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The Source of Magic (Academy of Falling Kingdoms #1)
The Source of Magic (Academy of Falling Kingdoms #1)
Marissa Mills, Drake Mason | 2019 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
32 of 250
The Source of Magic ( Academy of Falling Kingdoms book1)
By Drake Mason and Marisa Mills

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

I can speak to demons. The punishment is death.

The mission: put on a dress, pretend to be a lady, and infiltrate the academy of mages to steal a journal from the forbidden archives.

The problem: I’m no mage and I’ve never worn a dress in my life.

But it’s not like I have a choice. My bastard of an uncle basically sold me to a dangerously pretty nobleman, and they can’t pull off this heist without me. Unfortunately, once I fake my way through the entrance exam with a piece of hacked mage tech, and reach the floating kingdom of Reverie, my problems are only just beginning.

Keeping my secret identity is hard enough without a suspicious prince following me around, and the jealous rich girl who wants to marry him threatening me at every turn. But I know I’m in real trouble when my magic sword starts to talk to me. If I can survive the demon attacks, the backstabbing nobles, and the piles of homework long enough, I may discover the source of magic… and if the truth gets out, it will shatter everything.

This showed so much potential but for me book 1 didn’t deliver in some areas! I got a little bored but ploughed on as I don’t like giving up! It was a 2.5 until the end which gave me a bit of a boost to try book 2!
The Heatwave
The Heatwave
Katerina Diamond | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this book were Jasmine and Felicity, and the story was told from their perspectives. Felicity is telling the story at the present day, she has to go back to her home-town where she grew up, to find a girl that has been kidnapped. Because “only she knows how to find her”. Felicity is a very troubled character, she has a drinking problem, and suffers from quite a few mental health problems. Jasmine and Felicity were best friends at school, and Jasmine is a person who tells the story from the past. I really liked Jasmine’s story, it is more intriguing and gripping compared to Felicity’s.

The narrative was very well balanced, in my opinion. Felicity keeps kindling the suspense with “her big secret” and “what have I done?” moments, making me restless to find out what this huge secret is. And Jasmine is telling a really absorbing story, leading very cleverly to all these huge discoveries. The topics discussed in this book were alcoholism, teenagers and their behaviour, mental health issues, forbidden romance and many more.

I really enjoyed the author’s clever writing style. The book feels quite calm and smooth, there is no police involved and it is only alone, an ordinary woman trying to uncover what actually happened. But at the same time, this book is carrying a shroud of mystery, that my curious side could not wait to unravel. The chapters felt quite short, and the dual perspective made this book very entertaining. The culmination of this novel did not disappoint me, I was not expecting the “Big Secret” to be this awesome.
A Righteous Kill
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
80 of 230
A Righteous Kill
By Kerrigan Byrne

A prolific serial killer is crucifying and ‘baptizing’ the working girls of Portland, and FBI Special Agent Luca Ramirez is locked in a desperate race to prevent the next casualty. The game changes when the latest victim is pulled out of the Willamette River alive, and Luca knows this witness may be his key to breaking the case. When the fanatical killer threatens her life a second time, Luca is assigned to protect the most unique and captivating woman he’s ever met by going undercover as her lover. He finds himself locked in a relentless game of cat and mouse with an elusive and violent psychopath, while battling his temptation for the alluring woman he’s charged to protect with his life. As the fatalities continue to mount, so does the intensity of his desire for a woman who should be forbidden, but is determined to dial up the heat.

It wasn’t bad but it didn’t knock me off my feet. It was ok. I thought it was weak in places and for some reason the sexual tension just for a bit annoying. There were some weak point and if you’re going to research that much then at least do it all over the book and note that Manchester United would never play Ireland that kinda annoyed me more than it should have. There were some good points too the killer was interesting as well as most of the characters so yes it got a 2.5/3 ⭐️ also I noticed it was supposed to have a sequel yet nothing is written yet!
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1)
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1)
Kate O'Leary | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twell and the Army of Powers (Como Chronicles #1) by Kate O'Leary
Twell and the Army of Powers is the first book in the Como Chronicles. It gives us an in-depth view into the lives of those who live there, how their lives are regulated, what is forbidden, and what isn't. Twell is the main character, and the story is told from her perspective, and yet is still rounded out enough that you don't feel like you are missing out on anything.

