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Red at Night (Pushing the Limits, #3.5)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

After reading this I'm not sure I get the story title but other than that I liked this.

It was polar opposites attracting; the popular guy and the girl who's different, the loner.

I liked how they both changed. The found hope and a reason to be better, to believe that they could become better with each other in their lives. Overcoming obstacles and the past to hope for a better future.

I kind of wish the ending had been a little longer but knowing that they finally stood up for each other and that Stella was actually giving college a chance was enough for me.

Another nice YA romance from Katie McGarry.
V is for Virgin (V is for Virgin, #1)
Kelly Oram | 2012
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've made it a mission to read all of Kelly Oram's books after falling in love with a few but I've found that they can be pretty hit or miss. This one was strangely OK; i loved Kyle but he might have gone about things a little wrong, whereas the hype surrounding Val after her admission to being a Virgin just seemed ridiculously overblown. I can't see any of that happening in real life.

That end bit though has me very intrigued. I want them to get together so badly so I'm off to get [b:A is for Abstinence|22089601|A is for Abstinence (V is for Virgin #2)|Kelly Oram||40801675]

William Finnegan recommended Homage to Catalonia in Books (curated)

Homage to Catalonia
Homage to Catalonia
George Orwell, Julian Symon | 2013 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"""Among all of Orwell’s great unflinching reportage, this book stands out as a personal odyssey and first-person witness to history. He went to Spain in 1936, during the civil war there, to help fight Fascism. He joined a leftist militia and found himself targeted not only by Franco’s forces but by Stalinists intent on crushing anyone not toeing the Moscow line. Orwell’s descriptions of wartime Barcelona and impoverished rural Spain, his clear-eyed analysis of the shifting factions in the war, are triumphs of tender, hard-headed participant-observation. He was wounded at the front, shot through the throat by a sniper. His peerless moral grasp of the dangers of totalitarianism began in Spain."

Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Miranda Grant | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well Miranda Grant has broke my heart with this one.

I think this is my favourite. Ophidia is a beautiful soul, I found her really easy to like. I just feel for her, she finally feels pure happiness and then......I'm not spoiling it for you! Suffice to say I wouldn't want to be a God or Demigod after reading the epilogue.

Bjerner, the boy that was released from Niflhel without his sight, became an insightful man full of love and honour.

I'd love to say this is a warm and fuzzy read but it's not, it has it's warm moments yes but it's still dark.

Hel hath no fury like Medusa's spawn.

Vince Clarke recommended Heroes by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Heroes by David Bowie
Heroes by David Bowie
1977 | Rock

"That title track, it really affected me emotionally. I can't really explain why, but it really got under my skin. We were going to a lot of parties and stuff, and that was always the track that was played, and everybody would get up and start dancing to it. I love most of the Bowie stuff, but '"Heroes"' and that whole era, I found it really moving. "Heroes" was a rebellion inspiration, an "I told you so"-type thing. It seemed to be very anti-establishment, and something your parents wouldn't approve of, so we loved it. I've never seen Bowie, though we did play a tour supporting him in South America."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
1939 | Fantasy, Musical

"I think you’ve got to go with the classics. You’ve got to go with The Wizard of Oz. That’s the one that I can think of as a kid you always looked forward to, because when I was a kid, they only aired it at Thanksgiving. You had to wait. There was no DVRs, there was no Netflix. Until the network ran it on Thanksgiving, you didn’t see it. You couldn’t record it, nothing. The fact that it still holds up; it’s one of those movies you can’t redo. You can redo it, but it’s not going to be the same. We found that out with Peter Pan, when they tried to do that."

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)
1976 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Possibly my favorite of the many Cassavetes films I love. Why? Maybe because he found a way to depict the ruthlessness of the Hollywood system, and because of how Cosmo (Ben Gazzara) keeps smiling as he searches for a civil way out of his predicament. It’s very roughly made, which I find touching and refreshing, now that we all seem to fetishize high production values above all else. The cabaret scenes are authentically seedy, even a little pathetic, and are set in an LA that no longer exists. But there’s real tenderness between Cosmo and his black girlfriend and her mother. The story seems to meander in an alive, curious way, even as it drives to its terrible conclusion."


Hazel (2934 KP) rated Ten Days in Books

Jul 11, 2021  
Ten Days
Ten Days
Mel Sherratt | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit to being a rather big fan of Mel Sherratt's books having read several previously so was hoping this was going to be as good ... I wasn't disappointed in the slightest.

Ten Days has got it all ... great characters, intriguing storyline, fast paced, twists, turns and a very satisfying ending.

Ten Days is one of those books that is so compelling that you can't stop reading and I found myself taking every opportunity to read just one more chapter which quickly became several!

I would certainly recommend this and any of Mel's previous books; she delivers every time.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Faction Paradox: The Brakespeare Voyage
Faction Paradox: The Brakespeare Voyage
Jonathan Dennis | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After four attempts (this fourth, and final, one was the most productive, reaching the 50% mark), I am giving up on 'The Brakespeare Voyage'. There were some great concepts, interesting even, but by the mid-point, I just had had enough. The story's narrative was awkward after a while, with it changing from Scarratt to Nebaioth to transcripts. It was just too much. I found Daniel O'Mahoney's FP entry, 'Newtons Sleep' as well as Lawrence Miles' 'This Town Will Never Let Us Go' to be far easier to finish. It's a pity, as I've heard such praise for this one, but for me, it just felt like too many ideas/concepts at one time!
Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart
Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart
2018 | Dice Game, Racing
Fast-paced, easily doable in 30 minutes if everyone knows how to play. (3 more)
Good option if playing with kids, as there is a lot of randomnesses.
The Mario Kart theme well implemented, shooting shells, etc. at each other is fun.
Not very Monopoly-like.
VERY random, not for gamers, better suited for families preferrable with kids. (2 more)
The quality of the cards are so-so.
If you are a Monopoly fan, you will be disappointed as the properties part of the game is very light. Also, you can't buy hotels, etc.
An OK game for kids and families.