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The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
Sharon J. Bolton | 2018 | History & Politics, Paranormal, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
203 of 235
The Craftsman (book. 1)
By Sharon Bolton


Thirty years ago, WPC Florence Lovelady's career was made when she arrested coffin-maker Larry Glassbrook for three shocking murders.

Larry confessed; it was an open and shut case. But now he's dead, and events from the past are repeating themselves.

The town Florence left behind still has many secrets. Will she finally uncover the truth? Or will time run out for her first?

This was a decent read I did enjoy it but it took me a while to read. It wasn’t as gripping as I expected. These poor children it was so heartbreaking and I didn’t really see that ending and I’m normally pretty good at catching the killer. Overall it was a good read!
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
Florence Pugh (1 more)
Good one liners
Not much backstory as I anticipated (1 more)
Confused me a little bit with the timeline at first
Not my favourite marvel movie at all. It wasn’t a bad movie, but I expected much more of a backstory rather than it just being mentioned and seen through a few flashbacks.
The majority of the other avengers have all had their own standalone movie and that has included more of a backstory than this, so I was quite disappointed.
I did love Florence Pugh and felt like she sort of stole the show for a lot of the movie, she had a lot more of the comedic lines and didn’t take herself too seriously which is the thing I love about more recent marvel films (with the exception of infinity war and endgame which weren’t as funny for obvious reasons).
Not a bad attempt, just a little bit of a disappointment after all the hype. I’m just glad I didn’t go to see it in the cinema.
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Florence Pugh's star rising (0 more)
Old man falling (0 more)
Modern Wicker Man
Ari Aster had me hooked with Hereditary and then blew it at the end.
This time no such mistakes. Stunning. Stunning. Stunning.
Day time horror with no where to hide and no shadows to cover, you see EVERYTHING even if you dont want to. Utterly brilliant and a worthy Wicker Man rival. No, hang on it's better than the Wicker Man and probably the best horror film since The Shining!
That about covers it

David McK (3194 KP) rated Joy in the Morning (Jeeves, #8) in Books

Jan 30, 2019 (Updated Dec 14, 2019)  
Joy in the Morning (Jeeves, #8)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"It is impossible to be unhappy while reading the adventures of Jeeves and Wooster. And I've tried." - Christopher Buckley

The above quotation sums it up pretty well, actually!

With a plot involving the usual romantic shenanigans that sees Bertie Wooster getting (unwillingly) engaged and then trying to get out of it, with it being up to Jeeves - as always - to sort matters out and bring the various of Bertie's friends back together again. This is the one with Edwin the boy scout, and with Wooster getting engaged to Florence Craye.
Don't Worry Darling (2022)
Don't Worry Darling (2022)
2022 | Crime, Drama, Horror
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Florence Pugh (1 more)
50's Set
Takes too long to get going (0 more)
Odd Thriller
A reasonable but slightly odd quirky Thriller. From the Trailer you guess there is going to be some weird quirky reveal into what is going on. The sets and feel of the film look good and with a good Cast. Just took a bit long to get to the reason of what was going on and why. One for those who enjoy films that are very different to the norm if far from a classic.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Outlaw King (2018) in Movies

Nov 11, 2018 (Updated Nov 11, 2018)  
Outlaw King (2018)
Outlaw King (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, History
Most of the early notices for this film appear to have focused on Chris Pine's full-frontal nude scene, rather than the fact it's clearly the work of people who loved Braveheart so much they decided to make their own version. Early 14th century Scotland suffers under the yoke of English oppression; nobleman Robert the Bruce decides to stand up and do the right thing, even if it does mean breaking his word and murdering his rivals. Much shouting and many mud-spattered battle scenes ensue; the CGI button marked 'arterial spray' gets pressed a lot.

All right if you like this sort of thing, I suppose: some interesting mediaeval detail sneaks in, but most of the characterisation deals in stock types and the film-makers never quite persuaded me of why I should genuinely care about this story. Bruce spends much of the film brooding, which is not really Pine's strong suit, but there are some solid supporting performances (Florence Pugh is predictably good in a very thin part). The battles are well mounted and the scenery is nice; I imagine many people will enjoy this much more than I did. For the record: Chris Pine's winky is barely visible, far less so than Florence Pugh's boobies, which have attracted much less critical attention (now that's what I call a double standard).

Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) rated Fighting with My Family (2019) in Movies

Feb 28, 2019 (Updated Feb 28, 2019)  
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
The rock (2 more)
Florace Pugh
Nick frost
Been wanting to see this for long time as a fan of wwe wrestling for nearly 30 years and been a fan of Paige the wrestler since her nxt days was I disappointed no. I know this a fictonised account of her career just to make a Movie
But what movie Florence Pugh was perfect as Paige with support from nick frost and Lena Headey and Vince Vaughn as her coach. But no way can I leave out the rock he knows to make an entrance overall thumbs up from me. Now To go back home and watch the watch the original channel 4 documentary

Milleen (47 KP) rated Miss You in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
Miss You
Miss You
Kate Eberlen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a heart wrenching roller-coaster of a romance. Tess and Gus are meant to be together, they just keep missing one another. The pair have a fleeting moment in Florence in 1997 when they are both eighteen, Tess is inter-railing across Italy and Gus is on holiday with his parents, before University. Eberlen then takes us through moments in the next sixteen years when both characters face difficulties in their lives, teasing us with near misses and crossed paths for the duration of the book. Anyone who has read David Nicholls’ ‘One Day’ will thoroughly enjoy this little bit of escapism, serendipity and romance.