Twell is a bit of a brat at the start of the book, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Her character grows in ways unforeseen, by her own actions and by the 'gentle' advice from her friends. All of the characters have grit though, whether you like them or not. There is not a weak character amongst them, and they all grow and change throughout the book.

There is so much I want to say about this book, but won't in case of spoilers. Things happened that I never saw coming; my heart was broken on more than one occasion; it jumped into my mouth as I desperately held onto hope (even knowing that the author wouldn't make it so easy). The story is concise and gripping, thrilling and action-packed, ending on a cliffhanger that had me shouting out "NO!" even though I had already suspected the outcome!

This is a fantastic Young Adult Dystopian story with a dash of romance, that is guaranteed to enthral the reader. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
No One is Here Except All of Us
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! I've been on a bit of a WWII kick lately with my books. This one was not at all what I expected.
This book tells the story of Lena, a your Romanian Jewish girl living in an all but forgotten village in rural Romania as WWII rages around them. The town decides to reinvent the world in hopes of keeping the war at bay. It works for a time, until a newly forbidden radio is discovered under the floor boards of a barn turned temple. Once the radio is again brought to life, the war crashes in around them. Lena's husband is kidnapped & the people who are left behind struggle to make sense of what is going on.
Lena take matters into her own hands & decides to set out with her 2 young sons to escape the war. They walk & walk losing more than they gain along the way. The help they find turns out to be unexpected. They take from Lena, but also in the end give her much in return.
It is amazing that they were in the middle of the war yet were able to avoid much of what other Jews were not so lucky to miss. Lena's life is not without great loss however, its just not the kind I expected to experience when I picked up this book.
The thing that sticks out most to me is that despite the horrors & loss Lena went through, she was able to come out on the other side better. This is not to say that you will get a fairy tale ending with this story though. Lena is not exactly happy as the book closes, but she is hopeful. And to her that is all she can ask.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

This is the first book of the children’s series <i>The Land of Dragor</i> by Julia Suzuki. Dragor is the land inhabited by dragons, hidden from the rest of the world, away from the evil humans, with the smoke produced by the The Fire Which Must Never Go Out. Dragor is where it is safe. The dragons are forbidden to leave. However, it may not be as perfect as it seems.

The story begins with the birth, or hatching, of a dragon named Yoshiko. Unlike all other dragon births, Yoshiko’s egg was a variety of different colours, which led to speculation as to whether this young dragon was cursed. Other than being a late developer, Yoshiko is physically well and attends school like all the other youngsters where, unfortunately, he experiences bullying from one of the other dragon clans – something the reader may be able to relate to through their own school experiences. Each clan is a different colour, but one day Yoshiko realises he has the ability to change the shade of his scales. Horrified by his discovery, he seeks help from an old, but wise, outcast, who, whilst supporting Yoshiko as he learns to control the colours, helps him discover his destiny.

The initial two thirds of the book felt like a really long introduction with the final third being a hastily written climax. Despite this it was an enjoyable read and would be particularly entertaining for children. Some of the language though may be a little too advance for the younger readers. Despite the introduction/climax issue, the story contains enough information to understand the way the dragon’s small world works and ends by setting the theme of the next installment. It will be exciting to find out what happens next!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scapulimancist is the seventh book in the Seven Forbidden Arts series, and is amazing in its own right. Sahara (usually known as Sara) has the ability to control/manipulate animals. She doesn't use this ability for fun, knowing the consequences of being found, but rather for her own safety and to help her do her job. Wayne is a convicted murderer who has no memory of actually committing the crime. He has served his time, and now scrapes a living from the man who bought out his farm and land, who Wayne is also convinced is crooked but has no proof as yet.

Surprisingly enough, the majority of the book passes by without a mention of the others, and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Sara and Wayne, with their story and the supporting cast that they have, needed no "hold ups". Sara is sassy and feisty, Wayne refuses to allow her in (yeah right, like THAT'S going to happen!) and so their story takes off. The scenery is painted vividly, and the stately grace of the encounters with the elephants is described so perfectly, it caught my breath.

