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Angus (1995)
Angus (1995)
1995 | Comedy, Drama, Family
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bowl cutted fun for all
Any film that starts a marching band version of Am I Wrong by Love Spit Love is enjoyable in my world. We are introduced to Angus Bethune, pronounced Buffon for comedic effect, his best friend a young sophisticated sex robot sent back through time The Sherminator Troy and their high school dramas. As with all of this type of movie we have a bane of their life and bully boy played here by James Van Der Beek but you may know me as Dawson from the Creek. There is sa running joke of Angus breaking his bully's nose through the years as Angus who despite being bowl cutted and awkward is awell built unit who actually plays football.

The plot follows that tradition of a dance/prom on the horizon and the cool good looking kids are planning some hijinx only for good to win and everyone learns life lessons. Angus has a falling out with his best friend Troy and is all alone before he overcomes his own unsecurities and can move on from high school politics. If you like mid/late 90s alternative music this soundtrack will knock you socks off and transport you back in time.

Joe Elliott recommended Sheer Heart Attack by Queen in Music (curated)

Sheer Heart Attack by Queen
Sheer Heart Attack by Queen
1974 | Metal
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is where I came in with Queen — somehow I missed the first two albums. Our bass player always looks at me like I’ve got three heads when I say, “no, I never saw Seven Seas Of Rhye on Top of the Pops. I must have been out playing football that particular week. But when I first heard Killer Queen I thought, “wow, this is different. You could tell they were rock band, but you could also tell they were much more than a rock band. It had elements of vaudeville, which is fantastic to be able to bring on board, and when I heard the album there was even more things, like Bring Back That Leroy Brown, but at the same time you had things like Brighton Rock hammering away but with Freddie Mercury sing away in this weird falsetto that sounded like Sparks. It’s an amazing record. Now I’m Here is still one of the best rock songs ever written. It was very varied, very Queen in the sense of setting a standard that they then had to follow. It wasn’t like an AC/DC record where you get 10 songs that are very similar. This could have been four different bands on one record, with four different personalities making the music."

Echoes ( Remington Carter book 1)
Echoes ( Remington Carter book 1)
Emma Cole | 2021
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
125 of 250
Echoes (Remington Carter boom 1)
By Emma Cole

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

When well-laid plans for college went awry, twenty-year-old Remi took it in stride. With events beyond her control taking place and familial responsibility to fulfill, she did the best she could and waited patiently for her turn.
Now, two years later and back on track, albeit a little later than she’d hoped, things are finally looking up. That is until an unforeseen circumstance arises. A flooding in her dorm building has put her into a unique situation that could be just the push she needs to take a chance on the up-and-coming football star that has taken a serious interest in her.
With elements from her past coming back for round two, will Remi be able to juggle it all?
Find out in this first installment of the Remington Carter Series.

I was a not sure I’d enjoy this but I ended up really liking it. It’s very straight forward and slightly predictable but it’s a very good base and well written. Main character is likeable and not annoying which is a good start! For the the first book in the series it’s promising.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
8.2 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dog Soldiers might be showing its age by now, but damn it's still a ride.

The cast absolutely make it - I've never been one of those "wheeey lads, football" kind of guys, but the group of soldiers that the film follows have great chemistry, and just feel real. I always enjoy Sean Pertwee, and here is no different. I would argue that it's one of his best performances to date, from the fantastic monologue about his mate in Iraq near the start, to his increasingly mad and out of it schtick near the films climax.
Its an incredibly well paced movie as well. It doesn't take long for shit to hit the fan, and the rest of the narrative feels frantic, despite being set in one building for the most part.
There's a good amount of gore, and Neil Marshall is never afraid to show us his werewolves, and they look great! Its all practically done as well, giving us the cherry on top.

Dog Soldiers and The Descent are the two films that truly cemented Neil Marshall as a director to watch. Its nearly 20 years later and it's still a great watch and in my opinion, is one of the better werewolf films out there!
Horse Feathers (1932)
Horse Feathers (1932)
1932 | Classics, Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“I married your mother because I wanted children. Imagine my disappointment when you arrived.”
The penultimate Marx Brothers film as their time with Paramount was drawing to a close, Horse Feathers was possible one the their most anarchic entries. The paper thin plot revolving around building a football team at the failing fictional Huxley University, in which Groucho’s, Quincy Adams Wagstaff has become headmaster, is nothing more than a platform for ludicrous comedy.

This gives rise to one of the most even handed ensemble pieces which I have personally seen within The Marx Brothers franchise, with all three main brothers taking a more equal part in the comedy. I normally find that Groucho steals the show, but here, it was hard to decide. Of course Zeppo had little to do as per usual, an issue which would eventually lead to him leaving the screen ensemble.

Laughs a plenty as they had moved further away from their Vaudeville musical comedy roots, focusing more of straight gags, which were as hilarious and as memorable as ever! There were of course the usual songs and musical interludes but this did seem more accessible for a modern audience as the primary focus was on the group and their crazy antics.

