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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chiromancist is the eighth book in the Seven Forbidden Arts series, and we get to spend time with Bono - the wise-cracking pilot who has been there from the very beginning. Bono doesn't have an art, but he is still very much a member of the team. When they go to Amsterdam to investigate the possibility of a Chiromancist working for Godfrey, he will do what he can to help. Then he meets Sky, and he will still do what he can, but now his priorities include keeping Sky alive.

WOW!!! This book is... harsh. It is an emotional power pack that will hit you on so many levels. And I loved every moment!

We learn more about Bono, we learn about Sky, and we learn about Sky's quiet strength and determination, the things she puts up with to keep her son safe. Godfrey's big plan becomes clear, whilst Cain's ultimate motives are still as shadowed as ever. I love his character. He is working for the ultimate good, but you are never quite sure... and neither are the rest of the characters. Love it.

I could rave on and on about this book. I devoured it, loved every word, and hated every paragraph with certain characters in it with a passion. This book is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. You will suffer the lows whilst appreciating the highs that Charmaine Pauls gives you. Whilst you could read this as a standalone, I really can't see why you would want to - when you have seven brilliant books preceding it. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Half Blood
Half Blood
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2011 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read a few reviews of this after I started it. I was starting Chapter 3, I think, and really enjoying it. It was the spark between Alex and Aiden. Anyway, I saw a lot of people were comparing this to Vampire Academy Well I loved the Vampire Academy series and I did see some similarities between the two: kick arse, heroine and older guard she has feelings for; school for teens; love triangle aspect, three classes of power...but it WAS different.

As mentioned above, I loved that first meeting of eyes in the first chapter between Alex and Aiden, I just knew something was going to happen between them, though it was forbidden. It was kinda slow to start with but it was nice to read it happening. The odd touch here, a look there. Awww. I'm a sucker for even the slightest chance of romance.

Then there was Seth...Well in (possible)--cos nothing's happened yet--love triangles I always want the girl to go with the first guy. And I still stand by that. Seth might be all powerful but I don't feel anything between him and Alex. So they spark off each other, literally. I don't care. In this one I'm Team Aiden!

I have to say I liked Alex. She may have struggled with the training and all the news she found out about herself but she was strong throughout it all. In the end, she pulled through and kicked arse.

I am so going to have to buy the second book so I can figure out what's going to happen next relationship wise for Alex (and to figure out what's going to happen when she turns 18, of course).

(Team Aiden, Team Aiden... ;D)<br/>
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn
Taylor Jenkins Reid | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
97 of 220
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now?

Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn has selected her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career.

Summoned to Evelyn's luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the '80s, and, of course, the seven husbands along the way, Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Monique begins to feel a very real connection to the legendary star, but as Evelyn's story near its conclusion, it becomes clear that her life intersects with Monique's own in tragic and irreversible ways.

I went into this book hoping that the hype was worth it. It certainly was you completely forget that this is a fictional character and start thinking she’s real. The tragic underlying lying story is not being able to love who you want to until it’s just to late. This was genuinely heartbreaking In places and really well written. I didn’t think it was as mind blowing as some say but it was definitely a very very interesting read. Also how self destructive some people can be especially when they want that fame in life.
The Prince And The Puppet Thief
The Prince And The Puppet Thief
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really loved The Prince and the Puppet Thief. This was a true fairy tale retelling that definitely didn't take itself too seriously.

Simon the Squirm is the son of the (second) most feared bandit in the kingdom and when we meet him he is stuffed into a cannon, ready to be fired to the tallest tower of the castle in order to steal some jewelled slippers. See what I mean about not taking itself seriously?

Simon also loves fairytales and the botched robbery sets into motion his own fairytale adventure, complete with dancing rats, sassy handmaids, the funniest bandits ever and some seriously cute queer relationships.

I loved everything about this book - did I mention I loved it? The writing style was very witty and I loved the little references and "skits" that poked fun at the fairytales we know and love. We even get an alternative version of The Snuggly Duckling pub from Tangled!

The villain of the story is captivating: they are both misunderstood and jaded by their past; trying to help but ruining lives when things don't go their way. The fact that the reader ends up sympathising with them really says a lot about both the writing and character development within this story.

But for me the relationships stole the show: I loved the contrast between one relationship which was very new and tension-filled, where the characters didn't know if their feelings were going to be accepted, never mind reciprocated and the second, forbidden but very settled relationship where the characters had been in love for some time.
There were some moments where the LGBTQ characters were not entirely accepted by others and I can't speak as to whether this would be triggering or not. Thankfully the main characters are very strong, they stand up for themselves and are so sure of their love that, by the end of the book, they are accepted for who they are.

