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Is it Just Me?
Is it Just Me?
Miranda Hart | 2013 | Biography
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

If you live in the UK, then you most definitely have heard of the comedienne Miranda Hart. If you live elsewhere, there's a slim chance you may have heard of her. If you've not heard of Miranda Hart, you should look her up on YouTube as she is hilarious! Her book is also super funny, and I definitely enjoyed it!

In her book, Is It Just Me?, Miranda Hart asks her readers if they've done the embarrassing things that she's done or is it just her. She speaks to her 18 year old self, and also gives us insight into some embarrassing stories. Along the way, she gives us tips in order to have fun in life and to get through life.

I think the title of this book sums it up perfectly!! Miranda is constantly asking her reader chum if it is just her that a specific thing has happened to.

The photo of Miranda Hart on the front cover made me laugh out loud! I lover her perplexed look!! I also love the photo of Miranda on the back of the book as well as she's seen to have just fallen down, and those of us who know Miranda, know she is famous for falling down! I must say I also love the colour scheme on the front cover...Perhaps, I'm just a bit biased as I love pink.

Miranda does an excellent job in giving us insight into her embarrassing moments, most of which are indeed cringe-worthy. I don't think she could have given us any more detail into her embarrassing moments!! (Don't worry, when I say that, I don't mean that it's too much detail to make it boring, but it's enough to make it work).

The pacing of this book was, for the most, part spot on. However, it does become a bit slow in some places, and I found myself zoning out and having to re-read the sentences I had missed. But, as I said earlier, the pacing is actually really good.

There is some swearing in this book although not very much. The dialogue is fantastic and sucks you in. I love the way Miranda Hart engages her readers by referring to them as MDRC (my dear reader chum) as well as asking her readers questions. The dialogue definitely feels like a conversation between the reader and author.

I found Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart to be well funny. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments in the book, and I was constantly having to read something out of the book to my husband because I found it too funny not to share. This book will definitely keep you in a cheerful mood.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 25+ although I do believe those aged 35+ will get more out of it. Nonetheless, it is still a very funny book!

Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart gets a 4 out of 5 from me.
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

As a sufferer of depression, this book definitely caught my attention. This synopsis for this book definitely drew me in, or perhaps I'm just nosy and want to know what it's like for others, lol. Either way, I was very impressed with this book.

A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes is one man's battle with depression due to a major life event. Holmes describes his battle with depression and his ups and downs. He also discusses what helped him get through his depression.

I just want to say that the title, A Man Derailed, is fantastic for this book. I definitely feel that this is a great title for the book due to what happens. I won't go into much more as I don't want to give anything away, but by the end of chapter 1, you will see why this title fits perfectly.

Being as this is an autobiography about one man's struggle with depression, I think the cover is well suited. I like how one side of Holmes' face is all black and the other is decorated in clown make-up. Having depression is like that. On one side, you feel like you're falling into a black abyss. On the other hand, you have to put on a facade to the world as mental health is still a very taboo subject, unfortunately.

Paul Holmes sets up the setting and world building of his book very well. Throughout the book, I felt I was seeing everything happen through his eyes as well as living it with him.

I'm not really a fan of autobiographies as most of the time, the pacing of the book is way too slow for my liking. However, A Man Derailed wasn't like that. The pacing of this book was spot on, and I found myself wanting to know more and more about what Mr. Holmes said or did.

I very much enjoyed how well written this book was. I loved how Holmes was able to inject humour into his book as well, so it wasn't all doom and gloom. A lot of the times, I was actually laughing out loud. I also found myself agreeing with everything Holmes had written. There is quite a bit of swearing, so if you're not big into swear words, be warned. However, I don't mind swearing as I think it totally fit in with the theme of this book. The only problem I found was that there were a lot of punctuation and grammar mistakes. However, this is because I'm a grammar nazi. It didn't really bother me, nor did it take away from the book.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ that have/had depression, that know someone with depression, or those who want to have more insight into what it's like having depression.

I'd give A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes a 4.5 out of 5.
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
R.L. Stine | 2018 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot (3 more)
The Characters
The Pacing
The World Building
R.L.Stine Does It Again!
I was a huge R.L. Stine fan back when I was in school. I was constantly reading every book I could read by R.L. Stine. I credit him with my love of horror books. Anyway, when I heard R.L. Stine was writing new Fear Street books, I had to read them! The first in this series is You May Now Kill the Bride. I absolutely loved it!

The pacing for You May Now Kill the Bride is fantastic! This book really was a page turner. I found myself not wanting to put it down. Each page had me hungry for me.

I really enjoyed the plot of You May Now Kill the Bride. Part of this story takes places in 1924 where we learn about the Fear/Goode curse. A Fear wedding takes place, but it really doesn't good as planned and tragedy ensues. The other part of the story takes place in present day. Another Fear wedding is about to take place, but it doesn't happen because the bride has gone missing. Will this Fear wedding end in tragedy as well? There were a few plot twists which I really enjoyed even if a couple of the plot twists were somewhat predictable. Even though You May Now Kill the Bride is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. There were no cliffhangers at the end of the book, and all of my questions were answered.

R.L. Stine did an amazing job with the world building like always. I always felt like I was part of the story. Even though this is a work of fiction, everything felt real. I found myself even holding my breath at the most climactic parts of You May Now Kill the Bride.

I felt that all the characters in You May Now Kill the Bride were fleshed out very well. I enjoyed all the characters very much. My favorite character was Ruth-Ann. It was hard not to like her as I could really relate to her on a personal level. However, all the characters were interesting to read about even the minor characters. Most of the story is told in first person from Harmony's point of view. While I did find Harmony annoying right at first, I quickly ended up liking her.

Trigger warnings for You May Now Kill the Bride include magic, the occult, murder/death, and minor violence. There's also one scene where a character hurts their hand which isn't overly graphic, but those who are a bit squeamish may not like it too much. There's also another scene about a body being found after being found at the bottom of a cliff. The description isn't very graphic, but some may find it unsettling.

Overall, You May Now Kill the Bride was such a really good and quick read. The plot is fantastic, and the characters are written very well. Fans of R.L. Stine will truly love this story especially those that loved the original Fear Street series. I would definitely recommend You May Now Kill the Bride by R.L. Stine to everyone aged 15+. It was so good!
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bendy and the Ink Machine
2017 | Action/Adventure, Puzzle & Cards, Strategy
Set in the long abandoned Joey Drew Studios, Bendy and the Ink Machine (“BatIM”) is a survival horror game with an aesthetic of classic cartoons of yesteryear. As Henry, you set about to revisit your old workshop after receiving a mysterious letter from your past employer. When Henry arrives at the shop, he finds duhn duhn duhn the Ink Machine. The Ink Machine is a rather large device that gushes out black ink and has mystical qualities. Henry then becomes trapped in the maze-like studio, though he soon finds that he is not alone. Like a creep in the shadows, Bendy, the Mickey Mouse of the Joey Drew Studios universe, is lurking. BatIM blends puzzle solving with first-person gameplay as you adventure through a studio brimming with horrors. The art style is reminiscent of Steamboat Willie, with a macabre twist. Instead of happy go-lucky little animals, we are bombarded with the sinister grin of Bendy as he emerges from the shadows.

Similar to other games with an episodic structure (e.g.: Alan Wake and Life is Strange), BatIM uses short levels to advance the story line in some intriguing ways. Love of Exploration will be your saving grace in this game, as each area requires some in order to advance to the next. The game is not fast-paced. On the contrary, it’s meant to be a slow experience for the player with sparse combat scenarios present only to add a brief moment of action. Your actions as Henry are very limited, as is his speed. With 5 chapters, the gameplay time is at just about hours, and the game uses every minute to pull you deeper into the dark world it has created.

I reviewed BatIM for the Nintendo Switch and found that the game was somewhat held back by the platform’s technical limitations. The biggest drawback I found was that textures would often blur and have jagged edges, with the shaky 30FPS frame rate just feeding fuel to this fire. This is a detriment to gaming’s purpose in keeping the players immersed in the environment. BatIM is meant to be tense, but I often found myself dispelled of the illusion due to blurry visuals and dropped frames. With a game designed so well, how unfortunate that this be its biggest flaw. Maybe this can be patched out, but we can only hope at this point.

