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Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Erotica, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are expecting all things fluffy and light, then my god, you're in for a shock! This is dark, gritty and extremely raw - in places quite literally! This is the story of a young prostitute, who has had a rough childhood that goes through to adulthood. She is making the best she can in a bad situation. Things take a turn for the worse after she meets a client, and she resists (without even realising) a hypnotic trance. This threatens her life, well, that and the gun in the client's hand. It is only later that Hope realises that she could have been killed even without the gun. Hope's story continues as she tries to find her feet and survive in this strange new world.

Dealing with childhood prostitution, adult prostitution, rape, kidnap, torture, and drugs; this is not for the faint-hearted. It is gripping and enthralling though, also being well-written and with no editing or grammatical errors that I found.

If you want to have a dark read, that is painful and hopeful, then I can definitely recommend this.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 19, 2016
Three of a Kind
Three of a Kind
Sean Michael | 2016 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zane is a young man, still underage to drink, and has escaped from a short but damaging 'relationship'. He is beaten up, with no money, and a run-down truck, but he keeps going. He has to find something to live for. What finds him, or rather, WHO finds him is Butch. Butch is currently working two jobs but still finds the time to help someone stuck at the side of the road. Zane goes home with Butch and is introduced to Butch's partner, Randy.

The part that I enjoyed about this book is that all three characters are completely different from each other. With their own sets of foibles, these three find ways to complement each other, without it being hard work.

An easy-going, easy-flowing story, this isn't all fluffy and light as Zane's full story comes out. I am glad that he was able to work through things, with Butch and Randy's help. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this is an enjoyable read. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2016
Thicker Than Water
Thicker Than Water
Becca Seymour | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I needed Thatch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Callen finds Thatch, the leader of a black ops task force, bleeding and bitten when he goes against orders, again. But Thatch was bitten by Callen's sister, and his niece is now missing and Thatch might be the only link to finding the child. But as the investigation spreads its net, Callen is forced to make some decisions, decisions that could cost him his heart.
I really REALLY enjoyed this from Ms Seymour! She usually writes fairly fluffy, contemporaries and this isn't fluffy, nor contemporary but it is great!
I loved the twist to werewolf lore, that the oly way for a wolf to be made is to be bitten. But that act kills the wolf and transfers all their memories to the new wolf.
I loved the supporting cast, and all the little . .hints/clues/dropped comments . . .about them. Some questions wre thrown up, that haven't been answered here. However, in my personal experience, its best not to wait for those questions to be answered cos the last time I felt like this, I had a right proper hissy fit when those questions were NOT answered LOL So I won't voice those questions, and then I can't be dissappointed, right?
I loved Callen. He is funny and hilarious, and dark and deadly. He is deep and meaningful, but takes great pleasure in winding his friends up.
I loved that fact tht the bond between Callen and Thatch creep up on them, and there isn't that MINE moment at first meeting. It DOES come, but it's more growled out of Callen in reaction to someone else touching Thatch.
So why only 4 stars with all those things I loved?
Thatch isn't given a voice.
Now, I know I say it a lot, and I will continue to say it where I think it necessary but HERE I think it really needed. Thatch takes ALL of his Hazel's, Callen's sister, memories and thoughts and feelings. ALL of them. And that had to be confusing when they start to come through! When those memories sends them far north to find Hazel's daughter. When he comes face to face with that daughter. What was Thatch feeling? I needed that, I really did, and if I HAD Thatch, I have no doubt, not a single one, that this would have been a 5 star read.
I don't know if this is a stand alone, or there will be more of this group of people, I hope so, I really do!
But I don't get Thatch, and so. . .
4 good, great solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Crazy Over You (Taming the Pack, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Entangled Publishing in return for a fair and honest review.

This is book 3 in the series and whilst this isn't detrimental to the story, I now NEED to read books 1 and 2 plus anything else I can get my grubby mitts on by Wendy Sparrow. This is a fast-flowing, good-paced book that is full of witty banter, sexual attraction, a first-class bitch and impossible situations.

I was kept guessing to the end about Ross and what LeAnn would do. I know what I wanted her to do but she didn't always (if ever) do the expected. The attraction between her and Travis sizzled off the page but they both have an uphill battle with the Pack. They do have a good friend in Jordan however, and I'm sure his is one of the stories that I'm now wanting.

The thing that I loved about this book is that it's not all light and fluffy. Death is involved and I found out it has its own smell. Pack Law is also involved, swift and deadly.

If you need a good shifter book to read, then I can definitely recommend this one. Now excuse me, I'm off to hunt down the others.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!