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Tussie Mussie
Tussie Mussie
2019 | Card Game
It is the Victorian Age. Music is getting better. Wardrobes are getting frillier. Friendships are getting… confusing. How do you tell your dear friend that they have upset you but you still very much care for them? By giving them a carefully crafted bouquet of flowers, with each bloom symbolizing a snippet of information you wish to relay. Thus is the story of Tussie-Mussies, the texting of the Victorian Age.

OK, I am not really a flower guy. My wife can attest to that. I like them. I think they are great outside in the landscaping. I just do not have an eye for combining them into intricate, meaningful bunches that really state my feelings. So when we received Tussie-Mussie from Button Shy Games, I was hopeful that I would not need to draw upon my severely-lacking knowledge of beautiful blossoms.

Thankfully, the game we received is a quick filler card game in Button Shy’s Wallet line, and it’s delightful. On your turn you will draw two cards from the deck and decide which you would like to offer to your neighbor face-up and which will be offered face-down (similar to the card assignments in Biblios). Your neighbor will then decide which card they will take, with the other card being returned to you for your collection. All players will offer cards to their neighbors and once the players each have four cards in front of them you may complete any card-driven actions. Once all players have had their chance to complete the printed actions the bouquets will be scored. Add your scores over three rounds of play to determine the winner of Tussie-Mussie.

Components. This is an 18-card micro-game that comes in the typical Button Shy Wallet. The wallet is fine and does what it sets out to do – protect the cards during transport. The cards themselves are of good quality, though I know not whether the quality of cards will be adjusted once the game completes its Kickstarter campaign upgrades through any planned stretch goals. The art is what really makes this game impressive. Beth Sobel knocks it out of the park again with the art here. The colors are vibrant, the flowers look amazing, and the layout is great. I have no complaints on components and art at all.

Is the game good? Yes! I think the game is very solid for what it is. I caution you not to go into this game with strategies devised and tactics you would like to try. This is not that kind of game. Since you never know the types of cards you will be receiving from your neighbors, your best strategy is trying to bluff and manipulate your neighbors into passing you the cards you really want. And isn’t that what the Victorian Age was really about, anyway? When you just cannot put together a winning collection of cards, just laugh it off and appreciate your gorgeous bouquet that you have assembled.

In the end, this game is really good for a quick light filler with amazing art that you will want to keep playing. The components are excellent, the game play is fun and light, and it helps to finish a game night or palette cleanse for the next game. Quite enjoyable! Here here!

Natari (73 KP) rated The Bees in Books

Jul 19, 2019  
The Bees
The Bees
Laline Paull | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
WHEN golden banded honeybees, so often likened to summer and honey sweetness, become the metaphor of a dystopian version of British Government and the Monarchy, what is one left to think?

Established British playwright Laline Paull’s debut novel, The Bees, represents just that. I may just be reading too much into the buzz, but the Oxford alumni who has had two plays performed at the Royal National Theatre must have some of the country in her subconscious as she writes.

The novel follows the life of worker honeybee Flora 717, born of the lowest class of bee society. In a world where mutation and difference is destroyed on sight, the larger-than-average Flora is saved from destruction by opportunities born from austerity in the hive, where ‘the season is deformed by rain, and the flowers shun’ the bees, so they need every available worker.

The life of the honeybee turns out to be symmetrical of Plato’s Republic and his utopia, where children are told what role they will have in life based on their ‘blood’. Plato divided the bronze craftsman, silver guardians and golden philosophers, and Paull divides bees in their ‘kin’ groups, named after flowers, and are priestesses to police, foragers who can fly outside the hive to the sanitation Flora, the lowest, and are given ‘no flower’. ‘A Flora may not make Wax for she is unclean, nor Propolis for she is clumsy, nor ever may she forage for she has no taste, but only may she serve her hive by cleaning,’ but the talented Flora 717 wants more.

Throughout the novel, Paull shows the same attachment to characters as George R R Martin, author of the Game of Thrones novels; the frequent loss deepens the heartbreak Flora must overcome as she fights to defy her set fate and claim the most illegal of desires. No reader will escape the anguish that concludes each new adventure.

The hive is akin to a cult, with leaders keeping their inferiors in check, with fear, intoxication and just a little hypnosis. The cult is complete with its own religion, mantra and even a parody of the Lord’s Prayer, ‘Hallowed be thy womb’, arguably my favourite part. This made the story really exciting, being on the ‘outside looking in’ as the reader, I wanted to encourage Flora to defy, but felt the fear of going against her sisters (this isn’t a cult bond word, they are all blood sisters, for only ‘the queen may breed’).