BatIM developer, theMeatly Games, may have taken inspiration from Five Nights at Freddy’s as the gameplay and overall genre of the games are quite similar. The world is conceptualized using objects such as books and tapes found within the game instead of long cut scenes that can tend to take you out of the moment rather than add to it in games like these. As you delve deeper into the oubliette of a workshop, you’ll find that the gameplay is perfectly paired with the game’s sick and twisted visuals, proving that BatIM delivers on every level.

Bendy and the Ink Machine is available now on all major platforms.
Little Heaven: A Novel
Little Heaven: A Novel
Nick Cutter | 2017 | Horror
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Before I delve into my thoughts about Little Heaven, I would like to thank the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Little Heaven will be available for purchase January 10, 2017 and its definitely on my wishlist for a physical copy.

Little Heaven plays host to an interesting cast of characters that range from three extremely different and unlikely heroes, to your typical, run of the mill, religious zealot. Heavily influenced by the Jonestown Massacre in some regards, I found Cutter's book to be a delightful and fresh read, in the most fiendishly way possible.

Our "heroes" are hired by a concerned woman after her nephew is taken into Little Heaven, a religious compound run by Reverend Amos Flesher. The motley crew quickly find themselves caught up in what can only be described as a nightmare; Reverend Flesher's obsession with his religion, coupled with an ancient evil, wrought a terrifying tale that is worth every minute I spent reading it.

I also have to admit that I was awestruck by Nick Cutter's style of writing. If you read my blog often enough, you're likely aware that I am no stranger to the macabre. The more gruesome, terrifying, and gore-filled a story or movie is, the happier I am. In that regard, Cutter exceeded my expectations. He paints such a vivid picture that there are times I actually found myself feeling squeamish - and that is a feat when it comes to the written word. Other times, I found myself on the verge of an anxiety attack, even if it was action driven, rather than by suspense.

The only thing I really didn't care for was the manner in which it went back and forth between two different time periods, especially since the latter period, 1980, could probably have been largely left out of the equation - or at least implemented into a smoother transition. The part of the story taking place in the 80s felt largely pointless to me up until the end, and even then it didn't have as much of a "wow" factor as I had hoped for. Nonetheless, it was still an excellent read.

Little Heaven is, undoubtedly, one of my favorite books so far this year - or rather, next year if you go by the publication date. I can't wait to read more from this author!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Saving Max in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Saving Max
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I was not familiar with this author when I recieved this book, upon reading it I could easily tell that Heugten was well-educated, especially since I actually came across a few words I did not know the meaning of - and I consider myself fairly well-read. Words like eidolon and glistered (both from the same sentence) made me a little intimidated by the book, but I stuck with it anyways. The prose of the text is written excellently and I thoroughly appreciated the book for this alone.
I was originally drawn to the book because it focuses on a mother's fight for the life and freedom of her son - which I can relate to in some ways. The sub-plots quickly intersect when the mother, Danielle, has to rely on her career as a lawyer to fight for her son while working with another lawyer, who happens to be the man she has a one-night stand with after turning to what she terms as "liquid courage." Some scenes in the plot were quite horrific, especially at the end of the book, but they were necessary to the plot. The psychiatric facility of Maitland where the plot centers at is intended to be the foremost facility of its kind in the country, but I found many of its practices either abysmal or downright terrifying. I found it very satisfying when Max began to take a more active role in his own court case, showing to me that he is indeed in charge of his own faculties (mostly) and not responsible for what he is being accused of. The big revelation that Danielle discovers is incredibly shocking and grotesque and reveals a psychosis I never knew even existed, much less the depths of depravity that it takes a person to. I have no doubt that such individuals exist in real life, though I believe that such people are beyond what psychologists or psychiatrists can fix. These kinds of people either need God or corporal punishment, but that is another soap box for another day.
I found the progression of the plot unpredictable, which is a good thing, but the ending not completely fulfilling, since the author obviously opted to leave one loose thread for a possible sequel. While I normally like book series, in this case I would have much preferred a more rewarding ending.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Craftsman in Books