A great comedy from the dawn of talkies and these lot knew exactly what to say.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
Soundtrack (0 more)
I will never not watch this movie
Dazed and Confused is a great movie with an even better soundtrack. I dont know if it accurately represented the times because I wasnt born in that era, but the movie sure made it look good. Plus it introduced us to people who are now movie stars, so there's that.
The movie is primarily a Seinfeld, which means it's much afoot about nothing, except for one character going through some growing pains and sticking it to "the Man", i.e. his football coach. But really it's a bunch of high school seniors living much cooler lives than I did at that age. And one lucky freshman who mostly avoids getting hazed.
Then there's Matthew McConaughey, being borderline creepy and offering up the most quotable lines from the movie. Who doesn't recognize "Alright alright alright"? Or "I keep getting older, but they stay the same age"? (That's the creepy part). Somehow, Matthew made it seem funny instead of gross, which I guess is why he has an Oscar now.
I feel like this is one of those movies that is a rite of passage. You know, when someone admits to not having seen this movie I look at them like they shouldn't be trusted or like they just landed on Earth. It should definitely be seen by every teenager on the planet.
Hunter (The Silver #6)
Hunter (The Silver #6)
Cheree Alsop | 2013 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunter is the sixth book in the Silver series and this time, we head out of town, to a small farming community where Dray lives. He is slightly frustrated as he is 'one-of-a-kind' as far as he knows and there are somethings he just can't do if he wants to keep his secret - playing football being one example. That all changes when Gem and her parents move to town.

Yey!!! Gem gets her Happy Ever After! And she really couldn't have chosen a nicer guy. I love Dray, I really do. His commitment to his town, his friends, and his family are wonderful to read about. I love how his relationship with Gem moves quickly and yet also seems perfectly natural.

Things are hotting up for Jaze too though, which is making me long for the last book. I love how Ms. Alsop is able to tie all the different characters and locations together in such a seamless manner.

Although Jet will always be my favourite, there is something about this farm boy that has made him come a close second. Fantastic writing, smooth pacing, perfect characters - so, yep, I highly recommend this book!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Erika (17788 KP) rated ESPN in Apps

Apr 18, 2021  
Entertainment, Sports
2.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
I have ESPN+ because of the bundle I purchased from Disney+ that included ESPN and Hulu. Initially, I thought I would not watch ESPN+ at all, but it's the service I watch the most due to it having a plethora of European Football games on every weekend.
The app is a POS. It is so absolutely terrible. It's slow, it's counter-intuitive, and overall, just a boondoggled mess. There need to be more options such as filtering out the sports you don't want to watch, i.e. MLB, and any US college sports. Seriously, I watch the Masters over those boring af sports. There also needs to be an option to set alerts when there are games you want to watch, because I missed the live Hibernian game this morning because they buried it at the end of the list behind college basketball games that wouldn't be on for another 5 hours.
Another annoyance concerning this app is organization. It knows I have an ESPN+ subscription, and not the actual channels. Why show me games that I want to watch, only for them to be blocked because I don't buy the channels??? Don't tempt me with FIFA World Cup Qualifiers that I want to watch, then I find out they're not available??
The good thing is that they seem to be attempting to improve it, but it's still unbearable some days.

Kristy H (1252 KP) Apr 23, 2021

Terrible app! Totally agree!!


Pete Fowler recommended Da Capo by Love in Music (curated)

Da Capo by Love
Da Capo by Love
1967 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This might be seen as quite an obvious choice but, for me, this album was a gateway drug. When I was a kid, I remember my older brother and his mates getting really into Forever Changes and thinking, "This is just incredible." From that point onwards, I just wanted to hear more and more of that kind of music. We were all skateboarders in Cardiff back then. People always think of skateboarders being into proper hardcore music. My brother and his mates were into Love and The Doors… some were even into proper sunshine psych. We weren't team sports kind of people – we were the last people picked for football or rugby; a weird sort of outsider gang. Da Capo was a big milestone for me growing up as part of that gang. I loved the fact that Arthur Lee was very West Coast – a smart guy and definitely not a hippy; a freak-flag flier. There was something punk about their attitude. I love the story about him moving into a new neighbourhood in LA, somewhere properly rough. His whole thing was like, "Right. I'm going to let people know I'm here and that I'm the fucking toughest guy in the neighbourhood." He was a hardcore dude. They knew how to make proper aggro psych."

The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
1999 | Horror, Mystery
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Who The Hell Is Rachel
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this movie excist. When did it come out you say? Did i come out close to the oringal film, you say? Well the answer is 1999!!!! And when did the oringal come out, oh 1976, yea 23 years later this movie came out. Did it have anybody from the first one, well actully yes it did, but not carrie herself, one of the supporting charcters. So what is this movie about then. Well....

The Plot: When her closest friend commits suicide after being manipulated by the popular crowd, quiet and bookish Rachel Lang (Emily Bergl) decides to get back at the guilty parties. Although Rachel falls for sensitive football player Jesse Ryan (Jason London), she remains determined to punish his callous friends. When Rachel discovers that she has superhuman abilities, it ups the stakes for her revenge, echoing a supernatural incident that occurred decades before.

And who do you say Rachel is and is she realted to anybody from the first movie, welll actaully yes.

This movie is bad, i mean really bad. Its awful. Im not sure why this movie came out 23 years later from the oringal and im not sure why Carrie ever needed a sequel cause it didnt.

Dont waste your time on this movie, like i did and just go watch the oringal film.