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Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition
When I first learned that Dead Rising 3 would be coming to PC in an
Apocalypse edition, I was thrilled. I have not been one eager to jump on
the Xbox One bandwagon and prefer to play my games on PC.
Having enjoyed the first two games in the series, I eagerly loaded up the
game and jumped into a casual co-op game where a fellow gamer and I worked
our way through levels teaming with hordes of the undead.
Like the other games in the series, I was able to use various vehicles to
run down and force my way through the hordes and of course, anything on
the very big and detailed maps can become a weapon, while there are guns,
grenades, swords, and traditional weapons, players will also find teddy
bears, hubcaps, laptops, bricks, and countless other goodies to ward off
being the main course at a Zombie Buffet.
Players will also be able to gather items and plans so they can easily
craft weapons such as a combination power saw and sledgehammer which makes
short work of all those in your path.
Like the previous games, missions are assigned and cut scenes are used to
move the story along as players often have to locate and return various
items for characters so they will do something for you in return that
allows you to advance.
Having played both in solo mode and with a flesh and blood player, I can
tell you that I greatly prefer having another player on hand as they can
help you fight, navigate, and survive, which is key as there is not always
a helpful amount of food or drink around to help you replenish lost
Since players can only manage a few weapons at a time in their inventory
and Items do destruct after a certain amount of use, being on the lookout
for the next weapon is key as I have been in extended fights when my
options ran dry and I was forced to run.
Graphically the game is solid but not what I would call cutting edge. My
biggest issue with the game was that due to the huge and frequent hordes,
there were times when I lagged almost to a standstill which was not
something that helped enhance my enjoyment of the game.
That being said, the variety of gameplay and the story of the game that
clearly let you know the clock was ticking on your window for survival
really added a sense of urgency to the game.
I enjoyed the free form variety of the game such as taking a muscle car
and executing a flip off of a ramp into a wall of fire to take down a
Zombie that was clinging to the car. Some would call this overkill, but
that is simply how I roll.
From multiple game modes to plenty of in game options, Dead Rising 3 is
tons of fun, now if only they could do something about the in game lag, we
would really have a winner, as it is now, it is a good game that could
have been great on PC.
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H2O (The Rain, #1)
H2O (The Rain, #1)
Virginia Bergin | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for providing a proof copy to read and review.</i>

The world has already had to deal with worldwide pandemics spread by animals and birds such as swine flu and bird flu. What if there was a fatal disease in the rain? How would humanity cope? This is what Virginia Bergin explores in her debut novel aptly titled <i>The Rain</i>. If anyone were to come into contact with the rain, even a single drop, or contaminated water they would have an immediate reaction and be dead in less than three hours. Fifteen-year-old Ruby Morris, who has so far managed to survive this disaster, narrates the story starting from the first day that the disease arrived in Britain.

Ruby describes the losses of her friends and immediate family, the surprising improvement with her relationship with her stepfather Simon. She explains at length the things she had to face in order to survive, firstly with Simon and then with a particularly nerdy boy from school.

Despite hints from the title (and the blurb, of course) it is a long time before Ruby reveals what has actually happened. She talks to the reader as if they are experiencing the same thing and therefore know what she is referring to. Whilst this was probably an attempt to create suspense and to encourage the reader to keep reading it was slightly galling. What was really wanted was for Ruby to get to the point so that she and her audience would be on the same wavelength.

Whilst some readers may be able to relate to the main character: a teenage girl who loves to spend time with her friends and going to parties but has strict parents (and/or step-parents) who never let her do any of those things, which means she cannot easily have the thing she most desires – a boyfriend; she is actually a rather annoying, snobbish brat. She’s the kind of person that could be described as a “clueless bully”, a selfish girl who mostly, if not only, cares about appearances. Even in the face of the potential end of the world, or at least mankind, she is constantly worrying about the way she looks and what she wears, and is thrilled that she can break into expensive shops and take whatever make-up or clothing she wishes. There was probably a point in this character flaw – the exploration of how not only a young person copes on there own in dire situations, but someone of this particular mindset – however it was exasperating to read. She did change a little over the course of the story but not enough for her to become a likable character.

<i>The Rain</i> is more appropriate for young adult readers due to the nature of the main character, however it does deal with rather disturbing themes such as death and violence. Having said that there is nothing to stop older readers from enjoying the novel. It is an interesting concept, which, although highly unlikely to occur, will make people question how they would behave in the given situation. Would they be one of the first to die, or would they be in supermarkets fighting for the quickly disappearing food and drink? It is a thought-provoking idea!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1) in Books

Jun 7, 2018 (Updated May 18, 2019)  
Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Tonya Hurley | 2013 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
Precious Blood was a book I'd been dying to read since it first became available to buy. Everything about it sounded super interesting. Whilst a lot of other reviewers didn't really care for the book, I absolutely loved it! This book had so many feels for me, and it's definitely one of my favorites so far this year.

Agnes, Cecilia, and Lucy are all admitted to the emergency room on the same night. Agnes has slit her wrists, Cecilia had drowned (and has been resuscitated), and Lucy has overdosed on some pills. On that fateful night, they are all given bracelets by the mysterious Sebastian. They seek him out and find him at a church. Sebastian tells the girls they are saints, but Sebastian has escaped from a mental institution and is listed as being very dangerous. Is Sebastian telling the truth or are the girls' lives in danger?

The world building, like the cover, was creepy and beautiful all at the same time. For the most part, it was easy to picture everything that was happening to Sebastian, the girls, and everyone else in my head. I love how Hurley makes it seem like something such as what happened in Precious Blood could actually happen at any time. The one thing that sort of bothered me was the insta-love between Sebastian and the girls. Perhaps it was more of hero worship, but it still happened quite quickly.

The pacing is what lets Precious Blood down a bit, but not by much. The pacing is not slow at all, yet it's the opposite. There are a few times where the pacing just totally takes off which left me feeling very confused and wondering what had just happened. In fact, I counted this happening as three times during the story. Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention, but the story did seem to be missing some leeway those few times. Other then those times, the pacing really worked and definitely held my attention especially during the first two-thirds of the story.

I loved the plot! It was super interesting reading about these three girls' lives. They each brought their own baggage to the table. I was constantly wondering if Sebastian was delusional when he told the girls that they were reincarnated as martyred saints and were in danger or if he was actually being serious. I really enjoyed the way the story played out.

I thought the characters were very well written. I loved the innocence that Agnes seemed to have. The only thing I didn't like about Agnes was how she treated her mother. She was very rude to her. I don't know if there's more of a back story between Agnes and her mother, but if there was, it wasn't mentioned much in the book. My favorite character was Cecelia. She came across as being very hardcore and like she didn't care about many things, but she was actually quite a loving and caring person. Even when she had no money, she'd still buy some food and a drink for the homeless guy who lived on the top of her building. Cecelia had a very big heart. Lucy started off being selfish, but even she has a change of heart. Sebastian was very charismatic. I like how dedicated he was to his cause and how he was willing to risk everything for it.

Trigger warnings include profanity, death, and some graphic violence.

Overall, Precious Blood is a very creepy but beautifully written book. Yes, there were some pacing problems but nothing too serious. I would definitely recommend Precious Blood by Tonya Hurley to those aged 17+. The plot is interesting and the characters are likable. I loved this book so much that I bought the next in the series after finishing this one.
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