Bubba Gee (147 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of Assassin's Creed 2 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Gameplay story characters history (0 more)
Best saga ever
I played the first Assassins Creed and thought it was great if a little repetetive, but this one oh wow.
They really stepped it up in terms of gameplay and story, this game felt so immersive.
Almost as if you were in renaissance Italy.
From the start in Florence to the middle part in Monteriggioni to the final part in Rome this game just draws you in.
Lots of interesting history to pick up as well from the Pazzi to the Borgias, and of course the interesting interjections from Leonardo da Vinci.
Requiescat in pace Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

Hadley (567 KP) rated Hell House in Books

Sep 3, 2020  
Hell House
Hell House
Richard Matheson | 2004 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great villain (0 more)
Objectifies women (0 more)
" 'It's the Mount Everest of haunted houses, you might say. There were two attempts to investigate it, one in 1931, the other in 1940. Both were disasters. Eight people involved in those attempts were killed, committed suicide, or went insane. Only one survived, and I have no idea how sound he is- - -Benjamin Fischer, one of the two who'll be with me.' " Barrett, our main character, explains before setting out to investigate the Belasco House in the paranormal novel, Hell House.

At the beginning of the book, Barrett is speaking to a rich man named Deutsch, who is on his death bed, and wanting to know if life exists after death:
" 'It isn't lies I want,' Deutsch told him. 'I'll buy the answer, either way. So long as it's definitive.'
Barrett felt a roil of despair. 'How can I convince you, either way?' He was compelled to say it.
'By giving me facts,' Deutsch answered irritably.
'Where am I to find them? I'm a physicist. In the twenty years I've studied parapsychology, I've yet to - - -'
'If they exist,' Deutsch interrupted,' you'll find them in the only place on earth I know of where survival has yet to be refuted. The Belasco house in Maine.' "

Along with Barrett and Fischer a well-known medium named Florence and Barrett's wife, Edith join them on their trip to the Belasco house. Fischer is also a medium, who gets prodded at by Florence for refusing to use his 'gift:'
" 'You were the most powerful physical medium this country has ever known, Ben.'
'Still am, Florence. Just a little bit more careful now, that's all. I suggest the same approach for you. You're walking around this house like an open nerve. When you really do hit something, it'll tear your insides out. This place isn't called Hell House for nothing, you know. It intends to kill every one of us, so you'd damn well better learn to protect yourself until you're ready. Or you'll just be one more victim on the list.' "

Florence's need to prove that spirits exist to Barrett, the skeptic of the group, permeates throughout the entire book. She allows him to subject her to entirely naked pat-downs and the use of all sorts of instruments while she becomes possessed by spirits in the house. She slowly begins to lose her patience with Barrett every time she speaks with him about the possibility of ghosts existing until one day she becomes so infuriated with him that the entire dining area becomes a minefield of seemingly unaided flying dishes.

Even after this incident, Barrett refuses to believe that the Belasco house is haunted and that spirits exist. As the reader continues on through the story, Barrett's skepticism becomes a little annoying with the amount of paranormal things that happen, especially how he has a scientific reasoning for everything: " 'Making use of the power in the room,' he[Barrett] said. 'Converting it to poltergeist-type phenomena directed at me.' " As Fischer and Florence continue to find evidence of paranormal activity, Barrett stays focused on a machine that he invented to arrive soon, which he states will prove his theory of energy causing the 'hauntings,' rather than spirits, while avoiding all evidence that may prove otherwise.

Early on, Florence becomes preoccupied with a spirit in the house, who she believes to be the son of Belasco (the man who owned the house). After coming in contact with this spirit, physical harm starts to come to Florence, one such incident is of something in the night biting her breasts hard enough to leave teeth marks. Barrett and the others find her, crying in bed during this, where she states that Belasco is punishing her for finding and communicating with his son.

During all of this, Edith seems to come under an influence at the house, which causes her to start to drink heavily although she's never touched a drop of alcohol in her life due to an alcoholic father. One incident with a drunk Edith, she comes onto Fischer in a way that makes the reader question whether or not this is a spirit taking her over, or if this is what Edith is like when she's drunk. When Fischer confronts Barrett about his wife and her possible possession by the house, Barrett refuses to see it as that:
" 'Irrelevant?' Fischer looked amazed. 'What the hell do you mean, irrelevant? Whatever's going on is getting to your wife. It's gotten to Florence, and it's gotten to you. Or maybe you haven't noticed.'
Barrett regarded him in silence, his expression hard. 'I've noticed a number of things, Mr. Fischer,' he finally said. 'One of which is that Mr. Deutsch is wasting approximately a third of his money.' "

Although Hell House has all of the great paranormal tropes in it, it objectifies women almost to an extreme, and to a point that it isn't believable at all to the reader: the Belasco house is one of depravity, including sexual interactions, but Belasco's guests were both female and male, yet only sexual things (albeit crude) only happen to Florence and Edith, neither Barrett or Fischer are affected. Hell House is a great story with an even greater villain, but Matheson really ruined the story with his crude fantasies about women. I absolutely think this book is better than the Haunting of Hill House because the scares are better while Haunting lacked a lot of them. If you can get past a horny man's fantasies, then the book is very enjoyable.