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Dick Cavett recommended Act One in Books (curated)

Act One
Act One
Moss Hart | 2014 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Hart rose from grinding poverty in Brooklyn to the heights of Broadway success in writing and directing. Act One is easily the best show — business autobiography — a riveting story that risks promoting the foolish idea that if you chase your dream and never give in, you will succeed. Bull. A few will. Hart did."

Into the Wild
Into the Wild
Jon Krakauer | 2017 | Biography
7.5 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this as part of my 2014 reading challenge. This book was recommended to me by one of my close friends. This was definitely a book that I would expect a hiker, climber, and all around outdoorsy person to read.

I have to admit, I had a hard time reading this book. The writing was outstanding but I found the book itself a little dull and honestly, a little frustrating.

As many of my friends know, I grew up with my parents working in insurance. I also grew up working in insurance. This means that I have a (as my dad calls it) risk manager's mindset. That means that I had a hard time idealizing a man that took such a high risk with his life and refused most of the help that was offered.

I have to say that I admire this man's ideals and his bravery but I also feel that he was fairly foolish. I don't think that he was foolish for going out into the wilderness alone but I feel that he was foolish for not being able to swallow his pride and accept help. I think that he was foolish for pushing his family and his friends away.

This is the second Jon Krakauer book that I have read and I have to say that I his writing is spectacular but a little dull. I felt that I was reading a text book and not a novel. I think this is simply because I like my books to invoke emotions in me and all I felt in this book was frustration and deep sadness for anyone that knew and loved McCandless.

All in all, this wasn't my typical read but I'm glad that I took time to read it.

Auburn (57 KP) rated The Cruel Prince in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been looking forward to reading this book for awhile, the plot seemed just right. A cruel prince, a human girl, revenge, intrigue; it was all there. For me it did not live up to the hype though.
Jude was an inconsiderate, foolish, and all around incompetent character. She just rubbed me the wrong way. Plus I was hoping for a little bit of romance.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the plot and the idea of the fae not being good. That is different than most fae books today.
Roll Player
Roll Player
2016 | Dice Game, Fantasy
Dice manipulation (4 more)
Many different end game bonuses
Cards change priorities
Colors of the dice matter
Variable player values
I adore this game, roll the dice then change them. Create a character.
So this game is really about efficiency. Take the rolls. Change them using your powers. Make your priorities and later maybe change them. I love the negative traights turned positive. Don’t need intelligence? Go after the foolish traight. Also are you a sociopath. Don’t be too good then. Or if you are a Hermit. Stay in the middle. I love this aspect as well. You make the dice fit your starting situation. Even your race; orc, dragon, human, elf makes a difference. So much to pay attention to. You’ll probably miss something and catch it halfway through. Laugh at yourself and figure it out. I love that it’s not over until the last die is placed. You can always tweak it. Plus. I’ve met the designer who is a nice guy. Which doesn’t surprise me. But does make me like it slightly more. I always want to celebrate great people in the world.

My last play: Dragonkin Sociopathic Ranger who is Dedicated, Devoted, Foolish, Honest, & Envious.

That even plays into some story telling aspects. Which a fun way to think about the game afterward. Tell a story about your charectures.

There’s an expansion for it. But I haven’t tried it yet.
Show all 4 comments.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Apr 16, 2018

I’ve only played this once but I liked it a lot. Like segrada but more to it.


Lumos (380 KP) Apr 17, 2018

Absolutely! It is very similar to Segrada but Roll Player has what that game is missing with the market element and the ability to play to different strategies.


Paul Morrissey recommended Summertime (1955) in Movies (curated)

Summertime (1955)
Summertime (1955)
1955 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As in the Max Ophuls film, Lean also deals with romantic love outside of marriage and intelligently understands that these relationships were sad and not meant to be. But with the end of marriage as anything more than a foolish, outdated formality that no one takes seriously anymore, the romantic film has logically disappeared, and there have been no great romantic leading roles for women ever since. The vulnerable, sympathetic character Katharine Hepburn so beautifully plays would be now considered some kind of neurotic nutcase, but I think it’s her best performance and it’s David Lean’s best film. He specialized in this genre of marital infidelity in films such as Brief Encounter and Passionate Friends, and when he gave it up for his outdoor spectacles, I don’t think he was ever as good again."