If you're looking for a funny, cute but sassy, camp fairytale-turned-on-it's-head then this is the book for you!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
The Museum of Broken Promises
The Museum of Broken Promises
Elizabeth Buchan | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so excited to be part of the Book Buzz for The Museum of Broken Promises by Elizabeth Buchan. This lovely book is out on 02nd April, so don’t forget to grab your copy!

This book is quite emotional and heart-breaking from the very beginning until the very end. Based in Europe, in two timelines between now and 1985, we are witnesses to cold war, politics, fight for freedom and an extraordinary love story.

Today, Laure is living in Paris and she owns The Museum of Broken Promises - a place of wonder and sadness. Every object in the museum has been donated and each represents a moment of grief or terrible betrayal. Laure also has hidden objects of her own in there, from her own youth.

Back in 1985, Laure is in Prague, running away after her dad suddenly passes away. But her life here is very confusing. She is struggling to comprehend the dark politics that are taking over the city. But then she meets a young musician. And her love for him is forbidden and causes trouble and terrible consequences.

It is only years after having created the museum that Laure can finally come to terms with her past and celebrate the love she is feeling!

My Thoughts:
This is a very emotional book and I have learned that I need to be in a certain mood in order to be able to fully appreciate it. This is one of those books that leaves a tiny mark in your heart that you will always carry with you.

The story is amazing, we are witnessing a great life full of memories and stories of love, fight for freedom, betrayals, fears, ups and downs. It is so realistic that will make you shiver at times.

I have to admit, I found myself slightly confused at the beginning, trying to figure out which timeline I am currently in, but after a few chapters, I am able to make a difference and get a clearer picture of the story.

I loved the idea of this Museum of Broken Promises. It made me think of what object I could maybe leave there to represent my grief.

I have to admit, I didn’t truly connect with Laure as a main character. She seemed too closed in her own world and her sharing her story in the way that she did was very contradicting to me.

I loved Tomas though. He was my absolute favourite, the hero of this book.
Coven Deception
Coven Deception
D. H. Davis | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed how Brooke found it in herself to stand up to her father and the Elders when she discovers they are hiding things from her. (0 more)
Honestly how similar this book was to Twilight was a definite downside to me. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Coven: Deception by D. H. Davis is very similar to Twilight by Stephenie Meyer in the fact that it is largely a supernatural teen romance. Add in the threat of the coven being under attack and exposed, and it becomes an interesting read.

 Brooke Lesley is in training to become the leader of her coven once she turns eighteen but it is not that easy. She must deal with an overbearing father, mastering incantations, and learning history from Elders who are hiding things from her. Being super stressed out Brooke decides to take a walk during lunch and ends up witnessing two men trying to rob an old lady. Brooke steps in to help her only to find Jessie, a boy from her school has the same idea. As it turns out he is a vampire which means that their friendship is forbidden.

 Soon strange things start happening all over town and an Elder from another coven is killed. The coven Brooke is from ignores all the signs and lets their long-standing hatred for vampires cloud their investigations. Brooke and her friends notice that not only is this unnamed threat an issue but also the Elders are hiding the truth about the feud with the vampires. It will take cunning and rule-breaking on their part but is up to Brooke and her friends to find out what really is going on, and to try to stop it.

 I enjoyed how Brooke found it in herself to stand up to her father and the Elders when she discovers they are hiding things from her. The fact that her mother encourages her to do what she must in order to make changes the coven desperately needs instead of following blindly behind her husband was also surprising considering the coven dynamics. Honestly how similar this book was to Twilight was a definite downside to me. The whole forbidden love with a vampire seems kind of overused and when the wolf attacked the school I was just waiting for Brooke to say it was a shapeshifter and start talking to it.

 Young adults and teens will enjoy this book the most. It might even be safe for most middle school students. Fans of the Twilight series will either love this book because of how similar it is or hate it, calling it a rip-off. I give this book a 2 out of 4 rating. I found it to be a good midrange young adult book. It might not have been the best supernatural teen romance but it was certainly far from the worst. I would recommend it to fans of the genre looking for a quick read.
Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)
Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)
1993 | Horror, Sci-Fi
On the surface, Return of the Living Dead III may seem like another zombie crawling splatter fest from genre favourite Brian Yuzna, but underneath the copious amounts of gore, is a tragic and often melancholy story about forbidden love, and hiding ones true nature. Sort of like the principles of King Kong, masquerading as a gory zombie flick, with a dash of Romeo & Juliet.

