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The face of Brendan Brazier blazes across the opening page of the book, along with a full body shot of him again at the beginning of the introduction. He certainly has an intimidating litany of accomplishments, from a former profession as an Ironman triathlete and two-time Canadian 50 km Ultra Marathon champion to designing the Vega product line to supplement the plant-based diet taught in his previous books, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life and Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness. The list goes on, and this is only on the first page of the book.
The Introduction explains what drove Brazier to write this book, namely an avid curiosity about the source of a food's nutritional quality as well as the environmental cost of these sources. He then describes what each of the first five chapters focus on, followed by 200 recipes created with the help of top chefs, "all made with nutriet-dense, plant-based whole foods that are both health-boosting and easy on the environment." The contributing chefs are Julie Morris, Amanda Cohen, Matthew Kenney, Chad Sarno, and Tal Ronnen; and many recipes are also pulled from Brazier's favorite restaurants across Canada and the United States.
In the first chapter, Brazier discusses the hurdles he overcame in becoming an Ironman triathlete in regards to proper nutrition and how this drove him to study nutrition in-depth and formulate his own conclusions about how to achieve a proper diet. Chapter Two takes proper nutrition one step further by exploring the environmental impact of all aspects of the food industry with both high nutrient-dense foods and low nutrient-dense foods. Chapter Three investigates the various solutions offered for both the environmental toll of the food industry and the initiatives to achieve higher nutrient density in food, as well as compares the ratios of nutrients to environmental toll in various foods. Chapter Four lists the eight components of healthy food with its purpose, best sources, and specific benefits. Chapter Five uses the information from the previous chapter to list and discuss the most nutrient-dense foods available. In addition, each of the chapters have a quick summary of that chapter in "Thrive at a Glance" for quick reference.
The end of the book has a detailed Guide to Nutrients, which covers phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, followed by a list of Brazier's favorite restaurants and cafes, complete with addresses and short blurbs. The book concludes with a list of calculations that compare the emissions of a variety of foods to nutrient density that are discussed in chapter three, as well as a glossary and list of resources.
I was incredibly impressed with the knowledge that Brazier provides between the pages of this book, and how well he illustrates the knowledge so that anyone can understand it. While I do not completely agree with everything that Brazier is preaching with his"Thrive" diet, most of it does make sense and with the right amount of dedication I think that it could work for most people - and you don't have to be a triathlete to do it.
Fitbit Inspire HR
Fitbit Inspire HR
Wearable Technology > Smart Watches
7.2 (9 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Overall performance for the price (0 more)
No altimetre (0 more)
Fitbit changed my life(style)
First of all thanks to @Smashbomb for the great giveaway of a Fitbit Inspire HR

The heading of this review might seem dramatic but it is no exaggeration.

I had a fitbit charge 3 before I won this giveaway. So I am going to repost this review on the charge 3 as well as here. As it is a review on both and I will compare them against each other. I will also post this review for the Fitbit app as both fitness trackers are used in conjunction with the app. I will score them all separately on what they offer.

I was never one to over worry about my appearance so I paid little attention to my weight and in fact have been slightly overweight most of my life. My change started a week or two before I decided to buy a Fitbit. My wife who is one to care about her appearance had recently successfully implemented her own diet and exercise plan using a Fitbit Charge 3 and the Fitbit app to monitor her calorie intake and her daily exercise.

She had recently put on a bit of weight and this had affected her confidence so she decided to change. As I have Lupus an autoimmune disease. I am classed as clinically vulnerable to Covid so we were shielding for 19 weeks. I was advised to go in a little earlier than the rest of the UK nation being locked down. Towards the end of lockdown we started to go for walks on our daily exercise. This was the beginning of the change.

One day I caught site of my reflection in the microwave of all places. It was a side profile of my stomach and my waist and I realised I had let my weight gain go too far.

So I decided to use our daily walks to try and push myself first by slowly increasing the distance walked then to trying to improve the pace and choosing different routes which would push me a bit more. For instance with steep inclines.

I noticed some benefits almost straight away. Being quite goal driven. I set myself a goal of weight loss of 1lb a week. I started using the Fitbit app to monitor my calorie intake alongside my daily exercise.

It has worked wonders. I was 15st 8lb (clinically obese) when I started. I am now 13st 10lb(still overweight) and counting. I walk at least 2 miles, 5 out of 7 days. Most weeks I walk 6 days and some weeks I walk every day.

My wife and I have also allowed ourselves cheat days. This is so we don't feel deprived so that if we really fancy a treat we can say we will have that on Friday or Saturday and it works. Although we have cheat days we always monitor our calorie intake. This is so we can see over a week or month we still have a healthy deficit.

Having the fitness tracker alongside the app has inspired my wife and I to make additional changes. We have implemented new habits due to the tips popping up on the app now and again. I used to drink tea all day. I have changed this to no added sugar dilute juice and now drink my daily recommended amount of water every day.

Another tip that popped up is to eat a high protein breakfast early in the day this gets your metabolism going early and stages of cravings for carbs and sweet things. Of the options recommended my wife and started making overnight fruit and oat jars. This has also worked. I eat much more salad and a lot less carbs and sugar.

The next habit I am going to try and implement is to not eat at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Overall these are great buys. I love the step counter/goal, distance counter/goal, the exercise tracker, the water intake monitor and the calorie intake/outgoing monitor.

It's not often that you can say a purchase actually has a positive effect on your lifestyle.

One gripe about all the products is you have to pay extra for premium content once you have forked out for the trackers.

The scores I have given are: Inspire HR - 7
                                               Fitbit app - 9
                                               Charge 3 - 9

After raving about them you might wonder why not 10's all round. I knocked 1 off the charge 3 and the app for the fact that there is additional content that doesn't come with the purchase of the tech.

The additional knock of a further 2 points is because the HR doesn't offer an altimeter and it doesn't have the advertised battery life of 5 days. It lasts just under that amount of time.

So either one of these would be a good investment for a fitness tracker on a budget. Personally I would fork out the extra £30 for the Charge 3. The altimeter and the extra battery is worth the little bit extra.
Active: Workouts that Work for You
Active: Workouts that Work for You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If there is one thing you should know about the author, Holly Davidson, is she’s an active little soul, so when I discovered her book, “Active: Workouts that work for you”, that can even be done from a settee, I put down my chocolate bar, picked up this book and shouted ‘take me to it, sister!’ eager to learn more.

Holly is a top personal trainer who likes to take a holistic approach to keeping fit, healthy, and eating well. She believes fitness is within us, and can be done anywhere – at home on your settee, outside, even sitting at your desk.

After the exercises, which are all laid out nicely with colour photos showing the various different positions of each step, comes the chat about diet and nutrition.

I was relieved to hear Holly’s a big believer in just eating healthier. No dieting. No starving yourself, or obscure ingredients. Just delicious healthy food. There’s even a no fuss chocolate brownies recipe, as she admits she too is a chocoholic.

Finally, at the back of the book are some ‘at-a-glance’ workout summaries which list all the exercises that make up each work out and the number of reps and timings, for a quick and easy way to remember the order of each different workout. With tips for planning your routines during a normal week and during a busy week included.

Very well thought out. Great photos. And it smells absolutely good enough to eat! This is going on my top ten of ‘Great smelling books’ which will absolutely delight other booksniffers, I’m sure!

Over all, I enjoyed reading this book and will endeavour to give this a go – after I’ve finished my chocolate bar first.
Kindle Alexander | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A much needed fix, this really was a warm and fuzzies book.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Its been a long, LONG time since I had my Kindle Alexander fix, and this was a very welcome fix indeed.

Dallas and his brothers need a cash injection to their fitness app, and Greer has the cash and the business knowledge to help. The attraction is instant and powerful from both men to each other, but Dallas hides, remembering what happened the last time he was caught with a man. But once Greer sets his sights on him, Dallas doesn't stand a chance. He just gotta deal with his dad and his brother.

Slow burn is what Alexander does so well, and here is a prime example of that skill. The attraction bubbles and simmers along til they cannot deny each other any longer. I loved that.

The father and big brother were a nasty piece of work and I wanted so badly to punch the pair of them! Mum, however, surprised me when she does what she does, and I have a huge amount of pride in her for doing what she should have done a long time ago!

Apart from the dad/brother, it's relatively low angst, and it was just what I needed to read.

I loved the appearences of Dylan and Tristan from Secret, and the part they play here.

I would love a story for Ducky, Dallas' younger brother, he seems like a character who would write a great story!

A much needed fix, this really was a warm and fuzzies book.

4.5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11721 KP) rated Life Support (Crush #6) in Books

Mar 11, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Life Support (Crush #6)
Life Support (Crush #6)
Elouise East | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LIFE SUPPORT is the sixth book in the Crush series, although I didn't know this originally. In it, we meet Casey, a paramedic who is being harassed at work, but he doesn't report it because the other person is higher up on the career ladder than he is, and Luke, who is a Fitness Trainer who specialises in self-defence/awareness.

This is a book I would definitely say is NOT standalone. There are so many characters and situations mentioned that I presume are relevant to previous storylines. Not only that, but with the number of characters, I had no idea about who was with whom, when, and how. This made the reading quite difficult as references were constantly made. Throw in Casey and Luke both coming from big families with siblings galore, and I had no idea what was going on!