Mar 12, 2019  
The Craftsman
The Craftsman
Sharon Bolton | 2018 | Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Complex, compelling, and complicated tale
The year is 1999 and Assistant Commissioner Florence Lovelady returns to Lancashire for the funeral of Larry Glassbrook, a murderer she arrested 30 years ago. Larry killed three children, burying them alive in caskets he made himself. He also kidnapped and tortured Florence while she was investigating his case. Thirty years ago, Florence made a name for herself with the Glassbrook case, which changed her life forever. Clay effigies were found with each of the children's bodies, suggesting an element of witchcraft. Now, when Florence returns for the funeral, she finds a fourth: of herself. Does this means Florence is in danger? And what does the message Larry sent her from prison mean? Is there still a killer out there?

"I wonder what words his headstone might carry: Loving husband, devoted father, merciless killer."

I'm a huge Sharon Bolton fan, so I was excited to read this one. I hadn't really read the description in a while, so I didn't realize so much of the narrative took place in the late 1960s. I'm usually more of a modern fiction fan, but I found the 1960s portion--narrated by Florence--to be surprisingly engaging and enjoyable. It offered a really detailed look at how women were treated, especially on the police force, and was a true testament to Florence's strength. She was a fascinating, nuanced character who drew me in from the beginning. The book really revolves around her, but she makes it worth it.

The novel is certainly creepy--definitely a good spooky read for the month of October. It can be dark and gruesome. There's a witchcraft portion that sometimes seems a little unbelievable, but I thought it worked well within the confines of the story. There's even some funny moments--made even better by what a great heroine Florence is.

There's an excellent mystery here, which will keep you guessing from the start. The story skips between 1969 and 1999, and the two portions work together seamlessly. I found the tale to be complex, complicated, and just really compelling. There's something about this book that simply keeps you reading. Florence is an awesome character, the story is fascinating and different, and it's just a really enjoyable (if somewhat dark) read. Definitely recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Oh my God...
#godzillakingofthemonsters is overlong, overstuffed, bland & lacks the one thing that at bare minimum I expected from a movie about big #monsters #fighting, EXCITEMENT. Now I quite liked the first #godzilla movie & yes it was to focused on the human element but visually it was really sticking & I found its slow build up to the reveal of Godzilla intense & exciting so that when he's finally introduced fully his presence became that more intimidating & thrilling. Sadly although in this sequel the monsters are given way more screen time at around 2hours the human element is still far to overpowering. That would be fine but its all so #boring & only serves as exposition to move the plot along. Dialog is sloppy/bellow basic & repetitive, acting is average at best & no one is likeable. Story wise its incredibly weak/bare bones which makes me wonder why it takes so long to play out considering we are only all here really to see monsters #fight. Cgi is really dodgy in places & I'm not sure if this is a throwback to past films but it feels odd & disjointed because at times its also impressive like it suddenly found its budget again. For an hour & a half I found this movie terrible with nothing setting it apart from stuff like #sanandreas or #geostorm. There are big set pieces upping the pace but like those movies they are a hollow mess of washed out cgi/badly framed fights that just weren't exciting at all. Why a 3? something changes in the last half hour & things do get a little cool for a bit, the score becomes epic, cgi looks great, theres some nice visual touches, #animation has weight & #action invokes some thrill but by then its all a just a bit to late. Theres also some #beautiful artsy establishing shots at times too throughout the movie & the subtle metaphors about the effects of #nuclear #weapons/war & looking after our #planet are well implemented too but thats about it. Im still #excited for #GodzillavsKong but just hoping this is a case of middle film itis but for now there are way better monster movies out there as i cant recomend seeing this one at all to be honest which is such a shame. #shingodzilla #godzillamovie #kong #japan #anime #gojira #kaiju
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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) May 31, 2019

Its so hard to get content seen nowadays the hashtags help more people see my reviews easier and fit within the character count on instagram (where im primarily based). I dont know how this site works yet so ive just been copying and pasting then from there. It takes so much of my time to work, watch all these films and write reviews too so i havent been removing all the hashtags to save time. Im sorry if they frustrate you, i will try and start removing them if i can.


Lee (2222 KP) May 31, 2019

I wondered why the hashtags were there too, as it makes things difficult to read. But it kind of makes sense if you're just copying and pasting from Instagram


Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Playing with Matches in Books

Jun 27, 2018 (Updated Jun 27, 2018)  
Playing with Matches
Playing with Matches
Hannah Orenstein | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun, interesting take on dating (0 more)
Predictable, Unlikeable Characters (0 more)
Fun, but predictable
Ummm can I please be a matchmaker for my job so I can just date cute boys all day and my husband has to let me cause um hello - it's my JOB! OK that sounds weird, and I think I'm a bit old saying "cute boys" but hey, I'm just dreaming right?!

Sasha Goldberg is young, pretty, fresh out of NYU, has a gorgeous boyfriend working in finance, and an amazing roommate who is basically a sister to her. When her dream job working for falls though, she applies to work at Bliss. An elite matchmaking service for those who can afford such a thing. With ZERO experience in the match making business (and almost equally the same amount in dating in general) - she gets hired because of a family secret she reveals, that makes her stand out.

She soon realizes matchmaking is hard work! It's definitely a full time job pairing up the desperate, the picky, the insane! But she is all in - swiping on Tinder for matches for her clients, setting up unique dates, wrangling and fielding calls and texts, giving "advice" to women twice her age!

Her boyfriend Jonathan is perfect and perfect FOR her. She initially thinks, 'hey I've found my forever guy - how hard could it be to help find someone else their one and only?' Until something happens that makes her question if Jonathan really is THAT guy. And question basically every life choice she makes.

I really wish there was a bit more matchmaking stories in this - they were so fun and interesting. But we mostly delve into Sasha and what's going on in her life - and some really horrible choices she makes. I found a lot of her choices a bit unbelievable and her struggle to make them a bit annoying. It's mostly probably because I found her a bit unlikeable and snooty - same with most of the other characters. The storyline was fairly predictable but I zipped through it one day. It was well-structured and easy flowing and fun to follow. The concept and the way the story unfolded was fun as well, and I enjoyed reading it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Touchstone for the opportunity to read and review!

Rachel Howser Roberts (96 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians in Books

Jun 21, 2018 (Updated Jun 21, 2018)  
Crazy Rich Asians
Crazy Rich Asians
Kevin Kwan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Modern Cinderella
Imagine if Cinderella lived today, she was a college professor, and she was already dating the Prince Charming of Singapore. That’s what Kwan’s debut novel reminded me of. Rachel Chu agrees to visit her boyfriend’s family in Singapore over the summer, only to slowly realize that they are crazy rich and live a lifestyle very different from how Rachel and Nick live in New York. I found the novel to be a fresh take on the Cinderella-type story. I also enjoyed learning how the crazy rich Asians of the title live.

I found the main character, Rachel, to be quite relatable. Despite the fact, that her mother immigrated from mainland China, Rachel is thoroughly American. She was thrown into this world of the crazy rich with no warning from her boyfriend. I liked that she behaved with dignity, even if she was often unaware of what was happening around her or how to act in a particular social situation.

The character of Nick, Rachel’s boyfriend, is not quite as fleshed out as Rachel’s. The reader sees him being generally a good guy (not participating in drugs and prostitutes brought in for a bachelor party), but I would have liked to see him realize and react to the way his family and family friends behave towards the woman he loves. It does not occur to him that they are treating her abhorrently until near the end of the novel.

The pacing of the novel was quick. Each chapter is from a different point of view, quickly switching from one experience to another. Although the book focused on relationships, and I’m more of a Sci-Fi or suspense girl, I found myself unable to put the book down. I read it in a day.

I honestly picked up this book, because many of my friends are excited about the upcoming movie. After reading the book, I’m excited to see it, too. But as with any movie, I would recommend reading the book first.

Most of all, the book made me want to visit Asia again! I’ve been to Mainland China and Taiwan, but never Singapore. The crazy rich people did not sound pleasant to be around, but I would love to experience the culture. I would love to visit the food stalls Rachel visits as soon as she lands in Singapore.