Paull’s scriptwriting has nurtured the ability to make the reader visualise her words exactly how she writes them, and that is clear within The Bees. I can see the wax panels that Flora 717 scuttles across as she travels around her hive, I can imagine the wax cribs in the nursery and know the deadly yellow and fine lines of the enemy wasp. In the ‘glass cage’ when Flora discovers the Venus Fly Trap, Paull never mentions the plant by name, but speaks only of their ‘red mouths’ with ‘white filaments’ on each ‘inner lip’, they ‘bore no pollen, the only nectar a viscous slick at the join of the petals’. But for all her beautiful imagery seeping off the pages, The Bees was not a book I have felt submerged in.

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Totally Psychic
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved Totally Psychic by Brigid Martin it was a lovely story.

In this story, the main character, Paloma Ferrer, is from a family of psychics. Her Abuela is famous for it. The story goes through how Paloma navigates through her new psychic abilities, which was very interesting. She ends up causing a lot of trouble throughout the story that she eventually learns from these mistakes.

There are five rules to follow that go along with her new abilities. Number one is that she must not force contact with any spirits because it can open up a portal to negative energy. Number two is that she must never talk to evil spirits because they can stick around and follow you everywhere. Number three, she must never ask how the specific spirit died. Number four, she must never repeat everything the spirit tells her. Some things are best left alone. She breaks this rule and learns the hard way her consequences for her actions. Number five, these readings are supposed to help heal the spirits and their realitive/friends. They aren't meant to damage them. Paloma learns the hard way when she breaks this one as well.

Before she moves her, Abuela gives her a gift to help with her psychic abilities. This gift includes: a mirror, blessed candles, a Book of Flowers, and a notebook. The notebook is meant for writing down any thoughts and visions Paloma has that is related to her abilities. The book of Flowers is information passed down from the ancestors before her about her specific ability. The candles are meant for protection and to close the portals. The special mirror is for her to help communicate with spirits and her family. All these objects play an important role in the story.

All of Paloma's family have special psychic abilities. Paloma is a flower medium, and her younger sister is able to record ghosts on videos through her phone. Their Abuela is a famous psychic while their Abuelito is a chef. Their Father is a chef and mother a florist. Their mom runs a shop out of her van. Their uncle Esteban is a numerologist, aunt Rose, an Astrologist, cousin Geraldo, an object reader, and cousin Dania, a culinary Clairvoyant. Their Aunt Maria is a dream analyst, and Uncle Julian and Uncle Raul are empaths and animal Psychics. All of their abilities play a part in the story and are quite interesting. My favorite would probably be Aunt Rosa's ability of being an Astrologist.

The plot and character development of this book is very well written. My favorite of the spirits has got to be Dustin and Oreo that scene of when he met Oreo was so cute. One character I disliked was Willows grandpa it was not ok/right for him to be so pushy towards Paloma sharing the family secret. Also, in some parts Paloma was in the right while others her mom was. In my opinion Paloma should have listened to her gut and never used the ouija board that led to so much trouble.

I really love the cover of the book it fits the story perfectly. If you love books that contain magic, definitely give this book a try.
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
Renée Paule | 2018 | Children
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t usually read Children’s Books. I used to love them when I was a kid, and of course, those were the books on which I learned how to read. Those are the stories that I will always remember with happiness in my heart and they will always have a special place in my heart.

I was lucky enough to win The Frightened Little Flower Bud on a giveaway from Booklikes, and I couldn’t be happier! This is a short, cute story about one flower, and the process of how it blooms.

Before it blooms, it has many fears as to what is going to happen, it fears that the sun will dry it, and the rain will drown it, and that it won’t be as beautiful as the other flowers out there.

It reminds me of the fears that us people have every day before we go out of the door. We fear this and that, without realising to enjoy our lives, and live them like they are our last. A perfect description of how fear and doubt can let us down, but also a perfect example of what happens when you actually get the courage and go out there, and realise that yes - you can be the prettiest flower out there.

I liked how there are questions at the end of the books, to engage the little readers after reading it. However, in all honesty, I believe that the images inside the books won’t keep a kid there for very long, and they might not be the most exiting this in the world.