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The Tycoon's Make-Believe Fiancée
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh yeah. I forgot that this book follows [b:The Prince's Resistant Lover|19004327|The Prince's Resistant Lover|Elizabeth Lennox||27026471].

Hello again, Tamar.

I'd ask if you'd kidnapped any other naked women, but this book takes place directly after your story, so you wouldn't have had any time.

Wyndi finally gets to meet up with her long-lost brother, Royston, who had been told by the foster care system that Wyndi was dead, because he wouldn't stop running away to try to find her to take care of her. He doesn't believe her at first, until she tells him things that only she would know.

Royston is overjoyed to have her back, but Wyndi is worried that he isn't happy, because in the few pictures of him that Tamar managed to find, he was never smiling. To convince her that he's fine, he makes up a story about being engaged, and is stuck having to find someone to pretend to be his fiancee until Wyndi leaves.

I'm still not sure how he was expecting that plan to work. Wyndi would expect there to be a wedding at some point, because they're going to stay in touch. I mean, it all works out in the end, but still. I thought you were supposed to be this master planner, Royston!

After Royston decides to implement his ridiculous plan, we cut to Miranda, who works for Royston's company. She is offered up as a sacrifice to turn in some reports late, which Royston is notorious for despising. Her boss needs a scapegoat, because the reports were all of FIVE MINUTES LATE.

Anyway, rather than killing Miranda on sight, Royston asks her to lunch, and pitches his plan to her, because he likes the way she looks. Miranda refuses on principal, laughing at his offers to pay her to lie to his sister. Royston is even more impressed by the fact that Miranda won't let him tell her what to do, or take money from him.

He manages to sway her by playing on her emotions, telling her how he lost Wyndi through the foster care system, and she agrees to pretend to be his fiancee for a weekend, but only on the condition that if she thinks Wyndi will be hurt, she can shut the operation down.

He even respects her wishes to not act like they're in a relationship around the office, in case someone thinks that she's trying to sleep her way to a promotion.

Of course, pretend love gives way to real love, and the two end up actually engaged, after a passion-filled weekend and several whacky misunderstandings.

I liked this story better than The Prince's Resistant Lover. Mostly because Royston actually bothered to get consent from Miranda at every stage of their relationship. And while he was a demanding man, he wasn't overbearing or creepy, the way Tamar came across as.
The Quiet You Carry
The Quiet You Carry
Nikki Barthelmess | 2019 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great Read!
I'm a fan of young adult contemporary fiction when it deals with serious issues. When I read the synopsis for The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess, I knew it was a book that I needed to read. Luckily, it didn't disappoint!

I found the plot of The Quiet You Carry to be very interesting indeed. I've always found books that deal with the foster system to be intriguing. I won't rehash the synopsis since the actual book synopsis does a good job explaining what the book is about. I found the plot to be very believable and extremely realistic. I didn't find any plot holes, and I was not left hanging. I didn't think there were any plot twists, but with this kind of book, it didn't need any plot twists to be good. I like the way The Quiet You Carry showed what I imagine life would be like for a teen in foster care trying to balance a new school, a budding romantic relationship, friendships, school, and the turmoil of what had happened. It's a lot for a young person to have to shoulder.

The characters in The Quiet You Carry were all realistic sounding and fleshed out perfectly. My heart went out to Victoria. What her father put her through was horrible, and then how he acted as if it were her fault. I hated that her stepmom chose to believe Victoria's father about the abuse. I know this actually goes on, and that's what makes it worse. I loved how she was willing to put everything on the line to protect her younger stepsister. I didn't agree with all of Victoria's choices, and I wish she would have done some things differently, but I realized she's supposed to be a 17 year old girl. I felt bad for Connie, the foster mom, as well. She was only following state rules, but the foster kids thought she was too strict. I think she got a lot of hate, and I always thought she was a good person from the beginning. I actually really liked Connie. Victoria's friends, Kale and Christina, were also really well written. I loved how they wanted to protect Victoria and how much they really cared for her.

The pacing was a bit shaky in some parts during the beginning of the book. However, the shakiness didn't last long, and before I knew it, I was totally immersed in Victoria's journey. I devoured this book, and I couldn't wait to see where Victoria's story would take her.

Trigger warnings for The Quiet You Carry include incest, sexual abuse, violence, domestic abuse, attempted suicide, and drug and alcohol references.

