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Raging Star (Dust Lands, #3)
Raging Star (Dust Lands, #3)
Moira Young | 2014 | Romance
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.75 stars.

It's been a long time (late 2013/early 2014) since I read the first two books in this series and apart from Saba, Jack, Emmi, Lugh and DeMalo I'd forgotten everyone else and what the plot was about, other than DeMalo creating a new world.

I must have liked its style (no speech marks and words spelt how they sound) at the beginning but I found it rather tedious in this one, which is why it's taken me so long to read it. I could only read 10/15 pages in one go before I had to put it down and do something else for a bit. It was only within the last two days that I decided it was time I finished it since it had been on my *currently reading* shelf for 10 days, way longer than I normally spend on paperbacks.

I'm not too sure I liked the ending either. I was kinda expecting more in relation to Jack and Saba. I understand that he was a little put off after he found out what had transpired but I still thought he'd get over it because of his feelings for Saba but I suppose it's been left open enough for something to happen between them as I really liked them together in the previous book.

Not one of my favourite endings to a series ever but not the worst either.
Undeclared (Woodlands, #1)
Undeclared (Woodlands, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3½ out of 5 stars

I received this copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This story tells the tale of Grace, who became the pen pal of a marine as an assignment while at high school. They carried on corresponding for four years before Noah, the marine, sent her a "Dear John" style letter telling her he didn't want to meet her. Grace took the letter badly, after years of pining after him, and shuts him out. Noah on the other hand wanted to get his head sorted out, after spending the last four years in Afghanistan, before meeting her. I don't want to give too much away but they do meet again.

I found the first half of the book a little slow going and it took me a while to get into it, while the second half seemed to flow easier and I found myself unable to put my kindle down as I wondered how Noah was going to get Grace to forgive him.

The characters are all likeable, especially the guys who live at Woodlands. I'm interested in reading their stories, especially Bo to see who ends up winning his heart.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. It's the first New Adult book I've read that involved (ex)military personnel and like I've said before, the reason I like the genre so much is because they mix it up a little and deal with bigger issues.
I See You (2019)
I See You (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
A young lad rides through the forest on a bike, when an invisible force pulls him off. A shot of the main characters house and the title of the movie appears......... Erm OK.... What?
Anyway, when the movie properly starts we are made aware that the husband and wife are having marital problems due to the wife having an affair. At work the husband is placed on the case of the missing boy from the start of the movie, and at home strange things are happening, windows are being broken, photos going missing, TV is turning on by itself and it is evident that someone or something is watching the family.
The first half of the movie is showing the strange things happening, whilst the second half of the movie is dedicated to explaining what is going on and quite frankly I lost interest very quickly.
I found the movie rather boring and uninteresting. The acting throughout was very wooden for the most part, which was very surprising for Helen Hunt as I've always found her good, but it seems her acting skills have withered away over the years. The music they tried too hard to make it sound eerie, that it just ended up sounding like it was put together by a trainee and to top it off nothing in the movie made sense. Overall it was awful, I was time watching the whole time wondering when it would be over.
Seizure (Virals, #2)
Seizure (Virals, #2)
Kathy Reichs | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in the Virals series by Kathy Reichs, Seizure, follows Tory, Ben, Shelton and Hi through their next insanely tough adventure. New characters and threats are introduced, and a certain character re-visited.

Even longer than the first book at a whopping 491 pages, Seizure an look a little daunting at first. However, the length makes it perfect for dozens of unexpected twists and hurdles for the Virals to overcome. The Prologue sets the book off to an interesting start, and connections are made throughout the story.

Relatively different to Virals, the group's aim in this sequel is to prevent LIRI from being shut down, and keep Loggerhead available for them to visit. They put together dozens of clues to every unsolved mystery they come across, but I personally found the consequences a little too consequential and hard to believe and their ideas to be rather far-fetched at times. But hey, that's what adventure books are all about, right?

Again, similar typos to before were found, and the writing style is obviously as straight-forward most of the time. Despite being so unbelievable throughout, everything is very cleverly planned and put together. It's an exciting read that brings out both fear and joy for the group of Virals. I'm also going to give this Virals book 3.5/4 stars out of 5.

Read my review of the first book here: