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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 6, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
An incredible achievement in gaming
I must admit that Red Dead Redemption is one of my top games ever, the long awaited sequel was always going to have a lot to live up to. But RDR2 truly builds on the first game in every way.

The game world feels alive. I found myself taking forever to get through the massive story, just because I kept getting distracted by other things going on - so much so that I only finished the story in March (I bought it the previous October on day one).

It took a while to adjust to the controls - I found myself accidentally shooting people I didn't mean to, or punching my horse, which would mor often than not result in my death - but once I had the hang of it, I was hooked.

The story is quite incredible, all of the characters are well fleshed out, to the point that you care about most of them. RDR2 is a prequel story, so you know that the events unfolding are heading towards the first game, but getting there is a thrilling an emotional journey.

The game looks amazing as well, I found myself enjoying the copious amount of horse riding, just to admire the many views and vistas throughout.

The soundtrack is also great - used sparingly until it's needed, resulting in some breathtaking moments.

I can't recommend RDR2 enough, as long as you have the patience to go with it - it's slow burning at times, and it encourages you to fully sit back and take your time exploring this incredibly well crafted world, but the pay off is nothing short of spectacular.
Truth (Finding Anna, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie, and whilst there's a snippet of the review below, the whole review can be found here

The third book in the Finding Anna series is much better than the second, and it carries on pretty much where 'Need' left off. I found this a much more enjoyable read, and much easier to get into as well. There were still niggles, personally, I feel the three books could have quite easily been put into two, without sacrificing any of the story, however it definitely picked up this time round and it felt like Hayes had really found her stride.

The plot seems much more pacy, more driven and more developed in this book, and it reads so much better for it. Although there are areas where it is drawn out slightly more than I would like, it picks up quickly and is immensely difficult to put down at times. The different threads of the story that are drawn together are well developed in their own right, but together they add so many more dynamics and layers to the story. There's Brianna's developing confidence, her relationship with Stephan, the investigation into Ian and her father, it all just culminates beautifully into a wonderful read with a dramatic ending.

So I touched on it there, but the ending is really high paced, full of tension and a great way to end the book. It leaves you literally waiting on tenterhooks for more, and when you realise that's all you're getting, it's a huge feeling of loss. . .
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marek is the fourth book in the Guardians of Hades series and I really couldn't wait for the researcher's story! He has been hinted at in the previous books but, of course, you don't find out much until he gets his own story.

Marek has his past that he is "dealing" with. Well, he's not, not really, but it makes him feel better. Caterina goes out hunting vampires every night because she thinks if she kills his sire, her brother will return to 'normal'. When these two meet, sparks fly... literally!

Poor Marek! And poor Caterina!! Both of them were hurting before they found each other but even then it didn't go smoothly. Now, of course, I know it never does but these two really had it bad. How about turning into something the man you're falling for hates and literally fights every day? Yeah, not easy. However, in true Felicity Heaton style, they not only managed to overcome these obstacles but also found their HEA along the way. Of course, they also found murder, more mystery, betrayal, and heartbreak but it's all for a good cause! 😉

This is such a great series and Marek is a fantastic addition to it. A thoroughly enjoyable story from start to finish, with cameos from the other brothers, and plenty of steam between our two main characters. Absolutely brilliant and I can definitely recommend it. Now, bring on the next!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Lone Wolf in Books

Mar 15, 2024 (Updated Mar 15, 2024)  
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Missing Dog Leads to…an Assassin?
Evan Smoak is trying to deal with some emotional baggage when he gets a phone call asking for his help. It’s a girl looking for a lost dog. Normally, this isn’t the kind of case he would take, but because of who she is, he agrees. When he does find the dog, he also finds himself in a situation much more up his usual alley. Can he figure out how to stop what he has found?

Because of the set up for this book, it starts a little slower than normal, but then the plot gets jump started with a bang and an extended action scene, and we are off and running. The plot touches on AI and social media, and I found it interesting to think about what Evan was seeing here, especially in light of what’s been going on in the world recently. We see a lot of Joey, Evan’s protégé, and I found her annoying at times. On the other hand, I loved the growth we got for her and Evan over the course of the novel. A couple of my favorite supporting players weren’t in this one, but I did like the new characters, and there is a great subplot involving Evan’s neighbors. As expected, there is more language and violence in a thriller than the cozies I normally read, although I did find the language to be excessive, even for the genre. Overall, the writing continues to be lyrical, and I get lost in it as I read. If you are looking for a smart, fun thriller, you’ll be glad you picked up their series.
Town Bronze Box Set
Town Bronze Box Set
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it was a wonderful read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

3 stories, about three young men, finding themselves in 1812 London.

I found these easy reads, not too taxing on the emotional or angst side, and they were a welcome change after a couple of books that were high on both scales.

I loved watching each man fall, in a way they did not expect. Given the time, these men could have been hanged if they were caught, but what I liked about these was THAT particular fact wasn't too stressed. In some historical books, those things are shoved down your throat on almost every page, but not so here. Oh it's mentioned, don't get me wrong, but it's mostly in passing, what might happen if they get caught.

The three shorts aren't particularly explicit, but they are really rather sweet in the steaminess level. I liked that, a lot. And they were all a bit different, so that was good.

Two things stopped me giving it 5 stars.

This is the first I've read of this author. I'm not sure if it's her general style, or just these books, but it was very WORDY. Lots of words used to describe things. I found it a bit off putting in places, to be honest.

And I found the three shorts kinda ended, totally out the blue! Very abrupt endings, that threw me!

The short bonus chapters made up for some of it, but still.

WIll I read more by this author? Possibly.

4 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewheree