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When the Men Were Gone
When the Men Were Gone
Marjorie Herrera Lewis | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Sport & Leisure
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There was something about the synopsis of When the Men Were Gone by Marjorie Herrera Lewis that really reeled me in. Perhaps it's because this story takes place in Brownwood, Texas which is a place I've visited and loved. Perhaps it was because it was based on a true story and about a woman rising up to a challenge to take on a man's role back in the day when things like that were unheard of. Either way, I must say that I really enjoyed this book.

Tylene Wilson loves football. In fact, football is all she's ever really known since she was a very little girl thanks to her father. When both male football coaches for the high school she works at go off to war in the Autumn of 1944, she desperately tries to find another male coach to take the job. If she doesn't, the Brownwood Lions football season will be over before it even began, and all the senior boys will more than likely end up enlisted fighting in World War II. After struggling to find a suitable coach, Tylene decides to coach the football team herself. When word gets out that a woman will be coaching a football team, people in and around Brownwood let it be known that they are very opposed to the idea. Even Tylene's close friends snub their nose at the idea. People try to get the Brownood Lions' football season cancelled, but Tylene will not let that happen if she can help it. Will Tylene be able to convince everyone that a woman can coach football just as good as a man?

I found the plot for When the Men Were Gone to be solid. As I've stated previously, this book is based on a true story. I had never heard of Tylene Wilson until I read Marjorie Herrera Lewis' book. I found it extremely interesting to have a glimpse into what Tylene Wilson may have had to go through. Lewis does a fantastic job at imagining what Tylene's life was like and what life in the small town of Brownwood would have been like around 1944. I could not find any fault with the story telling. In fact, I felt like I was transported into the book and was amidst all the action watching the story unfold. I will admit that I did not understand most of the football jargon though, but that didn't really take too much away from the story. As with most historical fiction novels, there were no major plot twists, but all my questions were answered. There was not cliffhanger ending.

I enjoyed the character of Tylene. Lewis did an amazing job at making me feel as if I knew Tylene. At times, I felt like I was Tylene. I could feel how stressed she was at times and how much her students and football meant to her. Tylene was such a strong female character. I just loved her and her determination! Moose was another character I loved. I admired his loyalty even though he was aware of the backlash. Jimmy was another interesting character to read about. I was intrigued to read about his struggles to play football for a "lady coach." On one hand, he admired Tylene and knew that she knew her stuff when it came to football. On the other hand, he was still a teenage boy open to peer pressure living in a time when woman were doing the traditional roles.

The pacing for When the Men Were Gone starts out a bit slow. There were a bunch of character names thrown out in the first few chapters which left me feeling confused about who was who. However, I quickly caught on, and the pacing picked up decently.

Trigger warnings for When the Men Were Gone include sexism, bigotry, misogyny, drunkenness, and some war violence.

All in all, When the Men Were Gone is a short read that packs a huge punch! Based on a true story, this novel has a fantastically strong female lead and plenty of drama that will definitely keep its reader hooked. I would definitely recommend When the Men Were Gone by Marjorie Herrera Lewis to those aged 15+ who enjoy football and love a story with a very strong female lead. I would give this book a 4 out of 5.
(Thanks to the Marjorie Herrera Lewis for providing me with a paperback of When the Men Were Gone in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Remember the Titans (2000)
Remember the Titans (2000)
2000 | Drama
Very emotionally charged story about racial integration and the love of football (American) and the potential threat not only to the school but to the teams chances at winning and the town's social fabric, the movie explores quite explosive subject matter but never becomes too preachy, wonderful!
Varsity Blues (1999)
Varsity Blues (1999)
1999 | Drama
Great High School film
A classic Teen High school film, set around the American Football team as a reluctant player has to step in to the spotlight. Very funny at times with some iconic scenes. Most of the cast went on to become quite big actors.
The Christmas Match: Football in No Man's Land 1914
The Christmas Match: Football in No Man's Land 1914
Pehr Thermaenius | 2014 | History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed reading this book, looking at the Great War through football. While I'm not completely sold that the Scottish dude participated in the match, I was ok with conjecture. It probably could have been a bit more concise, but it was still a good read.