As with all of Charmaine Pauls' books, this is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. It is an excellent addition to the series, whilst standing capably on its own feet. I would recommend reading the whole series though, simply because you would be missing out on some fantastic stories if you didn't. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chiromancist is the eighth book in the Seven Forbidden Arts series, and we get to spend time with Bono - the wise-cracking pilot who has been there from the very beginning. Bono doesn't have an art, but he is still very much a member of the team. When they go to Amsterdam to investigate the possibility of a Chiromancist working for Godfrey, he will do what he can to help. Then he meets Sky, and he will still do what he can, but now his priorities include keeping Sky alive.

WOW!!! This book is... harsh. It is an emotional power pack that will hit you on so many levels. And I loved every moment!

We learn more about Bono, we learn about Sky, and we learn about Sky's quiet strength and determination, the things she puts up with to keep her son safe. Godfrey's big plan becomes clear, whilst Cain's ultimate motives are still as shadowed as ever. I love his character. He is working for the ultimate good, but you are never quite sure... and neither are the rest of the characters. Love it.

I could rave on and on about this book. I devoured it, loved every word, and hated every paragraph with certain characters in it with a passion. This book is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. You will suffer the lows whilst appreciating the highs that Charmaine Pauls gives you. Whilst you could read this as a standalone, I really can't see why you would want to - when you have seven brilliant books preceding it. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Man (Seven Forbidden Arts, #9)
Man (Seven Forbidden Arts, #9)
Charmaine Pauls | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Man, oh Man, what to say about this - the bittersweet finale to the Seven Forbidden Arts series. In this instalment, we finally get some hands on knowledge of Cain, the enigmatic leader. He is getting closer to Godfrey, and now has Godfrey's wife in his sights - quite literally. However, Olivia isn't what he was expecting, and she calls to him in ways long forgotten.

The whole crew is here, with twists and turns still coming. This is no 'take it slow' finale, no way. It's full of action, tense, with nail-biting suspense right to the very end. It was lovely catching up with all the previous couples, and seeing how they were getting on with their lives. But make no mistake, this edition is all about Cain, Olivia, and Godfrey. Yeesh, that man has creeped me out for 8 books so far, and continues to do so in this one!

I don't do spoilers, but I will say two things. First one, is 'Pegs'. First reaction - ouch! Second reaction - who knew?! &#x1f607; And the second thing, I won't say who, but I will say tears. Even knowing what I know now, it still makes me tear up.

Have I intrigued you? I certainly hope so! This book is an amazing climax to a fascinating concept, that has kept my interest and enjoyment from the first page of the first book, to the final page of this book. Absolutely outstanding! The whole series is a 5-star read as far as I am concerned.

Absolutely, most definitely, and indubitably, recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Night Tiger
The Night Tiger
Yangsze Choo | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo is a captivating story with two parallel plots. Though briefly entwined, the characters lives are forever impacted by circumstances that brought them together. Encompassing magic, customs, superstitions and the ability to communicate with the spirit world; Choo provides a glimpse into a world far away in 1930s Malaya.
Ji Lin’s family has dark secrets that force her to protect them by any means possible. Though she is apprenticed as a dressmaker as approved by her family; she secretly works at a dance hall to pay off her mother’s gambling debts in hopes of protecting her from her abusive stepfather. Ji Lin desires more not only in the aspect of a career, but also in a relationship that is forbidden by her parents.
Ren is an orphan who has been taken in by a local doctor. He learns many things that most eleven years old boys haven’t experienced in house care and patient care. Upon his death bed, his master asks him to return his missing finger to his grave so that his soul may rest. Ren sets out on a journey to honor his wishes.
I found myself compelled to further explore the setting and customs in this story. I was impressed by Ji Lin’s determination and ability to care for others, even if they didn’t deserve it. I loved her part of the story. However, I wasn’t quite as moved for the entirety of Ren’s story. Though there were moments of interest with him, I found the pacing of his story somewhat slow.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. The culture was rich, as was the depth of characters. It is an original story that I have never read anything of comparison. Afterall, who can resist a story with magic and mystery?