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    Be A Man: Do The Right Thing

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    It's tough being a man in the modern world. Making the right decisions is often not just hard, but...


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Parasite (2019) in Movies

Jul 17, 2020  
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Deserving of the hype
I very rarely rate Oscar winners when I eventually see them. For me, apart from a few exceptions, most tend to be overrated. However Parasite is definitely one of the exceptions.

It takes a lot of concentration to watch a foreign language film and constantly read the subtitles, but Parasite is that interesting and entertaining that I virtually forgot it was in Korean. I was so enthralled by the life and schemes of the Kim family. What surprised me the most was how funny this was. I'd been expecting a serious drama and whilst it was serious in parts, the first half of the film is quite humorous watching the Kim family scheme their way into the lives of the Parks. It really is a crazy plot but that's what makes it so enjoyable to watch. And the final act of the film is bonkers yet a work of absolute genius - I never would've predicted that the film would turn out that way.

There are a lot of great things about this film - a fantastic script, a clear message on the divide between rich and popt and a plot spanning a variety of genres from drama, comedy to even horror. It's wonderfully directed too and there's no surprise on the Oscar for that one. It's not perfect, there are a few niggles and unbelievable elements. But for the most part, this is a brilliant film. Is it deserving of the hype? Absolutely. Is it deserving of the Oscar? Possibly. Most likely. It's definitely as deserving as 1917 was, despite them being polar opposites.