is awesome. Spielberg is the king of pop culture and he really shines here. everyone will love the use of old and new characters from comics, games and all corners of media; the odd mix of music as far back as the 70s till now; and the obvious-not-so-obvious references to cult classics. It's cute, it's easy to swallow and it's a lot of fun.
Don't expect this to be your new favorite movie or to have long talks about it later on with friends. Nor will you walk away enamored with any of the characters because they aren't that interesting. Sure, you'll probably want to see it again but probably once it hits DVD.
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review on my blog:

A book that speaks about feelings, and lack of them. Love and emotions. Art and passion. Psychology and memories. And how our childhood might define who we will become.

I have never felt such urgency to read another chapter as I have felt it with The Silent Patient. Such impatience, such excitement. It’s a feeling I wish I can get with all the books in my life.


Alicia Berenson writes a diary as a release, an outlet – and to prove to her beloved husband that everything is fine. She can’t bear the thought of worrying Gabriel, or causing him pain.

Until, late one evening, Alicia shoots Gabriel five times and then never speaks another word.


Forensic psychotherapist Theo Faber is convinced he can successfully treat Alicia, where all others have failed. Obsessed with investigating her crime, his discoveries suggest Alicia’s silence goes far deeper than he first thought.

And if she speaks, would he want to hear the truth?

I love these types of books. Besides the mystery and thriller, the psychological part was an incredibly well-put together piece of art.

The beginning of the story is nice and slow, but with a temptation in it, that makes you flip the pages so fast. A great world and character building, and great character hopping from Theo to Alicia, from chapter to chapter.

Even though we don’t get to have Alicia talking in the book, she says so much. All her movements, all her reactions, or lack of reaction is so well written. Her lack of speaking doesn’t stop her from moving the story forward, and being the main protagonist here.

On the other hand, we have Theo, who we see and get to know more and more with each chapter. A complicated character, with a cute oddness to himself, a characteristic I find with many psychotherapists. He is the person we see at the front of the screen, presenting himself in the spotlight, together with Alicia.

A well-written plot, with an amazing cliff-hanger and a wonderful plot-twist in the end. I didn’t expect it, and I am awfully satisfied of how the authors decides to conclude the book.

I enjoyed this book so much, and I recommend it to all the psychological thriller book readers here. Don’t miss this one, and get your copy today. It’s so worth it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group, for providing me with an e-copy, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and completely unbiased.