B (62 KP) rated Pride and Prejudice in Books

Sep 30, 2018  
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen, Donald Gray, Mary A. Favret | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so grateful to Jane Austen because this book changed my life and the way that I view the world. I simply do not have the words to explain what this novel means to me and to try to say as much would not do it justice. I feel like my life over the last 10 years has become centered around reading and rereading the Austen works and their adaptations as well as watching the films. Austen's witty and often sarcastic portrayal of the elegance and complex sinplicity of Regency England never fails to put a big stupid smile on my face. I feel like I have found kindred spirits in the foolish mistakes of Elizabeth Bennet and unsociable demeanor of Fitzwilliam Darcy. While I know this novel may not be everyone's cup of tea, I still highly recommend giving it a try.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mel’s college roommate has finally come to collect on a favor that Mel owes her, and Diane wants Mel to deliver break up cupcakes to her ex-fiance. However, the delivery doesn’t go as planned when Mel finds Mike’s body. With the police looking at Diane as the killer, suddenly Mel finds herself with a new favor – keep Diane out of prison.

Who can you not love a book that starts out with break up cupcakes? The story that follows delivers on the promise with plenty of viable suspects and some good twists. I did feel Mel was foolish at the end of the book, but that was my only complaint. All the usual supporting characters are here, and they are their usual charming selves. I just love them! And there is one scene guaranteed to melt your heart.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Gone Without a Trace
Gone Without a Trace
Mary Torjussen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Hannah returns home one day to find all traces of her boyfriend, Matt, have vanished, she is determined to figure out what has happened. While I was at times just as invested in figuring things out as Hannah was, at other times I felt frustrated with her for making what seemed to be foolish choices. Never having been in such a situation though, I can’t say how I would react, so I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and stuck with it even when I wanted to shout at her. I’m glad I did – the resolution was just as unexpected as I had hoped it would be.

Once it gets going, the story moves along at a good pace with very little downtime, and I read it in just a couple of sittings. Hannah may not be my favorite protagonist in the recent spate of thrillers with a “twist”, but the story is an enjoyable one, and I will definitely be on the lookout for the next book from Mary Torjussen.

Mothergamer (1536 KP) rated Locke and Key in TV

Nov 17, 2021 (Updated Nov 18, 2021)  
Locke and Key
Locke and Key
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Honestly the comic is better with telling the story and the children are more likeable too. It feels like they missed the mark with the show and didn't explain a lot and just kind of throws you in. The kids are so unlikeable with the exception of Tyler and they constantly make foolish decisions. I get that they're kids and kids make mistakes, but it's just constantly one bad decision after another. The adults are completely clueless and it gets so frustrating at points. The different magic keys are interesting, but the show is definitely missing something and it's disappointing that they missed the mark with this because it could have been a lot better. I also feel they did a horrible disservice in regards to mental illness with Sam who has Borderline Personality Disorder adding to the stigma of mental health and using it as a plot point for murder in the story. It is deeply disappointing and for those of us who struggle with our mental health, we deserve better.

Jessica Cashen (1 KP) rated Unraveled in Books

May 16, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read. Well written, with a great plot and characters. This book is fast paced, with a lot of twists and turns. I was engrossed from start to finish. Unraveled is the conclusion of the Perfected series, which picks up a shortly after the conclusion of the second book. Ella and Penn are now a part of the resistance, Missy is in the hands of Penn's father, the Congressman. Ella is determined not only to save Missy, but also to shut down NuPet for good. The resistance has a traitor among them, foiling them at every turn. Ella and Penn are being framed for bombings. Things are not as easy for Ella and her friends in this book, and they will really have to fight for their freedom and what is right. Ella is even more courageous and ballsy in this book, as she dedicates herself to her mission. Ella still makes some very foolish decisions, but she is able to work her way through them towards her goals. The storylines from earlier books are wrapped up well in this conclusion. If you enjoyed the first two books, you will definitely want to read this finale.