In the middle of everything else, you can find the story of Casey and Luke, although not as much as I would have liked. They are quick with the 'I love you's', but I never really felt much connection between them. I also would have liked more from Acker as I felt that part was also lost in the mix.

I feel if you have read this series, then you will be delighted by what you read. I enjoyed it, but it didn't wow me and left me confused. So prepare yourself for a saga with a huge amount of intermingling storylines and characters.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 11, 2021

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Baby in Books

Oct 24, 2019  
Annaleese Jochems | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fascinating book with truly unpleasant characters!
Baby by Annaleese Jochems really intrigued me when I read the synopsis. I wasn’t under any illusions that this would be an odd read. I mean, 21 year old Cynthia runs off with her newly divorced fitness-instructor (Anahera), steals all,of her dads money from his bank account, and uses the money to buy a boat, Baby. And she takes her pug, Snot-head, along too. She thinks that she and Anahera will fall in love and live happily ever after. I don’t know whether Anahera knows this, at least not at first.

Cynthia is really not a nice person. ‘Vacuous’ would be a good word to describe her, as would ‘immature’ and ‘vindictive’. She’s shallow, and even around such natural beauty whilst on the boat, she is obsessed with social media and reality TV. Oh, and the way she looks. She thinks about what she looks like a lot, but doesn’t expect to have to do anything about it: she’s incredibly lazy, and expects Anahera to do everything for her.

Her reaction to a terrible accident involving a young boy sealed the deal for me: Cynthia thinks of no one but herself.

This all sounds really negative, as though I’m not going to like it, doesn’t it. I’ve left writing my review for a week or two, because I needed to think about it. I couldn’t actually get this book out of my head. It made me feel supremely uncomfortable whilst reading it, and I could feel myself wincing, metaphorically hiding my face behind my hands when I thought about it afterwards. But do you know what, I think I actually liked it. To make characters so thoroughly unpleasant, but to make the reader want to carry on reading, takes quite some skill. I’ve told friends about it, said they should read it, because it does say something about the world we live in and those who inhabit it. And honestly, it’s not all good.
So read this book. I’ve no doubt you’ll be wanting to throttle Cynthia as well!
Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Lara Dearman | 2018 | Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this novel were Jenny and Michael. Jenny is a journalist who’s curiosity and wish of a great story always leads her to very unpleasant situations. Michael is a DCI, who is leading the murder investigations on Sark, a little island with less than 500 people. I really enjoyed Jenny’s character in this novel, I liked her informal way of gathering the information and her smartness in “connecting the dots”. Michael is smart, but his lack of fitness didn’t allow him to be the DCI I enjoy reading about.

The novel starts quite slow, and it takes a while for both of these characters to gather decent information. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this novel, it was quite refreshing after the slow beginning. I really liked the way the author described Sark, the streets, the houses, the people, it is visible that she knows a lot about life on an island. I also really liked the horror element and the folk stories used in this book, it was very interesting to read about them, and the unexplained chilling creatures gave this mysterious vibe about the whole island.

The writing style of this book is very pleasant and easy to read, even though the author used quite a few French names in it, which I had no idea how to pronounce. 😀 At times, the novel felt a little like a cosy mystery, but towards the end, this changed drastically. I really liked the surprising and unexpected ending of the book, it rounded this novel extremely well. The chapters were quite long at times, but new findings and plenty of action later on in the book helped, and the pages just flew by.

So, to conclude, even though this is a second book, it can be read as a stand alone easily. The setting and the characters are very well picked for this novel, and the plot thickens as you carry on reading. It is a good book full of small island life, unexpected discoveries, twists, and I really liked it.
The Neighbour
The Neighbour
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FOR SALE: A lovely family home with good-sized garden and treehouse occupying a plot close to woodland. Perfect for kids, fitness enthusiasts, dog walkers . . .
And, it seems, the perfect hunting ground for a serial killer.
On a hot July day, Garrick and Olivia Lockwood and their two children move into 25 The Avenue looking for a fresh start. They arrive in the midst of a media frenzy: they’d heard about the local murders in the press, but Garrick was certain the killer would be caught and it would all be over in no time. Besides, they’d got the house at a steal and he was convinced he could flip it for a fortune.
The neighbours seemed to be the very picture of community spirit. But everyone has secrets, and the residents in The Avenue are no exception.
After six months on the case with no real leads, the most recent murder has turned DC Wildeve Stanton’s life upside down, and now she has her own motive for hunting down the killer – quickly.

