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Right from the beginning, I found the seriousness to which the author, Tom McQueen, approaches his role as a grandfather to his grandson, Ethan, as both endearing and worthy of my respect. What he is attempting to do with the letters found in this book is a commendable goal that not many grandparents may go through the trouble to achieve. Each "chapter" of the book is actually a four-to-six page letter and headed by a quotation that applies to the topic of the letter. Each of the letters address a specific topic, such as Heroism, Risk, Integrity, Love, and Imagination, to name a few. Some of the letters also include excerpts from other sources that McQueen finds wisdom in, such as poetry or short stories like the famous story "Footprints in the Sand." Many of the letters make references to sports and sports imagery, such as citing Wayne Gretsky's accomplishments, which is certainly appropriate for most boys. The letters are also peppered with poignant memories of McQueen's and bits of history, such as the story of George Washington Carver.
It becomes apparent in the first letter that this book has a decidedly Roman Catholic slant, and many of the letters include Catholic doctrine teachings. If the reader does not prescribe to Roman Catholicism, this can be a major obstacle to enjoying this book. The other thing that bugs me throughout the text is that I can not figure out at what age the author intended his grandson to read these letters. Some of the topics are rather mature, and they would not be appropriate for a boy that is too young to receive the advice given in the letter, no matter how well-meaning it is. I also could not decipher if McQueen's grandson, Ethan, was supposed to read these letters while his grandfather was still alive or if they were meant for after he passed - again, this would make sense if the appropriate age were given for each letter.
If I ignore the obvious bias in the letters, I found much of the advice given to be relevant and useful wisdom for a young man - or woman - attaining to adulthood.
They Feed
They Feed
Jason Parent | 2018 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jason Parent’s They Feed has been on my radar for quite some time. A few months ago I snagged a galley of it. Things got in the way, but I finally found the time to sit down and straight up devour this title.

Set in Galveston National Park in Kansas, They Feed is the terrifying story of a what goes bump in the night. When a few groups, for completely different reasons, end up stranded in the dark, they quickly find themselves pitted against an unknown enemy that seems almost invincible, and every bit vicious. Can they survive until sunrise?

Let’s face it. When it comes to horror books, characters are dispensable. It’s hard to really get attached to anyone because we expect them to die. Therefore I’m always pleasantly surprised when there’s any amount of character development–and Parent’s stuffed this book with it. We’ve got a loathsome woman that, despite not being able to stand, I found myself cheering for. An angsty, delinquent teenager with redeemable qualities. A former convict. A group of frat boys behaving stupidly. All of these are present in this book, and Parent writes them in a way that had me both loving and hating several of them. (I cheered more than once.)

Plotwise, the book is pretty straightforward. It does switch perspectives, but thankfully it doesn’t alternate between past and present. This made the story flow really well, alongside perfect pacing on Parent’s part. There were also times I found my heart racing as I hoped for certain outcomes, and having that edge-of-your-seat thrill is one of my favorite feelings.

This is the first book I’ve read by Jason Parent, but it definitely won’t be the last. Let me put it this way: I’m even less likely to go camping now than I would have been last week. I’d like to thank NetGalley and Sinister Grin Press for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Dantes Inferno
#johnwick3 is an adrenalin shot to the #heart, delivering on almost all of its promises to be bigger, better & smarter than its previous instalments. #johnwick films have always risen above the generic & mundane action films we get bombarded with nowadays as they seem to understand what makes action thrilling as well as learning from the best action #classics of the past & #johnwick3parabellum is no exception to this either. JW3 (like John Wick the character himself) shows just how much its evolved, learnt new skills & matured as a film realising that action its self is too an art form just as graceful, elegant & smooth flowing as a #ballet. In fact the comparison to ballet, #dance & #theatre is present during most #action scenes making them a beautifully choreographed, atmospheric & visually stunning display of bullet barrages & swooping movement. Comparisons dont end there either i was thrilled to see John compared to #Dante (from #DantesInferno) & there are countless scenes inspired by or paying homage to old #westerns, #90s action films, #Korean #revenge films & old #kungfu/#Japanese mob films which was #respectful & added to the films #charm too. World building is expanded on more in this one also as are some characters stories & I absolutely #loved seeing John evolve & learn from each fight to help him progress/gain an edge over his opponents. #Fights are thrilling, wincingly #violent & so exhilarating that I once again found my #heart racing with highlights being a #knife in an old shop & gunfight involving attack #dogs which was incredibly fresh & intense. Cinematography is ravishing always especially when smoke, #neon & rain is being pumped out all across the screen with #electrifying & mood drenching effect. Sadly I do have some negatives, I found the last act shoddy compared to the intelligence, thrill & beauty of the first two. In this act an odd #humour creeps in that felt a bit off, #action feels subpar compared to what we've just already seen, the ending a little silly & i also found the main #villain under used & under developed. That being said its still a fantastically made, must see showstopper thats learnt from the best. #keanureeves #matrix
Death in Profile
Death in Profile
Guy Fraser-Sampson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(I've changed this down to 3 stars from 4 stars cause think back, it wasn't actually that good, I just think I was really happy to find a Netgalley book that didn't bore me to death)

