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Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Book 1)
By Laini Taylor

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.

In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages--not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.

When one of the strangers--beautiful, haunted Akiva--fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?

When you start a book and realise you have already read it but continue because it was so good! Well this was better the second time round. All the emotions came flooding back and I love that a book can have that effect on you. Rereading Karou and Akivas story was just as enjoyable as the first time the world building and story is just beautiful. I really like this authors style.
Peaky Blinders  - Season 1
Peaky Blinders - Season 1
2013 | Drama
Acting, casting, writing, cinematography, music (0 more)
Seasons too short and far between (0 more)
Forget everything you think you know about period drama
It would be easy to dismiss Peaky Blinders as just a British drama. It would be easy to dismiss it as just a period piece. It would be easy to claim that it was just a British Boardwalk Empire. You'd be so wrong to do so.

Every part of Peaky Blinders is perfection. From the superb acting of its regular cast (Cillian Murphy on a tv show? Sign me up!) to a roster of featured guests (Sam Neill? Tom Hardy? Adrien Brody? Who did the casting director sell their soul to, anyway?) to the use of colour and an outlaw music soundtrack that shouldn't work, but does (Nick Cave? PJ Harvey? Tom Waits? David Bowie? On a period drama? What is this? Freaking genius, that's what.)

Shortly after the end of the first World War, a family of Irish gypsy (their word, not mine) - blooded Birmingham bookmakers tries to recover from the horrors of that war and build up their business. Second oldest, Tommy Shelby (played expertly by Cillian Murphy who manages to play a gangster who is both ruthless and fragile with the ability to break your heart with a single look), came back from the war broken by his experiences, but determined to rise far beyond the limitations of his Small Heath upbringing. Not only does he have the expected clashes with those who want to keep him from growing his business (both criminal rivals and the police) but he has a family to run (with all the interpersonal conflicts that entails). All of this is set against a backdrop of political turmoil from the IRA and the rise of communist sympathy in the UK.

You shouldn't like Tommy Shelby, but he is written and acted so well that you won't be able to not like him. The same can be said for older brother, Arthur, younger siblings John, Ada, and Finn. If you don't love Aunt Polly, then you must have a problem with strong female characters.

Steven Knight has taken a world told to him through family legend and turned it into a world that you will be eager to inhabit an hour (or, if you're like everyone I know, a season) at a time. He writes a period drama that doesn't feel dated. The characters and their struggles are as relevant today as they were nearly a hundred years ago.

Take a chance on the show with the weird name and discover why there are very few casual Peaky Blinders fans. There's a reason why the late, great David Bowie was a huge fan and made sure that they would have a song from his last album before he died. There's a reason the show's dated fashion and hairstyles are making a comeback, why Peaky Blinders pubs and pub nights are popping up all over. It's that good. Check it out for yourself.
    Toy Defense Fantasy

    Toy Defense Fantasy

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    Toy Defense Fantasy 2.0 will please fans of tower defence genre with excellent graphics,...

Beheld (Kendra Chronicles, #4)
Beheld (Kendra Chronicles, #4)
Alex Flinn | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beheld by Alex Flinn is the fifth book in the Kendra Chronicles. Readers were first introduced to the witch in Flinn’s Beauty and the Beast retelling, Beastly. Since then she has been involved in a number of other famous fairy tales like Cinderella and Rapunzel. In this book, readers follow Kendra’s life as she finds the love of her life, loses him and repeats the cycle. Each time she encounters him, readers are treated to a short retelling. The first is Little Red Riding Hood, which is set in Salem, Ma during the witch trials. The second is Rumplestiltskin, which is set is Bavaria and features a Prince. The third is East of the Sun and West of the Moon, which is set primarily in Britain during the Second World War. The final tale is the Ugly Duckling, which is in modern day Miami.

My least favourite aspect of the book was actually the interludes linking each story together, or Kendra’s tale of trying to find her love. Each retelling would have been an interesting (if short) read, even if she were not a character and the magic was introduced in another fashion. Personally, I felt that these tales would have been better served as novellas because the thread linking them felt forced. The stories themselves felt rushed at times, perhaps because all four had to be combined into one cohesive story and if they were more detailed than the novel would be much too long.

The characters were likable and the world was believable, but neither was particularly developed. I wish that the author had taken the time to delve more deeply into the worlds and build an entrancing narrative. Overall, the book was enjoyable but there were times that it was slow and I had to force myself to pick it back up to continue.

I would recommend this novel, and the series as a whole, to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic and fantasy in their books, as well as fairytale retellings.
Tristan (The Hawks, #1)
Tristan (The Hawks, #1)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRISTAN is the first book in The Hawks series and be prepared to lose your heart to every single one of these men!!!

After many years of war, a chance of peace happens, before betrayal takes over. This devastates Tristan as it looks -- and he is told by his king -- that his best friend is one of those responsible. He is sent away from the main city as penance for 'allowing' the old king to die. Whilst he and his men are gone, lots of changes take place, and none of them good.

What a brilliant story!!! Now, as an unbiased reader, I can tell you I was shouting at my kindle when Tristan believed the prince. I mean, come on, but Tristan was honourable and loyal, and his vow to the king was everything. Nim is Val's sister and believes him to be innocent. Of course, this may have something to do with the way she is treated by the king and his chancellor. When she escapes them, the only thought in her mind is to save her brother. Once she is captured by Tristan and his men, things get really interesting.