Loved this book! Once I started reading I was gripped by the story and I just couldn't put it down.
This has to be one of the most cleverly plotted thrillers I've read in years with its twisty reveals, red herrings and ample misdirection, which throws you off the scent many times!
Every time I thought I had it; Bam; hit the floor as the rug was pulled out from under me.
This is a twisty, creepy thriller with a likeable detective in the form of Wildeve Stanton who works hard to find the killer while battling with her own grief.
On The Avenue, behind every door hides a secret, and behind one of these doors is a serial killer that has been living in plain sight. But which door? The chapters give a snapshot view into each of the ongoing lives, into each of their secrets, slowly building up to an emotional terrifying conclusions.
A very chilling enjoyable read that kept from going to bed as I would not stop reading until I got to the end!
Highly Highly Recommend and would give more than 5 stars if I could!

Thank you to the author Fiona Cummins, publishers Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for my digital advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest and independent review.
Due Date (2010)
Due Date (2010)
2010 | Comedy
6.5 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What could possibly go wrong when you pair a stressed out father-to-be, Peter (Robert Downey Jr.), with the world’s worst road trip partner, Ethan (Zach Galifianakis), on a trip from Atlanta to Los Angeles? In a karmic way, at least these two men appear to be meant for each other.

Zach Galifianakis’s role as Ethan Tremblay is wildly funny, though he plays a role very similar to the one he played in The Hangover, with a slightly more childish demeanor. If his character in the Hangover was a 14 year old in an adult’s body, in this film he is a 7 year old boy.

Peter Highman, played by Robert Downey Jr., is obviously frustrated because he’s trying to get home to his very pregnant wife. This inevitably creates an anger that is only exacerbated by the stupidity and carelessness of Ethan. The minor truces and cease-fires they found during their trip were constantly being broken by something Ethan would do that was hilariously rude and dumb.

This film walked a fine line with both characters, with Ethan pushing the charm up to keep us from totally hating him, all the while allowing Peter be an asshole from time to time to keep us from being too sympathetic to him. In one particularly funny moment, during a side stop soon after they take off from Atlanta, we see Peter discipline a young boy in a ridiculously inappropriate way that makes us question his fitness as a father. It’s during these times that the movie really shines. The chemistry between them was good for the most part, but the inevitable reconciliation between them was rushed at the end, and while the actors more than did their jobs, the script didn’t give them very much cause to act so suddenly benevolent toward each other.

Overall, the movie was funny, but not quite funny enough. Some of the gags were fairly disgusting, and while most didn’t detract from the movie, only a few really came across as well-executed. This movie had the potential to be very funny, but with some unresolved plot holes and some long stretches where nothing much was going on, I wouldn’t really recommend this to my friends, despite the big name actors and hype.
Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method
Genre: Exercise
ISBN: 9780446562041
Published:September 20th 2010 by Grand Central Life & Style
Rating: 4.5

When reviewing fitness books, I look for books that tell the reader how to fully use their bodies. I really like Anderson's method for two reasons:

1. She knows muscles. She knows how they work, she knows how to train them. In the book, the concept of using certain muscles to perform an exercise is clearly explained. This is a crucial part of muscle training.

2. She had a good balance between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise, and she has put them together in a good way.

Anderson was a dancer, she also took Pilates (the right way) and I could see both of those influences in her method. Don't get scared away by that—even if you've never seen the inside of a ballet studio, you'd be just fine working her method! But there is a reason that it is said that dancers are the athletes of God: because they are. Combining cardio (aerobic exercise) with Pilates (conditioning) and dance (alternating engage-disengage exercise to increase stamina) is the perfect combination for weight loss and muscle toning.

Now how to get there if you have never experienced any of that?

Anderson breaks the book down into different sections. The exercise portion, where she fully explains every stretch, position, and movement, is well described for the absolute beginner. More athletic users or advanced athletes would benefit also, but they wouldn't have to read the descriptions of the movements in their entirety.

The DVD is very good: It features Anderson working the exercises in the book enough time to hear the description, see all the details, and do it yourself.

There is also a section in the book with some great meals. The first section is a very thorough introduction that I do not recommend skipping! You'll learn tons about your body! I was also amazed at how much research Anderson did to create this method.

The only thing I don't like: The cardio routine has no verbiage. I expected some talking, either voiceover or real time, with some counting or some description of what you should be doing. However, it was just music and Anderson dancing. It would take me, who has been dancing for almost five years, two or three times doing the DVD to get the combination. It would be a lot more difficult and confusing for someone who doesn't have practice taking what they see and converting it for themselves.

The other thing I wanted to see more of was proper stretching techniques. I honestly have yet to find a book that explains how to properly stretch without injury (it is possible!). My recommendation to anyone who uses this awesome program: stretch well. Stretch correctly. Get a dancer or a sports doctor to give you advice if you need it.

Recommendation: Ages 14+ for anyone serious. This program takes time, energy, and commitment. If you can't commit to about two hours of your day, it's not for you. If you use the program, make sure you follow instructions very carefully to avoid injury! doing exercises incorrectly is a very fast way to end up in the physical therapists office (I can tell you that from personal experience, though not experience from this book).