Firstly I'd like to thank Netgalley and Urbane Publications for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

Death in Profile is an excellent twist on modern crime drama novels. It's refreshing to find all the characters have a clear head with no underlying disturbances like we see with many other detective characters. While the plot for this novel is nothing too bold or different from other books out there, it still manages to feel unique.

I like how Sampson doesn't focus on simply one person throughout the book, but instead lets you in to each persons life in little snippets making you want to keep reading and find out more and more about each person. While Metcalfe and Willis are interesting as separate people I found their relationship juvenile, in all honesty. The way they went about each other was really rather unimaginable.

For me, the characters made this book fun and exciting because I didn't feel the plot was anything too incredibly amazing and I found the 'shock twist' a little... disappointing. I would have preferred the story to continue in the direction it was already heading by that point rather than the real outcome. I also found the last few pages of the book a bit pointless and it confused me slightly as to why it was included, I think it completely took away from the amazement you were supposed to feel about the outcome of the investigation into the serial killings.

Other than that and a few spelling mistakes here and there (which I couldn't keep note of due to there being no page numbers on the kindle), I actually did very much like this book and was reaching for it of a night time as well as during my travelling hours. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a crime drama without the troubled cop or gritty suspense. Definitely a fun and quick read.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated The Intermission in Books

Jun 7, 2018 (Updated Jun 8, 2018)  
The Intermission
The Intermission
Elyssa Friedland | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever Idea, Great Character Development, Fun and Fresh Writing (0 more)
A Little Dry, Wraps Up Neatly, but still worth it (0 more)
Interesting and Quick Read
This was such an interesting concept and I found myself wondering... if everyone was required to have an "Intermission" before having a baby, it might actually not be a bad thing! You hear so much about people thinking children will bring couples back together after a relationship begins to stale, when sometimes it's the wedge that eventually drives them apart ... hence skyrocketing divorce rates? It seems that people are finally waking up and realizing that just because its a social norm, does NOT mean you HAVE to get married, and it certainly doesn't mean that just because you DO get married, that the required next step is having children. Some people just shouldn't have them. No judgement - just reality.

OK rant over. :) Cass and Jonathan seem like a total power couple that shines like the golden twosome they emit on the outside. On the inside there seems to be some cracks in that gold, and we learn that the tarnish of that shine is just beginning. The seven year itch is creeping like a bad rash, and before they embark on the journey to become parents, Cass wants a break. Jonathan is dumbfounded at the idea and resents Cass's decision, but the Intermission is on.

The character development here is pretty good. We learn a lot of who these two are, where the come from, their insecurities, and their secrets as we go back and forth between the two during their split, on separate coasts and in equally separate mindsets. I found myself reading easily, and quickly, and eager to find out if the split has staying power, or if these two can find each other again.

Some of the decisions and paths these two take are pretty random and questionable, but any outsider looking in on a relationship that isn't their own, is always set up to be judgemental, "I would NEVER do that!" I certainly found myself thinking that quite often but hey, this story isn't about me!

Overall, I really liked the story, the concept and the characters were interesting and it was written pretty well.
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Challenging battles (0 more)
Lack of active players (0 more)
Ideal for time wasting
I originally trialled this game in order to get free credits for another game, but rather than delete it after achieving the desired goal, I have kept pursuing it.

The game itself involves the development of heroes, you start by building up 3 star and 4 star heroes, progressing towards 10 stars. Initially I found it quite fast to develop 5 star heroes, collecting my daily bonuses from activities to speed up the process. Progressing to six star +, brings a whole new level of challenge, as you need to merge specific heroes together - I have found that this takes a lot more time in order to collect the correct amount of resources.