All in all, The Quiet You Carry is a great read. It started out a bit shaky, but it takes off before you know it. The plot and cast of characters were written so well that it was hard to put this one down! I would definitely recommend The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess to everyone aged 14+. You will not be disappointed.
She's Got a Way (Echo Lake, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabi O'Brien has spent nearly her entire life at Briarwood Academy, an elite all-girls private school. She grew up there, went away to college, and then returned as a "housemother"-- living in a dorm with a group of girls who need Gabi 24/7. But when four of Gabi's girls get into major trouble, the only thing standing between them and expulsion is a four-week stay at Camp Echo. Camp Echo used to be a boy's camp for foster and needy kids, but was recently bought by Briarwood. Upon arrival, Gabi and her girls find only two employees left: its founder, the elderly Oliver, and its young handyman, Luke. The two are charged with a to-do list a mile long from Briarwood to get the camp in shape and have no interest in the plight of a group of snobby rich girls. Gabi, meanwhile, wasn't planning to spend her summer playing camp counselor and immediately finds herself in over her head, trying to care for her charges in the middle of the wilderness. Further, she realizes she's immediately attracted to Luke. The two are both fiercely independent individuals held back by their pasts. Can they get over these pasts and work together to save the four wayward girls, who desperately need them?

This novel contains the typical romance silliness with a somewhat crazy plot, but it's fun and enjoyable. It came at the perfect point in my reading schedule, where I needed a break from thrillers and intense fiction where all the characters hate each other. Some of it should be silly, but really Gabi and Luke (and the four girls) are endearing. There are certainly moments where Gabi's indecisiveness, fear, and bickering with Luke grow old; you find yourself needing her to just grow up a bit and control her own destiny a bit more. Still, the book is fun, even poking fun at romance novels with it's tongue-in-check rom/com allusions.

Luke and Gabi's building romance is enjoyable to watch, with added drama thrown in from their four teenage charges. As I said, Gabi can be a bit frustrating, but you can't help but feel for her plight (would you want to be trapped with four angry teens in the woods?), and Luke is rather charming. The novel does an excellent job of speaking to how the past can strongly influence one person's character, as well capturing the angst that comes with class differences (think Briarwood versus foster care). It gives the romance an added depth and surprising heart.

All in all, a fun, quick read. 3.5 stars.
Tryin' To Sleep In the Bed You Made
Tryin' To Sleep In the Bed You Made
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tryin' to Sleep in the Bed You Made is a story of three friends. It traverses their lives from childhood to adults. And we get to see all the fun, joy, and pain that goes along with it.

Pat, Gail, Marcus, and Freddie are inseparable. They are classmates and best friends. One day when Freddie finds a gun and decides to share it with the rest of the group, the most tragic thing happens. This changes the lives of the other three forever. Pat is taken from her mother and temporarily put into foster care until Gail and her family take her in. Marcus, who was Freddie's brother feels he has to fulfill Freddie's life dreams instead of pursuing his own.

As they graduate high school and spread their wings to find new things, they are torn in different directions and their friendship is never the same.

I love reading books about friendship. Friendship lost and found. It makes me feel good on the inside and that is exactly how this book made me feel. It made me laugh and it made me cry, but overall, it made me want to call all of my friends and rekindle what we once had.

The DeBerry/Grant team are great writers. This is the second book I have read by them and I can't wait to read the next.

Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Annie (2014) in Movies

Jul 31, 2022  
Annie (2014)
Annie (2014)
2014 | Drama, Family, Musical
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Having never seen the original movie, I went in to this with a clean slate and nothing to compare it to. Therefore this review will be based purely on just this version of the movie.

The movie begins with Annie giving her school report before summer break, the school bell goes and Annie heads........ Anywhere but home. It seems she stays out pretty late to the point where you think she's homeless, but then she finally goes home where she is met by a woman who is not very nice to her. She then goes to her room when we realise she's in foster care with 4 other children, and it's not long before they're singing and Annie is trying to find her real parents.

There seems to be a back and forth story with this rich guy running for mayor, but we soon find out his role in the story as he invites Annie to move in with him to boost his career.

At first I couldn't get into the movie, it came across as poorly acted and the songs wasn't very catchy. However, as the movie went on it got better and by the end there was definitely "dust in my eye". It was very much a children's film though, so whilst it may not have much of a rewatch factor for adults, kids will love it.
Atlantis Rising (Atlantis Rising, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Young Adult Bound Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review.

If you like stories based on Atlantis then I'm sure that you will enjoy this. It is a light, young adult book that incorporates a sideline of romance but it doesn't overpower the story.

Allison had a hard start in life. She was left in foster care at age 3 but she can't remember anything from before that. She was in the system for a while before being fostered and adopted by the McKyes. Three years ago though, she is approached by a man in the park who was there with his family and told that her abilities (that she knew about... sort of) were wanted by a 'bad man' who wouldn't hesitate to hurt her family to get to her. So Allison tries to fade into the background. She thinks she's doing okay until Ian and Brandy come along and shake things up.

This is a well-written story that moves along at a steady pace. Ian and Brandy are brilliant characters and really help this story to come alive. There are lots of other great supporting characters though, not just including the family and Lillian (who rocks!).

The ending is bittersweet and I am hoping that this will be part of a series. There are unanswered questions left over and I really want to see more of Allison and Ian. Definitely recommended!

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Fragile in Books

Nov 2, 2021  
Sarah Hilary | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think there is always a case for choosing a book based purely on the cover. This is another of those times where I’ve done precisely that - and I loved this book.

Fragile is a haunting thriller, where two young people, Nell and Joe, run away to London from their foster home after a tragic event. An event that we’re drip fed the information of as the book progresses.

Joe and Nell become separated, so Nell decides to go and knock on the door of the last place she saw him. When Dr. Robin Wilder opens the door at Starling Villa, Nell manages to talk him into employing her as his housekeeper. But all is not as it seems. Is Nell really safe here? What happened in Wales before she ran away to London with Joe? What does Dr. Wilders wife want with Nell? And where is Joe?

Nell and Joe’s backstories about their lives in care are heartbreaking. From a young age, Nell becomes the house ‘mother’, cleaner and cook. It’s a horrible life for her and so well described. Joe’s life isn’t any better.

Actually, the writing is so descriptive: people and places are described picture perfectly, and some scenes are so emotive, whilst others are really tense. The gripping finale was heartbreaking.

Sarah Hilary is a new author to me, and one that I’ll certainly look out for in future.

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated Orient in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are some books that manage to transcend their genres to become something else altogether, and while "Orient" is ostensibly a mystery, it is also one of the finer literary works likely to be published this year. It follows Mills Chevern, a foster kid who has bounced in and out of several families on his way from Modesto, California to the titular town of Orient on New York's Long Island. While a handful of the townspeople feel sympathetic to him and try to help him adjust to the community's somewhat insular nature, most are suspicious of anyone new. Shortly after his arrival, strange creatures begin washing up onshore and residents being dying. Mills and recently returned native Beth begin to search for answers in places that the locals, who are all to happy to point the finger at the new and unfamiliar resident, refuse to look, and in the process learn about the dark secrets hiding beneath the veneer of the seemingly idyllic coastal community. There are more than enough twists and surprises to keep fans of the mystery and suspense genres happy, but there is so much more here. It goes into tremendous detail about the lives of its characters, really giving you a sense of the town, and really making you care for the people you're reading about. The prose itself flows beautifully and contains countless quotable moments. This is a gorgeously entertaining read that is very likely to wind up on more than a few year-end best lists.
I absolutely loved this book! Suzanne Woods Fisher is a new to me author and I was excited to read her new book. The characters were all unique and personable, I laughed and was sad with them. I felt like the characters were friends whom I knew by the end of the book. Not many authors I’ve read can do that for me. There were several different sets of characters that I got to meet in this book; after finishing I found out that several of the characters are in other books that Suzanne Woods Fisher has written, but I would definitely say you could read this one as a standalone.

Other interesting things about this book were the topics; The Amish taking in kids from foster care, struggles between newlyweds, dealing with Gods calling on your life… So many great topics and Suzanne Woods Fisher did a great job in my opinion of weaving them all together in a believable way. I loved her use of something unexpected coming up in life that you are totally unprepared for and God showing you how to use it for His good. I needed that reminder!
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for originality, the great sets of characters, and making me interested enough to get the rest of the series! I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one by Suzanne Woods Fisher.
I volunteered to read this book from Celebrate Lit it return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
What Beauty There Is
What Beauty There Is
Cory Anderson | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Beauty There Is has to be my most surprising read of the year so far. What I wasn’t expecting was the beautiful, lyrical, desolate story of two brothers struggling to survive together against the odds. Everything is so well expressed in this novel: two boys left alone with nothing.

The older brother, 17 year old Jack, is determined not to lose his younger brother to the foster care system. When they find themselves alone with no chance of help, Jack decides that he needs to find the drug money that his father hid before his arrest. The thing is, he’s not the only one looking for the money. The man who is also looking for it, Bardem, will do anything to get what he believes is his. Jack and Matty’s lives are in danger. And not just from Bardem. The local drug dealers also want payback for what Jack and Matty’s father did, and they’re happy for the boys to pay for it - with their lives.
I spent most of this book with my heart in my mouth. These boys, even with the help of Ava, are in so much danger. The fact that Ava is Bardem’s daughter (an I’m giving nothing away here)did nothing to calm my fears for them.
I won’t sugar coat this - it’s not a happy book, and another clear example of the term “Young Adult” being completely arbitrary. The fact that it is under the YA heading really shouldn’t put anyone off reading it. It is so well written, stunningly so, and I’d highly recommend it.