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The Supernatural Enhancements
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard to describe this novel. On the one hand there is a pretty straightforward mystery at its center, full of clever puzzles and hints of conspiracy. On the other though is a possible haunting, a weird romance, and a very unusual narrative structure. The book is told in the form of journal entries, letters, notepad scribblings, security camera transcripts, and other means. This method can be very effective at slowly revealing answers, and may make this possibly the first "found footage" novel, but it also somehow removes the suspense in many scenes, and periodically makes things unnecessarily confusing. Still, I enjoyed reading this book, and would be interested in a sequel, so that should say something.
I read this over a weeks period while on holiday, and I found it difficult to put down! I've always been interested in crime, especially that of murders and kidnappings, so Helter Skelter seemed the perfect book for me. I love how in depth Bugliosi gets in this book, there's not a single piece of information missing. Once you finish this book you will know the Manson case inside out.

The second half can become a bit tedious due to the fact that it's all about the court case, however it still manages to grip you just as you're feeling a bit sleepy.

I may even go back to read this book again.
This was an enjoyable foray into America's past. The book starts by giving us a glimpse into both Alexander Hamilton's childhood and early military career, as well as Elizabeth Schuyler's early home life. The story then continues to follow the pair throughout their romance and marriage, right up to each of their deaths. Fans of Alexander Hamilton, and there seem to be a lot of those at present, should enjoy the story. While not a young adult book, I found that the writing style gave it the feel of one, and made this a fairly quick, easy read.

<i>NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Odelia and her husband Greg are attending a quad rugby tournament when a friend of theirs is accused of killing a jerk on the opposing team. Meanwhile, Odelia’s boss Mike Steel is acting strangely after being beat up while out of town.

Between the two stories, this book is always moving forward. I found both of them intriguing and never wanted to put the book down. The sub-plot with Steel provides us with some great laughs. The characters are as well-developed and charming as ever, which adds to the fun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
This fun between the books e-novella focuses on Kelly, the daughter of the main character. She's just beginning to develop her gift of seeing and speaking to ghosts, but she gets involved in a mystery when a woman approaches her and asks if Kelly can figure out if the woman's condo is haunted. Will Kelly solve the mystery? I found it fun to see a minor character from the series take a larger role in this book, and Granny is a hoot as always. I just wish it had been longer.

My full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Seeing Red (Hearts and Minds, #3)
Seeing Red (Hearts and Minds, #3)
Holley Trent | 2017 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 3 of the series and I would recommend that you read the previous books before starting this as it is not stand alone. It's written well, a little confusing as I don't know who all the characters are as I've not read any others in the series. Not much happens in the book, Meg marries Seth mainly to show the media she's moving on with her Life after Spike and then Meg and Seth decide to give the sham marriage a go. The End. Really, that's it! Could really have done with a little more action in the book for me as I found it boring in the end and couldn't wait to finish it.
Back to the Garden
Erica Obey | 2013
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through the Goodreads First Reads program.

Right, I could not finish this book. When reading a book becomes more like a chore I dread doing, I have to stop unfortunately or I'd never end up reading any other book until I finished this one.

I just found the pacing to be a bit too slow for my liking, and I just felt confused about who's who in the book. Laura felt more like a male character than a female character...I don't know, it just felt all wrong to me.

However, this could just be me. I'd recommend others to read it because they may end up liking it.
Salvage the Bones
Salvage the Bones
Jesmyn Ward | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a beautifully written book: lyrical, haunting and it doesn't pull it's punches. There were moments when I didn't really want to read with my eyes open (the dog fight - I found that very distressing), but this family had me in its grip from start to finish. I loved how 'together' they were (the siblings, anyway), how they all fought to survive, even down to the dog, China and her puppies.
You know hurricane Katrina is coming, but when it arrives in all it's visceral fury, I was truly terrified for them.
I can see why this has won awards. I loved the writing style. I'm looking forward to reading more books by Ward.
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario and his Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device (F.L.U.D.D.)
EVERYONE who owned a Game Cube owned Super Mario Sunshine. It was a cultural phenomenon.

Mario could hover, bounce, shoot water and chase around his shadow self all while exploring many fun and interesting areas within this great Nintendo platformer which basically introduced the world to Game Cube.

While Mario 64 was the first step for Nintendo into the world of 3D graphics, Sunshine expanded on those ideas and created a truly immersive game experience few games have reached.

The replayability is amazing as we recently found out when we rediscovered this title in our now retro game library.

So much FUN!!
Poison Study (Study, #1)
Poison Study (Study, #1)
Maria V. Snyder | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a good book, I read it back in 2007 and I loved it. Now that I reread it I still like it but I have matured as a reader and thus the writing is not as good as I once thought.

The characters were loveable but I found myself unable to fully relate to the main characters. I thought that the author could have drawn out the characters more and developed them better. I also thought that the ending seemed a little too wrapped up.

All in all, I thought it was an enjoyable read and I will continue on with the series. I just think that I need a couple books in between.