Caribou recommended track Can 2002 by Neba Solo in Can 2002 by Neba Solo in Music (curated)

Can 2002 by Neba Solo
Can 2002 by Neba Solo
2019 | Dance
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Can 2002 by Neba Solo

(0 Ratings)


"The title track on this release has been hammered in my DJ sets lately. Made as a football anthem for Mali’s team in the African Cup of Nations in 2002, this is an undeniable floor-filling, festival-slaying monster brought back for our enjoyment by reissue label Secousse."


Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) created a post

Jul 7, 2021  
Second weekly update been so busy this week work and football cmon England tonight. This week two reviews coming up of course the big one this month black widow tomorrow year late due to delays thanks to covid plus high - rise my other review end of update till next time

Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) Jul 7, 2021

England in the final it doesn't get better than that


Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Rocket League in Video Games

Dec 6, 2018  
Rocket League
Rocket League
2017 | Massively Multiplayer, Racing, Sports
cars and football (0 more)
new update with almost no loot :( (0 more)
I love this game a lot.

A car and football, blended together. I play it on PC with my X-Box Controller and I am so happy.
The most exciting moments for me were when each game would end, I would receive a certain loot.

And now, they implemented a new update - with Tiers, same as hmmm... FORTNITE!
If you can buy it, you'll get loot. If not - you have to wait until you level up.

Now I am not so eager to play anymore. My rating was 9/10. Now it's dropped down to a 4/10.

P.S - when choosing platform, you can't choose PC :(
How To Be A Footballer
How To Be A Footballer
Peter Crouch | 2018 | Sport & Leisure
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lots of Amusing stories (0 more)
Not that Interesting (0 more)
Not What I Hoped
I had high hopes of this book because i think that Peter Crouch is a very good footballer, a very funny guy and entertaining, but i was dissappointed to be honest. I was expecting his life story, childhood, shool, family etc. I was not exoecting an entire book on the inside story of what different football stars wear, listen to, drive and live in. This was more of an encyclopedia of football players facts than a Autobiogrpahy. If i had known what it was i would not have added it to my Amazon wish list. Ah well we live and learn :)

Tobin Bell recommended Rudy (1993) in Movies (curated)

Rudy (1993)
Rudy (1993)
1993 | Drama, Family

"Let’s start with Rudy. It’s a football film. It?s about a kid who wants to go to Notre Dame, and he overcomes all obstacles to make that happen. You know, he wants to go to Notre Dame, he wants to play on the Notre Dame football team, but he hasn’t got the beef. He overcomes all obstacles and endures, achieves his dream. It’s just really well crafted. I do like films that make you feel something for the characters, and that’s unquestionably one. Sean Astin does an amazing job playing Rudy, and there’s some other great actors in it, too. So I have appreciated that film and watched it on a number of occasions."


Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Hit Count in Books

May 10, 2018  
Hit Count
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lloyd liked to hit hard and he taught his brother, Arlo, everything he knows.

Arlo makes the junior varsity football team his freshman year which is almost unheard of. Since Lloyd had taught Arlo everything, Arlo is good at hitting hard. A sophomore on the JV team, Dinos befriends Arlo and teaches him about conditioning. Football is more than just hard hitting, you have to be able to last the whole game. Arlo's dad was a proud papa. Lloyd, was jealous that he didn't make is as far as Arlo had. And Arlo's mom, was not into the game at all. She was so fearful of head injuries that she kept "The File" that had every bit of information that had anything to do with traumatic brain injury. None of this kept Arlo from playing and becoming "Starlo". He excelled at the sport throughout his high school career. He treated his body like a temple and always stayed in top physical condition. But is all of this enough to avoid the effects of the "Hit Count"?

I love football. My family and I watch our favorite team every Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, or whatever day they are playing during the season. I'm not a big fan of high school football, but I have attended a few games as a student. I have always had a fear of my child playing a sport like football where being slammed around is part of the objective. While they have made many strides in improving the equipment used, it's hard to avoid concussions when you are constantly hit.

I liked this book more than I thought I would. From other reviews, I thought it was going to be more oafish. This is a good YA novel that I would recommend to high school boys.

**I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**