This wouldn't work quite so well if it wasn't for an equally menacing, touching, and occasionally emotional performance from Melinda Clarke, playing a character who is wrestling with her urge to consume flesh after being bought back to life following a fatal motorbike accident. Watching her humanity slowly vanish whilst her boyfriend (J. Trevor Edmund) tries to protect the woman he loves is genuinely sad. The rest of the cast are fine, but Clarke is the glue that holds everything together, whilst giving us an incredibly memorable horror anti-hero.

The effects work done on the various creatures and the subsequent gore is great. All done practically, and when it comes to the more visceral moments, this movie doesn't fuck about. It also builds up as it goes on. The last 20 minutes are absolutely nuts in almost every way.

ROTLD3 came highly recommended to me as a horror fan, and I would pass on that recommendation wholeheartedly. A hugely bloody film, with a whole bunch of heart.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 27, 2022  
Love surfing? Author Kellye Abernathy stops by my blog to share three things you many not know about surfing. While you're there, check out her middle grade magical realism fantasy book THE AQUAMARINE SURFBOARD, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy.

“Age never matters; these things are about bravery and heart.”

Thirteen-year-old Condi Bloom’s dream is to learn to surf, but her laid-back beach town isn’t what it used to be. Big resort owners are taking over the cove. Worse, someone’s harassing the Beachlings, the mysterious old women living in the cliffs off Windy Hollow, a lonely tower of rock that people say is haunted. When a new surfer boy named Trustin shows up in town and invites Condi to a forbidden surfing spot, she’s swept into an extraordinary underwater adventure, where a surprising encounter with Koan, the Riddlemaster of the Sea, changes her life. Along with Trustin, his quirky twin and a mystical aquamarine surfboard, Condi learns the untold stories of the Beachlings, uncovering the timeless secrets of Windy Hollow.

Ebbing and flowing between reality and magic, times past and present, The Aquamarine Surfboard by Kellye Abernathy is a riveting beach tale about opening up to mystery, building community when and where you can — and discovering the ocean is filled with magic—the really BIG kind—the kind that changes the world.
Awaken (The A’vean Chronicles 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
84 of 235
Awaken (The A’vean Chronicles 1)
By G.R. Thomas

Sophia Woodville holds a secret gift close to her heart.
A 20-year-old nursing grad, she thought she had her future mapped out. However, destiny is about to intervene.
A night out ends in bloodshed with Sophia now hunted by an unspeakable evil. She is whisked away by her family, a family she thought she knew, a family who holds secrets more powerful and darker than her own.
Her secret is not so secret. Her gift just a hint of something far beyond her wildest imagination. Sophia is pulled, kicking and screaming, into an unseen, ancient world of angels and demons. A beautiful and terrifying world that challenges all that she thought to be true of herself, her family and the origins of humanity.
Sophia cannot simply visit this world... she must save it.
Original sin, forbidden love and her life in constant danger...
Will Sophia survive this dark twist of fate?
Will the devil be her saviour?

This was one hell of a book I don’t think I’ve read anything like it the amazing amount of detail gone into it is just extraordinary. Take everything you think you know about how the world was mad, angels and demons then add some. It was just so involved the characters were all so well thought out and intricate. Just loved it.
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
All these years later, and Hellraiser is still a treat. I've always had respect for Clive Barker's directorial debut. It came out in a decade where the genre had become more schlocky and less serious with each passing year, and dared to go for the jugular with its straight shooting, no nonsense brand of horror.
It has an engaging plot, focusing primarily on a forbidden love between Julia, and her husband's brother Frank. When Frank is quite literally torn apart after messing with an ancient puzzle box, it quickly becomes apparent that he can return to the land of the living through blood sacrifice, resulting in Julia luring unsuspecting victims to their doom in order to be with Frank once again. It's a twisted love story, effectively making Hellraiser a romance-horror, centering around a toxic relationship. The cast performances are varied for sure, but of course Clare Higgins is a stand out. Her portrayal of Julia is sympathetic as she is quite clearly besotted with and somewhat scared of Frank, whilst also managing to be a confident and calculating villain.
Then there is the iconic Pinhead, one of several cenobites that are summoned when the puzzle box is completed, and a horror antagonist that stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger. His presence here is effective in the way that it's seldom. When he does appear, Doug Bradley delivers every line with terrifying conviction, with some hugely memorable dialogue.
The practical effects on display are fantastic as well. Frank's ressurection scene in particular is striking, and one of the finest examples of practical horror effects out there. The cenobites themselves boast some memorable designs, and looks suitably unsettling. It also has a haunting and beautiful music score, courtesy of Christopher Young, that really ties everything together nicely.

Hellraiser is an all timer. A film that deserves its place in the horror hall of fame without question.