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ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Chateau in Books

Oct 19, 2021  
The Chateau
The Chateau
Catherine Cooper | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nick and Aura have moved from the UK to France, to escape from some mystery event that has happened in their past. And quite honestly, the Chateau they buy is like something out of The Money Pit (I’m showing my age here!). I should start by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed this, BEFORE I say that the crumbling chateau was a pretty accurate metaphor for the state of their relationship. ANd try as I might, I found myself rooting for their sticky end, in whatever way it would come (I do so love to hate the main characters of a book!!). Nick and Aura are those stereotypical Brits who move to a foreign country without speaking the language, and never really learn how to speak it when they’re there - not that they’re given much of a chance.

Their small ex-pat community is full of the rich, spoilt and slightly/ very depraved.

Information about Nick and Aura is dished out in flashbacks, and I didn’t know who to feel the most sorry for. Oh hang on, I did. It was the children. To have parents like these *shakes head*.

There are so many twists and turns that you won’t know who to trust - right up to the Big Ending, and oh! How I loved it!

I think in the end, everyone got just what they deserved.

Highly recommended!
And many thanks (once again)to The Pigeonhole for continuing to help me with my NetGalley reading!
Anna and the French Kiss
Anna and the French Kiss
Stephanie Perkins | 2010 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
What happens when your nouveau-riche father decides that his daughter needs to be more cultures? Your entire world is flipped upside-down as you're sent to a boarding school in a country where you don't speak the language. That's exactly what happens to Anna when she's sent to the School of America, in Paris. She now must make new friends, try to stay in touch with her old ones and the most terrifying ordeal of all? Ordering her meals in French. She might want some nice fresh <i>pain</i> (bread) but ends up saying <i>paon</i> (peacock). Yum, <i>paon</i> and <i>fromage</i> for breakfast.

It may seem strange, but I enjoy the use of language in this book. I think accents, like St. Clair's are written very authentically. Bridge's love of words is a great way to introduce readers to new worlds. (And seriously inspires me to see if I can find a set of Oxford English Dictionaries for my personal library.) The use of foreign languages in books can be tricky to do well, but I think the author struck a balance brilliantly.

I find Anna very relatable - it doesn't hurt that she's a fellow lefty. But I also feel like she reads older than she is. Throughout the novel, I feel like she is at University (aged 19-20) rather than still in high school. Her desire to be a film ritic is how I feel about books and reviewing. She says, "I just like... expressing my opinion. That possiblity of turning someone on to something really great." Reading is my passion and I wan to share that with people. If I can introduce them to a book I've fallen in love with and it touches them in some way - I'm happy.

When I read the novel, I can feel myself walking along the Seine or admiring Notre Dame. Paris is a beautiful setting adn the author represents it wonderfully. It is one of those novels that gives you wanderlust and an undeniable urge to visit the places that Anna does.
Pain and Glory (2019)
Pain and Glory (2019)
2019 | Drama
Well acted by Banderas and Cruz
One of the reasons that I go on the trek this time every year to catch all the Oscar nominees in the all of the "Major" categories is that it forces me to catch films and have movie going experiences that I most likely would have elected to skip. This is especially true with Foreign Language films, like Spanish Director Pedro Almodovar's semi-biographical musing, PAIN AND GLORY.

Antonio Banderas, rightfully, has earned his (surpisingly) first Oscar Nomination for portraying a somewhat fictionalized version of the Spanish auteur - a once prolific film Director at the tail end of his career coming to terms with who he is, the physical pain he is currently feeling as his body ages and the reverent feelings and fond memories he has for his mother.

It is a strong, subtle and nuanced performance by Banderas - one that is in stark contrast to the bravura and panache that he has shown previously in such films as ZORRO, ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO and as the voice of Puss 'N Boots in the SHREK films. Banderas' acting his been getting better with age and while I do not think he'll win the Oscar, I do think that this is not going to be the only Oscar nomination he will receive in his lifetime.

I was happy to see Banderas work in his native Spanish language - the same goes for Penelope Cruz who plays Banderas' character mother in flashbacks. I recently saw Cruz working in Spanish in 2018's EVERYBODY KNOWS and was just as transfixed by her performance in this film - worthy of a nomination. She is very good in English Language films, but she elevates to a different level when she works in Spanish. I would have loved to see a whole film about her character - and not just get a few scenes in flashback form.

Watching these 2 performances was well worth the time of watching this film, and that is good for I did not connect with the themes, struggles and plot set forth by Almodovar.

PAIN AND GLORY is Almodovar's semi-biographical meditation on life - and as such is a little to "navel gazing" for my tastes. When I watch these types of films either I get sucked into the narrative and characters (like I did with Alfonso Cuaron's ROMA last year) or...I do not.

And...unfortunately for PAIN AND GLORY...I did not. It is a good picture with 2 really good performances but one I was kept at a distance from and one that I never really connected with.

Come for the meditation, stay for the performances. And...PLEASE...if you watch this, DO NOT watch the dubbed version. Listen to the performances of Banderas and Cruz in their native Spanish and read the subtitles.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Parasite (2019) in Movies

Jul 17, 2020  
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Deserving of the hype
I very rarely rate Oscar winners when I eventually see them. For me, apart from a few exceptions, most tend to be overrated. However Parasite is definitely one of the exceptions.

