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Let me begin by saying that this book introduced me to a wonderful author who I can not wait to read more of!! I love when I can say that about any book, especially a book that I won from First Reads!
The Perfect Death was non-stop action & suspense from page one. It truly started off to hook the reader & it worked for me! The plot felt incredibly real particularly the parts dealing with the Jacksonville Sheriffs & how police handle investigations. The fascinating part was not how the characters handled the police work, but how they interacted with each other. It seemed like a real life workplace with honest to God co-workers.
The plot itself deals with a serial killer who has been on the hunt in North Florida. He finds young, naive victims & strangles them with a cord. As the story continues you find out that he is using them to complete his "work of art." He is a glass blower & blows jars in which he traps his victims' last breaths before he proceeds to strangle them to death.
This book is a fascinating look into real police work & the mind of a serial killer. A person no one thought to take a second glance at until it was too late. I really do look forward to reading more from this author in the future!!!
Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What can any of us do? Helpless as we all are, in the grip of our own little voices, what indeed van we do?"
I love Dexter! I love Jeff Lindsay! I started watching this series several years ago pretty much by accident and loved it. So, imagine my delight to learn it was based on a book. And not just one book, but a series! And written by a Florida author. Being the book nerd I am, I immediately bought the first one & it was promptly buried in my To Read stack. Here I am 5 years later finally reading it. And I find myself asking, "what the hell took so long?"
The story is fascinating and creepy but just believe able enough that you find yourself looking at people a little differently, wondering if there's a Dark Passenger in there somewhere. Lindsay is a gifted writer with a great ability to write just the right thing at just the right (or wrong time depending on how you feel about dexter and what he is.) Dexter is hands down one of the most fascinating characters in contemporary literature. He's so likable, but at the same time leaves the reader sitting on their couch thinking, "How can I possible like & even *gasp* root for a psychopathic killer!?" Believe can and it is surprisingly easy.
Just Plain Murder
Just Plain Murder
Laura Bradford | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was Heavenly to Visit These Characters Again
In the time that shop owner Claire Weatherly has been dating detective Jakob Fisher, she has never met Russ Granger, the man Jakob counts as a mentor and father figure. Of course, it makes sense since Russ has retired and moved to Florida. He is back in Heavenly, Pennsylvania, for a visit, but before Jakob and Russ can reconnect, Russ is murdered. Distraught over the man's death, Jakob throws himself into solving the crime. Can Claire help him come up with any leads?

It's been two and a half years since we've been able to visit this community, and I hadn't realized just how much I missed it until I was reading the first page. I was immediately swept back into the peaceful state I find while reading this series. In keeping with a town next to an Amish community, the pace in this series has always been a bit on the slow side, but I did feel this book's pacing was slower than normal. Still, when the pace does pick up, we get a well-done plot. The real star has always been the characters, and I was thrilled to be able to visit them again. They are as wonderful as ever, and I enjoyed some of the developments happening in their lives.
Closer Than You Think (The Cincinnati Series)
Closer Than You Think (The Cincinnati Series)
Karen Rose | 2014 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Different is good
Dr Faith Corcoran, therapist to sex offenders and rapists is on the run. She has changed her identity and moved from Florida to Ohio to escape the man that has been stalking her for years.
En route to her new home, she discovers a woman, naked in the road, in need of help.
Help arrives in the form of Deacon Novak. A mysteriously handsome, white haired man, with unusual eyes, and a long leather coat.
Deacon and Faith share instant chemistry, and D can’t help but feel the urge to protect her. Especially when the naked stranger utters Faiths name.
Unfortunately for Faith, her new home is a playground for a serial killer hellbent on getting rid of Faith, and now Deacon, and all they care about.
Faith and Deacon have to learn to trust each other if they are going to survive, and save his hostages.
Reading this I was gripped from the start, and then caught up in the twists and turns that Rose weaves into the plot line. The characters are really likeable, and you can’t help but feel some of the turmoil they are going through to stay safe. Its longer than my normal reads, but I didn’t let this put me off, not that it was a hardship! I had more difficulty trying to put it down.
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Lake Placid XXII
A young woman seeks to find out the status of her father since he won't answer her calls or reply to her texts, so she decides to seek him out. It just so happens there is also a category 5 hurricane slamming her father's Florida home, but that doesn't stop her. She evades roadblocks and orders to evacuate since she is determined to ascertain her father's status.

She arrives and eventually locates him being trapped within the basement of his home. The water is rising quickly. She has to quickly assess the situation and attempt to get hr father to safety BUT...


I had a great time watching the girl and her father attempt to subdue their attacker as well as traverse the winding paths under the home to find safety and/or rescue. The claustrophobic feelings came over me quickly along with a sense of hesitation not knowing where the next gator encounter would come from.

As long as you can suspend your disbelief as to the likelihood of this situation actually happening you are in for a good ride. The CGI beasts were well done as they moved over both land and under water their presence was believable and terrifying.

I had a great time watching this!


Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) Dec 3, 2019

Going to have to watch this! Sounds like a snaptastic treat.🐊

Murder on the Half Shell
Murder on the Half Shell
Shawn Reilly Simmons | 2016 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life’s Not Quite a Beach
Penelope Sutherland and her catering crew are working on a period mystery filming on an island in Florida. Penelope has hired a few locals to help out, including two teen girls who work part time as servers. After a party one Friday night, the teens disappear. Suspicion falls on Emilio, one of the chefs that Penelope studied under at culinary school. Penelope doesn’t want to believe her old teacher is guilty, but there is something in his past that makes Penelope doubt her judgement. Where are the girls? Who is responsible for what is going on?

It’s been a few years since I read the first in this series, and I didn’t remember who everyone was. Sadly, this book assumes you remember the relationships, and it took me longer than it should have to figure out those connections. The characters are good, but they don’t feel fully developed to me. I was pulled into the plot, however, with the missing teens making it easy to care about the outcome. There are plenty of twists and turns, and the climax was satisfying. Being able to visit a beach location during the winter was a great treat, and I found the balance of the mystery with the slower life of the island was well done. This is a quick read, and I enjoyed it.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Guardians in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
The Guardians
The Guardians
Josh Grisham | 2020 | Law, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the best John Grisham books I’ve read in quite some time! It’s a strong, captivating story featuring the “good guys” versus “bad guys” dynamic that Grisham does so well.

Cullen Post works for Guardian Ministries, traveling the country fighting wrongful convictions. Guardian takes on clients forgotten by the system. Post, a lawyer and Episcopal minister, finds himself drawn to their latest client, Quincy Miller, who is serving life in prison. Quincy supposedly killed Keith Russo, a lawyer in Seabrook, Florida. He’s been in prison for over twenty years. And now Post is realizing that Quincy’s case is going to ensnare him and Guardian in a dangerous world—powerful people killed Keith Russo, and they do not want Quincy Miller exonerated.

"I have saddled myself with the burdens of innocent people rotting away in prison while rapists and murderers roam free."

This book has the legal and dramatic hallmarks of a strong Grisham novel. I was drawn to Post immediately and quickly caught up in Quincy’s case and Post and Guardian’s world. There are lots of twists and turns and surprises as Post works to free Quincy. I love the details Grisham throws in, plus the peeks into the courtroom, tidbits about examining evidence, and more. It’s a powerful read that gives you plenty to think about. Definitely worth a read! 4 stars.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 3, 2021 (Updated May 3, 2021)  
On my blog today, I've got a fascinating interview between Commander Brett Colton, the main character of the science fiction novel INFINITY'S GATEWAY, and its author James S. Parker. Check it out, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

Every year, all across the planet, people simply vanish, completely disappear and are never seen again. Some areas of the world are well known for this phenomenon. Infinity's Gateway opens with a very famous incident that took place just after the end of World War II with the United States Navy. The story then jumps to the present day with an unexplainable event that occurs off the coast of Florida, an event that cannot be ignored by the military.

The Navy ship Eclipse and its crew are sent to investigate, but after several days come up empty. Two days before returning to port, the event reoccurs, and the Eclipse is caught up in something it cannot escape. The Eclipse and its crew suddenly find themselves completely isolated, all communication lost, surrounded by a terribly hostile environment where each day is a struggle to survive. Infinity's Gateway is an intense, action packed story of survival, self-reliance, and discovery.
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Story, casting (0 more)
Feel good film
Contains spoilers, click to show
Good film, telling the story of a family's obsession with wrestling.
The Brother Zak and sister Saraya compete in small venues managed by their father and mother who were also professional wrestlers many years earlier.
It is zaks dream to reach the pinnacle of professional wrestling the wwe.
It somehow feels as a youngster that Saraya is pressured onto wrestling and has no real interest.
Herself and Zak try out for wwe in London and Saraya is chosen to go to the second round of auditions in Florida USA.
This does not sit well with Zak as this is his dream.
Cue family drama, this However is well done and not forced, it feels very real of what happens inside many families.
Paige of course reaches the top and takes on the Diva Champion AJ Lee for the title on smack down the night after Wrestlemania xxx.
The true story of the youngest WWE Diva champion at 21 is thoughtfully and well played out by all in the cast.
Major Credit to the writer and producer Stephen Merchant and also to Dwayne Johnson as producer as I'm sure having him on board lent a lot of authenticity to this movie.
Some fun cameos too from Big Show and Seamus.
A1 guys
Scarlet at Crystal River (Haunted Shores Mysteries #3)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A honeymoon in the sun at Christmas, surely there's nothing better than that to raise the spirits, quite literally!

Darrell and Erin Henshaw have gone to Crystal River on the gulf coast of Florida. They are enjoying their honeymoon as well as Christmas somewhere exotic being used to cold and snowy Christmases its fantastic exploring and getting a tan. If only Darrell wasn't being followed by the spirits of two lost Latino children needing him to discover what really happened to them. now With the help of his new wife and some new friends his discovery could just be the death of him or somebody he loves. can they do this before its too late?

At the start of the book you think its going to be all lovey dovey and nauseating there a newly married couple there bound to be. some of the descriptions of the scenery i am quite jealous it sounds absolutely gorgeous definitely a dream destination. Darrell then starts having his bad feelings and it puts you slightly on edge definitely keeps you gripped and wanting to find out what's happened to the children its a thriller for sure.

I haven't read the other 2 book in this series but from how well this one is written i will certainly indulging in them. I highly recommend this book for reading 4/5 stars