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Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
To my knowledge, 'Klaus' is the first Christmas film to combine the magic of Father Christmas with the everyday work of a postman - bringing heart-warming results. This movie succeeds on every level; the animation, the music and the script fuse to create a film that deserves a place in everyone's Christmas catalogue, no matter what age.

The concept of this film is extremely touching - a young man spoiled by his father is sent to a remote island with the goal to deliver 6000 letters in a year. There, he meets Klaus, an old toymaker who lives in a wooded part of the island, out of sight of the townspeople. Together, they create Christmas for the island with the help of the resident schoolteacher and foreign settlers. The result is magical, as children and adults alike who have never experienced Christmas, get to soak in the wonders of the season.

The artwork featured in the film is somewhat disproportionate which really builds the tension, especially when Jesper first steps foot on the island. Colour-wise, the whole film is quite dark and drab which perfectly emphasises the change when the island is transformed into a Christmassy wonderland at the end. Together, these elements really help to convey the moods in the film, and the audience really goes on the same journey as Jesper.

This film cleverly sheds light through the use of music in several scenes. For example, when Jesper's attitude changes towards the island and his task, there is a wonderful moment where he transforms his workshop to the sounds of a popular 80s song. I couldn't help but smile as I find that era of music very infectious.

As a postwoman myself, I loved this film because it has made me look at my job in a different way. Especially at this time of year, I help to deliver lots of presents to households which will make people's Christmasses the best of their lives. I bring joy to people, just as this film brought lots of joy to me.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Cronos (1994) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019  
Cronos (1994)
Cronos (1994)
1994 | Drama, Horror, International
A Vampire film?
Contains spoilers, click to show
The feature film debut of now Academy Award winning director Guillermo del Toro does not disappoint!

A mysterious scarab is found after 400+ years in hiding by an old man. He decided to use the device which activates and attached to his skin. He initial pain is followed by the man starting to feel and look younger.

The situation deteriorates as the man continues to look worse and worse but gain in strength becoming able to withstand pain that would slay a normal man.

I really enjoyed the tone and look of this film. Even though it was low budget, del Toro made the most of it and it never felt cheap or the special effects look fake. The scarab was an interesting device and reminded me of the puzzle box in Hellraiser or the flying silver balls in Phantasm.

I liked the slow developing degenerative story and it never really says it is a vampire film although it feels more and more like that as the story develops.

Whenever you are watching a great foreign film, the subtitles just go away and it feels like you are watching an English speaking movie.

It's too bad there was never a sequel to this as I would've liked to see where the story went once the movie ended.

Highly recommended. Thanks @Erika


Erika (17788 KP) Jul 27, 2019

I'm glad you liked it!


Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Ya really good.

Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Cinema Paradiso (1988)
1988 | Drama

"My dad introduced me to cinema when I was a kid, to watch old films and foreign films, and so I think I was just touched by the idea of a young kid getting to know the projectionist in a village and falling in love with the world of cinema. I kind of related to that. And then I related to the idea of a kid’s passion for movies and eventually getting out and making movies himself. I like the idea of that. And the pacing of the film, and the beauty of the cinematography, and the relationship between the boy and the projectionist is very, very sweet and very touching."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Red Joan (2018) in Movies

Apr 21, 2019 (Updated Apr 21, 2019)  
Red Joan (2018)
Red Joan (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Good-looking but turgid romantic melodrama. Sweet old granny (Dench, not in it much) is hauled in by special branch when her history as a Russian mole on the A-bomb project nearly sixty years earlier comes to light. Most of the film is made up of flashbacks of her as a young woman, dealing with the reasons why she spilled the radioactive beans.

The problem is that the film is so preoccupied with the protagonist's romantic life - she's in love with the dashing mysterious foreign guy! she's in love with her colleague! etc - that the nub of the issue never really comes into focus. Crucial character choices aren't properly explained and some potentially interesting historical material recedes into the background, eclipsed by hackneyed and corny melodramatic scenes that even performers like Dench and Sophie Cookson can't elevate much. Decent production values can't save such a sub-standard script.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Parasite (2019) in Movies

Jul 17, 2020  
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Deserving of the hype
I very rarely rate Oscar winners when I eventually see them. For me, apart from a few exceptions, most tend to be overrated. However Parasite is definitely one of the exceptions.

It takes a lot of concentration to watch a foreign language film and constantly read the subtitles, but Parasite is that interesting and entertaining that I virtually forgot it was in Korean. I was so enthralled by the life and schemes of the Kim family. What surprised me the most was how funny this was. I'd been expecting a serious drama and whilst it was serious in parts, the first half of the film is quite humorous watching the Kim family scheme their way into the lives of the Parks. It really is a crazy plot but that's what makes it so enjoyable to watch. And the final act of the film is bonkers yet a work of absolute genius - I never would've predicted that the film would turn out that way.

There are a lot of great things about this film - a fantastic script, a clear message on the divide between rich and popt and a plot spanning a variety of genres from drama, comedy to even horror. It's wonderfully directed too and there's no surprise on the Oscar for that one. It's not perfect, there are a few niggles and unbelievable elements. But for the most part, this is a brilliant film. Is it deserving of the hype? Absolutely. Is it deserving of the Oscar? Possibly. Most likely. It's definitely as deserving as 1917 was, despite them being polar opposites.
Hanna (2011)
Hanna (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
Saoirse Ronan (0 more)
Did you know that "Lady Bird" star Saoirse Ronan and "Darkest Hour" director, Joe Wright, teamed up for this fantastic action/thriller in 2011?

Within the wilderness of Finland, A teenage girl is raised by her CIA father to be the perfect assassin. She is then sent on a killing spree across Europe while pursued by other agents and Cate Blanchett.

The intensity of the action scenes and the cat-and-mouse aspects of the chases are really top notch. As I get to know the work of Saoirse Ronan, I love her more and more. Especially her ability with foreign accents (she is really very Irish)

I have to also mention the camera work and structure of much of the film is unique. You do not feel like you have seen this type of film before.

Give it a chance. You will not be disappointed!


Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 2, 2018

For sure!

Train to Busan (2016)
Train to Busan (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Horror
A zombie movie with a heart?
After reading some great reviews for this film (some on Smashbomb) I thought I would give this modern Korean zombie film a try.

Boy was I glad I did.

Nothing too complicated with the plot here. Just a straight escape the zombie hoard before they bite you and make you part of the global onslaught type thing.

The characters are not well explained for the most part, but you care about them anyways when bad things start to happen. Blood and guts are amped down in favor of tension instead which I liked. The chase scenes were great and keep me watching and on the edge of my seat.

For those who don't like foreign films no worries here. The action and story keep you going almost immediately and you forget you are watching and reading at the same time.

Highly recommended. (Find on Netflix currently).


ClareR (5589 KP) Oct 8, 2018

Ooh, this looks good!!


Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 8, 2018

I hope you'll like it.