It takes a lot of concentration to watch a foreign language film and constantly read the subtitles, but Parasite is that interesting and entertaining that I virtually forgot it was in Korean. I was so enthralled by the life and schemes of the Kim family. What surprised me the most was how funny this was. I'd been expecting a serious drama and whilst it was serious in parts, the first half of the film is quite humorous watching the Kim family scheme their way into the lives of the Parks. It really is a crazy plot but that's what makes it so enjoyable to watch. And the final act of the film is bonkers yet a work of absolute genius - I never would've predicted that the film would turn out that way.

There are a lot of great things about this film - a fantastic script, a clear message on the divide between rich and popt and a plot spanning a variety of genres from drama, comedy to even horror. It's wonderfully directed too and there's no surprise on the Oscar for that one. It's not perfect, there are a few niggles and unbelievable elements. But for the most part, this is a brilliant film. Is it deserving of the hype? Absolutely. Is it deserving of the Oscar? Possibly. Most likely. It's definitely as deserving as 1917 was, despite them being polar opposites.
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5)
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, #5)
Patricia Briggs | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This plotline delved more deeply into the interplay between wolf and man in the werewolf, which is interesting since Mercy does not have that issue with becoming a coyote. It also explored the way that being connected to a pack could either help you or hurt you. The complexities and interplays were fascinating, especially since Mercy had to learn to fight only "in the mind." It kind of validates being intelligent as a viable form of defense. What I did find annoying was when Sylvia and her brood would use Spanish to communicate, and their words were not translated. I studied French in high school, folks, not Spanish. It's poor form to put a foreign language in your book and not at least roughly translate it. Moving on.
I thought the way that the fairy queen operated was, put simply, stupid. She got so many basic things wrong that it did not even make sense that she was even living in the modern world. For instance, she really should have thought of the capabilities of cell phones. As "bad guys" go, she was rather pathetic, and even Bran, the Marrok agreed with me, calling her "stupid fairy queen." I loved that the fight against the fairy queen brought a past love of Samuel's to the forefront, thus giving him a reason to want to live, as well as giving me a different female character to root for. I'm also hoping that Ariana will stick around in future books.
This was not my favorite book in the series, despite centering around an actual book in the plot, as well as showing a bit more "bonding" between Adam and Mercy. The climax seemed less "climactic" than normal, thanks to a less believeable villian, but there was lots for me to like about this book despite what it lacked.
Hunt the Dragon Within (The Journals of Ravier #2)
Hunt the Dragon Within (The Journals of Ravier #2)
J.R. Vaineo | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HUNT THE DRAGON WITHIN is the second book in The Journals of Muraine series and we continue where book one left off. Soren is causing chaos, Talok is stuck with a bracelet he doesn't want, and Tyler is just trying to make sense of it all AND cope with the powers he appears to have now.

Now, if you've read my review for book one, you will know I found the constant use of numbers confusing. (Numbers are a foreign language, after all!) I'm pleased to say this isn't such an issue here as the author concentrates more on things that are happening. I do love the 'Thirteen, Done' part of it though!

There is a love-triangle forming which I hope is sorted out soon! I know they are popular with a lot of people but I just find them irritating. 😁 This only takes up a small part of the story though. Mainly it is about what is going on around them and what they need to do to stop Talok turning into a monster.

I have to say - this is one heckuva ride! There are more twists and turns than you would find at a theme park and I loved every part of it. It certainly kept my interest from beginning to end. Because of this I would say you need to set aside a good amount of time to be able to read it. I don't think just spot-reading here and there would do you any favours.

Book one was very good, this one is great. I can't wait to read book three and see if the trend continues. I have high hopes! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
The Intouchables (2012)
The Intouchables (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, International
Beautifully acted (2 more)
Heart warming
A foreign film that everyone should watch
I don’t think there has been one foreign film that I have watched that I have not liked or one that has not moved me in some way. It’s good to be able to pull away from mainstream Hollywood films and delve into another language.

This time I went for a heartwarming tale about a French aristocrat and a man from the projects who form an unlikely bond. Driss (Omar Sy) struggles in life, he lives at home with a large extended family and does his best to make ends meet.

Looking to show the benefits office that he is trying to find work so he can claim is not the easiest way to make money. On the other side, Philippe (François Cluzet) is dependent on everyone in his life, since a paragliding accident left him paralyzed from the neck down.

During an interview process to find his next carer in which Driss applies for the pair seemingly hit it off, and so begins a wonderful and awe-inspiring story. Driss who has never really needed to take responsibility after being pushed out on the street by his Aunt finds a new companion in Philippe.

Philippe too has found someone to share a smile with again, a laugh and most importantly someone that does not pity him which he feels is the most important. There is no particular story in this to adhere to, it’s about the growing relationship between two different people from opposite ends of the financial spectrum and how important they realise they are to each other.

