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Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
2015 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is from that same period. He's such an unusual artist. I could have chosen the first album but I'll choose Shooting At The Moon because I saw him play when I was in Coventry and it was just absolutely extraordinary. It was the group that had Herbie Flowers, David Bedford, Mike Oldfield... This was another John Peel thing. I heard 'Joy Of A Toy', 'The Lady Rachel', 'Stop This Train' with Robert Wyatt playing drums, and all that early Soft Machine stuff which he liked. It's beautiful, things like 'May I?', incredibly gentle, beautiful love songs. Sexy. That gentle and sexy thing has always been there in Wire. When you think of 'Blessed State', which is Bruce's song, absolutely beautiful. There's always that temptation to make it simple; Colin with his white hat and us with our black hats, that's the tension. It's not as if we haven't been accused of being obscure on occasion, or opaque. But usually it's the things that people think are opaque are the things that are straight reportage. People do it, you see it, you write it. Real life is stranger than fiction but it seems as if in popular song it's not - it makes real life really dull and not about love, negotiation, and mess, and passion."

This Is Crazy (This is, #1)
This Is Crazy (This is, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 41%

I picked this up after finishing the authors Hollywood Prince book a few months ago.

This starts with Zara at home getting a surprise visit from her boyfriend, only it's not a good surprise - he's come to dump her. A couple of weeks later, he's engaged to someone else and Zara decides to tweet his favourite hockey player and ask him to crash her ex's wedding with her. Surprising, he replies almost straight away, agreeing to do it.

I struggled to get into this from the start. I don't know if it was the influx of female characters near the beginning when i was struggling to figure out who was who and how everything related or something else but I wasn't feeling it at all.

I did like Evan's one track mind in his pursuit of Zara: flowers, cupcakes, other treats and calling her "Sweet Zara" all the time. Flying across the country to visit her, FaceTiming her whenever he could. It was very full on, equally stalker-like and sweet at the same time... But it wasn't enough for me to keep going with this.

I don't think I'll be picking up another book by this author for a while.
    Outdoor Living

    Outdoor Living

    Lifestyle and Productivity

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    A fun way to redesign, renovate or showcase any outdoor space by experimenting with different patio...

Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima
2020 | Action/Adventure
I absolutely loved this game because of the story and side quest stories. The open world exploration for me was incredible and the game is beautiful. I found myself playing with photo mode a lot taking lots of pictures standing in fields of pretty flowers, patting cute foxes, or just standing atop a mountain taking in the amazing view. The combat in the game was fun for me and it wasn't too challenging to figure out which stances to use to gain an advantage. I liked the accessibility of the game with making the subtitles easy to read and having simplified controls. I also liked that you can easily change the difficulty settings on the game. The characters in the game are interesting and I found myself liking all of them because of their interaction with the main character Jin and getting to know them during their side story quests. I could tell where they drew inspiration from Kurosawa films like Seven Samurai and it was very well done. Ghost Of Tsushima overall is a fantastic game and I was impressed with how much thought and detail went into the game. You can read my full review here:


    K.L. Slater

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    ‘I keep feeling like I’m being watched – dropping the boys off at school, choosing wine at the...