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Thumbing Through Thoreau: A Book of Quotations by Henry David Thoreau
Thumbing Through Thoreau: A Book of Quotations by Henry David Thoreau
Kenny Luck | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover of the book is taken from a beautiful painting of Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts where Henry David Thoreau lived and wrote. Unfortunately, the artwork on nearly every page in the text is not nearly as attractive or colorful, and seems rather repetitious after 50 pages or so. According to the cover, Jay Luke's artwork is on the even-numbered pages and Ren Adam's artwork is on the odd-numbered pages, though truthfully I could not distinguish between the two artists' styles.
The book is divided into three sections that each of the quotes could be filed under: "Society & Government", "Spirituality & Nature", and "Love." The quotes that Kenny Luck compiled were indeed thought-provoking. When examining the collection as a whole, I could imagine the kind of man that wrote these words day in and day out. As Luck states: "This book... is my attempt to bring together the best pieces of Thoreau's writings in one collection." Before reading this book, I was not overly familiar with Thoreau's work, and afterwards I realized that the man Thoreau has much in common with my own husband. But I digress.
Some quotes were familiar, such as this one:

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

 Many more quotes were unfamiliar, but quite profound:

"I am convinced, that if all men were to live as simply as I then did, thieving and robbery would be unknown."

"What is it [to] be born free and equal, and not to live? What is the value of any political freedom, but as a means to moral freedom?"

"A written word is the choicest of relics."

"The day is an epitome of the year. The night is the winter, the morning and evening are the spring and fall, and the noon is the summer."

"I suspect that the child plucks its first flower awith an insight into its beauty and significance which the subsequent botanist never retains."

"To be married at least should be the one poetical act of a man's life."

"Love is a severe critic."

"The only way to speak the truth is to speak lovingly; only the lover's words are heard."

What I found especially distracting was how the words within each quote varied in font size and color, almost as if Luck did not trust the reader enough to know how to read the work and felt he had to dictate to the reader where the emphasis lay in each quote. While I can not say for sure if this was the aim, I felt like my intelligence was being belittled and undervalued as I flipped through the pages. Plus, these words are Thoreau's, not Kenny Luck's, and only Thoreau would be able to truly say where the emphasis within each sentence should be. Luck is only presuming to make intelligent guesses. While I respect Luck's obsession, which he describes in his introduction, I think he should allow for the words of Thoreau to stand alone, so that each reader can appreciate Thoreau through his or her own interpretation.

"The fact is I am a mystic, a transcendentalist, and a natural philosopher to boot."
Tussie Mussie
Tussie Mussie
2019 | Card Game
It is the Victorian Age. Music is getting better. Wardrobes are getting frillier. Friendships are getting… confusing. How do you tell your dear friend that they have upset you but you still very much care for them? By giving them a carefully crafted bouquet of flowers, with each bloom symbolizing a snippet of information you wish to relay. Thus is the story of Tussie-Mussies, the texting of the Victorian Age.

OK, I am not really a flower guy. My wife can attest to that. I like them. I think they are great outside in the landscaping. I just do not have an eye for combining them into intricate, meaningful bunches that really state my feelings. So when we received Tussie-Mussie from Button Shy Games, I was hopeful that I would not need to draw upon my severely-lacking knowledge of beautiful blossoms.

Thankfully, the game we received is a quick filler card game in Button Shy’s Wallet line, and it’s delightful. On your turn you will draw two cards from the deck and decide which you would like to offer to your neighbor face-up and which will be offered face-down (similar to the card assignments in Biblios). Your neighbor will then decide which card they will take, with the other card being returned to you for your collection. All players will offer cards to their neighbors and once the players each have four cards in front of them you may complete any card-driven actions. Once all players have had their chance to complete the printed actions the bouquets will be scored. Add your scores over three rounds of play to determine the winner of Tussie-Mussie.

Components. This is an 18-card micro-game that comes in the typical Button Shy Wallet. The wallet is fine and does what it sets out to do – protect the cards during transport. The cards themselves are of good quality, though I know not whether the quality of cards will be adjusted once the game completes its Kickstarter campaign upgrades through any planned stretch goals. The art is what really makes this game impressive. Beth Sobel knocks it out of the park again with the art here. The colors are vibrant, the flowers look amazing, and the layout is great. I have no complaints on components and art at all.

Is the game good? Yes! I think the game is very solid for what it is. I caution you not to go into this game with strategies devised and tactics you would like to try. This is not that kind of game. Since you never know the types of cards you will be receiving from your neighbors, your best strategy is trying to bluff and manipulate your neighbors into passing you the cards you really want. And isn’t that what the Victorian Age was really about, anyway? When you just cannot put together a winning collection of cards, just laugh it off and appreciate your gorgeous bouquet that you have assembled.

In the end, this game is really good for a quick light filler with amazing art that you will want to keep playing. The components are excellent, the game play is fun and light, and it helps to finish a game night or palette cleanse for the next game. Quite enjoyable! Here here!