Driss has to come to grips with the lifestyle that Philippe leads, how he has to be on call at every hour of the day, but living inside the large Parisian mansion he gets a taste of what his life is like to be wealthy and to seemingly have it all.

When Driss discovers that Philippe has an epistolary relationship with a woman he forces him to speak to her on the phone as opposed to the continual writing of letters, even going so far as to set him up on a date. Dris and Philippe force each other to step out of their comfort zones and to realize there is so much more in life.

The film’s serious nature is broken in parts by some beautiful light-hearted comedy, Driss realizing what the rubber gloves are for, and that foot cream is not shampoo. It’s been a while since I genuinely laughed out loud at any film.

When Philippe and Driss decide it is time to part ways there is a deflating sense of sadness that their relationship is over, but both men soon discover that they need each other in their life more than ever. Based on a true story it’s a brilliantly written and well-directed film that tugs at the heartstrings but will have you smiling all the way through.
Waltz With Bashir (2008)
Waltz With Bashir (2008)
2008 | Animation, Biography, Documentary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is the fifth in the series of films I would recommend to an alien to explain humanity. Not, as posted on the Instagram account, #6 – sorry for the confusion, I think I skipped #4 on there when posting for Schindler’s List a few weeks ago. Anyway… today’s choice is Ari Folman’s extraordinary antiwar film from 2008, which combines several forms of animation and live action footage to create a dreamlike landscape of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, and one man’s journey to reconstruct his own lost memories of events.

I saw this when working at The Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh on release. It was the kind of thing I loved to discover that I wouldn’t normally have paid to see. Its impact on me was immediate, and I went back to see it 3 more times. When it was released on DVD in 2009, it became my go to movie to gift to people who I knew would love it but may not have even heard of it, due to its low profile arthouse origins. It was nominated in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Oscars, but otherwise went under the radar in many ways. I still doubt it has been seen by a quarter of the people who would immediately say it was one of the most amazing films they had ever seen.

The animation may seem gimmicky at first, but once you identify its utility in this context and understand this is not a film for children, it becomes a transcendent trip of vibrant colour, emotion and… humanity. I would call it as indispensable an antiwar movie as Apocalypse Now, and in many ways so much more moving than that classic. If you have yet to see it, do yourself a favour, pick a time you can reflect and allow the dreamlike quality to carry you away.
Höstsonaten (Autumn Sonata) (1978)
1978 | International, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have been familiar with Bergman for a long time, having seen Summer With Monika, Wild Strawberries and The Seventh Seal at a young age. They were more or less my first experience of foreign language art cinema that I sort of understood and liked. Something about the practical and economical way conversations happen in Bergman appeals to me. They tend to lack melodrama and romance, but are intellectually satisfying and often dramatically devastating. None more so than this mindbendingly sad tale of a mother and daughter in conflict. Bergman’s regular muses Ingmar Bergman and Liv Ullmann go head to head in a masterclass of acting that left me in utter awe. It reminded me of the first time I saw Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence – such soul-wrenching honest of emotion, it is almost unbearable. In a good way.

The fact that something is bleak has never put me off, and Bergman too is completely unafraid of leaving you entirely depressed. In fact, I wish Hollywood wasn’t so afraid of it. Very few films with personal conflicts this strong spring to mind – perhaps Blue Valentine is as close as it gets. But on the scale of rhetorical blows to the emotional solar plexus, that would be a 4 and Autumn Sonata would be a 9. Truthfully, I have seen few things so brutal and painful played out in film form. Guilt, blame, regret, denial, shame and loss cut to the bone, making the key scenes at the crescendo very hard to watch, but also brilliant because of it. Visually it is warm and cosy enough, but quite static, like a stage play, but of course Bergman was aware of this. He wants us to focus on the people, and so we do. A blindingly strong work of art all round. Just not something you want to revisit too often.
The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Soundtrack (0 more)
This quirky show always seems to deliver!

I don't normally start out by mentioning soundtracks but from the get-go it packed an absolute punch, and became a living, breathing, essential part of the show.
There was a good range of old and modern, foreign language versions, and just a whole mix of genres - that had me looking up tracks and adding them to my playlists.
Adele's 'Hello' will never be the same again.

This season I genuinely sang, laughed, cried, cheered, and my jaw dropped. Watching programmes on my own means it is normally hard to elicit an actual physical, or emotional, response.

The show has definitely eased into a comfortable stride, and the characters were far more likeable, now that a lot of the angst is out of the way. All the characters have matured somewhat but retained many of their issues, it's what makes them them, and in any good TV show, it takes a bit of time to fully overcome these.
I have come to love and appreciate many of the characters differently from season one. Season one had a few more stand out characters, and they really pushed those ones on to the audience. Whereas this time, it felt more like an ensemble piece, with all the parts being essential (and did I mention more likeable 😅).

The show touched on some tricky themes, and resonates with the current political climate. I feel like the show dealt with these historically horrific times with an elegance and dignity that was in keeping with the feel of the programme.

A few more puzzle pieces fell into place but there is still plenty of mystery left to keep you wanting more.
The whole thing is over the top, messy, and utterly outrageous at times, but that is all part of the charm.
I am eager for the next season, and hope it isn't delayed too much.