The world-building is simply sublime! Details are given in passing that you won't even need to think about, just because they simply are! Wings, scales, healing, you name it. I just want to know more! It is a fast-paced story that takes you on a steamy, and sometimes violent, adventure - where good is good and bad is downright horrible.

As a first book in a series, it's amazing. As a debut novel, it's astounding. I was captured by this world, and the characters who live there, and I really can't wait for more. Absolutely fantastic and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Masters' Mistress (The Angel Eyes #1)
Masters' Mistress (The Angel Eyes #1)
Jamie Schulz | 2020 | Dystopia, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Masters' Mistress is the first book in The Angel Eyes series and it tells the story of a post-apocalyptic world where women have taken over and men are kept as slaves. We start off in the past and then skip to the present where most of the story takes place.

A lot of thought has been given to the structure of this world, and like any, there are good and bad characters in it. Angel is one of the good ones (obviously) and is trying to get her world on a more even-footing. Darla and her cronies disagree and want things to remain as they are. There is some reference to how the two sides are 'at war' but nothing really happens in the book to emphasise that apart from Angel outbidding Darla for Bret.

Bret is the main male character with a huge chip on his shoulder. He has baggage in his past but instead of trying to work through it and let it go, holds it to him like a hot water bottle on a cold night. He wants Angel but doesn't like or trust her. Angel wants him but denies her feelings. This leads to a LOT of back and forth - the majority of the book. I'm all for overwhelming feelings of attraction but not when you do something you really don't want to do. I got a bit annoyed with Angel whenever she would "fall apart when he touched her."

This is a long book with plenty of descriptions in some areas and then not in others. I would have liked a bit more of a view of the world outside their ranch but maybe that is coming in the future books. On the whole, this was an enjoyable read that has a sort of HFN ending that leads you onto the next book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Two Worlds of Geratica Volume 2: The Mistress of Geratica by Anne Hampton is a wonderful follow up to the first Volume. There is some overlap between this book and the first as this one starts ten years earlier then Volume 1. It also gets caught up to modern times quickly so this time change isn’t too much of a problem. Once again it is important to remember that Geratica and its parallel, Geraticai, are similar to Earth but no the same place and the people who live there are not human.

Geratica is facing a time of political and economic turmoil due to the increasing number of “radical” thinkers in the realm. They are also in danger of spies from Geraticai who want to be their own world and not just a parallel of Geratica. As things reach a breaking point The Mistress of Geratica comes forward to aid in setting things right again. Sadly even that doesn't fix things right away.

Linda has a hard time getting bills passed through Parliament and Alexandra’s boyfriend, Tom, is caught in a compromising position. Alexandra finds herself gaining confidence as her own woman and makes some very big decisions for not only herself but for Geratica as a whole. It is questionable though if Geratica can survive the strikes and civil unrest and form a way to keep both the radicals and convinces happy. At the same time, the government in Geraticai keeps changing so fast it is hard to keep track of who is in charge at any given time. Eventually, Geraticai goes to war. To say the least, things are not going good for the two worlds of Geratica.

What I liked best was that in my review of the first book I complained that the second world (Geraticai) didn’t play a big part in the story yet this book fixed that entirely. The two worlds become intertwined in this book in such a way that it is deserving of its title. I almost regret my statement about the first book. What I didn’t like so much was that towards the ending I got very confused about Fiona and Robert. Without giving anything away their relationship with each other and the Mistress was good in concept but did not make since to me very well as to why things worked out the way they did.

Once again I suggest a mature audience for this book. It is still geared more towards a mostly female audience but some men may find it interesting as well. There was still quite a bit of sexual content and politics so reader beware. This book deserves a rating of 4 out of 4 just like the first one. It could still use to be edited a little bit better but for the most part, I can not complain (and who am I to make a judgment on editing). The balanced time the author spends talking about each world prevents either one from getting too much attention. Overall an excellent book once more.
Dogfight (Special Operations, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>
Quite often novels concerning the Second World War are assumed to be about Great Britain, Germany or life in concentration camps. However, first in series <i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> by Craig Simpson is set in Norway in 1940 where Nazi’s have invaded.

The story is about fifteen-year-old Finn Gunnersen and his best friend Loki whose families are deeply involved with the resistance. Although they are still young boys, Finn and Loki end up playing an enormous role. Finn survives imprisonment and goes on to help a British Agent who has parachuted into Norway. As well as being a brilliant piece of historical fiction, this novel turns out to be an exciting thriller for teenagers.

Although suitable for both male and female readers, boys of ages ten and up would particularly like this book especially if they have a fascination for aircraft. There is a lot of detail about different types of planes and the author has even included a few diagrams and details at the beginning of the book.

Finn is a great hero with admirable strength and bravery. Simpson does not undermine women however and includes a couple of amazing female characters with just as much courage as the men.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a work of fiction but it was inspired by real events. It’s Norwegian setting makes it educational in that it teaches the reader about the effect of the war on innocent people in countries less spoken about in history textbooks. Despite some of the areas being made up to suit the story, Simpson has done a magnificent job at keeping it historically accurate and must have spent a great deal of time on research.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a brilliant book for young readers. For some the historical setting may be off putting but the characters feel as modern as teenagers today. The story is exciting and has a fantastic ending, including a few plot twists you do not see coming!