The creators of the game provide a large number of diamonds on a daily basis, which is beneficial to players, as it means you do not have to spend money in order to progress through the game. There are paid options if desired, where you can purchase VIP, which gives you access to additional aspects to help speed the game.

Heroes can be used in battle against the computer in the tower of oblivion and various other forums within the game, but you do find you become stuck at a level, sometimes for many days whilst trying to up grade.

To support the social aspect of the game, there is the option to join a guild. If the guild is active and works together, then this supports the development of your own team. One thing I have found on this game, is that there is a lack of audience of the game at the moment, and a large number of inactive players. This has meant that guilds do struggle to start up. The game also operates across several servers which cannot interact with each other, meaning friends need to be directed to join specific servers (and will have to carry out the introduction activities twice).

All in all the game is enjoyable and addictive, however it does have a few flaws, which I am hoping will be ironed out with time.

Merissa (11938 KP) rated Sufferborn in Books

Jan 27, 2020  
J.C. Hartcarver | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sufferborn is the story of elves and humans, how they live, and what happens when their worlds overlap. We start off in the past where Orinleah has just given birth and Daghahen is found by his brother. We learn Orinleah gives the boy a name that is banned from most of the tribes, Dorhen, meaning 'stranger'. Apparently, it means his life will not be long but be very arduous. Why she names him this isn't exactly clear as she seems so happy about it.

The pacing of this book is overall very slow. There are moments when it picks up but then it slows down again. This is good in the majority of the cases as there is always a lot going on, so it gives you time to grasp the situation as well as learning more about the characters. I would say that personally I would have found chapter headings to be helpful, just so I could find out who was talking and when, but that's probably just me.

And there are a LOT of characters too! The main ones end up being Daghahen, Dorhen, and Kalea, but trust me when I say there is a whole caboodle of characters there that will draw your attention. In fact, even in the last few chapters, you are introduced to new characters to take into book two with you.

With the slow pace and the amount of characters, it comes as no surprise this is a long book, typical of Fantasy. I wouldn't call it a Fantasy Romance as I felt the romance between Dorhen and Kalea actually wasn't that important. I mean, obviously it is or Kalea wouldn't have gone looking for him, but on the whole, there is so much more to the story than "just" romance. I would call it Dark Fantasy as there is plenty of violence and the threat of rape and/or rape scenes.

It ends on a cliffhanger so fair warning and I haven't found anything online to say when the next book is available. If Dark Fantasy ticks your box then I would recommend it.
The Other Mrs.
The Other Mrs.
Mary Kubica | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sadie and her husband inherit a house in Maine after the death of Will's sister, Alice. So they move their two sons from Chicago to chilly Maine, hoping for a fresh start. Moving to Maine means living with Alice's broody sixteen-year-old daughter, Imogen. Will is convinced she's just grieving the loss of her mother, but Sadie isn't so sure. Then their neighbor, Morgan Baines, is found murdered--a death that rocks their small community. Sadie no longer feels safe in her own home, so she starts looking into Morgan's death. But soon she realizes that suspicion is pointed at her own family and that the more she discovers about Morgan's death, the more she has to lose.

This was a great twisty thriller from Kubica. It started off a little confusing, but once it got going, it was completely mesmerizing. It's told from three points of view, and each has you riveted, wondering how they all fit together and what on earth is going on in this small Maine town. Who murdered Morgan Baines--and why?

The gloom of Maine and the creepiness of Sadie's new house comes across quite clear; the book can be downright spooky at times. You're never quite sure who to trust or what to believe, either. I found myself frantically flipping the pages, wanting to find out what was happening. There are a lot of pieces to fit together--angry Imogen, unreliable Sadie, supposedly perfect Will, angsty Otto (Sadie's eldest son), and the Baines and their marriage. I loved trying to piece everything together.

There are a ton of twists and turns and while some seem a little crazy, it made for a wild ride. I guessed a few and gasped at others, so that was fun. I must note, though, that there is a suicide trigger (not a spoiler, as it's Alice's death). There's a lot of detail about her death and as someone who lost someone in that same manner, I found it very hard to read about. So just keep that in mind. However, overall, this was a really captivating and dark thriller. 4 stars.